Yu Sha

Chapter 42: The edge of a sword is sharpened (4k)

Past Chu Weiyang's figure that was getting closer and closer, the first thing the woman's soul looked at was behind Chu Weiyang, which was the remains of the steward horse lying on his back in the grass.

A member of the Sword Sect, when the palms and swords strike together, the sky and the sea are of the same color, inheriting the Qian Dharma lineage.

Ha...siblings and friends?

A friend who suppressed the escaped prisoners in the Demon Cave?

The first moment the movement of his hand paused, thinking of this, the woman's soul raised an eyebrow and almost laughed sarcastically.

In the same place, Chu Weiyang's gloomy gaze carefully scanned the objects hanging in the air, the thirty-six suspended long sword fragments, the balls of refined and melted pulp. Mud, that clear spring looks like a reflection of the stars.

Especially the clear spring. For no reason, Chu Weiyang actually sensed some subtle Qi involvement from it. After sensing it carefully, Chu Weiyang understood that it was the evil spirit that he had condensed. The slurry has been watered and nourished by people in a unique way. This clear spring has been watered and nourished.

Well, it turns out that this spiritual creature is really destined to be with me...

After thinking about this, Chu Weiyang walked closer and looked at the woman's soul carefully.

Even though the illusory figure was still hazy, when he got closer, Chu Weiyang could look at the woman's face carefully.

To be honest, she is a very meaningful woman. Different from the superficial beauty, that unique meaning makes her whole person show a unique grace, like the most desolate frost in the fierce cold wind, like It is the steepest rock on the top of Wanren Mountain, like the faintest star in the vast sea of ​​stars.

However, the fly in the ointment is...the lips are extremely thin, but they are bright red in color; the eyebrows are like willow leaves, and they are clustered in the center.

Especially when the four eyes met, and the almost mocking smile was seen, the woman's soul gave people an even meaner feeling.

But it happened that it was this mean style, even if it was just a hazy soul shadow, this woman gave Chu Weiyang a strong sense of existence that was still fresh.

Staring at each other, silent.

Having said all he needed to say, Chu Weiyang was waiting for a response, waiting for an answer.

Looking at Chu Weiyang's empty and gloomy eyes, the woman's sarcastic smile slowly faded away for no reason. She seemed to have some sarcastic words to say, but she swallowed them all.

"People who practice swordsmanship don't need to be indecisive. You were able to kill him just now, but you couldn't kill me. Yes, the bottle of poisonous energy is so weird that it can frighten the soul and the true spirit. But so what, can it kill me?

This person lying on the ground, I think you should know his identity. I am his eldest aunt, Yan Jianming's senior sister. Speaking of which, it was not my mistake that day when I broke into the mountain. You may not have the chance to survive today!

I am telling you this because I am not in this situation. Now that I only have a little soul and soul, I can no longer think about anything else. I only have one thought, which is to continue living, no matter what method I use. , people always have to continue to live!

But if it takes away my chance of survival...

I am originally in the realm of condensing elixirs. Even though I only have a residual soul left, and my origin was damaged earlier, and now I am even more poisoned, even I can’t say how much of my former abilities can be used. But if it really comes to that, and I am willing to risk my life, are you willing to take the risk? "

On the spot, Chu Weiyang listened quietly, nodding along with the woman's words at first, but when her words fell, Chu Weiyang shook his head violently.

"Well... Miss Chunyu, what you say is reasonable, but also unreasonable! Yes, I am a poor man with few talents and little knowledge, and I don't have the means to control the soul. But if what I have learned is not bad, we only need to persist here like this. , maybe for a moment, maybe for a little while, unless you turn into a ghost, otherwise when the sun is poisonous, your soul will be scattered.

And with this poisonous energy, if you want to fight to the death, just scare people, and you won't even have a chance to take action! Then when the time comes, these, these, and these will all belong to Pindao... No, they will all be returned to their original owners and returned to Pindao's hands! "

Seeing Chu Weiyang raise his other hand and sweep it vaguely from the object in the sky, the woman's face became increasingly ugly. She wanted to say something several times, but her mouth opened again and again, and finally I had to fall into silence, as silent as death.

At the same time, Chu Weiyang half lowered his head, stroking the stopper on the porcelain bottle, and a hoarse voice sounded, like a bewitching demonic voice coming from a ghost.

"Of course, I don't really want to push you to a dead end, girl, and abandon you. This broken sword is just a piece of broken iron, this alchemy is just a smelly stone that can't be harder, this spiritual object ...But he is still an unknown person.

But it seems to me that the girl is a person with ideas and methods. If you are going to do something with these, I have no other intention. I just want to help you.

You see, you take my stuff for your own use, and I am willing to help you on the side!

Then again, you killed my siblings, relatives and friends. The road to death is long and lonely, and you need to give me another person to talk to. It is really unreasonable to think like this! "

Still a long silence.

