You Made Me a Superstar

Chapter 76

Chapter 76: Forced Protagonist

Chapter 76 The protagonist forced out

It is cold in Berlin in February.

After walking out of the cinema, the wind was blowing, and I couldn’t help feeling shivering.

A group of little girls came out of the cinema hungry, and their mood had long since lost the lightness and anticipation they had when they first came in.

They feel both disappointed and heavy.

There is a feeling that the suppressed emotions are squeezed to the extreme, but the throat is stuck and can’t say anything.

All their good moods were torn apart by the film “The Bottom of the Mine”, which made them feel that Berlin was full of fraud and lies, especially for movies like “The Bottom of the Mine”. I think this movie is full of surprises everywhere, and as an ordinary audience, you will find this movie disappointing.

Dirty, bloody, violent, and boring, and at the same time filled with a gloomy photographic vibe that is naturally uncomfortable.

Obviously, movies are also picky.

Charlotte Celie’s mood was also heavy.

This heaviness stems from the empathy of human beings and their reflection on the people at the bottom of the world.

There are very few films like this that present that kind of good and evil, this exchange of interests and lives, to the audience.

Without any cover up, without any external packaging, just like a candid documentary, it cuts the core of it fiercely and immerses you in the dark world.

When you watch it for the first time, you will feel that this is an alternative, profound and good movie, and the shooting skills are a little less mature.

However, when you watch it for the second time, you will unconsciously feel that this kind of movie has to be made like this, and you don’t even feel that the film skills are lacking at all, but an intuitive artistic presentation.

After seeing Zhou Yang, she sighed deeply.

“Academic, can’t make such a good movie…”

“They have always been demanding in various skills and techniques, but instead are bound by rules and regulations…”

“Movies, how can there be so many rules and regulations.”

“This movie made me suddenly think of “Night of the Living Dead” by James Bond, the king of horror in Hollywood. He used to be a truck driver, but often such a person is more creative…”

The filmmaker Zhuo Fulin from Iran feels that he has been brainwashed by Charlotte Sally.

When he walked out of the screening room, he could not wait to have a good chat with the film’s producer about the Iranian copyright issue of the film.

He looked back and found that the other filmmakers who followed up had already come up with contracts, and they had almost chatted with the producer, so it was time to sign the contract.

In the crowd, a tall oriental figure caught her attention.

She stood in the crowd, chatting with filmmakers about the contract with director Wang Shuai, and exuding a charming sense of coolness.

For a moment, he felt that she was like the person in the painting, so he couldn’t help but stare at her one more time.


He realized that he didn’t seem to have a contract!

At this moment, he has a very absurd sense of crisis, for fear that the copyright of the movie will increase in price if it drags on.

At least, before the awards are over, sign the contract.


Zhou Yang stood in the middle of the crowd.

He has a friendly smile on everyone.

Of course, only a friendly smile.

He was like a deaf and mute man. He felt that everyone was friendly to him and seemed to praise him, but he couldn’t understand what they were talking about.

Except for An Xiao occasionally calmly asking if the buyout price was right, the rest of the time was laughing like a wooden stake until the muscles in his mouth stiffened.

This made him uncomfortable, and he urgently felt that he should learn a foreign language well.

Either English or German.

As for translation?

He never thought to hire a…

Maybe he was used to being poor. As soon as he heard the price of a few hundred yuan per hour for translation, Zhou Yang felt as if his heart had been slapped and trembled with suffocation!

Learn to translate well and make money!

This situation of being a tool like a stake continued until he signed the first contract, and his status seemed to have escalated a little.

He became a camera machine.

Strictly speaking, it is a group photo machine.

After signing the contract, the chubby female filmmaker from Hungary grabbed Zhou Yang’s hand very enthusiastically, chatted a great deal, and then asked the assistant to take out the camera and took many photos with Zhou Yang. It wasn’t that An Xiao subconsciously appeared in front of her and Zhou Yang, and chatted with Zhou Yang about what to do next. I’m afraid that fat female filmmaker still wanted to give Zhou Yang a hard hug and looked at her. Maybe they will kiss Zhou Yang in the same way as Western greeting etiquette.

“Director Zhou, there should be a simple press conference after the meal. The conference is in the small hall next to the screening hall. There are not many people, maybe fifteen people, maybe Charlotte. President Sally will be there…”


“We will prepare a speech for you, just follow the speech and answer. The host and some reporters are from our company. This is a small press conference, no problem.”

“it is good!”


Standing in front of the bustling Berlin theater, Zhou Yang suddenly felt a strong sense of discomfort.


“Can I be on TV?”

“And foreign TV?”

“Can Huaxia see it?”

“Can you be on the front page news of China’s film industry?”

“I won’t be interviewed, but can I hang out for a while?”

The coal boss Zhang Genshui never dreamed that in another hour, he would usher in the glorious moment of his glorious ancestors.

He was so excited!

He came to the mirror, constantly tossed his “Mediterranean” hairstyle in the mirror, and tied his beer belly with a belt to make himself a little better and younger. smile.

“Xiao Li! Xiao Li, what do you think of my look?” Zhang Genshui asked excitedly, looking at Xu Li by the window of the room.

