Your Mother’s Right There

Chapter 20 - Mouthful

Throughout the afternoon, I lost my mind, repeated volcanic eruptions in my brain, and epinephrine secreted almost exploded.

“My new director turned out to be Gu Xingzhi’s mother!” This incident shocked me so much that it was comparable to the shocking gossip of “Si Niang’s birthday yesterday to confirm that his father has been Han Shao” … One shared this with Gu Xueqi.

She was also shocked. She told me that Tan Suqing was extremely perverted. She once went to an industry gathering held by Gu’s family as a female partner of Lin Weiyuan. A waitress because of the wrong method of wearing silk scarves in work clothes, Tan Suqing personally fought into the battle, demonstrated the correct method of wearing silk scarves in public, and did not forget to meticulously put down the sentence “I can tie the silk scarves out of the red scarf effect for the first time. I saw it, and we all have specialized training in this area. It is no harder to wear a red scarf than to wear a red scarf.

So I would like to ask, our young pioneer girl, have you really graduated from elementary school? Gu Xueqi never missed the scene. She emphasized that at that time I saw that the waitress girl who graduated from the undergraduate school was as pale as a drowning dead person. I only hope that I will not meet Tan Suqing and see such scenes in this life.

I heard chills all over my body, and the upper and lower joints started to collapse and tremble: “I think I should be able to make a phone call to say break up with Gu Xingzhi.”

Gu Xueqi comforted me: “Don’t worry too much, this is a protracted battle. Your first priority is to explain the problem of Gu Xing staying at night and asking you to take early leave … I rely on! The night is not going back? Have you really done it? You gangster who borrows alcohol! “She only reacted at this moment.

“No,” I said piously, “I didn’t touch him at all!”

“You’re not as good as a rogue!” Gu Xueqi continued to scold, but she still clearly distinguished the point, and quickly turned the topic to the square: “Let’s not talk about the question of whether or not to do it first, think about how to solve Tan Suqing, can’t solve her, you Just wait for her to do it. “

“I think I’ve already been done. It’s still a spiritual S! Heart-to-heart!” I truthfully reported my feelings.

Gu Xueqi was silent for tens of seconds and said, “Do n’t kill yourself first. I think you ’ve taken it in yourself, and you ’ve subconsciously regarded her as the future mother-in-law, so you will have a sense of awe and you ca n’t fully play it. You just think of her as her. It’s hindering your promotion and grabbing the bad woman who originally belonged to you! Bad! Female! Human! Is this particularly motivating! “

“There’s … a fart,” I pointed out that the bottom right corner of the notebook was already five o’clock, and my heart snapped, and then I looked up, and I saw Gu Xingzhi’s mother walking in the direction of my office across the glass wall. I said, “Gu Xueqi! She’s here! I hung up! I’m dying! If I come back alive I will call you, if not, forget me.”

When I hung up the phone, I adjusted my clothes and swiftly stole some lip gloss under the table while bending over to pick up things. Then I got up and carried my bag and went out to welcome the girl.

Sitting at Starbucks on the first floor of XX International Plaza, as I expected, as soon as the woman perverted into the seat, she looked at me and smiled across from me: “Did Miss Xue forget to wipe her mouth after stealing lard in the office? ? “

As soon as I met, I was immediately hit with a heavy blow. I said a curse in my heart. Following her on the face, she said, “The director really knows what he sees …”

She pursed her lips and kept a toothless smile, took out a tissue from the bag and handed me to clean the so-called “lard” lip gloss in her mouth. She continued: “Now I’m off work, don’t call me so politely Director. I ’m not much older than Miss Xue, and we will be worthy of sisters in the future. “

sisters? ! I took a sip of coffee and didn’t dare to frown too hard: “That, I’m only thirty.”

“Well, I know,” her beautiful black pupil like Gu Xingzhi looked over and casually said, “You will be thirty when you see it.”

= Dish = Another heavy hit! I almost had to lean against the wall to stabilize my sitting posture. After thinking about it, I decided to go to the bathroom to calm down and fight again. Before urinating, I plan to give the woman in front of me a small counterattack, “Alright, just be a good sister ~” I said in a tone that was too polite to be polite: “Sister Tan, I’m sorry, can I go to the bathroom first?” ? “

With the sound of “Sister Tan”, Tan Suqing’s pupils really deepened, and she endured a cruel color, but she still maintained a natural smile on her face: “Go back quickly, we have not entered the topic.”

