Your Rival in Love Gets Prettier Every Day

Chapter 120

In the silence, the fire occasionally spattered fine sparks, and the lens gradually turned from the fire to the floor. A gray-haired old man, covered in blankets on his legs, slowly rocked his rocking chair sleepily.

Squeak, squeak.

The screen switching, the faces of Shen Jintai and Bai Qingquan emerged in the sound of the guitar, followed by an extremely soothing rhythm, slowly showing the life of the two, from the green campus to the beginning of the society, from the youth to the gray hair, The music was heated up, great joy, great ups and downs, followed by a long shot of Bai Qingquan running on the screen, he traversed the crowd all the way, and finally fell into Shen Jintai’s arms.

Like the pilot trailer, in the official trailer, the final picture is also a back view. They are Shen Jintai and Bai Qingquan in school uniforms. They walked through the alley with their umbrellas, and the two of them gently rubbed their hands together. , There is a horn tied to the pole next to it, and there is a gentle song from Teresa Teng, singing: “The breeze is accompanied by drizzle, like I am accompanied by the lovely you. Looking at me looking at you, seeing how beautiful this world is Ah, may i be the wind you are the rain, ah, the breeze is in the drizzle. “

The singing voice gradually faded, followed by Bai Qingquan’s voiceover. In a silence, the lines whispered like a whisper, slightly, and a little hoarse, saying: “Smell the sound, this life is not enough, I still have to love you for more life.”

Official Bo also took the opportunity to release the first photo of the two, the two hugged tightly together.

“Bang bang bang bang bang, I know that I have become bang blame again, I can not tell who is better!”

“These two are too seductive, fairy cp!”

“Bai Qingquan has always been a beauty. I know that when Tau Hua has become so beautiful.”

“I feel that after the first flower filming” Pilot “is thin, the facial features are more three-dimensional. He now has the beauty of a complex look and light temperament, which is unique in the entertainment circle!”

“He is so handsome in” Aviator “, the skydiver looked up and looked so handsome, but I didn’t expect it to be so beautiful and beautiful in” When You Are Old “! Did you see the man who looked back at him in the end, with red eyes? , I love it! “

“The last running scene of Bai Qingquan is also impressive. Shen Jintai’s old appearance is too realistic. I really don’t see it. I don’t care about the ugly actors.”

“Hahaha, a lot of people in your area ridiculed their heads and put them upside down. Was it really fragrant so soon?”

“In the end, the actor is still talking about the work. After the head flower came back, I felt that the second pulse of Ren Du was suddenly open, and it became too textured. I am not surprised that Prince Yan fell in love with him.”

“Sun Sihai deserves to be a photographer. He took the photo of Touhua and Bai Yueguang too beautifully. It’s really beautiful love.”

Jin Fen was like hitting chicken blood today, and the trailers of both movies were hot searched.

The most popular is naturally “When you are old”.

The gold powder and the moonlight powder were secretly contested. They were competing for the hot comment. The two surfaces were in harmony, and secretly no one would be taken away by the other.

Fortunately, it was flat, otherwise it would be ugly to tear.

“I think the film” When You Are Old “is quite textured,” Li Meilan said to Shen Jintai: “I used to think it was a youth romance film, but recently I followed it all the way, and I found that Sun Sihai still has it. The control is very delicate, and the space for the actors is also very large. If you play well, we will strive to win an award for this movie. “

Not to mention the best male lead, should the best newcomer be okay?

The only competitor is estimated to be Bai Qingquan.

However, this kind of twin play must be quite good-looking. She feels that Bai Qingquan also has a qualitative leap in this movie. The movie is more capable of sharpening the drama. One shot n times, Bai Qingquan is a good acting in the TV series. In the camera, he has even better knowledge. He is not from the science class. He can have this level.

However, Li Meilan felt that Shen Jintai was superior to acting. Bai Qingquan was a relatively stable acting skill. Shen Jintai performed more aura than in the East Palace.

The facial features of Shen Jintai are not as refined as Bai Qingquan, but he has a face that is naturally suitable for large screens. It is particularly beautiful when taking close-ups. It has a special texture. When crying, laughing and frowning, they are all very special.

Shen Jintai’s acting skills are actually more restrained. Taking a little more heart is inherently more suitable for big screens.

Li Meilan feels that the role of the two of them has just been chosen. Yu Nuo’s emotions are more outgoing, and there are more crying and outbreak dramas, which is very suitable for Bai Qingquan. Luo Wensheng rarely cries, his emotions are restrained, and his emotions are expressed by micro-expressions, which is very restrained, and it is also particularly suitable for Shen Jintai.

The two also felt more and more. The director left behind the intimate and explosive scenes, which seems very wise.

“When You Are Old” filmed the old part, all the tear-off scenes came. Bai Qingquan and Shen Jintai would cry every time they talked to the line.

Luo Wensheng’s hair was gray early. He had a sickness the year before and began to forget things. When he was young, his physique was so strong that he could not resist the invasion of the years. However, his strong personality remained unchanged. He could n’t keep up with him when he was young, and he still did all the work for his family. He would n’t let Yu Nuo do anything. After retiring at the age of sixty, he would get up and run every day before dawn. Being able to eat on time, he also set an alarm clock for his mobile phone, and he never missed a meal, saying he would stay with him for another 20 years.

Twenty years, for Luo Wensheng, it is almost certainly his last time, but for Yu Nuo who is not old, the rest of his life is still so long.

After he died, what Yu Nuo would do was the question that Luo Wensheng thought most about when he was old.

Then one day, Yu Nuo discovered that Luo Wensheng didn’t do the things at home, but let him do it.

