Your Girlfriend Was Amazing

Chapter 60: It's Not a Sin to Fuck, Right?

It's Not a Sin to Fuck, Right?

"Dad, why were you saying such burdensome things…"

Yoo Minhyuk is going through a situation he's never dealt with before, something he never even considered, always thinking it's someone else's melodrama.

"How burdensome could it be?!"

In the gathering of dads called Papadad, where fathers unload their complaints about being ignored by their daughters, Minhyuk is a god-like figure.

With a daughter ruling the roost at Victory Academy, who has never shown a hint of adolescence, and freely expressing affection, they have this picture-perfect father-daughter relationship, even counseling each other about their problems.

Yoo Minhyuk is practically a deity in the Papadad group.

"What if Taeyang hates me…?"

But alas, that absolute position has crumbled due to a single misstep. The fear looms that he might soon be relegated to a state of sighs and slumped shoulders, joining the ranks of downtrodden dads in the group.

For the first time in his life, he's met with Soojin's rebellious face. Now, he can't even bring himself to make eye contact while staring at the ground like it holds the secrets of the universe.

Minhyuk informed his daughter that he had invited the man over for a meal, hoping for a round of applause. Instead, he's faced with a brutal reality. Even his wife, subtly critical, aligned herself with their daughter and faced confusion about what to prepare due to the sudden invitation.

It won't last long anyway.

Minhyuk spun the situation into a positive light.

Change always brings about resistance, right? This is just a counterforce steering the invitation in a positive direction.

In moments of life-threatening situations, I've always found the best way to resolve them.

Letting my family's sensitivities and anger naturally flow and pass can positively shift the atmosphere.

Yoo Minhyuk confronted the situation with an overly confident expression.

On the first day, his wife and daughter were fuming. On the second day, breakfast consisted only of rice and kimchi. On the third day, although warm breakfast was welcomed, instant noodles weren't exactly his preferred choice.


Something's off. I'm sure this treatment will end by tomorrow. With the guest coming over, there's no reason to keep serving me cold meals.

But what if the situation continues even after Baek Taeyang leaves? My status will take a nosedive, and I'll become the lowest-ranked in the Papadad group…

I must put a stop to that!

The accumulated embarrassment from the teasing has grown into a mountain. Even though he's complained about the struggle of eating simple meals every day, he can't muster the courage to announce his current downfall.

Drrrr Drrrr Drrrr Drrrr Drrrr Drrrr

There's only one solution.


"It's me. Hunter Baek Taeyang, how have you been?"

[Hunter Yoo Minhyuk. Thanks to you, I've been doing well.]

I have to seize this opportunity.

Casually mentioning a conversation with Baek Taeyang, Yoo Minhyuk walked out onto the balcony. By closing the balcony door, the conversation normally wouldn't leak inside. But with the heightened hearing of awakened individuals, even inside the room, they could hear the details of the call.

To make sure it was audible, he activated speakerphone mode.

"You know… Soojin always mentions how much she wants to see you, so I invited you."


Despite the lack of familiarity, Minhyuk placed trust in Baek Taeyang. His interview finesse, social presence, and overall charm made him a player Minhyuk believed could comprehend his game and play along.

Minhyuk had no intention of singing Taeyang's praises, no matter his deeds. Nevertheless, circumstances forced him to reluctantly acknowledge him.

"Remember last time? You insisted on having a meal at our place, right?"

[Hmm? Ah, yes… yes…! Indeed. I did… I begged you to let me have a meal with your daughter.]

"Haha, that's right… So, the thing is…"

Minhyuk cut it short and terminated the speaker mode. There was no need to share the entire conversation. A brief exchange should sufficiently appease his daughter.

Taeyang did…?

Yoo Soojin had eavesdropped on the entire conversation. The enhanced hearing abilities of an awakened allowed her to easily catch the conversation even from inside the room.

He and I seem to be on the same wavelength…

She felt guilty about what she had said to her father. She thought he was inviting Taeyang for a meal on a whim, but there was more to it.

Soojin rolled her feet on the bed, contemplating her outfit for the next day.

"I don't want to come off as if I'm trying too hard…"

I want to emit a natural yet fresh first-love aura. When the scent of spring fills the air, he'll naturally gravitate towards me…

Gah! Am I going crazy?!

Of course, considering she had mixed bodies with Taeyang multiple times, such a reaction wasn't entirely absurd. Nevertheless, it felt cringe-worthy. Reflecting on it, asking him to share a bath at the hotel took a peculiar level of boldness.

No one to consult…

Soojin's friends were all girls with similar personalities, almost like clones of herself. Friends who had scarce conversations with men and little experience in dolling up.

At this moment, she held a bit of resentment towards them. If only she had foreseen this, she could have prepared by watching beauty-related influencer videos in advance.

It was regrettable.

How much did Taeyang miss me I wonder..

Soojin contemplated sending him a message right away to inquire. The fluttering of her heart made a good night's sleep elusive.

In anticipation of their meeting the next day, she indulged in a soothing sleep pack and aromatic bath, aiming to exude a subtle fragrance. It seemed like a perfect way to prepare for the encounter.

If only sleep would come quickly.

