Youjo Senki: Tanya the Evil In My Hero Academia

Chapter 26

Hey, we're on the Trending List! That's great! Keep it up, people!

“Up! UP!” Inko shouted through Izuku's door the next morning. “You're going to miss the train!”

“Ugh.” Izuku said and then sighed. “I'm paying for an express delivery to the school! Me!”

“Breakfast!” Inko said instead, which made Tanya laugh.

“We'll be right there.” Tanya said and sat up.

“We only just got back.” Izuku said and looked at her. “How can you look perfect after only an hour's sleep?”

“You learn to sleep wherever and whenever you can at the front.” Tanya said and stood. “If we hadn't showered before going to bed, we could have gotten another hour.”

“I'll sleep in class.” Izuku said and stared at her ass as she got dressed.

“Is it any better looking in just panties?” Tanya asked without looking at him, knowing full well what he was looking at, and pulled on her pants to button them before slipping on her shirt.

“Yes and no.” Izuku said and she whipped her head around to glare at him.

“What. Did. You. Say?” Tanya asked and her hand made a fist, her shirt hanging open.

“It doesn't matter what you wear to cover it. It's spectacular and I always enjoy it, even when you're wearing those loose sweat pants.” Izuku said with a grin, which made Tanya growl.

“It's not nice to tease me first thing in the morning.” Tanya said and lost the angry look. “Or at all.”

Izuku chuckled and stood up to give her a hug. “I'm sorry if you thought I meant something bad.”

“You made it sound like something bad, you jerk.” Tanya said and glared at him. “Get dressed.”

Izuku nodded and put on the school's uniform and they went out to eat breakfast.

“I'm so proud of the both of you.” Inko gushed as they sat down at the kitchen table. “The news can't get enough of you.”

Izuku blushed from the praise and Tanya nodded.

“I knew you were both taking All Might's training seriously.” Inko said and gazed at them with admiration. “You're both going to be great heroes.”

Izuku and Tanya exchanged looks. After the things they had found out last night and the documents and equipment they acquired from the fake business, they had quite a bit of work to do to stop the background plans that the government agency had in place to stop Tanya from becoming a hero. Some were triggered when certain events happened and others were started by specific people and their commands.

They had already removed one danger, only to find out there was a whole council above that man to monitor and potentially remove as well as a lot of specifically placed underlings. Luckily, they had gained the protocols and the frequencies for their contacts and would only need a few well placed express deliveries to confirm the details. When they did, they would be able to deal with them when it was necessary.

They finished eating and Izuku kissed his mother's cheek to make her blush, then he and Tanya left at a fast march to get to the train station. The ride seemed to pass by quickly and they both ignored the extra attention from the crowds and whispers about them.

“I didn't think going to school would become a retreat from attention.” Izuku whispered to Tanya, and she nodded.

“We've stepped out onto the stage and now we have to give them the show they want.” Tanya warned.

“Don't worry, I'm ready.” Izuku said.

“I hope so, because it's not going to get any easier from here on out.”

Izuku took her hand and held it. “No matter what happens, we're going to crush any opposition.”

Tanya let a manic grin spread across her face as she looked into his eyes. “You're stroking my ego, you know.”

Izuku grinned back. “That's not all I want to stroke.”

Tanya barked a laugh. “You didn't grab it enough this morning?”

“Sleep groping doesn't count. I only used one hand, too.” Izuku claimed and she shook her head.

“I knew I shouldn't have let you touch it that first time.” Tanya said and let the manic grin fade.

“Who gave me the ultimatum to never touch another?” Izuku asked. “Even Millie's tail is blocked from my roaming hands.”

Tanya snorted a laugh. “The meet and greet hour after the sports festival was not the time to ask her something like that, you dunce!”

Izuku chuckled. “I couldn't tell if she blushed or not.”

“You ruffled her head feathers, so technically she was blushing.” Tanya said and remembered the surprised look on Millie's velociraptor face at Izuku's request to pet her tail. “You're lucky she's a nice girl or she would have tried to bite you.”

