Yu Sha

Chapter 101: Discussing disasters through the round mirror

Chu Weiyang's frightened voice still echoed at both ends of the magic sword's restriction. In response to Chu Weiyang, there was a brief silence, and then Chun Yuzhi's tired voice was heard.

"The Qianyuan Sword Sect is, after all, the great holy land of Xuanmen. It is not impossible that its practice uses a certain Taoist map as its cardinal and general outline. It is even very possible that there is such a Taoist map to continue it. , not only confirms the Four Seasons Sword, but also leads it to a higher level of swordsmanship."

After hearing this, Chu Weiyang was convinced that Chun Yuzhi's further speculation was quite reasonable.

After all, in Chu Weiyang's eyes, the Twenty-Four Sword Intentions are still attributed to the complicated changes. The moves are extremely sophisticated and ingenious, but they are somewhat inferior in terms of spirit, rhyme and meaning. The gist is just the changes in the four seasons. If you want to From these Twenty-Four Right Sword Intentions, we can discover the higher essence. To connect with the Sword Sutra that opened the sky, there must be a bridge and a guide to connect the previous and the next.

In the same place, Chu Weiyang was still deeply comprehending the changes in the way of swordsmanship, the twenty-four righteous sword intentions and the possible existence of Dao diagrams, sword diagrams, etc., and suddenly something like that came out in his mind. Chun Yuzhi's earnest warning voice sounded.

"Chu Weiyang, let's not talk about the sword intention or the sword diagram. Even if you perfect the Four Seasons Sword, it will be a later matter. But if you don't want to suffer death immediately, it's best to Don’t be so greedy and greedy in refining the souls of monster beasts!

You are not the only one in the world who knows how to practice internal refining, and Tingchangshan is not the only one who has mastered the secret art of opening up the netherworld. You are not the only one who is so smart, knowing that you can use the torrent of memories of the souls of monsters and beasts, and in the fireworks of internal refining. What comes out of calcining.

But coming and going, running all the way, you have not only seen two or three monks, but who has actually practiced in this way? A shortcut to a thoroughfare will not be ignored. Few people set foot on it, which only shows that this road contains dangers!

Just because you haven't seen it yet, doesn't mean such danger doesn't exist! Just like what you just did, if it weren't for my vibrating magic sword to scream, have you ever thought about the consequences of refining a complete foundation-building realm monster soul into the alchemy cauldron in one day?

First, the stomach pill cauldron shattered, and all the meaning of the Xuanming pill cauldron vanished into thin air, becoming nothing; second, the Niwan Palace shattered, the spiritual platform collapsed, the mind and soul were washed away in the torrent, and the soul was scattered in front of you; , refined into the Summer Sword.

What do you think the consequences will be? "

At the end of the sentence, Chun Yuzhi's voice was almost full of resentment from the heart.

There was a long silence in Chu Weiyang's mind.

More than ten breaths passed. At this moment, Chun Yuzhi didn't know what he thought of again. Maybe he felt that his emotions were too intense just now, and maybe he felt that he shouldn't face Chu Weiyang with such a mentality.

When she spoke again, she became slightly warmer again.

"I'm telling you this because I don't want to see you die in front of me, bound by the magic sword. You and I are people who live and die in the same boat. If you die, I will completely become a lonely ghost. I'm afraid that no matter how hard I struggle in this life, I won't have the chance to return to Tingchang Mountain for revenge."

After hearing this, Chu Weiyang's expression was complicated, and the voice in his mind became more tired and cautious.

"I understand, Miss Zhi, what you said, I understand everything. Greed is not enough. If I had not stopped at the cliff just now, I would have destroyed the foundation of my life. It is medicine that is three parts poison, let alone The soul and true spirit are treasures that transcend an entire realm. I'm afraid they are full of poison, and I can't use the alchemy kings and ministers to refine them like the flesh and blood of monsters in the foundation-building realm..."

At this point, Chu Weiyang suddenly stopped.

In this world, the Tao and the Dharma, the cultivation of nature and life, have always been mutually corroborating, and they have always been like the two sides of yin and yang.

There is no reason that flesh and blood can be reconciled with alchemy, but there is no such method in the true soul.

After refining the precious medicine of flesh and blood, you can use the Mountain and River Gui. If you want to refine the soul and true spirit...

Chu Weiyang's thoughts immediately became divergent, and then, his majestic thoughts seemed to be touched, and Chu Weiyang's eyes fell on the round mirror that led to the darkness.

To be honest, this round mirror cannot be compared with Shanhe Gui.

The Shanhe Gui is a complete magical artifact. It is the embryo that carries the meaning of Chu Weiyang's Xuanming Danding Cauldron. It is made of North Sea black copper and prepared with Nanshan red iron. It has thick heels and feet that almost look like a magic weapon. foundation.

But this round mirror that leads to the underworld is just a piece of pure alchemy. There is no forbidden seal pattern on it. There are only tadpole inscriptions of the secret technique of access to the underworld intertwined into a talisman array, and the seals are imprinted on the round mirror smelted by alchemy.

However, there is no reason to teach Chu Weiyang to create another "eating" thing for himself.

But what supports the Mountain and River Gui is the supreme principle of Xuanming Danding, but what should be used to support the round mirror that leads to the netherworld? Just relying on a talisman formation that leads to the secret law?

It's a little too thin.

But this has given Chu Weiyang an inspiration and pointed out a practical way for him.

