Youjo Senki: Tanya the Evil In My Hero Academia

Chapter 01

Tanya was happy for the first time in two lives as she laid on her deathbed. She had finally beaten Being X and died a natural death on the twisted world that he had declared as her test of faith. If at any point, she genuinely prayed to him and asked for his blessing and for forgiveness, he would have stopped her trials and tribulations. She spat in his face, figuratively at least, as she fought in a world war that encompassed several nations and decimated hundreds of thousands of lives.

She had lived through it all and settled down into a nice and relaxed retirement at the tender age of sixteen. A veteran war hero, medals and riches galore, and a dedicated group of soldiers that stormed against anything that she led them towards. All in all, it was a horrible time and she hated a lot of it.

There were moments where her anger and disgust at Being X had overcome her common sense and she had recklessly gone into more than one hopeless scenario, causing death and destruction wherever she went to both her own men and the enemy. Some of her victims reviled her name, as did some of her allies. That was acceptable to her, because she had won it all in the end.

Using her magic to extremes during the wars she fought in as a child and then as a teenager, had worn out her little body and went undetected until there was no more fighting and she was submitted for a full medical check-up. She laughed in the doctor's faces and told them that it was Being X's fault for forcing her to fight at her best. The doctors didn't believe anything she said and her file was closed and redacted.

Tanya lived for another thirty years in blissful peace before she died of natural causes. Heart failure.


Tanya opened her eyes and blinked at her surroundings. She was in a hospital and a man with a beak on his face bent over her. I don't want to eat like that! She thought and started to cry as she lifted her hands to block him... only her voice was that of a baby and her hands were tiny and stubby. “WAH!”

“She's fine.” The beaked man said and stood back up. “I think she was just asleep.”

“WAAHHH!” Tanya yelled to try and tell him to kiss her ass, only it came out as another baby cry.

“I think I prefer her asleep.” A man's voice said.

“Hush, Gerald!” A woman's voice snapped and then Tanya was hugged to her chest.

Unable to protest that she wasn't hungry, because she was, Tanya latched onto the woman's nipple and suckled. Her entire being felt enriched as the liquid entered her and flowed down to her stomach. It was almost immediately infused into her body and Tanya fumbled with her hands to get more of whatever this liquid was into her.

It had a similar feeling to the old magical construct device that she had ruthlessly used in her previous life, which meant this woman's breast milk was somehow infused with magic.

“She's a hungry little girl.” The woman said, happily. She could feel a bond forming between them and she rejoiced in the knowledge that she had accomplished something that her own mother was unable to do. She also felt her breast be drained fairly quickly and switched to her other breast. “Really hungry.”

Tanya was in heaven! She hadn't felt this great in decades and her own magic responded to the magical liquid she was drinking. She felt like she was floating and basked in it, like welcoming an old friend.

“Good god.” The doctor whispered as he saw the new mother float up and out of the bed. “Ma'am, can you... um...”

“I don't know how.” The woman said and looked at her baby. “I'm not doing this. Tanya is.”

Tanya was too lost in bliss to hear herself being called her name.

“We can't really treat either of you if this... behavior... continues.”

“I'm almost dry, so...” The woman started to say and then she slowly floated down to settle on the bed. The baby in her arms let out a loud burp, a giggle, and promptly fell asleep.

“I've never seen anything like that and I've been a doctor for twenty years.” The doctor said and stared at the baby. “I'll be right back.”

The new parents watched the doctor flee and exchanged looks. They knew it was rare for a quirk to manifest this soon and they didn't know what they were going to do about it.

An hour later, a man wearing sunglasses came into the room to look at the baby, the mother, and then the father. “I see.” He said and left without saying anything else.

“I'll go and find out what's going on.” Gerald said and bent to kiss his wife's cheek. “Try and not fly away before I get back, Deborah.”

Deborah chuckled and hugged her baby close. “I think our little girl's going to sleep for quite some time with her stomach so full.”

Gerald nodded and left. He saw the man with sunglasses at the nurse station and quickly walked over to it.

“She has the highest priority. All bills will be covered.” The man said and handed over a card-like thing, which made the nurse gasp. “Ah, Mister Degraff. Just in time.”

“What's going on?” Gerald asked.

“There has only been two recorded births that weren't a mutant or physical type that exhibited powers upon exiting the womb.” The man said. “One was a baby that had a quirk of epic mass.”

“Thirteen!” Gerald exclaimed, making the mental connection immediately to the support hero that used black holes to lift and then disintegrate rubble and debris after disasters. She also had her own deconstruction company and could clear a building's lot in less than an hour. She was in high demand.

“We were contacted right away, set up devices to help the family cope, then taught the girl to control and adapt her powers for the benefit of mankind.”

“What was the other one?” Gerald asked.

The man with sunglasses sighed. “Unfortunately, the doctors didn't realize what was happening until it was too late. They had attributed the space distortion to the mother's quirk overpowering because of stress during the birth. When they removed the baby from her to protect her, the baby... didn't like that.”

“Oh, no.” Gerald whispered and the man nodded.

“Everyone in the room and everything in it, were crushed to the size of a baseball.” The man said and reached out to rest a hand on Gerald's shoulder. “Thankfully, we've arrived in time and my assessment is that her quirk is going to be extremely powerful but not harmful.”

“Whew, that's a relief.” Gerald said and then looked at the card the man handed the nurse. “Do you still have to do that?”

