You said you would brag, why are you serious about it?

Section 30

Putting this aside, as the sole proprietor of "Noon Sun", Su Wei asked Zhou Yulong to borrow some people, so he couldn't refuse it too simply.

"It must be convenient. If it doesn't work, you can push back the schedule of "Noon Sun". How many people does Boss Su need?"

The crew is already busy. If Su Wei requires too many resources, the film will definitely not be released during the Spring Festival.

Even so, Zhou Yulong did not refuse Su Wei's request, but just expressed his dilemma in a subtle way.

"It won't affect the filming. I'm going to open a health care product company here, and I'd like you to lend me some 'reliable' extras. I'm also looking for Wu Yong to speak for me, but I don't have his phone number. Could you please help me, Director Zhou?" Convey it.”

Su Wei emphasized the pronunciation of the word "reliable", and Zhou Yulong quickly understood that he was looking for someone with a tight mouth.

In Zhou Yulong's eyes, Su Wei is generous in his actions, and it is not difficult to make his group performance "reliable". It's just that Su Wei is not an insider and has no corresponding network resources, so he seeks out Zhou Yulong.

Zhou Yulong naturally readily agreed to the favor that was easily available.

"No problem, I'll ask the group leader to contact you later. Don't worry, Boss Su, I will definitely choose the most reliable group."

Not long after hanging up the phone, Su Wei received a strange call.

The group leader recommended by Zhou Yulong was named Yu Licheng. After hearing Su Wei's request, he quickly selected two groups of group performers and rushed to Xia Jing.

In fact, when it comes to shooting commercial advertisements, it is most professional to leave it to an advertising agency. But what Su Wei wants is not professionalism, but reliability.

The person he wants does not have to be professional or has acting skills, but he must definitely keep it secret. At least, before Su Wei's words come true, you can't come out to dismantle him.

Du Yusheng hadn't come back yet, so Su Wei had to find the other three brothers in the dormitory to work on the filming.

Although the progress is a bit slow, it is better than being steady.

"I brewed this medicine based on a secret recipe handed down from my family. It's called Black Jade Intermittent Ointment. It activates people's self-healing potential and has a very strong effect on bruises and injuries."

【Ding! Yan Lingsan said, "The plaster made according to the secret recipe can activate the self-healing potential and has a strong effect on bruises and bruises." Successfully generated. Current trust level: 0.03%]

The trust level is not 0%!

Yuan Lang, Fang Yuan, Xu Jie. Apart from Su Wei, there were only three people in the room.

Calculating the worst case scenario, even if each person can only provide one ten thousandth of the trust, it only takes 10,000 people to believe that Su Wei can make this prescription a reality.

Looking at the jar of dark gelatinous substance on the table, everyone's faces showed expressions of surprise.

Yuan Lang asked in surprise: "Black Jade Intermittent Cream? Isn't that something from a novel? Is this your family's ancestral secret recipe?"

With that said, Yuan Lang reached out and wanted to pick out some plaster and study it.

Su Wei quickly stopped and said: "Don't waste it! This stuff is difficult to brew. Although it has the same name as the one in the novel, its efficacy is still quite different. But even so, it is stronger than those safflower oils on the market. Too many, otherwise I can become a master at this age? "

Yuan Lang was stunned, and suddenly thought of the check-up report from the last time Su Wei went to the hospital: "Very healthy, he exercised too much."

Even laymen know that most Olympic champions suffer from injuries, not to mention someone like Su Wei who practices martial arts?

How is it possible for a person who has become a great master at a young age and practices martial arts to the point of overexertion? If you say that such a person does not suffer any injuries? unless……

"Ahem, being too modest is too proud! You are a great master. Do you need to copy the ancestral medicine from novels? Maybe Mr. Jin knows your elders and has seen this medicine!"

[Yan Lingsan: "The plaster made according to the secret recipe can activate the self-healing potential and has a strong effect on bruises and bruises."; Current trust level: 0.07%]

Su Wei was dumbfounded.

Once the Word Spirit Gauge is locked, it will not be affected by supplementary instructions. The three people in the dormitory were not the subjects of Su Wei's bragging. Su Wei chose to weaken the effect of the medicine in his words, but he just didn't want to explain too much.

Unexpectedly, Yuan Lang turned out to be a weirdo!

I've seen people who can do it, but Su Wei never thought that a dope monster would appear next to him!

And the huge surprise that followed almost made Su Wei faint: not ten thousand, only three thousand! Su Wei only needs to gain the trust of 3,000 people, and he can completely bring the "Black Jade Intermittent Cream" into reality.

Among the three, Fang Yuan was the first to believe in Su Wei.

After Yuan Lang finished his conjecture, even Xu Jie fell into doubt.

"Can this ointment really activate its self-healing potential? Doesn't it mean it can be applied to any injury?"

Facing Xu Jie's doubts, Su Wei came up with the excuse he had prepared.

"It doesn't apply to all injuries. The effect of this medicine is too strong and will damage your vitality. You need to take a lot of supplements at the same time. This medicine only accelerates self-healing. To put it bluntly, it's not that great."

