Youjo Senki: Tanya the Evil In My Hero Academia

Chapter 61 AFO

A year later, All For One sat in a large recliner that was made from a hospital bed. He was surrounded in his hidden lair by machines that were keeping him alive after all of the extensive damage he had suffered at the hands of the heroes and All Might, all those years ago. Those hadn't been as debilitating as the one he had received after the battle that tore most of his face off.

It took an extensive skin and muscle graft from his back to keep most of his head intact. They wouldn't give him a mirror, believing him to be blind without eyes. The idiots that had performed the surgeries didn't realize that he had hundreds of quirks saved up within himself and that with fifteen different vision quirks combined, he had gained an extrasensory perception that was better than sight.

He knew he no longer had any kind of face. He ate through a tube in his throat and he breathed through another, not that he needed either of them. He had several quirks that let him absorb nutrients right through his skin, including everything his lungs needed to function. He would never tell them that using the six versions of telepathy he had.

It had been child's play to convince the guards and prison workers that he was harmless when locked up in his cell. When the warden had visited, having the man grant him visitors had been even easier. A simple switch had a decoy in his place and he was free.

It still took him years to recover from the fight with all the heroes and he was still mostly debilitated. The healing quirks he had stolen over the years were not meant for self-use, which was stupid in his opinion, despite being understandable. 'Doctor, heal thyself' was a popular joke for a reason.

When he had tried to gift powers to others to heal him, none of them were powerful enough to work on him, because he himself was too powerful. It would take decades of practice to get any healing power strong enough to fix him and he knew he didn't have that long left to live. If only he had found a regeneration quirk to go with his longevity quirk, he would have been perfect.

“Kirogiri, I need...” All For One started to say and then his extrasensory power told him to move his head three inches. He did it instinctively and a bullet tore through the ceiling and blew apart the head of the recliner and part of the back.

His body hovered there without falling, despite the supportive chair being almost completely removed. The machines around him beeped like crazy as he tried to think about what was going to happen. He wasn't stupid and had known he was being hunted down. Only an idiot wouldn't notice all of the minions being removed from the board. He thought he had protected himself from that, though.

A second later, the room exploded and his shield surrounded him as his compound disappeared like the heart of a sun. He absorbed the fire and pressure waves and let them reinforce his shield as the explosion ended and he floated in the same spot he had been before the attack started. The dust and dirt settled and AFO was surprised to see several well dressed heroes in front of him.

“He must have a precognition quirk.” The tall dark haired female said. “That first shot shouldn't have missed.”

“Or he has a bunch of seeing quirks that combine into the same thing.” The tall muscular male said. “He shouldn't have known about either of those shots before they hit.”

“Do you think we can handle this?” A pink-skinned female asked.

All For One couldn't help but notice how sexy she looked in her formfitting armor, even though it had been years since he had even thought about sex.

“You, Mirko, and Hyla have been training hard for this, because we know he can't steal mutant quirks that are inherent inside someone's DNA.” The tall brunette said. “Just be careful. If he can tank an explosion like that...”

“We can do this.” The third female said. Her hair was a dark green and her eyes were larger than normal.

“Captain Midoria, boost us!” The short dark-skinned female said and struck a pose.

All For One felt something happen around him. His perception couldn't quite pick it up and he didn't know what was going on, then the green-haired female, the dark-skinned female, and the pink-skinned female grew immensely in power. It was unbelievable. Even their auras were enhanced somehow and he knew that he was in trouble, because he hadn't felt auras like that since he had last fought All Might.

AFO's perception told him to duck and something went over his head.

“I'd say that's confirmation.” The male said. “Ladies, please physically secure the prisoner.”

“With pleasure.” The three females said.

All For One fought for his life. His perception was being used against him quite effectively, as various objects, fluids of some kind, and even a few times he thought something like a tongue had passed near him, had made him flinch to avoid them and then he would get slammed by an armored punch to the face or an armored kick to the chest or side.

At one point, he even suffered a blow between his legs and he thanked god for his numbing quirk, or he would have been throwing up through his damaged feeding tube. Although, he was tempted to do that, just to see how the females would react to such a disgusting display.

At seemingly random times, bullets would also try to stop his movements. He tanked a few of them, while others that his perception had heavily warned him about, he dodged. They also came from all over and not from any one direction, which stopped him from retaliating against any of them. What would killing one target do when there were dozens of them? It would only waste time and delay him from defending himself.

So, he fought hard and defended the entire time. His halfhearted attempts to fight back were easily rebuffed as the females seemed to cover for each other's deficient fighting styles. That thought gave him pause and then he started formulating a strategy. If he blocked here, sidestepped that, then punched the ground and not at the obvious target, he could gain the upper hand.

