Your Majesty Please Calm Down

Chapter 72

Tian Qi has a dream again. When she was a child, her family went out for a stroll on the night of the Lantern Festival and stood by the river to watch fireworks. Tens of thousands of fireworks were in full bloom, lighting up half the sky. Father and mother holding hands, the other led her and her brother. They stood in a row by the river. What did she want at the time? Oh, by the way, the fireworks are so beautiful. ‘I hope I can see them forever’.

Fireworks are replayed every year,but the people are no longer reunited

Tian Qi slept restlessly this night. When she woke up the next morning, she saw a tear mark on her pillow. She was a little frustrated. She had already forgotten most of the dreams of the night before. She could only vaguely remember a few pictures, which was not good memories.

She held her head and gently pressed her temples. She is not the one who can't extricate herself from the pain of the past. Her father said that the dead will never live again, but the living will die. So the living should live well, not grieving the dead. At that time, her grandmother passed away, and her mother grieved. Her father comforted her in this way.

Of course, hatred can never be eliminated. One of Tian Qi's main goals is revenge, but she didn't expect that Chen Wuyong had been killed by the new Emperor before she had a chance to start in less than two years. Tian Qi knew that her father was a subordinate of the new Emperor, and she also wanted to show her identity and avenge her father. But thinking about it, she could not prove her identity or her father's grievance – the bones could not be found. She was a girl herself but was a eunuch. She was embarrassed. If the Emperor didn't believe her, he would kill her. And she would not be able, to tell the truth.

Things have been dragged down. At first, Tian Qi planned to save several years' money in the palace, and then went out to look for the bones of her family, or to look for the people who were involved in the murder in the same year, as a witness. But now the matter of going out of the palace has been dragged down again. It's the killer of that year who has eyes. Although Fang Jun lost his memory now, there is still a glimmer of hope. She wants Wang Meng to prick him a few more stitches. Maybe he can recover.

For a while, Tian Qi hurriedly finished washing and went to greet the Emperor good morning.

The Emperor obviously didn't sleep well either. When Tian Qi came to the living room, she saw that he was yawning. However, after seeing Tian Qi, Ji Heng is spirited again. His eyes are move with her figure.

Tian Qi bowed her head and did not dare to look at him. She wants to finish it quickly and quit. Sheng Anhuai was beaten yesterday, but he still comes today. Everyone thinks that the job he has to take care of should be on Tian Qi's hands. But Tian Qi pretends that she doesn't know anything and goes with the flow. Ji Heng's nose is crooked because of his anger to her. This little pervert is definitely intentional. She is really brave.

Tian Qi thinks it's not about courage. She's not the one on the job. The Emperor decided to replace Sheng Anhuai. If the Emperor didn't order her, she would not take the initiative to move forward. Since the Emperor said those words yesterday, she didn't want to see him very much. She wants to hide far away.

The Emperor went up. As soon as he left, Sheng Anhuai covered his buttocks and furtively touched Tian Qi. Although he was not beaten hard, he was also hurt and limped along the way. Seeing Sheng Anhuai coming to Tian Qi's arms, she remembered that he had been hit by her blunder yesterday, and apologized guiltily.

Sheng Anhuai didn’t want to hear her sorry. He just doesn't understand. "You tell me the truth, why did the Emperor beat me? "

Tian Qi then tells the truth.

Sheng Anhuai feels that he is quite unjust. When he said those words, he was very disgusted. OK, but to help the Emperor, he just went out of his way. Well, the Emperor didn't appreciate it and beat him. Sheng Anhuai did not dare to complain about the Emperor, so he couldn't help saying to Tian Qi, "didn't I tell you about it? you can't tell others about it. "

Tian Qi asked, "also the Emperor? "

Sheng Anhuai knew what the Emperor meant now and shook his head decisively, "absolutely not. "

Tian Qi is a little strange, "So, why do you say that to me? "

"I'm talking about playing. "

Tian Qi: "… "

Sheng Anhuai waits for Tian Qi to ask again, then turns around and leaves, leaving only a mysterious and slightly sad back.

After walking out of Tian Qi's room, Sheng Anhuai began to think. Finally, he found a fatal problem: the Emperor must really playing. Tian Qi is also a eunuch. Tian Qi touches him and he feels very happy. If someone says something blasphemous, it's worth a meal. It's obviously showing his true feelings to Tian Qi. Sheng Anhuai has some worries. It's OK for the Emperor to play with Tian Qi, but an Emperor has moved his heart towards the eunuch. He sees that the future is black. Don't talk about others, the Empress Dowager alone can't pass the pass, Tian Qi can't lay eggs and still dominates the Dragon bed. Which woman in the harem can bear it?

In a word, Tian Qi's situation is becoming more and more dangerous. If the Emperor can protect her, it's OK, but the Emperor can't protect her all his life. Besides, it's uncertain whether the Emperor will spare no effort to protect a eunuch.

