Your Majesty Please Calm Down

Chapter 101:

Fang Jun found a small living spring nearby. There was a warm underground flow here. When the spring came out, it was warm. He used the spring to help the wounded, mysterious man clean the wound and again put on the golden sore medicine.

Zheng Shaofeng and Ji Zhao are watching in the distance. Zheng Shaofeng said to Ji Zhao, “don’t you want to ask him later? ”

“Why? ”

“Ask him what he knows about the emperor.” Zheng Shaofeng already knows that Ji Zhao is going to marry the emperor. “In case the emperor provokes any beautiful girls. “He said, he laughed first and then saw Ji Zhao glancing at him lightly. He felt bored and touched his nose.

“I ask you, if you are at the border, what will happen if you meet the enemy in front of you?” Ji Zhao asked.

“Do you still need to say that? Of course, it’s fighting. ”

“What if the other side too strong? ”

“Run. ”

“What if you can’t run away? ”

“…… ”

Ji Zhao shook her head and sighed, “you will still fighting. ”

With contempt, Zheng Shaofeng opened his mouth and found that he had indeed got into the trap. He explained, “I am learning about the war. ”

“I know you are learning. It doesn’t matter if you’re stupid. Just don’t take yourself for granted. “Ji Zhao said seriously, like his father.

Zheng Shaofeng didn’t get used to it very much. He pointed to the two people at the other end to change the topic. “You mean… Did he deceive you? ”

“Maybe. In a word, people will inevitably pay more attention to this kind of situation. ”

Zheng Shaofeng shook his head.

After Fang Jun finished giving the mysterious man medicine, Ji Zhao and Zheng Shaofeng also sat by the spring. Ji Zhao took a bag of sweet-scented peanuts out of her arms and shared them with Zheng Shaofeng. Fang Jun thought that it was not suitable for him to eat snacks in this situation, so he refused her kindness.

The two chewed peanuts, and the peanuts were scratched to the ground and rolled up by the wind. Many of them fell on the dirty face of the wounded man. Fang Jun is a kind man. He shakes a rag and sweeps the wounded man’s face several times, so it’s gone. It’s a pity that Fang’s Jun martial arts are outstanding, and his skill is also naturally strong. In his opinion, he “sweeps” gently, which means that the wounded person is merciless “sweeps.” As a result, the wounded person is slapped several times by a piece of rag, and his face is finally bloody.

Wounded man: “… “He has never met such a strange person, and not one but three. He thought he was brilliant. He had recited the words many times before, and he was waiting to make full use of them. As a result, they didn’t ask him a single word at all.

He wants to say it, but he can’t do it. The wounded bear the burning sensation of the whole body when the gold sore medicine works, the itching when the peanut skin falls on his face, and the pain of being pulled. Finally, he said, “thank you very much for your help today. I can’t repay your kindness. If you don’t help me, I will die.”. ”

Ji Zhao waved her hand, “you’re welcome. Your injury has stabilized. We’ll send you to the nearby village in a moment, and we’ll be able to treat you for a few days. ”

The wounded man hesitated. “Thank you very much. It’s just me….”

“Say something straight.”

“I have another request. “The wounded man was very embarrassed, and he had to take the initiative to say if others didn’t ask.

“Please tell me… ”

“I was an assassin. Eight years ago, I took over a business and killed someone I shouldn’t have killed. ”

Hearing this, Ji Zhao suddenly covered with cold air. When Zheng Shaofeng saw that she was so eager to get up, he quickly pressed her down. “First, listen to him. ”

The wounded continued, “I learned later that he was a good man for the country and the people. Now the retribution is coming. The customer who bought the murderer now wants to kill me. He sends people to kill me. I know I probably won’t live long, but how innocent was the man I killed. “He said so many words in one breath, and his breathing was disordered. When he said that, he coughed softly. At last, Fang Jun gave him some water.

“Who do you kill? “Ji Zhao asked.

When Zheng Shaofeng saw that she was trembling and her eyes were dyed red, he kicked the wounded man  “hurry! ”

“I can’t say it to you. But at that time, I went back to Liaodong to bury them. I redeemed some crimes somehow. How could I expect that the enemy would come here? I’m seriously injured now. I don’t know whether I’m alive or dead. Maybe I can’t bury the innocent man. I wonder if you can help me with this. So they can return to the land, or they can be born earlier. And they don’t need to be alone. ”

Ji Zhao suddenly breaks away from Zheng Shaofeng, grabs the wounded man’s clothes, and lifts him up and off the ground. “Who do you kill?! ”

“Calm down, calm down. “Zheng Shaofeng breaks off Ji Zhao’s fingers and presses her back.

