Youjo Senki: Tanya the Evil In My Hero Academia

Chapter 19

Tanya was only slightly surprised that her relationship with Izuku hadn't changed much since they had agreed to be each other's significant other the past weekend. They still did their workouts, they still did their homework, and they did their quirk hobby during all of their spare time. The only real significant difference was that he would give her a kiss on the cheek in the mornings when they met on the train to go to school and when he got off at his stop.

They had elections for class president that Monday and Tanya and Izuku recused themselves because of their busy schedules. The class eventually voted Momo into the position with Iida as her vice president. Everyone was happy with that and time moved on.

It was now lunchtime on Wednesday and Tanya was in a very comfortable seat with him in the cafeteria. She wasn't sure why she was wanting him to try and push her boundaries, though. In the back of her mind, she was sure that her primitive mind fully expected him to be all handsy with her and was also slightly disappointed that he wasn't. Was there something wrong with her? Did he expect her to make the first move?


The emergency buzzer blared through the cafeteria and everyone started panicking.

Tanya grabbed Izuku's hand and they jumped up onto the table they were eating at. “SHUT UUUUP!”

Everyone in the cafeteria froze at Tanya's command voice and turned to look at her.

“Everyone! Calm down and relax. We are in UA. None of us are civilians and we shouldn't panic like them.” Izuku said and everyone looked a little guilty at that.

“Iida! You're near the windows! Look out and see what's there!” Tanya ordered and saw the boy turn and hop up onto Kirishima's back.

“It looks like a bunch of reporters broke in and the teachers are intercepting them.” Iida said.

“Great!” Tanya said and looked at everyone. “If you haven't wrecked your meals, sit down and finish them. If you did mess things up, proceed in an orderly manner back to your homeroom classes. Stop acting like a herd and act like heroes!”

About a third of the students sat back down to eat, as did Tanya and Izuku. Most of their class came back over to them and sat down.

“That was awesome.” Uraraka said and looked at her tray of food. “I think the excitement made me lose my appetite.”

“Then don't bother eating. I'm sure they are going to suspend classes for a day or two.” Izuku said and started wrapping up the last of his meal. “We can catch the afternoon train home in half an hour.”

“That's a good idea.” Iida said and copied Izuku in wrapping up his food.

The others did the same and they shuffled off into the crowd and went back to their homerooms. Izuku had been right and classes were cancelled for the rest of the day and the next, so they caught the train and went home.

Tanya went with Izuku to his place and calmed Inko down after letting her know what had happened. When the two teens were alone in his room later, Tanya pushed him onto the bed and laid down beside him.

“Tell me your thoughts.” Tanya said.

“It's too convenient.” Izuku said. “UA has the best security and heroes patrol the grounds every few hours.”

“The reporters were a distraction.” Tanya added and he nodded. “What were they after?”

“Either information or revenge on someone. Since there were no reports of injuries, besides the ones caught in the student stampede.”

Tanya chuckled. “You'd swear they weren't training to be heroes.”

Izuku nodded. “I was just as surprised as you were that their first reaction was to panic.”

“Momo and Iida were trying to physically restrain people from hurting each other.” Tanya said and snuggled in close. “It might have worked if there was only two dozen or so other students.”

“With nearly half of the student population of the school eating during the first lunch period, it was too much for our whole class to handle physically.” Izuku said and then smiled. “Except for us, that is.”

“We don't count, remember? Like Uraraka keeps saying, we're too awesome.” Tanya joked.

Izuku laughed and hugged her tighter. “If I didn't know better, I'd say you were jealous.”

“If I was jealous of her, she would be dead and no longer a problem.” Tanya said and lifted her head to look into his eyes. “I let her get away with slapping your ass during the battle trial because she really couldn't reach anything else... even if she enjoyed it a lot more than she should have.”

“It actually hurt a little at the time.” Izuku said. “You heard the smack! She didn't hold back at all.” He couldn't help but laugh again. “If I wasn't so tough already, there would have been a solid hand print!”

Tanya laughed as well. “That reminds me, Toru compiled the video with our whisper mike audio if you want to watch it.”

“Okay, this I have to see.” Izuku said and Tanya took out her phone to show him.