AFO waited for the right time and took his chance. Just as he thought he succeeded and his fist slammed into the ground and created a huge blast of debris, a very long tongue wrapped round his left leg, a flow of fluid flowed over his other leg, and a very strong grip held his free arm.

“You were right, General Degurechaff. He fell for the deception.” The large male said with satisfaction.

NO! All For One shouted with his mind and pushed it out.

“Ow ow ow. Telepathy confirmed.” The green-haired female said as something was slipped over his head. “It's much stronger when in physical contact.”

“Good idea, Hyla! Suppression cuffs all over.” The male ordered and suddenly AFO felt dozens of them clamped all over him, from large ones around his neck and waist to normal ones down his arms and legs.

The sound of chains was next and he was kicked over and forced to kneel as the chains were secured and pulled on him with almost a hundred times the force of gravity. The villain couldn't move and he berated himself mentally for falling into a trap that he didn't know was there.

“Finally.” An oddly familiar voice said.

All For One regretted not being able to see with normal eyes as a brightly glowing figure approached him. She was beautiful. A bright and effervescent golden angel walked over to him and if he did have eyes, he would have gazed at her with adoration on his face.

“The Chosen One.” A voice said from AFO. It wasn't his and they all knew that.

“He really is infected.” The tall brunette said. “What an idiot.”

“I bet he didn't realize what it meant when he accepted Being X's offer.” The new golden voice said with derision.

AFO could only feel happiness that she was talking to him. He didn't even realize he wasn't fully in control of himself. “I will have you as my devoted follower.” The voice said and AFO tried to move, and nothing happened. “What is this? Why have you secured my disciple?”

“We were about to kill him, you moron.” Mirko said.

“Mirko.” Izuku said in a stern voice.

“Sorry.” Mirko said and stepped back. She knew to not become a target of attention, lest she fall to Being X's influence without meaning to.

“Mortal things are meaningless.” The voice said and AFO's body started to glow.


Only the right side of All For One's head disappeared, because he flinched out of the way.

“FUCK!” Tanya shouted and started shooting as AFO's body stood up.

AFO's body avoided the shots and the chains holding him down snapped, one by one. When he was on his feet, the skin covering his face changed slightly and a distorted mouth formed and smiled at her.

“Come to me and let me hug you and bestow my divine self upon your angelic form.”

Tanya yelled as her body froze. “I can't... I can't move. He... he's using AFO's powers!”

AFO's body took a tentative step, then another. The distorted smile grew and almost split the face in half. “I have waited so very long for you.” He said and spread his arms to hug her.

Izuku was suddenly there and took the hug for her.

“NOOOO!” Mirko, Mina, Tsu, and Tanya yelled at the same time.

All For One seemed to wake slightly from Being X's influence and if he had eyes, he would have stared at finally getting his hands on his centuries old nemesis. “I reclaim that which I gave away!”

“NOOOO!” The women yelled once more as a bright glow seemed to engulf both AFO and Izuku.


Shigaraki opened his eyes and thought he had somehow ascended, now that he had finally absorbed One For All. He had completed his mission and now the entire world was going to be his.

“I'm sorry, you're wrong.” A young man's voice said.

“Yoichi?” Shigaraki asked and turned around to see the scrawny kid he used to bully for not having a quirk.

“Hello, dear older brother.” Yoichi said, sarcastically.

“It seems that you've gained some backbone after you died.” Shigaraki said.

“I always had it, you asshole.” Yoichi said. “You were just too domineering and stupid to see it.”

Shigaraki almost growled when he spoke. “Now that I've taken back the power I gave you, I am going to crush your successor. Whatever this thing is in front of me, will be no more.”

“We're remnants.” A woman's voice said.

“Nana.” Shigaraki said and huffed at her. “You're still wearing that stupid costume?”

“This highlights my womanly curves, you ignoramus.” Nana Shimura said. “Izuku loves it.”

“Who cares what an idiot thinks.” Shigaraki said.

“Exactly.” Another voice said and Shigaraki turned to see his longest running nemesis. “All Might.”

“I'm just a remnant of who I was.” All Might said. “My counterpart gave up the power willingly.”

“Like I said, you're an idiot.” Shigaraki said.

“We would all normally have something to say about that.” Another man's voice said and Shigaraki turned around again to see the others, except for one figure. It was just a black silhouette and didn't speak.

“One of us has always been reluctant to share his quirk with the current holder of All For One.” Another man said.

“There was a specific reason for that.” Nana said. “It was quite the devastating quirk and he didn't want to corrupt anyone else with it.”