It was just that Chu Weiyang held the stopper of the porcelain bottle with his fingers and kept twisting it left and right, making a harsh sound of the cork rubbing violently against the mouth of the porcelain bottle.

"Girl, this is what you just said... No matter what method you use, people will always continue to live. It doesn't matter if you lie to me, but you can't lie to yourself..."

There was still a long silence.

Chu Weiyang raised his hand and held the neck of the porcelain bottle between his two fingers.

"I understand that the girl's face is always much thinner than others, so let me start with this - Miss Chunyu, look, I have the "Qingwei Leiyun Seal Script" and "Nine "Yuan Qi Ling Chi Wen Zhu Fu Tong Zhi", if you want to re-forge such a spiritual sword, which talisman should be used to engrave the prohibition? "

Having said this, Chu Weiyang raised his head slightly again.


There was silence for a long time, but the woman's shadow finally laughed sarcastically.

"I finally saw it today. It turns out that you demon monks are all trying to reason with people like this!"

What responded to the woman's soul was Chu Weiyang's rather free and easy smile.

"Don't tarnish my reputation. I am now half a disciple of the Sword Sect, and in the future...maybe I will still be half a disciple of Tingchang Mountain!

Trust me, girl, this is a good start. "


In the north, Tingchang Mountain, in the secret room of the Taoist Palace.

In the spacious secret room, the walls are full of incense and candles, and the billowing smoke looks like layers of mist. Looking vaguely, on the wall to the north, hangs a map of Qianlikan north and south of the Chalcedony River. Under the treasure map, there is a long strip of land. On the table is a silver basin filled with alchemy and wine.

In front of the basin, what shines brightly in the vast divine light is the dharma body of Mother Danxia.

In the center of the secret room, there is an ice coffin. Looking through the crystal light, lying inside is a woman full of meaning, with thin blood-colored lips and raised eyebrows like willow leaves. Added another three points of meanness.

At this moment, Old Mother Danxia was standing in front of the silver basin, her fingers as dry as a dead branch gently waving above the liquid of red wine.

I don’t know whether it’s because of the powerful magic power or the blowing wind. There are layers of ripples on the surface of the elixir liquid. At first glance, it looks like the fine folds formed by the overlapping mountains on the north side of the Chalcedony River. It's like the natural harmony brought about by mountains and rivers, like the Kanyu Feng Shui hanging on a high wall.

Danxia's old mother's withered and withered fingers gently rubbed the air above the alchemy liquor, and a little bit of spiritual light fell into the alchemy liquor like light rain, riding on the breeze.

At first glance, it just looks like the rain is falling over the country, and there is endless sadness.

At the same time, there was also a vague sound echoing in the mouth of Danxia's mother.

"On the nine-story spiritual platform, in the Eight Treasures Purple Mansion."

"After a thousand tribulations, he was stationed in Tingchang. He controlled all kinds of magic and was called Danxia."

"Crossing the Magpie Bridge and spreading the sweet rain, crossing Kunlun and subduing the dragon and tiger."

"Climb the darkness to get through the misfortune, hold the sun up to ward off disasters."

"Because it is this deity who summons the soul."

"The highest, the highest, the most remote."

"Tingchangshan Taoist Palace plays Lingdanxia Yuanjun's mother."

"The highest, the highest, the most remote."

"Tingchangshan Taoist Palace plays Lingdanxia Yuanjun's mother."

"The highest, the highest, the most remote."

"Tingchang Mountain Taoist Palace - Playing the role of Ling Danxia Yuanjun's mother!"

When the voice fell, wisps of mist evaporated from the silver basin and the elixir wine. It was like a vast sea of ​​clouds was shining in a square inch, and as the spiritual light gradually condensed, it seemed that a huge sea of ​​clouds was shining. As the sun rises, you must sit calmly in the middle of the sea of ​​clouds.

Watching like this, suddenly, and she didn't know what she thought of, old mother Danxia burst out laughing, as if she was so happy that she actually laughed out loud.

"Good boy, good boy, the person who killed grandma took away grandma's Taoist teachings. The world is so big and the mountains and rivers are so far away... Good boy, our cause and effect cannot be calculated clearly!"

As she said this, the mist in the silver basin in front of Old Mother Danxia became thicker and thicker. Gradually, there seemed to be a vitality that was constantly condensing and brewing from the divine light of Danxia.

At a certain moment, it seemed that this change had reached its peak.

In the blink of an eye, a master seal was knocked down, and Old Mother Danxia put her hand directly into the almost boiling elixir liquid. When she pulled it out, her shriveled and twitching skin was covered with hot red scars, and there were many more. The skin in the area was ulcerated, and a little bit of dark red blood oozed out.

But Danxia's old mother didn't seem to feel any pain. Instead, she looked happily at the light in her hand and pinched it at her fingertips.

With the strength of his fingertips, he relaxed.