"I understand, catalyst." Xu Jie suddenly understood.

It is very scientific and consistent with the law of conservation of energy.

[Yan Lingsan: "The plaster made according to the secret recipe can activate the self-healing potential and has a strong effect on bruises and bruises."; Current trust level: 0.10%]

Su Wei was stunned.

Can you three stop being so easy to fool?

You guys are so easy to deceive, my conscience hurts!

Chapter 40 You call this an advertisement?

Su Wei had heard an old saying in his previous life, which was: These days, there are too many fools and not enough liars.

When he was in school, he thought it was a joke. It wasn't until he graduated and entered the society that he realized that this sentence actually reflected reality.

When I was a child, my grandfather was seriously ill. He heard on the radio that a natural pillow could cure all diseases. So my grandmother took all the family savings and went to Sanghai, spending more than 10,000 yuan to buy that magical pillow.

You may not understand what more than 10,000 yuan meant in that era. The popsicles back then cost 50 cents for two, but now they cost more than 10 yuan each. You say, if it weren't for the deep faith, who would spend so much money to buy a broken pillow?

And the scammers paid only to place an advertisement disguised as a program on a certain radio channel.

Arrange a few people to connect with the program every day, and do nothing but thank you. Thanks to this pillow, my serious illness was cured, and my terminal illness was cured.

It's really a big profit.

Later, after my grandfather passed away, my grandmother was spotted by the "lecturer".

The means were also very low-end, and eggs were given for attending the class.

Come to listen to the class for half an hour every day, and you will be given a few eggs. Let the staff pretend to be experts and professors in a certain industry, make a PPT, and spend some money to hire a few local old men and women to act as agents and buy, buy, buy.

Just like the big brother on the list who promotes gift giving, use agents to stimulate people's enthusiasm for shopping, and then arrange two full cash backs for shopping, saying it is a welfare. As a result, when the third shopping amount is over ten thousand, suddenly no cash back, and run away with the money.

The pensions of a group of old men and women are completely taken away.

What is the cost? Including the cost of renting the venue, it is only a few hundred or a thousand.

If you say that the elderly believe in these things and have something to do with their cultural level, then you are wrong.

Su Wei's father was also a high-level intellectual at the time. After the Bitcoin craze, he was led into the pit to speculate in digital currencies. He did not speculate in Bitcoin, but focused on small types of digital currencies that cheated people of money, and in the end, all of them were rotten in his hands.

His mother is even more outrageous. Chatting with a little sister online, she was deceived to go to another place to "make a lot of money", and ended up being trapped in a pyramid scheme. It took a lot of effort to rescue her.

That is to say, the park was not popular at that time, otherwise they would have to report missing persons.

What about Su Wei? When he was in college, he was also deceived by the trick of "a few dollars short of buying a ticket to go home".

The family that used to be a family of "loyal martyrs" could be said to have created income for the scammers.

These days, who doesn't have a few fools in their family?

Whether or not you will be deceived has little to do with the level of education. Professional scammers will accurately target the target group and use people's obsession to implement their plans.

This obsession may be to cure a disease, to take advantage, to make a fortune, or to be the perfect other half.

Su Wei has never encountered a pig-killing scam, probably because his value at that time was not worthy of the scammers spending so much energy to deceive him.

I'm getting off topic...


With the arrival of the group actors, Su Wei and others officially launched the shooting plan.

The overall advertising is divided into three major categories, namely audio, video, and short drama. The main areas of audio are car radios, and the areas of video and short drama are some short video apps.

As the script was distributed, everyone was stunned when they received it.

"You call this an advertisement?" Fang Yuan pointed at the audio planning, looking surprised.

Strictly speaking, the planning book in Fang Yuan's hand can no longer be considered an advertisement.

Su Wei directly planned a program for the car radio station, and arranged two male and female announcers to tell jokes and news while reporting the current road conditions in the town. Occasionally, some listeners would be interspersed.

The content of this listener call is that the announcer chats with the caller and asks the listener to tell everyone the story that happened to him.

Among these listeners, there are occasionally a few people who tell about their own car accidents, either broken legs or broken hands. After using the "Black Jade Fracture Paste" given by a relative or friend, it only takes more than ten days to remove the plaster and resume normal life.

The part of the entire program that actually involves advertising is less than 3% of the total time.

Su Wei plans to cooperate with the radio station to jointly produce this program. Not only will they buy the entire program time slot at an advertising price, they will also allow the radio station to insert "advertisements" in this program to enhance the authenticity of the program.

"What's wrong? Do you think there is something wrong with the planning proposal?"

Fang Yuan sighed, stared at Su Wei's eyes and said, "I finally know why your family is so rich. It seems that business talent is also hereditary."

There is no purchase link in the entire program, but it does not prevent the audience from silently remembering this amazing and ridiculous product.

Even more insidious is the advertisement that Su Wei asked the radio station to insert. This will lay a foreshadowing in the subconscious of the audience: those inserted ads are the real ads that cost money, and these calls are simply the majority of car friends sharing good things.

Definitely not ads!

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