Your Majesty Please Calm Down

Chapter 49


As expected, Ji Heng invite a number of jugglers at Ruyi's birthday party, as well as a monkey player. Ruyi watched it with relish all the way, laughing all the time and pulling the sleeve of Tian Qi behind her. Even the Empress Dowager felt very happy. Ji Heng is not interested in these tricks, but he is naturally happy when his mother is happy with his son. Then he peeks at Tian Qi, and the little pervert's eyes are staring out and her neck is stretched out. Ji Heng couldn't help shaking his head and chuckling. He thought to himself, Tian Qi suggested that he look for this group of people. Where is it for Ruyi to see? It's clearly what she wants to see.

The family gathered together, only one person's heart is not very good. Ji Zheng somehow felt that such a happy scene in front of him seemed to have nothing to do with him. The tricks on the stage were obviously interesting to watch, but he couldn't laugh. Although he had been unhappy in the past, he is not so estranged from his brother. He also likes Ruyi, his little nephew. However, he is not comfortable sitting here. He always feels depressed and unable to vent.

Ji Zheng looked at Tian Qi and she didn't have a tacit understanding of seeing him and laughing with him, because Tian Qi was concentrating on watching monkey opera. He was a little lost. He looked down and took a sip of wine. Looking up, he wanted to talk to his brother, but he found that his brother's eyes stopped on Tian Qi.

After a monkey play, the monkey performer leads the little monkey down to rest. Ruyi is not satisfied. He want to go to play with the little monkey. With the permission of the Empress Dowager, Tian Qi goes to see the monkey with Ruyi in her arms.

There were only three adults left at the banquet. The Empress Dowager looked at Ji Heng and Ji Zheng, and said to Ji Zheng, "ah Zheng, you are not young anymore. It's time for you to marry the Concubine . Ai jia has selected several ladies for you. They are all famous ladies who smart and know the etiquette. They have good character and appearance. Naturally, Ai jia will ask you first. "

When Ji Zheng heard this, he felt a headache. "Replying to Empress Dowager, this son was used to be alone, and never thought about it right now”

"How can you do that?" the Empress Dowager shook her head and sighed. "How can you do that. Ning Wangfu  is such a large palace, but it doesn’t  have wowan on it. Not only you, but also your brother.  Ai jia want to bring some more beauties to him. "

Ji Heng was looking at Tian Qi and Ruyi over there. When he heard his mother mention him, he turned around and said with a smile, "well, how can you spare me? There are enough women in the harem, and it's too chaotic if you bring more beauties. "

"I feel that you seem to be tired of looking at the women in the harem. I don't see who you have been looking at these days. These days, you haven't even flipped the sign."

The further you talk about it, the farther you go. Ji Heng coughed awkwardly. " Isn't it hot these days? You don't have to worry about these trivial matters. Let’s just drink and have fun"

“How can I not worry?" complained the empress dowaager. “You two always like this. Ordinary people have many grandchildren. I’m already this old but I only have one grandchildren. "

Ji Heng had to comfort his mother. Ji Zheng looked at Ji Heng suspiciously and said to the Empress Dowager, "the Empress Dowager is right. The Emperor's brother should have more beauties"

"Don't make a mess. "Ji Heng frowned.

"How can this cause mess? I’m just thinking about my brother”. Ji Zheng is smiling.

After the birthday party, Ruyi is carried to take a nap. Later Tian Qi goes to find Wang Meng. Ji Heng and Ji Zheng came out of the Ci Ning palace after long time. When they were about to be separated, Ji Zheng suddenly said, "Emperor brother, what  you taught this brother last time, this brother has figured it out. "

Ji Heng stopped and looked at his brother. "Oh? What have you figured out? "

"Emperor Brother is right. Breaking sleeve is a dirty thing, which is despised by gentlemen. Emperor Brother is a good example of a gentleman. I must bear this in my mind. I will remind myself day by day not to do anything that ashamed my ancestors. "

This is like pointing at Ji Heng's nose. However, Ji Heng had already broken through the psychological defense line and decided to be shameless to the end. At this moment, when he was accused, he was not angry at all and accepted it completely. Looking at Ji Zheng, he suddenly smiled and said, "well, just think it through. Marry a Concubine . If you don't have the girl you like, I'll help you. "Then he patted Ji Zheng's shoulder and turned away.

* * *

Wang Meng was shocked that Tian Qi could heal herself without any antidote. Tian Qi is embarrassed to say that she is scared, so she say that she  have a good health. Wang Meng wants check the  pulse of Tian Qi, but Tian Qi beats him hard on the head.

Tian Qi has another thing to ask, "do you think neuropathy can be cured? "

Wang Meng asked, "how sick is it?"? What do you do when you get sick? "

Tian Qi touched her chin and recalled the cruel things the Emperor had done “Pinch people? Bite? "

"It's serious. This kind of disease can only be eased, not cured, the best effect is to stabilize the patient's condition. "

Tian Qi didn't get a satisfactory answer and left. She went back to the Qianqing palace for nap. When the summer heat subsided, she went to find Ruyi again. They made an appointment today.

