You Made Me a Superstar

Chapter 413

Chapter 406: Against Being Sniped!

In the evening of August 21st.

The Chinese film industry has been shaken!

The earthquake involved Huaxia Wanda, Yongxin, Macalline, Boda and other cinema groups…

【”Infernal Affairs” suffered unfair treatment! 】

【Photos, videos, audio recordings exposed! “Night Walker” is suspected of stealing the box office, operating behind the scenes, and suppressing “Infernal Affairs”]

【The daily box office was stolen close to 5 million! How painfully dark has “Infernal Affairs” experienced these days? 】


“Focus News”, “CCTV Online”, “Yanjing Media”, “China Entertainment”…

Countless mainstream media reporters rushed to the major theaters at the same time, and almost all the microphones were put on the staff of the theaters.

“It’s none of our business! These are temporary workers, and our top management doesn’t know anything about this…”

“We really don’t know about this. We are actually fans of “Infernal Affairs”. I even recommended “Infernal Affairs” on Weibo a few days ago!”

“It’s temps, and now we’ve fired those temps…”

“Don’t shoot, don’t shoot, you ask me a hundred times, a thousand times, ten thousand times, my answer is also this, I really don’t know…”


Under the lens.

Wanda Cinemas Marketing Manager Zhang Qian had a bitter expression on his face. In the face of the sudden number of reporters, he was both shocked and angry. No matter how the reporters asked, he denied it.

not only denied it, but even launched the entry form for new employees, saying that during the time when “Infernal Affairs” was released, he had been on a business trip and had no idea what was going on.

When the relevant investigation department intervened, the marketing manager of the Wanda Cinema was still like this, and he was sure that he didn’t know anything.

When the relevant departments wanted to investigate the deputy managers, they found that the deputy managers had formally submitted their resignation letters as early as yesterday and had disappeared.

Wanda Cinema is like this…

“I do not know!”

“We all arrange the films normally according to the regulations, and we will also refund those who refunded the tickets!”

“We don’t have handwritten tickets, how could we do these unprofessional things…”

“Although we have an online ticketing system, many of our tickets are sold on the spot, and we don’t need ID cards to sell tickets. If they want to buy it, we will buy it. If they want to refund it, we will refund it…”

“We don’t know either!”

“How can we do such a thing as stealing the box office? If we have the brains, why do we still stay here to sell tickets, let’s just do business and forget it…”

The staff of   Yongxin Cinema Line was at a loss.

As if they didn’t know what was going on, let alone stealing the box office or something.

Relevant departments investigated for a long time and found no problems.

In the end, when I investigated the group of fans who ‘sell and buy tickets”, I finally found out some tricks!

They are all bought!

Following the clues, and soon found the main messenger of this incident.

The main messenger is Zhao Sicheng, a former member of the Huaxia Directors Association!

“Yes, that’s what I did, is there any problem? I like to do this, what can you do with me? Extradite me to Huaxia? Do you have the ability?”

“And, did I commit a crime? I didn’t commit a crime at all, okay? Did I violate the national interest?”

On the phone, Zhao Sicheng was very arrogant.

He is arrogant and has his own arrogant capital!

The person is abroad and is already an American with a US green card…

Everyone has nothing to do with him.


“Damn politicians!”

James Lee looked at the box office of “The Departed” and cursed angrily.

In just a few days.

Christian followed Olsen with the poster of “The Departed” and has traveled to more than 20 cities.

These more than 20 cities are all areas where Olsen’s radiation range is relatively small…

Politicians need a polished image, and Christian needs popularity and box office.

The two are very similar to the story described by the Chinese idiom “wolverine”, which made James Lee and the “Superman 2” team nauseated!

[Under the initiative of Mr. Olsen: 5% of the box office revenue of “The Departed” will be used for the welfare of children in the orphanage, and 10% of the box office revenue will be updated with the equipment of front-line police officers …]

【Real superheroes are actually always by our side! 】

【California Police Constable Louis: This is the best movie I’ve ever seen, I’ve been crying, so moved! 】

[The box office of “The Departed” was smashed, and the police officers came over spontaneously after get off work to maintain order! 】

On the Internet, every hot news seems to be describing the social popularity of the movie “The Departed”.

Christian’s trick is too ruthless!

directly turned the movie “The Departed” into a social topic, and there was a hint of moral kidnapping between the lines.


