Yu Sha

Chapter 113: Monster words that deceive people and corrupt their luck

In the distance, Aoping River appeared at the end of Chu Weiyang's field of vision.

At first glance, it seems that the verdant green carpet spread across the ground is sewn tightly at the edges with a silver-white silk thread, as if it was created by heaven to create a natural and timeless one.

But when I looked more carefully, it seemed that the Weaver Girl was showing timidity. The thick jade blanket that should have been smooth became jagged at the edges. The twisted lines were the uneven undulations of water swamps and mud hills that were occasionally intertwined. .

At this time, in the distance, a sudden wind blew by, and the water vapor swept in from the outer sea turned into a continuous drizzle here.

In the midst of the wind and rain, Chu Weiyang held an oil-paper umbrella and wore a curtain hat under the umbrella. He walked from far to near. The faint footsteps were also obscured by the sound of wind and rain. past.

Looking at it like this, the wilderness is still silent and uninhabited.

Standing on a still obvious mound, Chu Weiyang looked at the mirror-like surface of the Aoping River in silence. The light ripples appeared at the moment when the drizzle fell, and then softened again. It flowed far towards the end of Chu Weiyang's field of vision, blown by the strong wind.

Looking at it like this, Chu Weiyang's voice passed through the large network of restrictions and was transmitted to the Xuanzhen Treasure Mirror.

"Chaoyuan, you should have met someone here, a monk from Tingchangshan who practices "Huang Tingwu Fire Three Yang Jue" and "Xuanque Zishui Seven Yuan Jue". If I am not mistaken, this person should have harmed you. "

Chu Weiyang's voice was as flat and hoarse as usual, but in that voice without fluctuations, there was some kind of sadness, as if he was facing death, and the power of tens of millions seemed to be hidden between the lines. .

There was a brief silence, and then, Zhong Chaoyuan's hazy and painful soul sound penetrated through the forbidden net and came.

"I...I don't know...After crossing the curtain of life and death, I forgot too many things. I only felt that there was endless pain that overwhelmed me...I remember this place, but I can no longer remember where it was. Who, monk Tingchangshan? Maybe..."

After hearing this, Chu Weiyang nodded calmly.

He could sense Zhong Chaoyuan's inner chaos and confusion.

And because Chu Weiyang had selectively deleted some of Zhong Chaoyuan's memories during the long process from childhood to adulthood, the effect of confusion and distress now is exactly what Chu Weiyang wanted to see.

After thinking about this, when Chu Weiyang spoke again, his hoarse voice seemed to contain the power to smooth out all emotional fluctuations.

"Don't be in a hurry, Chaoyuan, don't be in a hurry, think about it slowly, maybe one day you will remember it, and when the time comes, senior brother will definitely avenge you!"

Hearing these words, Zhong Chaoyuan's somewhat excited voice came from behind the distant restrictive curtain.

"I know, I know...senior brother!"

At this moment, hearing Zhong Chaoyuan's response, the corners of Chu Weiyang's mouth slightly raised, and a smile almost appeared on his long-depressed face.

"Of course, Chaoyuan, revenge is not the only purpose. The cause and effect of our Panwang Sect needs to be settled bit by bit with many people, not just you, but also the elders, and the brothers who grew up with us. …”

Hearing this, Zhong Chaoyuan's voice became fierce again, as if at this moment, he and Chu Weiyang felt the same hatred.

"I understand! Qianyuan Sword Sect! Zhenmo Cave! Jie Yun's lineage! These executioners who insulted my Panwang Sect! Sooner or later, we must teach them to pay the price with their lives!"

As if to oppose Zhong Chaoyuan's emotional changes, in the last moment, Zhong Chaoyuan's shrill soul sound was more exciting than ever before, as if it could vaguely make people hear the sound of howling wind.

But at this moment, Chu Weiyang's voice turned dull.

"But everything has to be done slowly. If you were still alive, the matter of revenge should have been left to your hands. I ran south to find you, but as of today, it's too late to say anything. , Brother, I have accumulated turbidity and siltation, and I have all kinds of diseases all over my body.

If you want to go to a higher realm, if you want to truly resolve the cause and effect, and take revenge, whether it's the sect's revenge or yours, senior brother has a long way to go, but just thinking about you is not enough to make me lose my mind. , I have the energy and energy to do this!

Senior brother is really willing to risk my own life for these things. After all, Chaoyuan, I... am you! "

The plain words suddenly became sonorous and powerful at the end.

As soon as he finished speaking, almost without thinking, Zhong Chaoyuan's voice also sounded.

"You...are me! Senior brother! Even if I only have a remnant spirit left, my spirit is in this Xuanzhen treasure mirror. I still have the legal authority of the Palace of Lihen, and my true spirit has not yet dispersed. The inheritance of the legal tradition is still with me, I will definitely help you!"

Facing Zhong Chaoyuan's excitement again, when Chu Weiyang spoke again, his voice became low and guilty again.

"It's true that I am incompetent, Senior Brother. I have only managed to survive in embarrassment these years and have not learned any mysterious Taoism. At that time, I saw your true spirit disintegrating. I was at a loss for a while, and I was afraid that I would think about it for too long. I couldn't even save your true spirit, so I had no choice but to refine you into a treasure. This barely saved your true spirit, but it also cost you all your future soul and life with this treasure. We are tied together to death, Senior Brother feels guilty! Thinking like this, I almost killed you!"

Duanjiao Chu Weiyang spoke with deep sadness.

Perhaps it was because of the continuous tug and pull between high and low emotions at this moment, which extremely consumed Zhong Chaoyuan's little energy, and when his soul sound sounded again, it actually changed. I have to feel exhausted.