Luo Wensheng, who worked hard all his life, suddenly let go.

How to change the gas, how to sort the garbage, how to solve the problem with the water pipe, how to make a certain dish, those finely chopped, he can think of it, teach it hand in hand, repeatedly remind.

At the beginning, Yu Nuo was very resistant. Luo Wensheng was hard-hearted and unmoved. He still taught him step by step. When he refused to learn, he wrote all on the post-it notes.

He was worried about too many things, and there was nothing to worry about. He was also afraid that Yu Nuo would not be able to do it alone. The more post-it notes were posted, the more there were no places to post. Then one day, the very stubborn Yu Nuo finally took the initiative Open your mouth and ask him how to make fish head tofu soup.

Luo Wensheng’s best is the fish head tofu soup, which is better than any restaurant.

Luo Wensheng started teaching him by picking fish. Different fish have different nutrients. After the fish is bought, how to remove the offal, how to scrape the fish scales, how to fry, what to put first after cooking.

After teaching, he went to rest. Yu Nuo took a spoon and tasted the fish soup he made. Before he could taste the taste, the tears fell into the pot.

The shadow of death shrouded in their last few years together, Luo Wensheng also pretended to die from time to time.

Pretending to die was the inspiration he suddenly got when he watched a Japanese comedy film.

Gradually pretending to die, thinking about getting used to it, Yu Nuo is not too sad when he is really dead. He even told Yu Nuo that he was found dead, how to deal with his body, which phone to call, what procedures are needed, and he secretly showed himself to the cemetery.

In this regard, Luo Wensheng explained: “I am not letting you practice in advance. One day, I will suddenly die, and I will disappear, and practice more. It is true that day, you will not be too uncomfortable. “

Yu Nuo heard that he suddenly stepped on the brakes and the car stopped on the side of the road. He cried on the reverse disc and looked very sad.

It was so sad that it was not consistent with his usual style, so that he suddenly saw him cry so badly, Luo Wensheng regretted it.

Luo Wensheng lowered his eyes slightly and said, “How do you do this, how can I be assured.”

“You are my person, and you will die before me,” Yu Nuo said.

“Okay, okay.” Luo Wensheng patted Yu Nuo’s back gently with his hand.

But Luo Wensheng finally left, neither of the two could persuade anyone, Luo Wensheng didn’t want to be old and immobile, let him eat and drink Lhasa, let him wait, stubborn to retain his last dignity. He also didn’t want Yu Nuo to watch him die, don’t die, just choose to leave.

The last time she ran away from home and was about to get on the train, Yu Nuo was caught.

For a lifetime together, in fact, the other party knows what each other thinks. Yu Nuo did not want to force him again, so he said: “I let you go, you let me take a good look at you in the end, and let you go.”

When he was old, Luo Wensheng resisted taking pictures, and he didn’t even have a picture of him at home.

Luo Wensheng took off his glasses and smiled reluctantly. He was old and his face was old, but his eyes were still so bright, just like they had when they first met.

Why can’t he remember that Luo Wensheng’s eyes are still so bright.

Later, he realized that instead of bright eyes, tears burst into his eyes.

Tears run down the wrinkles on his face. For the first time in his life, he saw Luo Wensheng crying for the first time.

He was knocked down by pain in an instant and let go of him, “Go.”

Luo Wensheng wiped his eyes and raked his waist, resolutely pulling the suitcase into the car.

When the train started, Yu Nuo wore Luo Wensheng’s coat and strode toward the exit. The wind blew his coat and he didn’t look back.

He gave away his father and mother, as well as his lover. All the people he loved eventually left him.


Bai Qingquan squatted directly on the ground and cried.

Li Meilan watched and cried directly beside him. The atmosphere of the crew was very heavy at one time.

This is a very painful drama, but the special feature of “When You Are Old” is that it tells a cyclic love story. Several major scenes have to be filmed more than twice, and the acting method can’t be done yet. Exactly the same.

In the first world, Yu Nuo did not know the future. In the second and even the nth, Yu Nuo knew the ending. Bai Qingquan needed to show the difference through the details, and Shen Jintai had to cooperate according to his adjustments. Repeating the same scene in this way is like Yu Nuo traversing back and forth, going through these over and over again. Especially for the prediction of the future generations, the little private love is full of a kind of tragic and magnificent death.

The last time I filmed this episode, Yu Nuo, who predicted the future, cooked a bowl of fish head tofu soup for Luo Wensheng before he left.

“It’s delicious.” Luo Wensheng praised him.

Yu Nuo bowed his head and said, “It’s not the smell you made.”

Luo Wensheng didn’t say anything, but he stewed fish head and tofu soup again before leaving.

Yu Nuo, who came back from the station, did not know that Luo Wensheng stewed the soup for him. After coming back to sleep for two days, he remembered to eat, opened the pot, and saw that the soup that Luo Wensheng finally made for him was broken.


Bai Qingquan put his hands on the kitchen counter, his face flushed with tears.

Shen Jintai came over to comfort him. He held Shen Jintai and cried for a long time. He couldn’t even kiss his face. After he kissed and hugged him, his tears and his nose all touched Shen Jintai’s neck.

It seemed that he was the treasure he had been painful in his whole life and he was not willing to let go.

There is no Bai Qingquan and Shen Jintai at the moment, only Yu Nuo and Luo Wensheng

How can you not be emotional?

“With it,” said Song Chenchen, the screenwriter, sitting behind the director.

“I hope Mr. Yan will not beat me.” Sun Sihai said.

Song Chenchen laughed at the words, and her sharp eyebrows became gentle. He stood up and greeted Shen Jintai and Bai Qingquan who came over.

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