Your Majesty Please Calm Down

Chapter 78:

Ji Heng’s protection of Tian Qi is typical of short-term protection. Tian Qi is his person, and she should be punished for any mistakes she makes. But, He is unhappy when others point fingers at Tian Qi. He is not happy when others tell him what to do. He is even more unhappy when they scold her so severely. He is also hypocritical and dignified. In fact, he wanted to eliminate dissidents, and he was extremely unhappy.

However, he was not dazzled by his anger – he was a calm, wise, and ruthless Emperor at other times, except that he was always a second-class in front of Tian Qi. It’s not clear which of these two is the real him.

Ji Heng knew that if she was scolded by the officials, and he rolls up his sleeves to fight, which would not only damage his “Mingjun” bearing but also make Tian Qi more in danger. The fight between the upper class is always easy to pass on the harm to the lower class. Tian Qi’s identity is that of a eunuch. On the surface, she has nothing to rely on. If he protects her regardless of his high-profile publicity, she will easily be criticized. So he did not hesitate to take up the black spot so that no one noticed Tian Qi.

Of course, shielding does not mean not pursuing. Tian Qi herself ran to Dali temple, which is very suspicious. Ji Heng didn’t believe Tian Qi’s explanation very much, because he knew that Tian Qi was a prudent person and could not easily make such a low-level mistake. He felt that Tian Qi must have something to hide from him.

For this reason, he called the officials of the Dali temple to ask, and the answer was the same as that of Tian Qi.

That doesn’t prove anything. Tian Qi can bribe those officials. His little pervert is so smart that he won’t leave any obvious loopholes.

Su Qinghai’s answer didn’t let Ji Heng eliminate his doubts but made him more suspicious. He really loves and hates Tian Qi now. What he loves is that she is smart, witty, and interesting. What he hates is why she always keeps the secret in her heart and doesn’t want to confess to anyone, even him. The more mysterious this little pervert is, the more Ji Heng intends to find out. He thought that since Tian Qi would not say it, he might as well check it by himself. Well, Tian Qi is a woman. Isn’t it what he slowly found out. In fact, the process of exploration is quite interesting

However, the little pervert still did something wrong, and still, need to be punished.

That day, in the Yangxi Hall, Ji Heng squinted and asked Tian Qi, “do you know where you are wrong? ”

Tian Qi hung her head and nodded slowly. This time, she was really a little carried away. She thought things were too simple. She felt that if other people could not get the evidence of a false mission, they would not trouble her. Later, things evolved into a group of speech officials around the Emperor forced to deal with her, and she suddenly realized Sun Congrui’s means of treachery. It’s really a very important thing whether she has the imperial edict or not. The key is the Emperor. Even if she goes with an edict, it still wrong. Moreover, she went to the Dali temple without permission. Thought of Tian Qi scared for a while.

So the Emperor must be want to punish her.

“If you are wrong, you must be punished,” Ji Heng smiled at her. “You said, how should I punish you?”

“Otherwise,” Tian Qi bit her teeth, “you hit me! ”

“Yes”. Ji Heng nodded.

Tian Qi was crying with a sad face. It’s a real punishment. Anyway, she did something wrong this time. It’s not a grievance to be beaten. Thinking about it, Tian Qi is generous and ready for a heavy beating.

The Emperor didn’t ask someone to drag her down. He went to Tian Qi, rolled up his sleeves, and looked at her with a smile. The noble Emperor laughed a little bit and said, “I will execute myself. Well, please take your pants off. ”

Tian Qi nervously covers her belt and looks at him incomprehensibly. It seems that there is no necessary connection between being beaten and taking off trousers

“Don’t want to be beaten? “Ji Heng raised his eyebrows and smiled at her.” then no salary for two years. ”

‘No salary… Two years… You say’

Tian Qi lowered her head and turned her eyes. “I’d better be beaten. ”

Ji Heng urges her, “take off. ”

Tian Qi had to lift up the robe and untie the two layers of trouser belts inside. The pants were not bound. She slipped down. She blushed and hurriedly put the robe down, covering her bare legs.

Ji Heng leads her to a nanmu antique shelf. Tian Qi is forced to hold the antique shelf with one hand and lift up the robe with the other side. Tian Qi is now in an unusual position in Yuqian. She is qualified to wear a dark red public suit like Sheng Anhuai, and the material is also silk. The fabric of this color covered the snow-white buttocks like a clotted blood clot, and her hips were lined with white jade.

“Raise it up, raise it up. “Ji Heng said, pressing her waist, he swallowed his saliva unconsciously.

Tian Qi had to do the same. Her legs were stretched straight, and her hips were raised higher. She was so ashamed of the gesture that she had to close her eyes and wait for her butt to be attacked. It hurts when she thinks about it. Tian Qi wants to cry without tears.

The buttocks in front of him are lovely, which he likes. It’s white, round, and cocky, like two delicious peaches. Ji Heng swallowed his saliva and patted the peach.