The man chuckled and took the card back from the nurse. “You won't have to worry about anything. All your bills and necessities will be taken care of. We know when an investment deserves to be made. Your daughter is going to be a great hero one day.”

“How do you know that?” Gerald asked.

“It's what all the powerful kids want these days.” The man said and let his shoulder go. “Just remember, we're only covering basic expenses and medical treatment. Anything else is all your responsibility.”

Gerald smiled. “Oh, I know what you mean. I'm going to be taking full advantage of the wiggle room your help will give us. Our standard of living is going to skyrocket.”

“Good!” The man said with a laugh. “I'll arrange the recommendation for UA. They'll hold a spot reserved for her and all she has to do is show up when she turns fifteen.”

Gerald nodded and the man left. “I can't believe it.”

“Me, either!” The nurse said. “A quirk birth at our hospital! It's amazing!”

Gerald smiled and went back to his wife's room, only to find her just as asleep as the baby in her arms.


Tanya's life or the next two years was a whirlwind of relearning how to do everything in a baby's body. She took her time, didn't push herself, and made sure that she drained her mother's breasts of her magical milk every chance she got. She wasn't going to pass up super-charging her own magic, no matter how much she thought she was abusing the poor woman's good nature.

She discovered that this world actually had people with super powers called quirks. Her mother had a support quirk that boosted other heroes for a brief time, which explained why her milk was so powerful. It was only supposed to be temporary, though. Her milk must have had special properties and Tanya wasn't going to tell the woman about it and hoarded it all for herself. Unfortunately, if it wasn't drunk from the source, the milk quickly lost its potency to barely half.

Tanya still harvested some during the nights while her mother slept and was also feeding six times a day instead of the normal three. Her mother had to eat a lot more food to keep up with her demands and didn't protest at all. Deborah loved her little girl and would do anything for her, even extending the normal breastfeeding time from two years old to three.

Thanks to their quirks, neither mother nor daughter were fat. Everything they ate was converted into essential energy and both benefited from it. Tanya could feel her magic being restored to the point it had been before she had retired in her old life and her mother's quirk gained in power as well from the constant use.

They also had regular visits from healers that were tasked with keeping the both of them healthy, which Deborah accepted with gratefulness. She knew she was abusing her poor breasts well beyond their intended use and she asked the healers to concentrate their energies there while she boosted their abilities. She was sure that she wouldn't be giving birth again and wanted the best for her only child.

“You're done breastfeeding.” The woman healing her breasts said. “The channels and ducts have been overused and forced to function on overdrive for too long. You're barely producing milk at all now.”

“If I had paced myself, would it have made a difference?” Deborah asked, not that it mattered. She knew she risked herself for her child and would do it again.

“Maybe.” The woman said and then sighed. “Either way, your milk producing glands are just about wrung out.”

“Mommy?” A little voice asked from behind her.

“Tanya.” Deborah said and turned around to pick up the three year old to sit her on her lap. She had curly blonde hair and the cutest face that any child had ever had. “It seems your favorite drink fountains have finally decided they've had enough.”

“I knew it wouldn't last forever.” Tanya said as she looked at her mother's slightly sagging breasts. “I'm sorry I liked drinking it so much.”

“I'm not.” Deborah said and looked into her daughter's ice blue eyes. “I knew it was making a stronger bond between us and I pushed myself as much as possible to give you as much as I could.”

The healer looked from mother to daughter and was surprised that they were having a normal conversation and not just exchanging toddler talk.

“I pushed you a lot with my demands, too.” Tanya said and leaned forward to kiss her mother's cheek. “Thank you for not being angry about this.”

Deborah let out a laugh and hugged her daughter close again. “How could I be angry at my brilliant daughter? Our quirks are so compatible that I've grown twice as strong as I was before giving birth to you.”

“You have?” Tanya asked.

“I have.” Deborah said and reached up to touch her daughter's forehead. “Imbue!”

Tanya glowed slightly and her eyes changed from ice blue to gold. “I thought only I could activate my quirk!”

“It will only last for an hour, so go have fun.”

“Thank you!” Tanya exclaimed and hopped off her lap before she ran to the back door. She stopped and walked back and looked at her mom, then she kissed one of her breasts. “Thanks, Lefty.” She said and then kissed the other one. “Thanks, Righty! I'm going to miss you both!”

Deborah laughed and pushed her daughter away. “No going past a thousand feet!”

“Awwww!” Tanya pouted and walked away with her head down. “There's barely any traffic for me to avoid while flying that low.”

“Missus Degraff, you can't let your child use her quirk without a license.” The healer said.

“It's all right. We have special dispensation and exemption from the government.” Deborah said and buttoned up her top. “It's not as good as a provisional license; but, we took what we could get.”

“She's only three!” The healer nearly yelled.

“Yes, and she easily passed the flying expertise requirements the government set for flying quirks.” Deborah said, quite proud. “They also changed her recommendation for UA into a full scholarship.”

“Oh, my god.” The healer whispered.

“Yes, they have high hopes for my brilliant little girl.” Deborah said and turned to look into the backyard just as Tanya had air flowing around her, then she shot up into the air with a loud crack sound. The back door window smashed out from the back-pressure. “I told her not to go supersonic right from take-off.”

“S-s-s-supersonic?” The healer asked, shocked.

“I'll make us some tea.” Deborah said and did so, to give the healer time to come to grips with what she had learned.

They both drank the tea in complete silence and neither spoke at all. When the tea was gone, the healer opened her mouth to speak, looked at the shattered back door window, and left without saying a word.

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