“I really can’t say,” he replied weakly. “If I do, you will be hunted down by the most influential person in the world. Even if you escape to the ends of the earth, it will be in vain. ”

Even Zheng Shaofeng guessed what he meant. He asked, “where did you hide the body? ”

“Ten miles to the north, there is a place called Tianjiatun. There is a mountain in the northeast of Tianjiatun. After entering the mountain, walk along the valley, turn inward at a herringbone fork, and then walk for dozens of steps. You will see a river between the two peaks. Climb up along the river, and you will see a cave when you climb to the highest point. I hid the body in the cave. ”

It’s so complicated. Without knowing the inside story, ordinary people would not have found it.

Ji Zhao instinctively refused to believe what he said. First of all, the appearance of this man is very suspicious. How could he bump into them? Secondly, if what he said is precisely what happened that year, Ji Heng was the real culprit behind the killing of her parents.

…… She won’t believe it.

But what if it’s true? If it is true, then her parents’ bones can be found.

She also thought about who was the real murderer behind the scenes. For Chen Wuyong’s purpose, Ji Heng was the most motivated murderer.

No, it’s impossible. Ji Heng is known to her that he will not do such a thing.

Ji Zhao’s eyes were shining, and he stared at the wounded man on the ground and asked, “who sent you? ”

But he closed his eyes and said nothing.

Fang Jun looked down and said, “fainted. ”

“Now what? “Asked Zheng Shaofeng. He felt that the emperor killed Mr. Ji? This is impossible

“First, go to the place, he said. “Ji Zhao replied. Even if she doesn’t believe it anymore, she can’t be unmoved. It’s a little bit of hope. She has to go to see it.

“What about him? “Zheng Shaofeng pointed to someone who fainted on the ground again. It doesn’t seem right to throw him here?

“Find a village nearby and put him in the care of the villagers. ”

“What if he runs away? ”

Ji Zhao listens to it. It’s hard. If this man is a liar, he will run away after cheating them, and it’s hard to find him again; if he is really the murderer of that year, he can’t be let go of easily.

“I have away. “Fang Jun said, pinching each leg of the man. Just listen to the two sounds of bone fracture. Ji Zhao and Zheng Shaofeng tremble and say that this man is too cruel.

The wounded man woke up in pain.

Now, they are facing a new problem: how to transport the wounded with broken legs back?

Ji Zhao and Zheng Shaofeng look at Fang Jun blamefully. Fang Jun made a mistake. Only touch his nose feel guilty.

Just above the cliff, they could not see. A group of people was lying on the edge of the cliff, observing all this from a distance. When he saw that the wounded had passed out, the leader said to a man around him, “he has finished what he should say. ”

The other replied, “yes, we’ll get him back when they leave for the valley? ”

“No, we’re going to kill him now. ”

“But the LORD said ”

“The LORD said that the play should be realistic. ”

When the man heard this, his eyes caught a trace of panic. However, he had already been on the ship, and now he had no way out, so he had to stand on his head.

The first three finally agreed. Fang Jun found a slate and asked the wounded to sit on it. He and Zheng Shaofeng carried the slate together. Ji Zhao holds a big tree branch against the wounded man’s back in case he can’t sit and lean back.

The wounded felt as if they were sitting on a large piece of ice. His legs hurt so much, and a branch of a tree stabbed his back.

Several people climbed up the slope opposite the cliff, just stepped out of the cliff bottom, and came up with a group of masked people with knives and sticks. The gang rushed up with weapons. Zheng Shaofeng and Fang Jun both responded by protecting Ji Zhao. When they threw the slate in their hands, they took several steps to protect Ji Zhao.

But the group ignored them, and the first one, with a big knife as bright as snow, cut the wounded man’s neck. The blood gushed out far away. The wounded man’s head swung down.

Ji Zhao’s head numb, and she feels sick. Zheng Shaofeng also felt very bad. Only Fang Jun is calm as usual, fully alert, and ready to fight at all times.

“Its personal grudges have nothing to do with you. I’m sorry if you feel offended! ”

Ji Zhao claps her chest, and it takes a long time to calm down. The people on the slate had lost their breath. There was a lot of blood flow from the wound on the neck, and a pool of bright red was dyed on the light gray slate. His eyes were wide open, and he could not close his eyes in death.

“Isn’t he really … being chased?” Zheng Shaofeng said hesitantly. He always felt that even if a person were a liar, he would not take his life into it.

Fang Jun seems to think of something, a moment of silence.

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