The cold wind swirled in the secret room, and when I accidentally looked around, I saw where there was a spiritual light, but it was the shadow of Chunyu Huai's confused soul, hanging there helplessly.

I saw Chun Yuhuai's appearance.

Because of this, Mother Danxia’s smile became more and more kind.

"Good Huai'er, don't say that grandma doesn't feel sorry for you. She has tried her best to teach you how to live another life! It was the escaped prisoner from the Demon Suppressing Cave who killed you. In the future, you will still have karma to settle. Woolen cloth……"

Saying this, without waiting for the reaction of the ignorant soul shadow, Old Mother Danxia stretched out her hand and pinched it with her fingertips. The formed soul shadow suddenly turned into a spiritual light and turned into a bit of true spirit. It was pinched by my mother's fingertips.

I saw her walking tremblingly, and after a few steps she stood still in front of the ice coffin. Then she performed the Yin and Yang Jue with both hands, clasped the bit of true spirit in the center, and was about to go to the woman in the ice coffin. Press the center of the eyebrow.

"Huai'er, your aunt only knows how to beg for work, which hurts grandma's heart. From now on... the mountains are high and the rivers are long, you are not allowed to imitate her!"


Chalcedony River Estuary.

When Yi Tathagata came, Master Qinghai stood with his hands behind his hands, and beside him, Xie Jiang and Jin Guan stood silently with complicated expressions.

Seeing the expression on the younger generation's face, Taoist Qinghai laughed instead.

"What are you doing with such a mournful face? It was Tingchangshan who hurt our children, not our Qianyuan Sword Sect. Look, aren't the three of us still standing here with our heads down?

Master is not a desperate person. To be honest from the bottom of my heart, from the very beginning when I taught you to go south, Master has been preparing for you to come back empty-handed. When it comes to bad things, who does it is never the most important thing.

As long as the spiritual object is a sword!

As long as the last thing to be completed is the Sword Sutra of Kaitian! "

When he said this, Taoist Qinghai was almost standing on the edge of the Chalcedony River. He looked into the distance, as if across the wide river and the lush sea of ​​trees, looking towards the misty horizon. .

When the words fell, Taoist Qinghai suddenly laughed meaningfully again.

He turned to look at Xie Jiang beside him. When he turned his hand, he already held out a cracked sword-shaped jade talisman in his palm.

"This is my junior brother and your master's treasured weapon for enlightenment. Since you took it with you all the way south, it's up to you to bring it back to your master.

Master, I may have been too romantic when I was young, leaving many unjust consequences, and ended up in a situation where I had no one to take care of...

You, the second uncle, are the palm masters and have a selfless and kind-hearted nature. When you took over the throne, you swore an oath not to tell the secrets of the Dharma and to treat you children as my disciples.

Looking at it now, no matter what happens to this disaster and this mending sutra, the legal system of Jie Yunfeng will probably fall on the two of you.

Remember clearly, children, in the eyes of the sword cultivator, seeking is the momentary happiness before your eyes! Seeking for immortality in that life too! No matter what time it is, don’t vent your anger! "


Outside Lingqiu Mountain, next to the tree at the edge of the lush sea of ​​trees.

Chu Weiyang leaned quietly on the tree trunk.

Not far from him, there is a tomb half as high as a man piled up with new dry soil.

In front of the tomb, towards the direction of Jian Zong, there is a stele carved from broad wood, with several large ancient seal characters written on it -

The tomb of Gujianxiu Ma Sandong.

At this moment, Chu Weiyang was leaning on the tree trunk quietly, looking at the tomb, and stared at it in silence for a long time.

In such a daze, at a certain moment, Chu Weiyang finally seemed to come to his senses, and he subconsciously clenched the long sword in his hand.

Suddenly, this action gave him another meal.


Chu Weiyang drew his sword!

What you can see is that the bright yellow and silver colors on the sword are mixed together, and they are burned into a seamless whole in the raging flames. When you look carefully, you can see that the bright yellow color is filled between the fragments, and the spiritual light is swirling around. It is the thunder seals and cloud patterns that alternately connect and turn into spiritual light, which is faintly visible with the sound of Chu Weiyang's breathing.

And in the originally dull silvery-white fragments, the original silver glow became more intense, like the moonlight flowing in the nine days began to reflect the colorful colors of the stars little by little.

On the outermost edge, a thin layer of bright yellow wraps the original sword edge, and the sharp cold light remains, adding a little more weight.

After all, he was a sword cultivator. Looking at the sword in his hand like this, Chu Weiyang became more and more happy.

As if he couldn't help himself, Chu Weiyang stretched out his hand and gently stroked the sword's spine, stroking the non-existent traces of alternation between bright yellow and silver. Perhaps the aura was too strong, and in just two or three breaths, the sword's body Then it suddenly started to tremble and buzz.

Immediately, there was an angry sound like thunder, following the restrictions of the sword, resounding in Chu Weiyang's mind.

"Chu! Wei! Yang!"

"You better—do something!"

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