I immediately judged: This big sister Su Qing has the same attributes as me, and she never comes out as a dead star. For the first time, I am so grateful to Sister Lin for the inspiration …


After successfully arriving at the bathroom, I ran to a small corner to call Gu Xueqi to report the situation, “I will tell you, this woman Tan Suqing actually wants to be worthy of me as a sister. You know, since ancient times, they are all sisters. And she said At the end of that sentence, I really wanted to yell at her, I checked your information! Are you fifty years old! You are almost a year older than me, you can be my mother, your grandma in girl’s skin ! …… I suspect that she was soaked in the blood of countless virgins just like that of Mary I, and then cultivated into essence. So you said that I will call her **** and clear …? “

Gu Xueqi agrees: “Well, this can be called privately.”

“Okay, time is limited. I won’t say it. I’m out.” I hung up the phone and stretched my sleeves and walked out with a sigh of relief. As soon as I pushed the door, I saw Tan Suqing’s slim and delicate figure standing in front of the mirror, washing her hands slowly. I instantly felt that I could tear off my skirt and make Baiya hang up. The little counterattack just made me feel so smug and forget her It’s Gu Xingzhi’s mother-the spirit behind this family A Piaojun!

I twitched the corners of my stiff mouth and finally squeezed out my smile and walked over, “I’m so sorry, I kept you waiting for a long time.”

She glanced at me, wet her curly hair, and smiled: “It’s okay, I just happened to wash my hands. Oh, yeah, I like your name very much.”

“…” In the mirror, my face was white, and I was very afraid that she would grab my hair and hit my head against the faucet next second.

“Bloody bloody, huh?” She repeated a whole face with a triumphant smile: “Yes, I like it very much.”

My chest was so tight that I couldn’t speak anymore … and then silently followed her out of the bathroom …

For half an hour since then, I have been sitting on a needle felt, and the **** Su Qing still does not miss any chance to vomit me, such as “Why do you still have such a girl’s bangs?”, And want to get around in my mouth like ” I do n’t know if the physical fitness is the same as that of his father … “, I really hate to answer her,” Don’t, I really didn’t do it with your son! “Fortunately, I clenched the truth and did not relax. The facts have been confirmed, and finally let me go. I said goodbye to her at the Starbucks door and secretly wiped a sweat.

At the same time, I also heard that she received a call beside me. She smiled like a flower. This call made me think that you never know how **** your life is.

What she said was: “Yes, I’m at Starbucks. Don Jane, you drive the car.”


So is this the case now? ——My former boyfriend may be the little white face that my current boyfriend ’s mother puts up? How much tolerance can I accept this terrible reality and this terrible relationship. The afternoon sun was cold, and I was standing alone in the shadow of the corner of the building. I saw Tang Jian driving in park in front of Tan Suqing and smilingly greeted her in the car. They did not have any intimate movements, but the convertible model of the Sao Bao almost proved everything. Their sapphire blue car slipped in front of me, leaving a shiny arc in the air, but the arc stopped abruptly about a hundred meters in front of me. The person in the car seemed to see me and suddenly fell back slowly, stopping in front of me.

Tan Suqing sat in the front passenger seat and asked, “Have you not left yet?”

Tang Jian loosened the collar button of a shirt, leaned against the back of the chair, and glanced over. Even when I saw me in this situation, he still smiled lightly on his face, without any color. I couldn’t help rolling my eyes, it was really cheeky to a certain level. It is estimated that my expression was fully seen by him, and he smiled more.

I answered her: “I didn’t drive by today.”

She turned her black-eyed beads and suddenly made a move that I could not have imagined. She pushed the door and got out of the car, stooped to Tang Jian in the car and said, “Tang Jian, you take Miss Xue back, I just want to go shopping in the mall …”

I was afraid to avoid it, and just wanted to quit. I heard Tang Jian answer her: “Okay.”

“Well.” Tan Suqing took the bag and left immediately, leaving the space for me and Tang Jian.

“Get in the car.” Tang Jian withdrew his smile and turned his gaze back on my face to the towering office building not far away.

“No, I’ll go back by myself.” I didn’t have any idea of ​​staying with this person for an extra second, so I left the bag.

My attitude didn’t seem to annoy Tang Jian. He just didn’t say a word. He drove along beside me in the car. I hurry up, he hurry up, I slow down, he slowed down. Both the me and the sullen sports car next to me became a landscape on Hunan Road.

“Did you forget to take medicine today?” I stopped. “Or is it the day when all the patients in the brain hospital are released?”

He also stopped the car, and because of my sullen words, he calmly said, “Xue Jin, let’s talk.”

Do I want to throw off a reply style like “We have nothing to talk about” that is unique to the hostess of Taiwanese? It seems to be impossible. I am still willing to hear how this disgusting man is justifying himself for the four years he has disappeared. I promised him: “Okay, but I’m busy, I’ll give you five minutes, just say it here.”

“It doesn’t take five minutes, one minute is enough.” He smiled happily, and in my opinion was extremely dazzling. He turned over a white piece of paper from the inside pocket of his suit and handed it to me: “Thank you. This is the money you have helped my mother take care of my sister for four years. Do you see if it is enough? I can make it up.”