“Good-looking!” Xu Li showed a sweet smile, but her eyes subconsciously dodged, and her eyes unconsciously looked elsewhere.

“That’s good, that’s good, haha!”

Zhang Genshui looked in the mirror again and was very satisfied.

In the next few minutes, the atmosphere in the room suddenly became a little depressed.

Zhang Genshui keenly felt that the situation was not right.

After being silent for a long time, Xu Li turned her head and looked at Zhang Genshui, “Brother, do you…really want to sit in that position?”

Zhang Genshui was taken aback.

Having known Xu Li for so long, it was the first time he saw Xu Li’s complex eyes.

Obviously Xu Li is very close to him, but for some reason, he has an inexplicable sense of alienation…

“Brother, I don’t mean anything else, I just think…Brother, I want to show my face on it, this is my dream…” Seeing him at a loss, Xu Li quickly explained.

“Ah? Well then.” After Zhang Genshui looked at Xu Li’s face full of yearning, he nodded subconsciously.

“Brother, you are really a good person!”

Xu Li rushed towards Zhang Genshui, gave him a hard kiss, and then opened the zipper very actively.

Zhang Genshui was shocked and suddenly sank again.


Two in the afternoon.

The small press conference next to the screening room was packed.

The 15-person press conference was not enough at all. The number of people present exceeded everyone’s expectations. Many reporters couldn’t even find a place to stay. The staff hurriedly moved another ten stools, but it was still not enough… …

Doesn’t it mean that there are only fifteen people?

Why so many all of a sudden?

Zhou Yang trembled wildly in his heart when he walked in. He has always had the problem of social fear.

He felt that his eyes were staring at him, as if he wanted to see through himself completely. Some of his eyes were so frenetic that Zhou Yang was furious.

He wanted to sit on the edge, in an unnoticed area, silently, as a supporting role like he used to be.

Wang Shuai will not play today, An Xiao will not play, and Feng Kai will not play…

Why didn’t Feng Kai come to Berlin?

Is “The Crow” more important in his heart than “The Bottom of the Mine”, but Wang Shuai and Wang Dao are here!

Could it be that “The Bottom of the Mine” would be so humiliating in his mind, that he was so humiliated that he was unwilling to sign his name, and even Berlin was unwilling to come?

These people pushed him to a position that made him uncomfortable, receiving the spur of one after another glance.

He is the protagonist today, the unique soul of the entire “Mining Bottom” movie. He has to take the other actors and sit in the seat to be interviewed by these reporters and film critics.

He couldn’t keep silent.

is even less likely to be a supporting role in that corner!

In the tension and anxiety, he sat next to the chairman Charlotte Sally and gently pushed the light mirror. It seemed that the old **** was calm and expressionless, but his mind was blank. He just recited and spoke. The draft is so messed up, I can’t even remember it.

Soon after sitting down…

Chairman Charlotte Sally was in the spotlight.

Zhou Yang subconsciously stood up to greet him, but before he greeted the chairman, he saw a group of chattering, excited blonde girls rushing in first, blocking the chairman’s figure.

The girls kept squeezing in, waving self-made posters in the crowd, mixed with a hint of excited screams.

Zhou Yang subconsciously wanted to call the security guard, thinking that these people were here to make trouble, but before he could call it out, he found that the self-made avatar turned out to be a shameful photo of himself wearing bear clothes!

One of the girls held the microphone, squeezed left and right, squeezed in front of her, looked at herself excitedly, and said a lot of excitement, but Zhou Yang couldn’t understand the words, and even once sat down the chairman Xia Lot Sally’s limelight was stolen.

Chairman Charlotte Sally looked at the crowded press conference and the excited girls…

She didn’t call security to shoot them out.

has climbed up step by step from the bottom. She understands very well a movie fan’s love for movies and characters.

She just felt that this release hall was still too small.

squeezed very uncomfortable.

She looked at the time and finally made a decision silently.


The premiere of “Warring States” is over.

But unfortunately, the copyright of “Warring States” did not sell much.

Zhou Yilin intends to use the exhibition hall to hold a film closing party, and invite reporters to come over and struggle one last time.

Unfortunately, because the popularity of “Warring States” has long passed, there are no reporters at the so-called closing meeting of the film, and the exhibition hall of Nuoda is somewhat empty.

It will start in an hour and a half, but film dealers and reporters are still rare. During this time, everyone is in various stages of selling films, and it is difficult to invite extra actors for a while, which makes Zhou Yilin speechless.

If he was in China, he could definitely get thousands of people over, but in Berlin he didn’t have that much appeal.

At this moment, his cell phone rang.

“Director Zhou, hello…”

“Ah, hello, President Charlotte Sally!”

Zhou Yilin was pleasantly surprised when he saw the caller ID.

Could it be that Charlotte Celie is going to bring the studio over to help me stand up?

“Is the No. 7 press room lively now? There’s still more than an hour before your closing party, right?”


“Very good, then let’s come over…”

“Ah? Welcome!”

Zhou Yilin was so excited that he didn’t know what to say.

More than ten minutes later…

After seeing Zhou Yang and others coming, the excited expression on Zhou Yilin’s face suddenly stiffened.

(end of this chapter)

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