“And yet he added it to One for All and boosted the power up quirk exponentially.” Shigaraki said with satisfaction.

“Yes, he did. He was also very reluctant to do so.” Yoichi said. “Even now, when it's come down to the final fight, he is still reluctant to release his power.”

Shigaraki laughed and his imposing figure seemed to tower over the others. His glowing red eyes also seemed to pierce each and every one of them as he glared at them. “It's all come down to me dominating you to gain all of the stored power within One for All, and one of you doesn't want to fight?”

“We didn't say that.” All Might said and let his trademark smile out. “You are just mistaken about you being the opponent in the final fight.”

Shigaraki was stunned. “What do you mean?”

A black whip tendril came out of one of the men and slapped him across the face, then it dove into his head.

“AARRRGGHHHH!” Shigaraki yelled in pain and then a second tendril dove into his chest and into his heart. He dropped to his knees as his mind reeled about the implications of what was happening. None of his most powerful quirks were working. No shield, no instant reaction, and no strength.

After nearly a full minute of excruciating pain, the two black whips pulled out of Shigaraki and a very surprised glowing spirit was there.

“What is going on?” Being X asked.

“You tied yourself to this world through the one person that was more evil than you.” Nana said with a smile. “He already aligned himself with the forces of darkness that have been trying to take over the world for decades. They have invested heavily in his success and you tried to join in on that.”

“It weakened you.” All Might said. “Just like it did me.”

“No, I am more powerful now than when I arrived here.” Being X said.

“Yes, you are. Arbitrarily.” One of the men said. “The problem is, you've also invested too much into trying to take over. Your relative power has increased while your vulnerability has grown.”

“I have no vulnerabilities.” Being X said.

The other remnants exchanged knowing looks and then laughed.

“Be quiet!” Being X said and raised his hand to blast one of the laughing figures. The remnant disappeared and then reformed right where it had been.

“You are within a kind of spirit realm within One for All, where we reside.” Nana said. “We won't lie to you and tell you that you can't kill us.”

“Nana! Why would you tell him that?” All Might asked, shocked.

“Because it doesn't matter anymore.” Nana said and looked at Being X. “You see, there was a very specific reason why (unspeakable name) has never let anyone use his quirk.”

“And I suppose you're going to tell me.” Being X said.

“No.” The shadowed figure said. “I'm going to show you.”

A thousand black whips shot out of the shadowed figure and latched onto Being X and squeezed.

Being X laughed. “Mortal things cannot harm me!”

“You are not in the mortal realm.” The shadowed figure said and then it seemed to turn inside out.

Being X started to feel something poking at his power. “What... what are... you doing?”

“Intentionally corrupting myself. The only way to fight a non-physical being is with another non-physical being.” The shadowed figure said. “Soul Consume.”

“No!” Being X gasped and then he felt his power being sucked away. “NOOOOOO!”

“You cannot resist and you will become a part of me.” The shadowed figure said. “It is the price I must pay for using my quirk and no one should ever suffer such destruction.”

Being X screamed and screamed as the thousands of tendrils dug deep into his soul form and started to tear him apart. The other remnants stood off to the side and watched the horrific sight as their reluctant friend used his terrible power to consume another soul.

Shigaraki stared at the thing that was literally eating the all powerful being that had promised him power if he accepted his blessing. It was when Being X was almost completely gone when a tendril shot out and latched onto him.

“NOOOOOO!” Shigaraki, formerly All For One, yelled and then screamed like Being X as he was consumed as well.

Yoichi walked over to his older brother and reached down to place a hand on the tendril. “You said you wanted the power back, so you can have it.” He said and then he closed his eyes and the remnant that used to be Shigaraki's little brother was sucked into the tendril with AFO.

When their powers and beings combined into the shadowed figure, a bright light came from him and he changed into a nondescript man with basic features. He looked like a basic salary man and he looked down at his normal hands.

“Well, I didn't expect this.” The man said. He was fine for several moments, then he opened his mouth and screamed at the top of his lungs. His head and body suddenly blew apart into hundreds of pieces. When the gore and blood splatter landed on the ground, hundreds of remnants sprang to life and replaced it.

“Uh oh.” Nana whispered.

“It's okay.” A disembodied voice said. “I've got this.”

“(unspeakable name)?” Nana asked.

“Kind of.” The voice said. “Soul Consume.”

The hundreds of remnants that represented all of the quirks that All For One had assimilated, were quickly sucked up through black tendrils and then everything disappeared.

“I'm really glad that I never figured out how to do that with my black whips.” One of the men said.

“So do I. Goodbye, my friends.” The voice said and then fell silent.

The other remnants felt slightly diminished as the bright light faded away.

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