Your Rival in Love Gets Prettier Every Day

Chapter 54

“Did you close the job?” Yan Qiuchi asked Shen Jintai, his eyes kept watching him.

Shen Jintai’s hair was longer, and he had a pill head. It was very small. At first glance, it seemed that he hadn’t picked up the costume hood. His face was white and small, his skin was white, and his lips were red. He smiled warmly and brightly.

“Preparing to close the work, why are you here?”

“Come and see the crew.” Yan Qiuchi’s heart thumped and looked at Shen Jintai. He felt like he was covered with a layer of light, not the light from the headlights behind him, but the light from his performance charm. .

Shen Jintai smiled, nodded at him again, and walked towards his car.

Yan Qiuchi looked back, his heartbeat was very strong, and he couldn’t help shouting: “Jintai.”

Shen Jintai looked back, and suddenly Yan Qiuchi didn’t know what to say, only saying: “I watched today’s broadcast, you played it, very good.”

Shen Jintai smiled and said, “Thank you.”

“Mr. Yan?”

Yan Qiuchi glanced back and saw the crew greet him.

He talked to the man for a while, and when he looked back, Shen Jintai was already in the car.

The RV was given to him by the monsoon.

It is incomparable with Bai Qingquan and Yang Lizhi, but it is enough, there is everything, you can sleep and eat.

He closed the door, and the little sugar resting in it immediately sat up: “Brother.”

“You don’t have to be in the crew all the time. I’m filming in the crew. Generally, there is nothing else. You still go to the hotel to sleep. I will call you if something happens.”

Xiaotang said: “Brother is so good to me, of course I have to do my duty.”

Shen Jintai was very generous and had money on hand. When he was eleven, he gave him a huge red envelope.

In the past, when Shen Jintai was richer than this, he had never sent him such a big red envelope. He knew that Shen Jintai ’s family had a broken house and he might have to make up for it. , There is not much income.

Shen Jintai said half-jokingly and half-seriously that he would become more and more popular and richer in the future, and then give benefits to employees and send them directly to the house.

Although the goal is still far away, according to Shen Jintai’s popularity today, everything is not impossible.

How can this not make Xiaotang full of energy!

Shen Jintai also knows the importance of making money, but no, the next two days off, and arrange the schedule in advance, Shen Jintai asked Li Meilan to help him take several platform activities.

Two cities in one day and four in two days.

Yan Qiuchi suddenly came to the set and shocked a lot of people. Guo Dao and they also came. Yan Qiuchi looked at Shen Jintai’s touring car while talking with them. At night the touring car started, and his heart seemed to move.

After coming out of this trip, Shen Jintai felt that his popularity was higher than before. The platform activity of the first city, in a newly opened shopping plaza, was filled with people on six floors, he looked a little scared, When he greeted him on stage, he looked up and the crowd was so sensational that he was worried that something might happen.

Compared with before, there is more gold powder, but the proportion is lower, because there are more passers-by.

Many passers-by just came to shop. Everyone heard that Li Xu was coming, and everyone came around.

The role of Xiaoxu can be regarded as entering the home of ordinary people.

The platform activity in the second city was even more sensational. On a cold day, fans came over and waited until dawn, but when it was noon, they received a notice. Because there were too many people, security measures were not in place and the event was canceled.

“Can I go to say hello to the fans?” Shen Jintai asked: “I heard Xiaotang, many fans flew over from other cities to see me.”

“Send it on Weibo, let’s not go to the scene, safety first.”

“Otherwise, brother, will you start a live broadcast?” Xiaotang said: “Open a few minutes to comfort fans. They are really not easy for such a cold day. Besides, this is also a solid powder method.”

Li Meilan asked Shen Jintai: “Do you want to broadcast? If you want, I will let Xiaosun come over.”

Xiao Sun is a makeup artist who is given to him by monsoon entertainment. In addition, there are also costumers who specially serve him.

His current team already has seven or eight people.

“No, just like that, true.”

Shen Jintai is very good in this respect, and Li Meilan believes in him.

“Brother does not look good on makeup now.” Xiaotang said: “I’m not that fart.”

“You are a rainbow fart.” Li Meilan said.

Shen Jintai sent a Weibo: “I’m sorry to receive the notice. Today’s event was canceled. At 8 pm, we interacted with everyone on Weibo. The weather is cold and we are warm. We have worked hard.”

After this Weibo was posted, he felt that his Weibo fans had skyrocketed, and it soon broke 10 million.

This live broadcast can be regarded as a million-dollar welfare.

“Taiwan, Touhua is about to broadcast live!”

“This is his first live broadcast, excited.”

“He is so popular today, I don’t know how many people will watch it online.”

“Is it comparable? I thought it was better than the endorsement. It is said that the black history of the head flower has dragged on the hind legs. The fire is like this, and the subsequent endorsement magazines have not kept up.”

“The actor should rely on the work. I think Touhua will get up sooner or later. Isn’t it true that skin care brands XX and XXXX are contacting him? Monsoon Entertainment has no film and television resources, but there are still two brushes for tearing up the endorsement.”

“Last week’s drama really came to me. I hope the flowers will grow red. His acting skills are really good.”

“Really, I still watch it and cry once. In the past few days, four or five of the top ten of the B station are cp clips of Jintai Qiongying, and there are many Lalang distributions. Many people have a sense of cp. “

“I don’t care, I only recognize him and Zheng Siqi. Is Zheng Siqi gAY? If so, can I just take the head off? They are now national couples.”