Izuku shrugged. “We've been too busy to hang out with her because of all the training we did for the sports festival.”

“You could have at least whispered it to her.” Tanya said with a smile.

“What for? I don't mind people knowing that I'm not discriminating against anthropomorphs.”

Tanya laughed. “You're confusing discrimination with inappropriate sexual comments.”

Izuku grinned and winked at her as the train came to a stop. They walked down the street and went to the UA hero academy's main building.

“Hey, guys!” Mina gushed as she practically hopped over to them by the front doors. When she was close enough, she looked around to see that no one was looking at them and then gave Izuku a hug.

“Hey, Mina.” Izuku said and hugged her back.

“Thanks for what you said to Momo.” Mina whispered and took a step away.

“I just told Momo the truth.” Izuku said and reached out to lightly touch the girl's cheek. “You're sexy enough without needing to make guys stare at you for the wrong reasons.”

Mina's pink skin flushed to a darker pink. “You're a really nice guy, Izuku.”

“You're not going to change your costume, are you?” Tanya asked.

“Nope!” Mina said and then smiled. “Not every guy is as accepting as Izuku is with physical quirks, so I still need to beat my sexy body into their brains the hard way. Through their eyes.”

Izuku barked a laugh and shook his head, then opened one of the doors for them to go through.

“Thanks!” Mina said and darted through.

Tanya followed her and Izuku went next. They went to their classroom and it was nearly packed with almost everyone there.

Momo saw them and rummaged through her bag to pull out an envelope. She walked over to them and held it out to Izuku. “Mom said this is well worth the investment.”

Izuku took the envelope and debated opening it.

“You can save it for later.” Tanya said and then smiled. “If you open it here, you know you're going to shock everyone when you curse at the amount.”

Izuku tossed the internal debate aside and took Tanya's advice. He tucked it into his pocket and nodded.

Momo looked on the verge of laughing and Mina was grinning.

“Now I wanna hear him curse!” Mina said, happily.

Izuku shook his head and they sat down to talk about what they would be doing today. He sat at his desk, Tanya sat beside him, Momo leaned against Tanya's desk and Mina sat on top of Izuku's.

“The hero agency offers are going to be rolling in for you two.” Mina said. “You guys destroyed everyone else.”

“Did they ever!” Uraraka exclaimed as she walked over to them. “Morning!”

“Morning.” They all said in greeting back and she leaned against the desk beside Izuku.

“I was glad you took us along for the ride in the second task.” Toru, the Invisible Girl said as she walked over to sit on Tanya's desk. “It made it a bit boring for the spectators; but, we had a blast!”

Uraraka held a hand up and Toru gave her a high five across Mina's lap. “It totally was!”

“I'm sure a few of you will get some offers.” Izuku said. “The fights Tanya and I did weren't the only ones in the tournament.”

“No one remembers any of the others, Deku.” Bakugo groused and crossed his arms.

“Says the guy that made it to the second last fight in his division.” Izuku countered.

Todoroki huffed and looked away. He had been the first fight in Izuku's division and had lost nearly instantly.

“I said I was sorry.” Izuku said to him. After a few moments, Todoroki nodded slightly.

“I could have beaten that vine-haired wench, too.” Bakugo said and glanced at Tanya.

“If you attacked quickly enough, yes. If you let her get her rotating and regenerating vine shield up, she might have won, just for being unable for you to get to.” Tanya said.

“Oh! That reminds me.” Izuku said and reached into his backpack. He pulled out several pieces of paper and handed it over to Bakugo. “We've been discussing your quirk and think we came up with something.”

“What's this?” Bakugo asked.

“A modification to your grenade gauntlets.” Tanya said. “Izuku's already submitted the design to UA's support company for you. If you want it added to your hero costume, they'll send over the updated equipment for this afternoon's hero class.”

Bakugo read over the sheets and looked at the new design and the cross-section to show the different modification for him to both use the larger explosion and also more compressed multiple explosions.

“You already figured out my Howitzer move?” Bakugo asked, disbelief in his voice.

Tanya nodded and Izuku smiled.