Thinking about it, Sheng Anhuai can't help holding a tear of sympathy for Tian Qi. Since then, he has been more amiable to Tian Qi, so gentle and attentive that Tian Qi got to shiver in her heart. She always thinks that Sheng Anhuai is saving his strength to clean her up. The Emperor also noticed the abnormality of Sheng Anhuai. He immediately became alert. He thought that  Sheng Anhuai was attracted to his delicious little Tian Qi. So the Emperor always looked at Sheng Anhuai with some bad intentions and could not wait to slap him to heaven and earth. Sheng Anhuai later found out the Emperor's intentions and was shocked by the cold sweat.

This is something to say, for the time being. In addition, Tian Qi was not stupid at the moment. After Sheng Anhuai left, she also wanted to understand. She thought that Sheng Anhuai's messing up should have been directed by the Emperor, in order to make her feel safe to touch his**. She has a feeling of being teased.

Well, although she was teased, she didn't dare to be angry.

Now Tian Qi is going to Yangxin Hall again. She really doesn't know how to face the man in Yangxin Hall. She had to admit that although she didn't want to see him, she missed him a bit.

How could she like him? Tian Qi didn't know how many times she sighed about it.

Ji Heng has been in Yangxin Hall for a long time. He arrived a lot earlier than usual. Tian Qi has not yet arrived. He is waiting for Tian Qi on the Dragon chair. He didn't sleep well last night because Tian Qi didn't confess anything to him at last. Ji Heng feels that he and Tian Qi should not be like this. He conceals something, suspects something and is on guard. They should have been frank with each other and talked about everything.

But now, he takes out his heart and holds it to Tian Qi, who doesn't want it at all.

Ji Heng was in a state of depression. He got up from the Dragon chair and went to the place where Tian Qi often stood. He stood still and pondered on his back.

Tian Qi enters the study of Yangxin hall and sees the Emperor occupying her position.

The eunuchs stay in a fixed place, even if they are standing still, they have a fixed position. That square brick is her territory. The place where such a large study is only one-foot square belongs to her. But the Emperor occupies it. It's unreasonable. She went over and asked the Emperor to move. She stood on the adjacent square brick and faced him face to face. They were so close that Tian Qi's nose almost touched the Emperor's chest. She looked down and saw that his chest was heaving with breath. Accidentally, she thought of the Emperor lying on the bed and showing his chest. Let her ravage …

“Cough and cough. "Tian Qi blushed and coughed modestly.

Ji Heng didn't know what she was thinking. If he knew, he would probably give her another performance on the spot to make sure she had a good time. Now he saw Tian Qi. He was a little angry. He pinched her chin and lifted it up, forcing her to look at him.

Tian Qi's face was still red. She blinked and looked at him. It's strange that Tian Qi found that since she fell in love with him, her courage has grown. She should be afraid of him many times, but not really. Now, for example, she looks at him in such an open way to see what he will do next.

Soon she knew the answer. The Emperor gave her a deep kiss.

This kiss, at first, was not gentle at all. It seemed that he was deliberately venting his anger. But when Tian Qi took the initiative to extend her tongue to chase Ji Heng, he finally held her and let his gentle movements linger with her.

After a kiss, Ji Heng put her forehead against Tian Qi's and asked in a low voice, "why don't you believe me? "

"I didn't "

"Lie, punish," Ji Heng lowered his head and bit her lips, then asked, "now tell me, who are you? "

Tian Qi hugs Ji Heng's waist, sticks her face to his chest, and listens to his strong heartbeat. She sighs and says, "Emperor, don't ask. When the time comes, I will tell you clearly. "

Ji Heng was disappointed. "You still don't believe me. What is I in your eyes? "

Tian Qi's nose is a little sour. She has too much on her back. People she likes will use this reason to question her feelings. "I really like you," she said. When she said the last word, her voice was choked.

Ji Heng was defeated by this sudden confession. He was completely soft-hearted. He looked down at Tian Qi, and her white and flawless face slipped with tears. He was so distressed that he helped Tian Qi wipe her tears and said, "OK, stop crying. I won't ask. "

Tian Qi "well", and also felt his handkerchief to wipe her eyes.

Ji Heng also picked some happy things and said with Tian Qi, "when the maple leaves on Xiangshan are getting red recently, why don't we go there for a visit and a rest?"? "He felt that both of them had been in a bit of an unstable mood recently. They really need to go out to relax.

Tian Qi nodded.

Ji Heng then cheered up and ordered people to go down and prepare. Sheng Anhuai took over the job magically. He was just beaten by the Emperor. It's necessary to show his confidence in the Emperor. Moreover, it is the most reliable thing for him to do, because only he has a deep understanding of the adultery between the Emperor and Tian Qi.

Later facts showed that Sheng Anhuai had done a very good job, very well, very well.

The above is the Emperor's subjective evaluation based on his own needs.

Another party gave Sheng Anhuai bad review.

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