I really underestimate this man, and the lessons I have taught me for several years do not seem to be deep enough. I was actually compassionate enough to give him time to show him how bad he is. I tried to stabilize my emotions in order to keep the hand holding the cheque without shaking. The strong accumulation over the past few years The shame made me cry.

A few years ago, this man could call his mother in front of me in the afternoon of a summer breeze and say mom, I ’ve found you a daughter-in-law and warm my heart with a clear smile; he can also be in After his family member had an accident, he did not take responsibility. A person hid in an unknown place, cut off any contact information, and shattered the hope that everyone who cares about him can find him; he can also be on a night the other day The omen came to me unharmed, with a smile that did n’t matter; he could also use this cheque on this bustling street where traffic was going to and from people, and used a check to satirize my merciless worries and pass away. Drop my last good feeling about him.

I was suddenly relieved. The stones that had been pressed on my heart fell to the ground for a few years. I wanted to shed tears easily. My eyes were instantly warmed, and the heat was flowing down my cheeks. Tang Jian was calm, and he pushed the door away in panic. Get out of the car and reach out to wipe my tears: “Don’t cry, why are you crying?”

I blocked his hand and wiped away the tears for myself: “Please see clearly, I am the tears of joy. Tang Jian, I always thought that I still love you, and I still cannot forget you, and Gu Xingzhi I still feel guilty against him. But now I found out that I ca n’t even hate you, I do n’t seem to know you anymore. ”Here, it ’s only four years. After all, it is ruthless, and time is really the best weapon.

I glanced at the zeros behind the string of numbers on the cheque and laughed: “This is the money you spent to sleep with Tan Su for one night?” I pointed at the car again: “How many nights did you get this car? Let me guess, one month? “

He was half black: “Xue Jin, Tan Suqing is my aunt.”

“Oh? That’s not Tan Suqing. I thought how my mother-in-law’s vision would be so bad. So is it the other rich woman’s sister?” I patted him on the shoulder: “It’s getting better and better, my sister is honored to be Stepping stones to the path of your little white face. “

“Xue Jin,” he called me by the name, and pulled me over my shoulder to force me to look back: “The money you have on this check, I didn’t divide it, I made it myself. I hid in the past four years, I just wanted to Try hard. As you know, your mother did n’t think it was too good for me to betray my family. I made up my mind to have a career and let your mother agree with me … “

Before he finished speaking, I laughed: “Do I love money very much? I was ready to work hard with you at that time, I never wanted to sit back and enjoy it, my mom never thought of trying to get you When the cash machine, after you leave, she nags your name every day, what do you think of us? Oh, yes, I want to ask, how do you get rich and get rich? Raising pigs, so raise yourself into a pig brain It ’s a coincidence that you have chosen a turning point in life, just the day after your sister ’s accident? Are you blind or blind? Your sister is still lying in a hospital bed and ca n’t talk or move, you Mom kept crying, I was calling you every day with empty numbers, you worked so hard, you ca n’t imagine this? You better not tell me, you are not responsible and irresponsible. After four years of torment, a big surprise for all of us? Really think of yourself as a Wolong, in my eyes you are not as good as a bug. Thank you for your surprise, I wish I could kill you. “

Tang Jian’s face became more anxious, his eyebrows twisted into twists: “Don’t do this! I will compensate you, can you give me another chance? Xue Jin, I like you, and I can’t forget you in these four years. “

“Okay, you have already compensated me. This money is far enough for me to take care of your family for all these years. I happen to want to take a leave to go to Japan to see Gu Xingzhi today. Now this money just happens to be my travel Funding. Thank you. In the future, the two of us will finally have no disputes. Remember that a girl has given you the best years and sincerely pays you. This sincerity is always priceless, not money can be bought back Goodbye.”

I shook the check in my hand at him, ignoring the momentary despair and collapse in his eyes, and turned away.

That day, I walked home all the way from Hunan Road. The journey was incredible. When I got home, my feet were soaked with high heels. The shackles that once held my heart completely loosened, and along the way I laughed and burst into tears like a prisoner who was released from prison.

At the age of twenty-five, I was not sensible. I always thought that the sun was shining, the mountains were long and the water was long, the world was all good, there was still hope for the man behind him, and I could feel sad for his irresponsible departure.

At this time, standing at the end of the 30-year-old, I can already leave him behind with no heart or heart. And all those feelings, happiness or pain, love or hatred, longing or despair that have been paid to him, are finally like this tears that have been dried, and can be squandered by me like this.

It was extremely brisk, and paid off.


The next day, I went with General Manager Sun to take a ten-day vacation on the grounds of excessive work pressure. She seemed to feel guilty about not promoting me to the promotion, and immediately approved the holiday. I went to the office and reported this to Tan Suqing. Her expression was clear and she was not surprised. But to my surprise, she did not stop it.