Ruyi was very excited because he saw the long-cherished pig eating watermelon, and he also saw fresh and interesting juggling tricks and little monkey shows. He was so excited that he didn't sleep well during the nap. Tian Qi led him to Taiye pool and led Dai Sanshan out. The lotus flowers in the pond are blooming, red, yellow and white, scattered high and low, interspersed among the large green lotus leaves like small umbrellas. Tian Qi folded many lotus flowers and pulled two large lotus leaves. She heaped the lotus on the top of Dai Sanshan's big shell, and Ruyi stood on the top of a lotus leaf, leaning against Dai Sanshan's shell, so cool.

Ji Heng strolls to Taiye pond and sees these two guys eating watermelon with lotus leaves on their heads.

It's really a pair of pigs.

The watermelon is very big. It's cut one by one. It looks like half a big moon on the front. Emerald white skin, red sand fruit, black seeds.

Tian Qi is squatting on the ground, spitting out the seeds while eating. Bu she is just not so flexible. She always spits the seeds together with the fruit. Ruyi stood beside Tian Qi, leaning on the shell of the turtle, holding a watermelon almost twice the size of his head. He chewed it clumsily, and his face was stained with red juice. His chest was specially designed for eating, the small coat tied to the watermelon, which was also full of watermelon juice.

Ji Heng is speechless when he looks at such a beautiful child. He knew that his son would be damaged by Tian Qi sooner or later. 

Seeing the Emperor coming, Tian Qi hurriedly stood up, swallowed the things in her mouth and said, "Long live Your majesty. "

Ruyi called "father" and then chewed the watermelon wholeheartedly.

Ji Heng looked at the juices on Tian Qi's red lips, and suddenly said to his left and right, "go down, all of you. "

Sheng Anhuai is also step down with them.

There are only three people left here and a turtle. The turtle still shrinks. Tian Qi is a little nervous. She don't know what the Emperor wants to do.

Ji Heng said, "go on. "

"Ah? "Tian Qi didn't respond.

"Squat down and keep eating. "

Tian Qi always receives some inexplicable edicts. At this time, she crouches down obediently and leans on the turtle shell to chew the watermelon again. She did not know if she did this, will The Emperor satisfied?. She chewed watermelon and looked up at the Emperor.

Being looked at directly by such beautiful eyes, Ji Heng's heart beating quickly, and then cooperated with the other party's chewing and swallowing movements, which was just like silent teasing. But the culprit didn't know it. After eating it, she licked the juice on the corner of her mouth unconsciously.

Ji Heng's heart suddenly became hot. He crouched down, took off the lotus leaves on Tian Qi's head, and looked straight into her eyes.

Tian Qi doesn't know how mad the Emperor right now, but since he didn't stop her, then she will continue. She ate the watermelon one by one.

Ji Heng suddenly asked, "is it delicious? "

Ruyi looks up from the watermelon and crispy answers, "delicious. "After the answer, he continue to nibble.

“I'll try it. " Ji Heng said.

Tian Qi: "it's "She looked down at the watermelon that had been gnawed into crescent in her hand, and was really embarrassed to pass it. She was standing by the side holding the watermelon plate that was already eaten by the Emperor.

Ruyi is also a little surprised. "Father, how can you rob watermelon? "Ruyi just said that, suddenly he felt that his eyes were dark, and his face was covered with a hand. The palm of his hand was radiating heat. He recognized that it was the hand of his father.

Ruyi stops for a while, seeing that the hand covering his eyes hasn't left, he knows clearly and asks with a smile, "do you want to play hide and seek? "

No one answered him.

Tian Qi was suddenly kissed again. Although she was still a little alarmed, she was calmer than last time. She wanted to break away, but she was squatting. There was no place to do that. The Emperor hold her two hands, which made her unable to resist.

He pressed her lips, forced her to open her mouth, forced to suck the juice in her mouth, and then put the light way, licking and kissing carefully, tender and dense as the spring breeze. Tian Qi looked at him with open eyes, and she saw the soft light and smile in his eyes.

A gust of breeze came, shaking the thousands of soft strips above their heads. The lotus on the top of the tortoise shell had already shaken and was about to fall. At this moment, unable to bear the thrust of the breeze, it rolled down and fell on their heads and shoulders.

They seem to be buried under flowers.

The big lotus covered the light, and Tian Qi's vision was even more blurred. She smelled the light fragrance floating in the air, suddenly it seemed that she didn't know where she was, where she came from and where she was going. It's like time is going to stop at this moment forever, freeze all these things and make them eternal. Cool summer, strange man, unexpected kiss.

"Are you hiding? "Ruyi is a little anxious and asks.

Ji Heng slowly released Tian Qi. He was very close to her, and there was a red lotus flower on her shoulder. He looked down at her quietly and pulled back his hand covering Ruyi's face. With the movement of the arm, the red lotus fell gently.

Tian Qi looks down and dare not look at Ji Heng.

Ruyi is a little strange. "You didn't hide ? "

Ji Heng's eyes were always on Tian Qi's red face, and he replied Ruyi, "Dai Sanshan is hidden. Go to find it. "

"Oh, okay." Ruyi agreed, holding Dai Sanshan's large ghost shell directly in front of it, plucking through the large gap in his head, and looking into the turtle shell.

Tian Qi's mind was in a mess. She didn't know what she was thinking or what she should do. She didn't dare to look up at Ji Heng.

"Dai Sanshan, you come out, I see you! "Ruyi shouted to the gap.

Ji Heng suddenly looked over, attached to Tian Qi's ears, and began to laugh.

Finish laughing, he said softly, "it's sweet. "

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