Your Girlfriend Was Amazing

Chapter 46: World Class? Kim Minsoo?

World Class? Kim Minsoo?

"He's arrived." Lee Minjoon rose from his seat upon spotting Baek Taeyang approaching in the distance. "I need to make a good impression from now on."

Minjoon's initial plan was to approach Kim Minsoo as he carried the title of Hero and already showcased remarkable talent. His excellence wasn't merely potential; even as a freshman, he was already quite impressive.

It remains uncertain whether he will continue to mature with age, and despite his slightly lacking appearance, his star quality more than compensates.

"But in the end, he's still an uncut gem."

Approaching with a somewhat delinquent aura, Baek Taeyang exuded a refined charm. He is already a polished gem. Despite witnessing it firsthand, Minjoon momentarily questioned the reality of it. Handling Don Quixote's movements wasn't within the realm of an ordinary student.

"Taeyang, you've made it!"

If Minjoon had to choose between Kim Minsoo and Baek Taeyang, the latter would be his preference. Recruiting him into the guild, much like taming a tiger and housing it in a doghouse, seemed nearly impossible. However, establishing contact is always an option.

Merely exchanging business cards didn't equate to forming connections. Connections were akin to ‘pulses.' Claiming to be alive without a beating pulse was inconceivable.

"Ah, Team Leader Lee Minjoon! Hello!"

"It's been some time."

"Hey, it's only been a day since we last met. What's up?"

"Haha, that's true."

Minjoon found it hard to believe that the man smiling before him was the same person he saw in the gate. The sight of the ground and trees contorting due to his main skill lingered vividly in his memory.

And it didn't stop there.

The weapons utilization during the defeat of Don Quixote left him in awe. The meticulous calculation from the moment the large weapon case was ejected showcased a brilliant mind.

The sense of adjusting distance using long-range, mid-range, and close-range weapons, coupled with the unwavering determination to eliminate humanoid monsters, was unparalleled.

No one taught him these skills; it was the realm of innate talent. Baek Taeyang is undoubtedly set to become a dominant figure even within that exclusive realm.

"If you don't have any plans for the vacation, how about exploring a gate or dungeon together?"

"Well… sure, why not."

Even though the response was somewhat casual, it didn't bother Minjoon. The timing to arrange a meeting with Baek Taeyang was uncertain, and he felt a deep sense of gratitude towards Kim Seokgu for making this situation possible.

Now is the only time I can set up an appointment.

The news of an S-rank gate being cleared is still making waves globally. A freshman achieving the highest contribution and remaining unaffiliated would undoubtedly attract numerous contacts.

While Minjoon genuinely wants to reach out to Kim Minsoo, maintaining a favorable image is crucial. It's essential to give the impression of solely focusing on one side to make things smoother.

Are they always this close?

Although it appeared that Baek Taeyang was initiating the conversation with Kim Minsoo, the atmosphere was pleasant. It turned out that Kim Minsoo's expression while looking at Baek Taeyang wasn't as unfavorable as it initially seemed.

Observing them continue the conversation warmly, it seemed they both had something to say. What kind of discussions could promising talents of the future have? Perhaps sharing feedback on gate battles?

Minjoon left his seat, organizing his thoughts.


"Minsoo, this is an opportunity. Just think of how Yoomin's jealousy would shoot through the roof. Sounds fantastic, doesn't it?"

"Well… really? Honestly, I've been feeling like I could use a chance to turn things around."

"Indeed, it seems your brain rotation is working quite well."

"Heh… hehe, right? I'm not entirely ignorant in the romance department."

"I mean, you're a real smooth operator, Minsoo."

"That I am…"

I had been brainstorming 108 ways to reel in Kim Minsoo, but it turned out they were all unnecessary. With just a few well-placed words, he took the bait immediately. I was a bit thrown off by the completely different vibe he had suddenly adopted.

He's strangely self-satisfied, it's annoying.

He wore the same face as that guy from my school days who used to pick pointless fights. The one who would suddenly narrate a light novel's contents with a self-satisfied grin.

The face that would argue vehemently that my words were wrong and claim it was different upon closer inspection. Kim Minsoo was now sporting that face.

"I actually planned to speak to her first, but really… Taeyang, I'd have done so without you bringing it up."

What's up with the confidence? Why is he talking like this?

"Kaivan… if you accept the modeling offer, you could go to the amusement park and have a blast."

Why is his nose suddenly so high? Does he really need to shrug his shoulders so excessively?

"Okay, I'll do it.. Taeyang, wait here for a moment; it won't take long."

Kim Minsoo approached Melanie with exaggerated strides. Even without exchanging many words, things were quickly falling into place.

Melanie was talking to Minsoo with an expression that seemed to question if this was right. Occasionally, she threw glances my way, hoping for an explanation, but I ignored her.

Behind her expression, Melanie was undoubtedly pleased. Snatching someone close to the daughter of a rival group is a tremendous achievement.

"Clear out all the local broadcasts and gather everyone. We'll just have a quick feedback session today, and then class is dismissed." Instructor Kim Sukgu's words quickly cleared the chaotic atmosphere.