In this way, I embarked on a long journey to find a husband in Japan.

My mother strongly disagreed with my decision. She deeply felt that Japan was in a dangerous period. Her good girl might be taken away by an inexplicable wave or an inexplicable piece of land. I replied: Your son-in-law is still there!

I ’m with him. It ’s also Liang Shanbo ’s story about Zhu Yingtai ’s butterfly flying. You might be able to be interviewed on TV. Then she agreed, sending me to the airport on the road, and asked me to be careful and careful, and gave me a bunch of TxT on my mobile phone to face the common sense of the earthquake and tsunami.

Arrived in Tokyo on a warm afternoon, the streets here are clean, peaceful and quiet, everything looks orderly. And it is a good time for cherry blossoms to bloom. The cherry trees on both sides are very lively and brilliant, and the white pink is like smoke. If it weren’t for the radio and the big screen outside the mall that repeatedly broadcast the situation and precautions after the tsunami, I would think I was still sleeping on the plane, I just came here in my dream.

Following the address Gu Xueqi gave me, I finally felt where Gu Xingzhi lived. It was a small inn in the suburbs of Tokyo. Antique and antique, the house building is still the style of an old house in the Edo period. The cornices are raised and the lake and mountains are beside it. The environment is very beautiful.

Gu Xingzhi went out and was not here. The hostess of this hotel received me. Fortunately, I had taken a semester of Japanese in university, and a few stuttered Japanese explanations came. She seemed to understand. Arranged a room for me, all the way came, I chose to go to a hot spring to pass the time, waiting for Gu Xingzhi to come back.

I wore a bathrobe and wandered in the small garden of the hotel for a while, blowing a little breeze. It was really boring, so I ordered a Japanese meal and ran back to the room to eat slowly.

Just about to solve a fish, a row of small wooden wind chimes hanging on the small window beside me all banged, not the kind that the breeze hit, but … the kind that the earthquake came! I could obviously feel the house shaking, and I was so scared that I yelled, screaming, “I’m not going to die like this. I’m going to die in Guizi Village?”

I spit out the fish tail in my mouth and hurried to the corner of the house to squat down. The quake lasted for a while and then gradually became calmer. Through the wooden sliding door, you can glimpse the silhouette of the outside, and there are footsteps of “Dong Dang Dang” passing by. I guess it may be a small aftershock, but at this time, the judgment is too early, and I dare not take it lightly, and continue to squat with my head down …

“Wow–” There was a sound of the wooden door being pulled open. I guess it might be the innkeeper who came to appease the people. I raised my head and just wanted to say that it was okay. As a result, Gu Xingzhi was standing at the door. The Japanese house was a little short. He was slightly low. At first I wanted to come in, but stopped seeing me.

His dark pupil was staring at me deeply, and I felt like he was staring at him through a hole. I was still squatting there, not knowing what to do. I had to wave a little towards him, and a Japanese flashed in my mind, and I also said it:

「あ な た に 会 い た い か ら 、 来 ま し た よ. (I miss you, I am here)

The proprietress in kimono also happened to pass by here. She also stopped and saw me smiling happily. She spoke to Gu Xingzhi very quickly, and I could understand a few words, but completely Not organized. Gu Xingzhi listened slightly nodding, even with a subtle smile on his face.

He waited for the lady boss to leave before he walked in. His long legs stopped in front of me and handed me a hand: “Okay, get up.”

I sniffed my nose, expecting him to stand up and look back at him, expanding himself: “Ha ha ha ha ha ha, are you surprised to see me?”

He glanced at me lightly and said, “It’s frightening.”

I knew it! I calmly replied: “… Well, it would be shocking to you anyway. My purpose is also achieved.”

Gu Xingzhi looked very happy and asked me: “How to choose to come at this time, it is too dangerous.”

I blinked: “The same sentence I said to you just now, I miss you, so I’m here …”

Before I finished, Gu Xingzhi had hugged me between him and the wall. He took my hand and entangled me with ten fingers.

I subconsciously wanted to shrink my head, his big hand was already covering my head. At the same time, his lips also came over, accompanied by his burning nose, sucking on my lips, this violent kiss made my face hot, and my heart was instantly chaotic, even forgot how to play The technique kissed him back, only protruding the tip of his tongue and licked it gently on his lips.

He got a good body and stopped his head slightly to breathe in my ear, and for a long time, he also spit out “I miss you too” in Japanese. The next moment, his kiss was deeper, and I clasped one hand tightly against him, and one hand pressed against his chest.

I squinted slightly and felt Gu Xingzhi’s powerful and gentle kiss, like the tide rolling in the sunset, flapping the beach with beautiful sparkling waves. Those long-lost feelings, driven by his kisses, swept over and over my body.

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