They watched it for the entire length of the footage, which cut to several different angles to show people's faces as they talked. When it ended, Izuku was almost speechless.

“Toru did a great job. We should get whisper mikes for everyone.” Izuku said.

“I did one better. I gave the plans and chemical formulas to Momo and she created them to integrate into the collars of everyone's outfits. She doesn't feel guilty about it because they are custom made and can't be bought normally.”

“Ha ha! That's great!” Izuku said and kissed her cheek. “What about Toru?”

“It's embedded in the wrist part of her glove and the gain turned up slightly to compensate for not being on her neck. The earpiece is more difficult for her, since it'll be seen. We're working on it.” Tanya said. “Momo also has someone working on the software to let us all talk to each other, rather than limiting it into pairs like ours are.”

“I don't think the individual pieces have enough hardware to handle twenty people talking at once.” Izuku cautioned. “We might need a central unit or two to handle the voice switching and to take the majority of the bandwidth load, that way we can choose who to talk to or send something to everyone.”

“That's a good point. The relays would increase the transmission rate, too.” Tanya said and she started typing on her phone. “I'm letting Momo know. I'm sure that she can carry a node as can I. Maybe Uraraka, too. She has a big belt with those air canisters on them and lots of room for electronics.”

Izuku nodded in agreement just as Tanya's phone beeped.

“Momo says you're a genius.” Tanya said. “Oh, and she'll send you a check for the idea. Her mother saw the text and is buying the idea from you.”

Izuku gave her an incredulous look for a second, then barked a laugh. “Fine! I give up! Get the forms and we'll sign up as consultants for the UA support company. I can't stop giving people ideas to help them, so I might as well cut out the middleman and the long turnover time.”

Tanya laughed and hugged him close. “The forms are already submitted. I'm just waiting for approval.”

“Of course you are.” Izuku said with a roll of his eyes. “How long were you going to tease me about it?”

“Another day, maybe two.” Tanya said with a bit of her manic grin on her face.

“All right. Open the second drawer in my desk.” Izuku said and he watched her get up and admired her backside as she walked over to the desk.

“You're staring at my ass, aren't you?” Tanya asked as she opened the drawer.

“I always am. You know that.” Izuku said. “Move the top folder and grab the one under it.”

Tanya did so and brought it over to him as she climbed back onto the bed. “What is it?”

“Ideas. Duh.” Izuku said and she smacked his chest before dropping the folder there.

“Be nice.” Tanya said and they both froze for a second... then they both barked a laugh at her joke.

Izuku opened the folder and shuffled a few of the papers, then held one out to Tanya.

“Izuku! This is beautiful!” Tanya exclaimed as she looked at a complete redesign for Momo's hero costume. It maximized the available space for her to use her quirk and eliminated a lot of the useless weight, namely the chemical formula dictionary and the large pouches across her hips to hide her bikini line.

“I did that before seeing her bathing suit. Or yours.” Izuku said and his hand slid down her back and brushed the top of her butt. “Thank you so much for allowing me to touch you.”

Tanya blushed a little and picked up her phone again and took a high resolution picture of the paper. “Izuku, I... you know I...”

“I know and you know I know.” Izuku said with a smirk. “No pressure.”

Tanya glanced down at his crotch and back at his face before she smirked back. “No?”

“I'm not fighting against it this time.” Izuku said with a shrug. “Tell Momo to look up the Kevlar formula. If she can't find it, we can send her a sample to analyze.”

“You're not giving her the formula for our outfits?” Tanya asked, a little surprised.

“Proprietary patent.” Izuku said and she raised her eyebrows at him. “I only want us to have it.”

“You could make a fortune if you released it. Every hero would wear it.” Tanya said and sent the message and photo.

“Yes, and it would also be readily available for villains to either buy or steal. No thanks.”

“That is a really good point.” Tanya said and her phone rang. “It's Momo.” She hit speaker.

“IZUKU! I LOVE YOU!” Momo yelled and both Tanya and Izuku laughed.

“You do realize it's Tanya's phone you just said that from?” Izuku asked.

“Of course. She knows I only meant it as friends.” Momo said. “This design is wonderful. It's high mobility, skin exposure, and also strategic protection, is the best balance of needs and wants I've ever seen. You really are a genius!”