“Ah!!! “Tian Qi shouts, and then finds out that it doesn’t seem to hurt at all?

Ji Heng was shocked by her scream. He looked at his palm and asked Tian Qi carefully, “does it hurt?”

Tian Qi shook her head. “It doesn’t hurt.”

It doesn’t hurt. But you still scream so loud. “You are a pervert. “He thought that Tian Qi probably liked to be beaten, but he could not help hurting her, just increased his strength and clapped twice.

“Well,” said Tian Qi, a little sad, “it hurts ”

Abnormality is hard to serve, Ji Heng snorted. He didn’t beat her anymore. He just laid a hand on her hips and kneaded gently. One side was not enjoyable, so he put both hands together.

Tian Qi was rubbed and groaned loudly her waist twitching, and her hips flicked with it, not knowing whether to escape or to cater.

The white and long fingers slipped away gently and hooked down somewhere. Then, Ji Heng’s pretended to surprise, “why is it wet? ”

“I didn’t, “Tian Qi was ashamed, with a faint cry in her voice.

Ji Heng put his finger in front of her. “Look. ”

“… Death doesn’t look. She closed her eyes tightly, wondering what else he would do. After waiting for a while, she found that the hand on her hip had moved away. She thought that the torture was over at last. She called him inquisitively, “Emperor? ”

“Call me by name. ” He followed the temptation. There was a sound of friction and jitter in the air.

Tian Qi dares to call.

“Call me my name, darling. “He repeated again, with a slight hoarseness in his warm voice, like the undissolved sugar in milk.

Tian Qi’s heart was hot. She took off her voice and said, “Ah Heng. ”

Just as her voice fell, she felt a hot, thick, and hard thing squeeze between the two strands. All the way to the end, it seemed that it was directly on her heart. She couldn’t help crying out. She quickly covered her mouth with her hand when she reacted.

Ji Heng breathed heavily, still stimulating her with words, “how excited is that? It turns out you like to wear clothes. “His voice was like a cup of hot tea, with a faint smile.

Tian Qi is about to die of shame. She covered her mouth tightly, only making a humming noise in her nose. She loosened her robe with the other hand and turned to hold the antique shelf. Although he was ashamed and afraid, she unconsciously lowered her waist, raised her hips higher backward, and stuck closer to him.

Ji Heng holds up her robe so that her beautiful buttocks can be exposed in front of his eyes. He fished her waist on the other hand and controlled her strength. It was light and heavy, shallow, and deep. He tossed Tian Qi like a leaf in the dry wind and a boat in the big waves. He could not help himself. Feeling that her body is getting tighter and tighter, Ji Heng knows that she is going to reach the climax, so he speeds up. Tian Qi was knocked out of her wits by him, and her head tilted to one side unconsciously. Her hat ran into a peony bottle with colorful branches on the shelf. The little bottle was pushed away and slowly slipped to the other side. Tian Qi is in a critical position. She doesn’t realize it at all. Even if Ji Heng saw it now, he didn’t care.

Crack! There was a crackling sound of porcelain in the room.

“!!!! ”

“!!!! ”

Tian Qi is Scared to death.

Ji Heng was almost caught.

At this time, someone shouted outside the door, “Emperor?! “He just heard Tian Gonggong scream and thought that the Emperor was punishing her, but now it’s different. If there’s something broken in it, he still needs to ask if there’s anything wrong with the Emperor.

Tian Qi was even more afraid. She covered her mouth tightly and didn’t dare to make a sound. The tears that had flowed initially out due to love-things came out. Her body was stiff, and her lower body became tighter and tighter. Ji Heng was tortured into a trance and had a sense of crisis that his little brother would leave him immediately. He breathed heavily, gently rubbed Tian Qi’s buttocks, and comforted her with a soft voice, “it’s OK, darling, relax “He said, turning his head and neck, shouting at the door in a rude voice,” get out! “!!! ”

The people outside immediately rolled out.

Tian Qi is frightened, and her body is more sensitive. Ji Heng is reluctant to give up. And Ji Heng was unwilling to let her off until she was about to go down. He carefully cleaned the mess between the two and put on their clothes again. Tian Qi’s pants were stained with some dripping liquid. Although he wiped it clean, he still left water stains. But covered with a robe, it should not be found.

Although Tian Qi’s clothes are well dressed, her heart is still fluttering, and her face still has tears. Now her legs are soft, and she can’t lean on the antique shelf. At her feet is the broken bottle. It’s really crazy today. From the moment the little bottle broke, she cried all the way. At first, she was afraid, then…

Ji Heng lifted his sleeve to wipe Tian Qi’s tears and smiled as he rubbed them. After wiping Tian Qi’s face, he pulled her into his arms. He couldn’t bear to tease her anymore, but he said soothing words in a low voice, gentle and amiable as if he had just been dressed up like a beast.

Tian Qi hugged him and said, ” “Don’t do this next time, OK? ”

“Well, okay. “Ji Heng said, nodding slowly. Next time we can try something else, he thought.

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