“The two of them have too few interactions in reality. Last time when they signed with Shen Jintai on the monsoon entertainment, the animation of their whispering whispers I can nibble 10,000 times, so sweet!”

“Jintai Qiongying is really like this, I don’t believe it!”

“I saw Jintai Qiongying’s cp powder stripped and cocooned, and analyzed that the prince should not be dead. But the original is indeed dead, and there is a plot of his poisoning and vomiting blood in the TV series.

“Is it easy to be a cp fan? It’s really every shot of every line of the camera, and I want to find a trace of the evidence that His Royal Highness is still alive. I see that the evidence they found is that the prince’s actor Zheng Siqi did not kill. The news came out. According to the tradition of “The East Palace Is Coming”, killing actors and officials will send out killing stills, but Zheng Siqi did not. “

“Oh my god, really ???? If I can have a good ending for cp, I am willing to click one hundred times a day to contribute CTR!”

“This drama is filming and broadcasting. The episode of The Prince’s Death just broadcasted should have been filmed a month or two ago. What have Zheng Siqi been doing in the past two months? Has anyone picked it out?”

“This crew is very bad. Zheng Siqi’s fans said that there has been no news of his brother for two months. It is estimated to be closed.”

“When I say this, I really doubt that he still has a lot of drama. Otherwise, the killer will say killer, why should he hide in this way.”

“The common hype routine of monsoon entertainment, the crew is also happy to see it. Half of the ratings of this drama are carried by Jintai Qiongying. Now that the prince is offline, the crew is afraid that the ratings will drop. ? “

“Today’s live broadcast, Juduo CP fans must ask him this question, squat down!”

Shen Jintai’s first live broadcast was still a bit tense. He was mainly afraid of not knowing what to say. After thinking about it, he asked the assistant to order takeaway and prepare to broadcast while eating.

“I remind you in advance that as soon as the live barrage opens, your psychological qualities must be strong enough to guarantee that all of them will be gold powder. There may also be black powder coming to make troubles, or asking some messy questions. See, just pick the response you want to respond to. ”Li Meilan reminded him.

Shen Jintai nodded, Xiaotang they helped open the lunch box, Shen Jintai held chopsticks, looked at the time, almost eight o’clock.

Bai Qingquan also rested today. After eating more than seven, he went back to the hotel to rest.

The Zhou Jing he plays is now a prince. In front of the old prince fighting against the abandoned prince, he has to deal with the problem of the palace fight of a bunch of women such as He Lanbi. Li Xu did not make him easy. The position of the lord of the East Palace also has him Several brothers coveted, and the old emperor also had a lot of suspicions about him. Now he has the most plays. Basically, all the characters have rivals with him, so they are particularly tired.

The director just saw him in a state of being too tired, so he was given a half-day vacation.

Now the script is slower, the ratings are so hot, and the pressure on the screenwriter is so much more cautious. They are basically relying on flying pages now. Tomorrow’s drama, today’s script, after the filming, I have to recite it when I return to the hotel. .

But instead of reciting the lines first, he turned on his phone and watched Shen Jintai’s live broadcast at eight o’clock.

Ten minutes before eight o’clock, he brushed Weibo and forums, maybe he was served by the day, or maybe he was used to it. .

As a small beauty 0 who is very looking forward to love, he is also good at the pair of Jintai Qiongying.

The love between men always poke his girl’s heart the most, so touching, woo woo woo.

Although he shot this episode of the Prince’s Death, he also watched it, but when this episode was broadcast on TV after post-processing, he watched burst into tears!

I’m afraid that the brother next door heard them, he endured so hard!

He felt like he was going to be a fan of Shen Jintai.

He was really jealous and admired for the close-up shot of more than a minute.

What envyed him was Guo Dao’s partiality, and he didn’t arrange such a long face close-up showing his acting skills. He admired that he felt that even if he arranged it for himself, he might not be able to act like that.

This kind of long-shot crying scene is actually a test for people, because crying takes a long time, the emotions are released too early, and the back is very dry. The rhythm and level of progress of the release are very important. The most important thing is Shen Jintai ’s eyes, too There is a play, and if you really watch him crying, you can’t help crying.

After crying, he had a feeling: how can Shen Jintai act so well!

He really felt a sense of awe.

This emotion lingered in his heart, and the day had not completely dissipated, so that Shen Jintai only left for a day, and he missed him a little.

I can’t stop it.

He is also an ambitious person. He can’t hate this kind of acting solidly. Acting with Shen Jintai is already a kind of enjoyment. He is jealous and likes it.

Thinking about one day in the future, I will become such an actor, and then quickly and Shen Jintai soared a scene.

“I thought Xiaojin would rest for two days,” said Mrs. Yan. “As a result, he ran in four cities in two days, and his sleep was estimated to be on the road.”

“He is now popular, although the itinerary is relatively full, but it is normal for his coffee artist.” Yan Qiuchi said.

“I haven’t seen him for a long time,” Mrs. Yan took out her mobile phone: “Ask him, what time will he come back tomorrow, if he comes back early, ask him to have a meal.”

Although the thoughts of matching them had already been broken, the habit could not be changed in a moment and a half, and she smiled and said, “Do you want to come together?”

As a result, she heard Yan Qiuchi say, “OK.”

Mrs. Yan was still dialing the phone with a smile on her face, and she did not respond for a moment. “Ah” suddenly raised her head. When she saw her son’s face as usual, she took out her cell phone and said, “I will ask the assistant to fix the restaurant.”

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