“I just have a lot of spare brain power during class.” Izuku said.

“Even with calculus?” Momo asked.

“It's just numbers. Tanya and I would finish the questions in moments if the teacher didn't require to see our work.”

“I sometimes work backwards and make stuff up to add and still get the right answer.” Tanya said, proudly. “I thoroughly enjoy making Power Loader's eyes twitch as he reads my homework.”

Izuku and Momo laughed.

“He has to check it and has no clue where I come up with some of the things I add in, even if they always work themselves back out of the equations.” Tanya said with a smile.

“That's my girl.” Izuku said, also proudly.

“Izuku! Shh!” Tanya said and he chuckled.

“Momo? I know you have a great body; but, you don't have to show everyone a lot more than you're comfortable with.” Izuku said. “The last thing you need is to flash the guys in class when you have to make something big that your old costume can't handle.”

Momo was quiet for a moment. “I'll do what I have to in order to be a hero.”

“I'm not saying not to when it's necessary, because we won't know what we're going to face when we get out there; but, look at the small print down at the bottom of that image.”

Momo was quiet for a bit longer this time. “Are you serious? Would that actually work?”

“It would save your modesty when you need it to.” Izuku said and saw Tanya read the small sentence. “It's a last ditch attempt and barely covers more than the essentials.”

“You are a very considerate man, Izuku.” Momo said. “Thank you for this. I'll send...”

“Your gratitude is more than enough for me, Momo. We're all friends, especially after the beach last week.”

“That was really enjoyable! No one lost their bathing suits, either!” Momo said.

“Much to the disappointment of the other boys.” Tanya said.

“Not Izuku's?” Momo asked.

“He didn't stare at Mina's pink boobs as she bounced all over the place. If that's not dedication to me, I don't know what is.”

Momo laughed out of the phone. “She is a little shameless.”

“Actually, I think she's a bit weird about people looking at her because of how she looks. If she can make people think more about how sexy she is or distract them with her body, making them ignore the pink coloration and her horns isn't that big of a deal for her.” Izuku said.

“That... actually makes sense.” Tanya said. “Momo, can you...”

“I'm already writing the text. Where do you want to meet at tomorrow?”

“The mall. We need to relax after what happened at school and retail therapy always helps.” Tanya suggested.

“I completely agree.” Momo said. “Are we doing an all out invite like the beach?”

“Sure. It's inside, so both Todoroki and Fumikage should show up.” Izuku responded before Tanya could. “Hopefully, no one's busy and we can all hang out.”

“They do have a Karaoke Bar.” Momo suggested.

“Um, you might want to leave that out. There's no way you're getting most of the guys to go in there if they know beforehand.” Tanya warned, which made Momo laugh.

“What about Izuku?” Momo asked.

“I will do anything that Tanya wants me to do.” Izuku said.

“That actually sounds sincere.” Tanya said with a grin.

“That's me. Izuku: The Sincere Hero.” Izuku joked and Tanya and Momo laughed.

“I better let you go. I'll send the message and call Mina personally.” Momo said.

“All right. We'll talk to you later, Momo.” Tanya said.

“Bye!” Izuku said a little loudly.

Momo hung up and Tanya put the phone aside.

“You're a great person, Izuku.” Tanya said and took the folder from him and set it aside as well.

“Says the person that's my personal savior.” Izuku said and held his arms open for her.

Tanya didn't hesitate as she cuddled down next to him. “You know that any decent human being would have done the same.”

Izuku chuckled. “Nope! I'm not buying whatever you're selling. I've known a lot of decent people growing up and not a single one did anything to stop the ostracization or the bullying. Only you, my best friend, had the guts to call everyone out on it.”

“Well, I had to get attention somehow and also make my triumphant middle school debut.” Tanya said, which made him laugh and hug her harder. “Actually, I'm joking. I only wanted to be left alone, do my time, and get to UA.”

“I know. You were just like me and I wanted the same things.” Izuku said and turned his head slightly to kiss her cheek. “I think that's why we hit it off so well.”

“Us being incredibly smart and everyone else being dumb as rocks didn't help at all, did it?” Tanya asked, her voice full of mirth.

“Not even a little bit.” Izuku said with a straight face, then they both burst into laughter.

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