"Senior brother, I don't blame you. Didn't I just say it? There is no need for you and me to be so clear-cut. As long as senior brother is still alive, think about the fact that we were one and the same when we were born, and we have two souls. It will be as if I am still alive. , there is really no need to feel so sorry for oneself..."

Just as he was speaking, in just a few breaths, Zhong Chaoyuan's voice suddenly became lower and lower, and the final soul sound was faint and almost inaudible.

So Chu Weiyang hurriedly said.

"After all, I'm still a wandering soul. How can I stir up my emotions like this? I've thought about it. In these days, Chaoyuan, please recite the "Heart-Eating Summoning Curse" a few more times. The thing about one body and two souls back then has not changed to this day. Neither you nor I have figured out what is going on. I just guessed that maybe because you recite the incantation frequently, maybe there will be a day when the true spirit of the soul returns to my spiritual platform. At that time, let alone two souls. It would be better to blend into one person and remain one body with two souls than you are now."

There was a brief silence when the words fell.

Immediately afterwards, Zhong Chaoyuan's feeble voice continued to sound.

"I understand. What senior brother said seems to make sense. Let me give it a try..."

"In the Xuan Ming Dan Cauldron, in the Five Qi Chakras."

"Control the evil spirits to perform the four seasons, control water and fire to subdue the dragon and tiger."

"In ancient times, the Holy Religion of the Yuan Sect had a single root, but now it has been mixed with various sects through the ages."


As Zhong Chaoyuan recited, on the Xuanzhen Baojian tightly clasped in the wide sleeve robe, clear and harmonious auras continued to circle around, and the qi that was originally tied to one place became more and more... Fa intertwined and resonated with Chu Weiyang’s Taoist connotations.

And as the chanting soul sound continued to sound, Zhong Chaoyuan's changeable emotions seemed to have completely calmed down at this moment. The sound seemed to be mixed with some machinery and dullness, as if the seven emotions were reduced and the six desires were reduced. No birth, but the annihilation of those emotions seems to have never shaken the stability of Zhong Chaoyuan's soul. It is like some kind of subtle change, some kind of change happening from the inside out.


"Jie Yun Magic Sword—Yuantai Lingyun Daoguoxujun."

When the last murmuring soul sound fell, it was accompanied by a continuous sound of breaking through the air. Looking from a distance, it was in the hazy curtain of mist and rain that one after another figures arrived from all directions to the bank of the Baoping River.


The open sea, very deep.

Thick water vapor and mist overlap here to form nine layers of clouds.

Standing in the vast mist, for a moment, Old Snake's thin figure did not know whether he was in the mist or above the sea of ​​clouds.

At this moment, quietly, a shadow emerged from behind Snake Lao. When he looked carefully, the man's figure almost blended into the wind and rain. It was clear that he was there, but he couldn't. I couldn't sense his energy at all.

However, only the dark green hair that looked like seaweed revealed the identity of this shemale cultivator.

The first moment his figure was revealed in the dim light, Snake Lao looked back. The two of them looked at each other. Facing Snake Lao's scarlet pupils, the man suddenly sneered and took a step back. Then he spoke respectfully.

"Old Snake, something went wrong..."

When the words fell, Old Snake frowned slightly, but then asked calmly.

"Oh, what's wrong?"

Hearing Old Snake's question, the seaweed-haired demon cultivator did not answer immediately. Instead, he took a closer look at Old Snake's body. After not seeing the ebony snake staff, he breathed a sigh of relief and responded. road.

"It's Luo Sheng. I'm afraid Luo Sheng and his old man won't be able to make it in a while, but I really can't blame my little brother, Old Snake. I've already informed him earlier, but who knew that the elder of the Lihen Palace would go crazy for some reason? , actually rushed into the waves and storms alone, and by chance, he bumped into the old man Luo Sheng. I couldn't say a word, but at this moment... he was already fighting for life and death..."

Hearing this, Old Snake frowned even more.

Call it a coincidence, but in such a big event, any coincidence can easily make people think of cause and effect and destiny.

At this time, Snake Lao muttered secretly.

I have always heard that the old pious woman in Tingchang Mountain was unlucky when she was young. Otherwise, she would not have such a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood to teach her to become famous. Could it be that the theft of her Taoist secrets also caused this bad luck? Theft came?

While he was thinking about it, he saw the seaweed-haired demon cultivator looking at him with a hesitant expression on his face.

In place, Snake took a deep breath.

"What's the matter? If there are any other unfortunate things, let's just tell them!"

So, the demon cultivator took another step back.

"It's nothing. Even Mother Ray has been met by Fu Mei, the old Taoist of Shenxiao Sect, and they are confirming the thunder method with each other. This matter is my fault. I am not worried. I made the decision without permission and informed Old Bai Lin to teach him. Rescue, but who would have thought that he would not be able to attract the mother ray, but would bump into the Master of the White Bone Temple instead.

Although, if you bump into the Master of the White Bone Temple, you will not be killed no matter what, but the old man Bai Lin has a sneaky and slippery temper. Snakes should know about it. I am afraid that if he can deal with it, he can compete with the White Bone Temple. The master has been fighting all the way to the end, and the old snake has to go out in person to guide him..."

Perhaps he was afraid that Old Snake would get angry here, so when he finished speaking, a dark spiritual light circled around, and the seaweed-haired demonic cultivator suddenly disappeared.

Only one voice echoed.

"Old Snake, I'm going to greet Mr. Kui."

On the spot, Snake Lao opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but in the next moment, he shook off the cloak and said coldly.


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