You Made Me a Superstar

Chapter 66

Chapter 66: Why Are You Forcing Me (The First One!)

Chapter 66 Why are you forcing me (the first one!)

This world is cruel.

No matter how brilliant you have been, as long as you collapse, there is only a ruin and a few sighs waiting for you.

Sun Fangfang came out from the Xingcai Company with her luggage.

Xingcai Company, which used to be surrounded by reporters, is now empty.

All relevant and competent staff went to other companies and started new development.

As for the rest…

Sun Fangfang didn’t know what to do in the future, she glanced at the distance a little confused, and sighed deeply.

These days, she has been frustrated many times in her job search.

Every day, she dresses herself up beautifully, and goes to each company to deliver her résumé with hope, and makes various job calls, but the most delivered résumé is nowhere in the world.

Hope, after waiting and beating again and again, finally becomes hopeless.

The confidence that once felt that the world would be at her feet also began to become sensitive and self-doubt after repeated failures.

this moment!

She experienced the feeling of Zhou Yang.

Helpless, hesitant, feeling that there is no place for her in this city.


After leaving the company with her luggage, she took another look at this once hopeful company and suddenly smiled helplessly.

Then, got into a taxi.

“After the disbandment of the H56 group, all the girls in the girl group announced their solo flight at the first time…”

“Jiang Shushu, the girl who used to dance with Song Qianqian, released the title song of the new album of the same name yesterday, “The Girl Who Waving Wings”. This song tells the story of a girl from the beginning of her love to her maturity. The song is full of encouragement and hope. Jiang Shushu sang a different flavor. While wishing Jiang Shushu, a simple girl, to face all the ups and downs in the entertainment industry in the future, Xiaorui also dedicated this song to all the listeners and friends in front of the radio. You are happy every day, happy…”


“When I was still an ignorant girl, I didn’t know love when I met love, from the past to the present…”

Taxi is a female driver.

The song “Girl Waving Wings” is playing on the radio.

The taxi driver listened very loudly and deliberately made the radio loud.

Along with the piano prelude, Jiang Shushu’s crisp voice sounded…

Sun Fangfang looked out the window unconsciously after hearing the melody and the lyrics.

She remembered Jiang Shushu, who always danced with Song Qianqian, but always refused to accept Song Qianqian.

The two often compare each other and fight each other. When Xingcai was in stardom, Jiang Shushu often responded to the high-level, hoping that in the position of the girl group, she would be given a chance to be in the C position.


was rejected.

The executives are more optimistic about Song Qianqian. As for Jiang Shushu and the other girls, the executives think they are just the embellishment of the girl group.

And now, as Sun Fangfang listened, her heart was filled with guilt.

She knew this song should be on fire!

After the taxi arrived at the familiar coffee shop, she saw that the video store next to her was full of people.

She was a little unbelievable.

With the advent of the Internet era, many audio-visual stores are not as good as each year. From last year to this year, many audio-video stores closed down or switched to selling other things.

Such a grand event is something that can only be seen five or six years ago when a group of Hong Kong and Taiwan stars released albums.

She stopped and watched for a long time.

She heard the three songs of “Girl Waving Wings”, “Fireworks” and “Meet You” being played in a loop at the entrance of the video store…

repeats over and over again.

Sun Fangfang came to the nearby cafe to connect to the Internet and turned on the laptop.

She saw the news that Zhou Yang was going to Berlin.

At the same time, I also saw what happened to Zhou Yang and the face that was coded at the entrance of Xingcai!

She closed the laptop, ran to the bathroom, and finally burst into tears.

If she once gave Song Qianqian a glance, or even held something to show Song Qianqian, wouldn’t she be reduced to this point?

Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in the world.




“twenty four!”



Huaxing Entertainment.

Jiang Shushu and his new agent Zhao Yu stared at the leaderboard excitedly.

The album “Girls Waving Wings” sold 8,000 copies yesterday. Although it is not as good as Cai Lin’s “Flying Against the Wind”, it is also a new record!

Even when the former H56 girl group was the most popular, it never achieved such a result, and, looking at the various popularity indexes and data on the Internet, the potential of this album is definitely more than 8,000 copies.

The values of all aspects of the leaderboard are increasing wildly!

even broke through the top 20, until it reached the top 15, only three behind “Flying Against the Wind”, this speed slowed down.

“We made it!”

“We may even surpass “Flying Against the Wind”!”

Jiang Shushu jumped up excitedly, then his eyes turned red, and he cried out in excitement.