If you take the Netherworld Talisman Array one step further, get in touch with the higher principles and implications of this Tao, and refine another treasure, it seems to be a logical thing.

Even now, looking carefully at the round mirror that leads to the darkness, maybe it is because Chu Weiyang has used it to refine too many souls and true spirits. At this moment, even without the infusion of Chu Weiyang's magic power, the bright yellow On the mirror body, there is a flash of inspiration in no time.

The inspiration flashed away. Although it was dim, it was real!

This is no longer just a round mirror carrying a talisman array!

Maybe there is no need for any supreme principles. If Chu Weiyang can continue to use this round mirror to refine souls and true spirits for a long time, until one day, when quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes, all the Yin spirits will be created, and they can Teach this round mirror to jump into the category of treasure in one step.

Even at that time, the inner meaning was born, and like the great road favoring it, he could even teach Chu Weiyang to comprehend it in reverse, and lead his own secret method of opening up the secluded world.

But this is destined to be an unimaginably long period of training.

Perhaps when he was making this round mirror, his flesh and blood were consumed and his bones were shattered into powder.

Time waits not for us!

The years and shadows are too long, and you have to take care of them day and night to make a living!

The more he thought about it, the more urgent he felt in Chu Weiyang's heart.

He clearly understood that due to his background, there were very few ways to survive in this world, and if he wanted to fight for that slim chance of survival, he would have to go through all kinds of desperate measures.

But similarly, the more he understood this point, the fireworks called anger in Chu Weiyang's heart became more and more intense, almost competing with the sun!

At this flashing moment, Chu Weiyang's strong emotional fluctuations seemed to be transmitted to Chun Yuzhi's induction through the forbidden chain of the magic sword.

Chun Yuzhi was silent at first, as if she was shocked and silent because of Chu Weiyang's talent in the way of talisman revealed again. Now, feeling Chu Weiyang's intense and fiery anger, she paused, but it was rare. Yes, he spoke in a rather gentle voice.

"God, I have never comforted anyone...Chu...Weiyang, as you once said, intense emotions will never solve problems, and no amount of anger can teach you to solve the problem now." The round mirror is made into a treasure.

But you need to believe in your own talents in the way of talisman formations, talismans, and seal patterns. You also need to believe in my background. As a monk of the way of talisman formations who once stopped in the realm of alchemy refining, what you want is a The way to go!

Don't be in a hurry, just do it little by little. No one knows tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, or when, you will suddenly gain enlightenment and understand the practice! "

As expected, she had not comforted anyone. Her voice seemed soft, but after only saying a few words, she suddenly turned around and landed on some Talisman Array.

But it is precisely this that Chu Weiyang has been familiar with for a long time, the senior sister of Tingchang Mountain, the sword spirit who really lives in the magic sword, the one who danced on the top of the mountain in the light and shadow of the memory that once hung. girl.

When he thought of this, Chu Weiyang held up the magic sword with emotion, and lightly brushed the sword's spine with his fingertips.

In the complicated sighs, he seemed to have a thousand words to say, but in the end, all that was left was a vague murmur in sleep.

"I know, Zhi

Girl, I know everything..."

The sound of long breathing came out.

Behind the seat, Qing He's movements of kneading Chu Weiyang's forehead suddenly paused, and then she started kneading again, with an increasingly gentle force.


The open sea, very deep.

Baijie Yunfang, the highest level.

Still next to the open window, two plump beauties leaned against the window lattice, looking out at the dark sky outside the window and the water vapor mist that had become thicker and thicker in the past few days.

A few days have passed, and the lazy-looking person in the same place has become more and more lazy. Looking at the rosy cheeks again, for a moment, he didn't know whether he was sleepy or drunk.

At this moment, the sixth junior sister standing next to her turned pale.

A long silence passed, and then the sixth junior sister spoke with a determined expression.

"Senior sister, I want to walk through this tide of beasts for once!"

The lazy woman seemed to have expected that Sixth Junior Sister would say such words. There was no look of surprise on her face, but instead she spoke unhurriedly while her eyebrows were moving.

"Junior sister, you are no longer a child. You are already a person standing in front of Jindan. It is a matter of life and death. There is no need for me to persuade you. You have to figure it out for yourself and do it decisively. It's done. , Senior Sister will help you organize the Golden Elixir Ceremony, but if it fails, Senior Sister will personally take care of your funeral."

His words can make a woman sound as tender as water, but at the same time seem cold and distant.

Hearing this, the sixth junior sister smiled forcefully.

"The fault is not this beast tide. I may have solved the cause and effect of the Panwang Sect and truly stopped on the road to enlightenment. However, due to some combination of circumstances, Yuting was half a step too late. When I got here, I He was a full step slower, and when he tried to lift his foot again, the wind and waves were already surging, and the beast tide was rising.

Every day, the waves rise and fall again. It is clear that they are all hitting my elixir and the Taoist fruit, and they are all washed away in my luck of enlightenment. After all, I am one step away from enlightenment. , I can feel that the cause and effect belonging to Panwang Sect is getting further and further away from me, and it can no longer make up for the background.

Thinking about it now, perhaps at the beginning, perhaps earlier, this fate had already been decided. Junior sister, I had already been in this beast-tide disaster. I didn’t rely on fate in everything. It is the Golden Elixir Dao Fruit. Senior sister, now is the time for me to fight for my own life. "


At this moment, a rumbling thunder streaked across the gray sky.

Under the bright light, it was the sixth junior sister's cheeks that had completely lost all color.

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