Especially when James Lee saw that there were fans of “Superman 2” on the Internet calling for “Superman 2” to learn from “The Departed” and donate 15% of the box office to charity. The whole person almost fainted out of breath!

is too cruel!

How much is the investment in The Departed?

If I remember correctly, the movie cost less than $8 million!

How much did they invest in Superman 2?

Close to $150 million!

The two people are not in the same order of magnitude at all, and they can’t even be compared on the same level!

The 15% of “The Departed” has nothing to do with it at all. People have already paid for it. Every time it is released, they earn once. They don’t care about the 15% charity benefits!

What about “Superman 2”?

Don’t see that “Superman 2” is massacred in China now, suppressing everything, but if you really want to make money back, you have to earn at least $300 million at the box office!

Return is just the return of investment funds, which does not include the cost of time, energy, manpower, and material resources!

To put it bluntly, the box office of “Superman 2” is at least 400 million at the global box office, so you can almost make a small profit!

At this critical time, let him spend another 15% of the box office for charity?

Wasn’t this a stab at his aorta, blood flowing?

Don’t say that the investors behind him are unwilling, even without those investors, the DV company behind him would not be willing, this is a complete idiot!

“Mr. James, what should we do? The Departed is close to $10 million at the box office, and we’re still only $15 million…”

He heard the assistant’s voice.

James Lee did not respond, but watched gloomily as the discussion of The Departed on the Internet increased.

Even, according to the news, Christian followed Olsen to just announce the next itinerary on the Internet. The FBI official website of the city where the next itinerary is going has already written the words “warm welcome”, even in Florida. At that time, Lieutenant Governor Sergey announced that he would personally come over to greet Congressman Olsen and others…

After all, Sergey is also a black man!

“Are there many black actors in our “Superman 2″?” James Lee asked subconsciously as if thinking of something.

“Not many…and, there were hardly any black actors in Superman 2…wait, no, yes, Mr. James, do you remember how many black hippies there were in Superman 2? They were villains, Being kicked away by Superman…”

“Damn! Hurry up and cut out the footage of these black gangsters, and don’t let the public opinion spread!” James Li’s face changed drastically!


The assistant    also changed a lot, nodded immediately, then turned and left the office.

The current contradiction between whites and blacks in Laomei is getting deeper and deeper. At present, the overall direction of Laomei has a trend of black lives being more expensive. “Superman 1” is easy to say. One of the directors, Steve Dogan, has black blood and pays great attention to details. , there is no problem of black people playing the villain, and “Superman 2” is directly directed by him James. Lee independently…

In this context, it is very easy to be attacked by people with intentions.

When the assistant left, James Li silently looked at the comments on the Internet…


Although there are various voices on the Internet, no one has attacked “Superman 2” because of this problem…

James Lee shrugged.

Did he think too much?

Just when he was relieved and ready to continue thinking about the follow-up promotion of “Superman 2”, there was suddenly another knock on the door outside the office.

“Come in!”

He saw the assistant who had just left hurried over, his expression a little flustered.

“What’s the matter? Ruijin?”

“China’s new round of box office is out!”

“Don’t worry, how much is the box office?”

“Our “Superman 2″ has a daily box office of only 35 million RMB, which is more than 10 million less than yesterday!”


When James Lee heard this, he was stunned.

He thought for the first time that Ruijin was joking with him…

But after seeing Ruijin’s serious expression, his face became serious, and then he opened the box office information that Ruijin handed over.

After reading the box office data, he was stunned.

“Superman 2” box office 35 million on the 20th…

“Infernal Affairs” 30 million…

“Nightwalker” box office 7 million…

“what happened!”

The huge sense of drop made him unable to help but scream.

Ruijin was also in shock, and after a long delay, he still did not recover from the astonishing sense of drop.

In the end, he looked down at the latest news from Huaxia and muttered to himself: “The box office of ‘Dark Walker’ was found to be filled with water and fraudulent… Using some means to steal the daily box office of ‘Infernal Affairs’ of nearly 5 million…”

After the huge shock, James Lee tried his best to keep himself calm, then grabbed the notebook in Ruijin’s hand and watched other news from China.

After watching a series of news, he felt incredible…

I thought “Superman 2” was a movie that could snipe “Infernal Affairs”.

But no one thought that his “Superman 2” was sniped in China instead!

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