His nuanced expression of longing, hinted by Minhyuk's call with him about secretly wanting to meet, lingered in her mind. Sleep just wouldn't come.

I should ask him discreetly tomorrow…

Directly questioning through a message was out of the question, as it would leave digital traces. She contented herself with briefly expressing the desire in words, just for the moment.

Now, let's get some rest!

Despite the multitude of thoughts, sleep took precedence. Soojin couldn't afford to show up with dark circles due to inadequate self-care when meeting Baek Taeyang.

I miss him…

Closing her eyes, she silently made a short wish, hoping tomorrow comes quickly.


[Do you have any idea how much damage I suffered on my end? Dealing with reporters and managing the videos spreading on the internet was incredibly tough. But, really, not a single contact from you? I get your request was intentionally vague, but isn't this pushing it?]

"I was really busy, and I didn't have the chance to contact you. Honestly, Melanie, I don't think you see me as that audacious of a character."

The phone had been buzzing with anger since the crack of dawn.

I wondered why she chose today to contact me after not reaching out yesterday. Well, she was evidently swamped. Deleting and pulling down videos of Kim Minsoo's pitiful cries must have been quite the trouble.

So, I took the fury silently, without much retort. Truthfully, she's completely justified. Of course, being in the middle of driving also played a role in my inability to provide a more elaborate response.

[You're aware that your involvement won't conclude with just a single test of our new weapon, aren't you?]

"Of course. I know how to return a favor, and I truly appreciate the hard work you've put in."

However, there's a bit of disappointment. I was hoping Melanie's ineptitude would let Kim Minsoo's disgraceful antics go global, naturally undermining his position without forcefully dethroning him as the protagonist. But it was a wishful thinking, given the fatty's meddling.

I can roughly guess how much that fatso values Kim Minsoo. He went so far as to intentionally prepare a virgin succubus to elevate his dick to a monstrous level. Maybe he plans to plug the gaps methodically through presented quests.

[Wait, you're not driving Rocinante, are you? The engine sound is too loud.]

"Yes, other than Rocinante, I have a car."

[I hope you have the qualifications as an awakened.]

"People love this."

Melanie's words held some truth. But currently, public opinion is overwhelmingly in my favor. Minsoo, lacking recognition, became the butt of jokes. If it were me shedding tears, everyone would undoubtedly express concern.

[Anyway, Taeyang! Let's rework the terms right now!]

"I'm a bit tied up at the moment, so sort it out and let me know. I'll agree, as long as it's not outrageously extreme."

[What could possibly be more important than this…]

"Thanks for the worry. Next time, I'll make the call. I'm hanging up."

I wanted to prolong the conversation, but I was right outside Soojin's house. I'd followed the given address to the letter, and the unfolding scene before me was beyond imagination.

Indeed, a first-class hunter lives up to the title…

Soojin has her rationale for not residing in the dorm. I mean, who wouldn't choose a five-story standalone house with its own garden over the dorm life?

A brief search on Yoo Minhyuk easily filled up five pages with his accolades. In the hunter world, where accomplishments reign supreme, he boasts a reputation that's nothing short of staggering.

So, in other words, he's filthy rich, and predictably, the current lavish scene is just par for the course.

If only it weren't for the department store gate incident, I might have felt a bit intimidated.

After reverse summoning Rocinante, I pressed the doorbell at the main entrance.


The gate swung open, showing no regard for basic identity confirmation. My initial security concerns swiftly morphed into amusement.

Who would even dare to raid the household of an awakened individual? Even someone lacking basic intelligence would grasp the concept that it's not worth playing with their own mortality.

I walked through the gate and gave the front door a knock. After a cacophony of noise from within, the door creaked open.

"You're here, Hunter Baek Taeyang."

"Hello, Father."

"Don't act like we're close. Address me normally."

Understandable, though I hadn't anticipated such a touchy response.

I even went above and beyond yesterday to deliver a stellar acting performance…

Our phone conversation yesterday left me with the impression that we hit it off. The vibe was delightful, and considering I willingly partook in his impromptu theatrics, I expected a warmer reception.

As Yoo Minhyuk opened the door, he looked at me with a spark in his eyes, seemingly forgetting everything from the past. Given that he extended the invitation, this treatment felt unfair.

It's not a sin to fuck, right?

Sure, there's a somewhat progressive side to it. I acknowledge actively leveraging my skills rather than merely exploiting the situation. But I'm convinced I handled the aftermath flawlessly.

We went on a date, and afterward, we had fun and mixed flesh without relying on my skills. This should be viewed as a clean relationship formed through mutual agreement.

"Dad! What's with the attitude?!" A sugary voice shattered Yoo Minhyuk's stern demeanor. The cute and fluffy voice, akin to a cluster of small clouds, instantly transformed the atmosphere.

"Taeyang, you're here…"

"Yes, Noona, I missed you."

"R-Really? Hehe…" As Soojin blushed with a radiant smile, an abrupt and grating sound echoed from behind.


The doorknob that Yoo Minhyuk clutched let out a pained wail and compressed itself.

I shouldn't approach this lightly.

Frankly, stepping into an S-rank gate might provide a more comfortable experience at this point.

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