She used to be in the girl group, and she never accepted anyone. She felt that she needed a chance, but Xingcai Company never gave her a chance.

She was unwilling, really unwilling.

She felt that she was no worse than Song Qianqian in any place, why did she keep supporting her?

Finally, in the new company, she got this hard-won opportunity!

Finally, she proved herself!

After being excited for a long time, the office was quiet.


“I didn’t plagiarize!”

“The lyrics and music are all my own creations!”

“If it is similar, then it is normal. There are many similar lyrics in the entertainment industry, and I have never seen the lyrics of the song “Meet”…”


Cai Lin looked at the lyrics of “Meet You” and “Meet You”, as well as the evidence brought by Huaxing’s lawyer.

She did not panic, but maintained an unprecedented calm, saying every word seriously.

She even showed a sneer when she heard that the other party said that if it could not be resolved in private, it meant direct legal means.

“Miss Zhou, then we will see you legally and see how the court decides…”

“Ms. Cai Lin, if it is exposed, it will be very unfavorable to you. I still hope that you can remove the song “Meet You” and make some compensation…”

“Hehe, it doesn’t matter. If you want to expose it, you will expose it. If you want to go through legal channels, go through legal channels. I don’t care. Well, I have other things. If you have nothing else to do, I will be busy. Specifically, my agent. People and lawyers will negotiate with you.”

“it is good!”

Zhou Xi watched Cai Lin put on the red coat and left the conference room, her words and attitudes did not take them to heart at all.

looks very arrogant.

And the agent, Xu Mei, blushed, it seemed that the only submissive could not sit still!

Zhou Xi’s face was very ugly, almost gnashing her teeth.

She knew that Cai Lin would be stubborn this time, but she never thought that Cai Lin would be so stubborn.

Her lungs exploded!

is obviously plagiarism, but it is not admitted.

Obviously the lyrics are so similar, and the copyright has been registered, how can this person do this!

it is good!

Since it’s exposed, let’s expose it!

Look at the public opinion on the Internet, who is standing there!

Go to court and go to court.

Zhou Xi left Xinghui Company angrily. After leaving Xinghui Company…

“Miss Zhou, this song…”

“How to say?”

“This is a wrangling lawsuit, it will take a long time, and the result may not be reached!”

“What did you say? She made it clear that it was plagiarism. We have all registered the lyrics, why can’t we win? The similarity is so high! Why is there no result?”

“There are two criteria for identifying plagiarism, one is whether you have been in contact with the person involved in the song, and the second is substantive similarity. The melody and style of the song “Meet You” are indeed purely original, and the lyrics seem at first glance. It’s very familiar, that is to make changes in the framework of “Meet”, but the meaning of the expression is not the same as “Meet”… I suspect that Miss Cai has consulted a special lawyer before starting the frame change…”

“How did the professional organization reply? How did the Composer, Songwriters Copyright Association reply?” After hearing the news, Zhou Xi’s lungs exploded with anger, and she was about to bite the **** Cai Lin to death.

“The answers given by professional organizations are generally the same. They can only judge that there are some references, but they cannot constitute plagiarism. Their suggestion is that we negotiate privately… In fact, there are more exaggerated ones in the entertainment industry. They perform on a melody. The change of the rising and falling tones then creates the illusion that the song is original, you obviously hear it very similar, but you can’t sue it for plagiarism…”

“Ah ah ah ah!” Zhou Xi was so angry that her whole body shivered, “Expose him, let netizens expose her, and let her be discredited, it’s too shameless, ah, ah, I won’t just let it go!”




Zhou Yang heard the result.

I was a little disappointed at first when I heard it.

But then, he thought of a bald internet singer in the world…

He calmed down.

then picked up the phone.

“Professor Wu…”

“Xiao Zhou, I’m currently appealing to the Composers Association, don’t worry, I will definitely seek justice for you. Now you only need to prove that your manuscript has been in contact with them. We are collecting monitoring equipment from various aspects. You still remember the date of your submission. Is it…”


“That’s good.”

“By the way, Mr. Wu, I sang “Meeting”, can you help me compose the song? Good work!”

“Huh? You are…”

“I want to win!” Zhou Yang hung up the phone, he took a deep breath, and finally calmed down.

He looked at the night in Berlin with mixed emotions on his face.

Why are you forcing him?



Wu Zhenhong finished listening to the full recording of “Meet” sent by Zhou Yang.

His eyes widened.

The whole person stood up subconsciously.

“You guys keep busy first!”


He left the Songwriters Association in a hurry after everyone was compelled to leave this sentence.

(three shifts today)

(end of this chapter)

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