“We might have ignored a lot of your teasing and bullying; but, that doesn't mean we never listened to what you were saying.” Izuku said and Bakugo wouldn't look up. “It's all right, Kacchan. We know you've worked hard to get past it all.”

Bakugo grumbled that he didn't need his help as he folded up the papers and then took out his cell phone and sent a text to the support company.

Tanya smirked and lightly touched Izuku's arm briefly and saw his nod.

“All right, settle down.” Aizawa said and everyone scrambled to sit in their seats. “Three seconds. Not bad.” He said, almost in praise, and the students all gave him smiles. “Don't let it go to your heads.”

That made a lot of them laugh under their breath and a few exchanged amused looks.

“Thanks to the great showing at the sports festival, the school has been flooded with offers for a bunch of you.” Aizawa said and didn't look at Tanya or Izuku. “If you want the breakdown, go on the school's website and log into your student account.”

Tanya nodded at Izuku and he took out the little hologram that he received his acceptance letter in and hit a button on his phone. The hologram opened up and instead of showing the exam test results, it showed the school list for offers and it hovered above his desk.

Tanya had 6,876 inquiries, Izuku had almost as much with 6,652, then Todoroki had 4,901 and Bakugo had 3,045. Uraraka had 1,103 and Toru had 898. The numbers plummeted after that with the last student in the class with 135 inquiries.

“Huh. Well, there's no point in me saying to work harder.” Aizawa said and a few of them laughed openly this time. “Go over your options for the rest of the class and see where you want to go. If you have any questions, ask Izuku.”

That made most of the class laugh, including Izuku, and then Aizawa zipped up his sleeping bag and laid down.

“Do you want to do it or should I?” Izuku asked.

“He might like that it's you. Or kill you. It's a toss up.” Tanya said with a smirk.

Izuku chuckled and pulled out a small case from his pocket as he walked over to the front of the classroom. He knelt beside the sleeping bag and he could see a pair of eyes glare at him.

“What do you want?” Aizawa asked.

“I just wanted to give you these.” Izuku said and handed him the little case.

“What is it?” Aizawa asked without opening the sleeping bag to take the case.

“Tanya and I commissioned a little known support company for these.” Izuku said and opened the case to reveal what looked like contact lenses. “They are larger than normal and prevent things like dirt entering the eye and letting them dry out.”

Aizawa blinked his eyes several times before he slowly unzipped the sleeping bag to sit up.

“They have a permanent gel layer that covers the eye. It's for long distance military snipers that aren't allowed to blink for minutes at a time as they take aim and their spotters call the coordinates for their targets.” Izuku said and then he smiled. “We've got an order in to the UA support company for a visor update for you as well. When you hit the release button, the visor holds your eyelids open until you hit the button again.”

Aizawa held a hand out for the small case. “Why?”

“Well, we figured after how hard you worked at the USJ, your old visor just wasn't cutting it.” Izuku said. “It took this long for the company to work out the correct chemical formulas to get the gel to form a liquid seal on your eye. You never have to worry about your eyes drying out anymore.”

Aizawa examined them and had to admit that they would be a great asset for his quirk. “What's the downside?”

Izuku grinned. “You can only wear them while you're awake. You can't sleep with them in. If you do, the gel has a tendency to spread out and will glue your eyelids shut.”

Aizawa barked a laugh. “Okay, that makes these things more believable.”

“We thought you would see it that way.” Izuku said and stood up. “Enjoy your nap, sir.”

Aizawa closed the case and laid back down as he disappeared into his sleeping bag.

Izuku went back to his desk and most of the students had their cell phones out and were going over the hero agencies and their offers. He sat down and took out his own phone and turned his chair to face Tanya's desk. She had already done the same and they started to compare their agency offers with their foreheads pressed together.

They wanted a good agency and wanted to go there together, since they had made their national debut as a couple and wanted to keep that image. If they couldn't get into the same agency, they would have to think about applying independently of their offers. It would rub some people the wrong way, since they would be rejecting the majority of the interest in them. It couldn't be helped, though.

For them, it was doing it together or not at all.

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