Even Kim Minsoo, who was conversing with an excessively arrogant expression, fell silent. Melanie breathed a sigh of relief and gradually approached me.

"What did you say to make him change so drastically in an instant? You seem to have a knack for it."

"I really didn't do anything."

"Don't feed me lies. I've been through it. Why pretend to be innocent now? It's unfair. In a way, I'm also a victim."

"I honestly didn't do anything. He just agreed."

"You're not fooling anyone. Just the other day, the guy who couldn't even look me in the eyes suddenly wanted to do modeling, and he threw glances at me as if he's making a move. And you're telling me it's not your doing?"

"He actually did…?" I was taken aback.

So that's why Melanie has that displeased expression. Maybe I've been underestimating Kim Minsoo all along. Can he really be this skilled in charming people? Has he been pulling the wool over my eyes?

The saying that you can't distinguish between a fool and a genius might hold some truth.

"…as a result, for 1st-year Class D, apart from Baek Taeyang, Kim Minsoo, and Melanie, the rest of the students will go on another gate field trip."

"Woman, because of you, I couldn't concentrate properly."

"Don't you get the gist by just listening roughly? They couldn't assess the skills of other students since five of us cleared the S-rank gate."

A bit harsh but informative. Thanks Melanie.

When clearing an F-rank gate, the existence of an excessively asymmetrical power makes it difficult to gauge the abilities properly. After that, there will be a week-long break, and it feels longer than usual.

"But why there's a week vacation, Instructor?"

"Victory Academy is not so harsh as to roll students as soon as they cleared a gate."

"Thank you."

"You'll be exploring an F-rank gate. Don't worry about safety issues, as there will be more than twice as many instructors than usual."

Thanks to the question asked by a first-year class D student, my curiosity was answered.

The reason for the one-week break is the Academy's consideration. Moreover, passive skill users don't need to attend the gate trip tomorrow, so they are granted an 8-day vacation. The instructors have completed their major tasks, and there is no need for additional support.

This is great.

He suggested going to an amusement park without thinking about when to go. Now, it seems going tomorrow won't be a problem.

"Taeyang! Let's go to the amusement park tomorrow!"

"Startled me… don't suddenly talk into in my ear."

"Oh, sorry."

Right after Instructor Kim Sukgu's words, Kim Minsoo approached. He was assertive, which was good, but every time he spoke without maintaining a distance, it grated on my nerves.

"Therefore, Baek Taeyang, Kim Minsoo, and Melanie are free to disband. For the rest, excluding the three, tomorrow will be an introduction to safety measures and training for the F-rank gate."

A chorus of boos erupted instantly, but Kim Sukgu paid no mind. Instead, he deftly lifted a slab from the ground, as if he had anticipated such a reaction.

Back when I saw him in the training ground, I couldn't have guessed, but it was undoubtedly one of his sub-skills at play.

"Well then, shall we leave so we won't be a nuisance? Minsoo, we still have matters to discuss."

"Uh… then, Taeyang, we're heading to the amusement park tomorrow. I'll inform Yoomin, I'll handle it! You don't need to contact her; I'll make sure it happens!"


Yoomin should come to my place after class anyway.

They will break up by next week at the earliest. The plans are sped up thanks to this 8-day vacation.

[Rocinante activated! Drive safely!]

I glanced back while riding. Melanie, conversing with Kim Minsoo, was making an effort not to show any signs of discomfort. I admired her mental strength, not allowing a single wrinkle on her forehead even if she sweated.

Kim Minsoo, with his arrogant expression of absolute superiority, seemed entirely out of place.

Minsoo, whatever plans you have, they're all in vain… I wonder how long that overly confident expression will last.

I pulled the accelerator with anticipation.


Indeed, PureDiaryAuthor was right. From claiming that luck follows a prolonged break to asserting that a confident attitude can reshape one's surroundings, not a single thing he said missed the mark.

Maybe he's keeping an eye on me?

Kim Minsoo grinned wryly, observing Baek Taeyang slowly riding away.

He was the one who got the modeling offer from Kaivan, and he was the one proposing the idea of going to the amusement park tomorrow. In his mind, this essentially meant he held complete control over everything.

"Melanie, hold on a sec."

"Ah… sure."

I need to seize control the group chat while Taeyang is riding. I really regret not realizing until now.

I bet the PureDiaryAuthor has been in more than a hundred relationships. The more I get to know him, the more impressive he seems.

[Kim Minsoo invited ♥ So Yoomin and Baek Taeyang to the group.]

[Kim Minsoo] :: Hey, let's meet at the Wonderland main entrance by nine tomorrow! Don't be late!]

They'll read it soon.

Although there was an unread indicator, Minsoo didn't pay it any mind.

Once they check the group chat, they'll have no choice but to respond.

"Melanie, sorry, had a brief busy moment… where were we again?"

The ‘world-class expression,' a facial expression only worn by people who are doing exceptionally well, suits me perfectly.

Thinking so, Minsoo flashed a bright smile, unable to conceal his excitement for tomorrow.

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