Yu Sha

Chapter 908: 5 Colors of Clay Burning Evil Smoke

Latest website: In such a flash, the most urgent part of this dangerous situation in the world seems to have been passed, and it has been completely passed in a way far beyond what the world could imagine.

Qingyi Taoist's plan failed due to the essential disharmony at the level of Taoism.

Unexpectedly, he failed to reach the level of ancient land immortal, and what he created was Chu Weiyang's supreme and illustrious reputation!

The situation has changed!

But what it changed was only the situation of the Shanshuang family.

Even at this moment, the real critical point of the situation no longer lies with Chu Weiyang.

As Taoist Xing came to the altar, and even after Taoist Qingyi faded away, Taoist Xing still did not disappear. Even with the flourishing of his aura, the power of Sumeru in Chu Weiyang no longer moved towards the two worlds. When it is reflected, following the anchor just moments ago, at this moment, it is the Xumi Taoism of the real Master of Baihua Hall that penetrates the shortcomings!

The incense stick has still not been lit, but at this moment, the incense ashes mixed with dark red blood in the bronze cauldron in the Taoist's hand seem to be ignited by invisible fireworks. In an instant, red smoke and dust are ignited in Xing. He soared into the sky amidst the Taoist's support!

In that smoke and dust, there is some kind of indescribable smell of blood, some indescribable evil and strange aura, which even makes ordinary monks in the divine realm feel permeable, frightened, and frightened when they look at it!

When looking carefully, in the steaming smoke, in this flash, with the blood light and the smoke itself swirling and entangled, in the blink of an eye, the aura flickers, and suddenly an extremely mysterious scene can be seen. It shows that it is the process of collision and integration between two vast and lofty worlds.

It was during the rumbling vibrations of Sumeru and all things, that countless creatures were entangled with each other, fighting with utmost madness in the turbulent and colorful storm that truly spanned the entire life!

The mountains and rivers are shattering, the clouds are boiling, and at almost every flash, real scarlet blood emerges from the colorful storm.

Bloodshed all over the world!

In the storm that filled the sky, there were even more than one being of the ancient immortal level capable of fighting wantonly, who perished one after another in the real decisive battle of life and death.

It was the roar of the entire world, the interweaving and resonance of the charms of too many divine monks, and they all fell into pure collapse and destruction.

Until a flash moment.

A real vibration, a real tremor that made everyone's heart palpitate, instantly penetrated the sky and penetrated the minds of all cultivators.

Immediately afterwards, all the ways withered and the whole world was destroyed!

That is at the root of Tao and Dharma. Everything is rolling over. The blood and tears are mixed with the rolling essence of Dao and Dharma in the great realm. Together, they interpret pure death and decay, and interpret the weird and evil nature that can no longer be rolled over. demon.

After that, in the silence that filled the mountains and plains, the old and new monks disappeared one after another in embarrassment.

It was a very tragic battle, and the existence of almost immeasurable levels of real people in the divine realm were all killed in it. Now let's look back at the nine-room Yuping heaven, and then look back at the two realms of the new Tao monks.

This was a heavy blow that neither the old nor the new had been able to recover from, even after eternity and eternity.

This is a reenactment and display of the scene in which the old and new cultivators of the Clear Void Tomorrow Realm were fighting for each other. Because of the extremely brutal battle, thousands of realms rioted, and one realm completely collapsed!

And when you look carefully, you can see that among the crowd of ancient monks, it is Taoist Xing with a very young face, covered in blood, and there is even still some kind of trace in the process of retreating sadly with the monks. Extra moves.

In the hazy and changing light and shadow, you can really see that Xing Taoists collected the five elements from the mountains, smelted the five-color soil, and then kneaded the five-color soil to make incense sticks.

That is not an ordinary five-element mountain, nor is it an ordinary five-color soil!

That is the Five Elements Mountains in the sky after a realm of withering and death, where the origins of Tao and Dharma are all rolled up. It is a five-color soil that contains all the creatures of the realm, as well as the blood of monks in the old and new realms of the Incalculable God Realm!

There may not be a more tragic bloody battle in the world.

Naturally, there is no more evil and strange existence than in the hands of Taoist Xing at this moment.

This is the real reason why the cultivators in the two realms feel terrified!

Compared with Chu Weiyang who stirred up the dim ocean and used the charm of the troubled world to shake the essence of the Xumi barrier between the two worlds, it is at this moment that Xing Taoist's evil method that has not yet been launched can truly shake and destroy the past. It was a ruthless method that completely dissipated the weirdness and ominousness of the bloody battlefield in the two worlds!

Even after that bloody battle, there had been more than one monk who existed at the pinnacle of the divine realm, and they had many guesses about the already withering Qingxu Tomorrow Realm.

In the understanding of cultivators, that realm is not "dead silence" in the ordinary sense, or even the non-existence of everything in the general concept. The origin and essence of Tao and Dharma are driven by destruction, and it is the transformation that reaches the Yin. On the underworld level, it is a "vibrant" world on the lunar level that is completely different from the ordinary world.

It's just that compared to the vitality and creation, in the present world, it may mean evil and strange.

And if it is not pure annihilation, it also means that the weirdness and evil that have accumulated in the world for an unknown amount of time are likely to have some formless and formless essence, and a different concept from the present world. , with the ignition of these incense sticks, and the anchoring of the charm, we will pursue the two realms of the mountains, and the bloody battle of the past will continue in the two realms of heaven!

This is a truly terrifying move!

This is no longer a matter of Taoist Qingyi monitoring the failure of a certain sea area. Once Taoist Xing really takes action, today will be the beginning of a decisive battle!

And it is precisely this that I am deeply aware of.

In this flash of lightning, there are almost all the evil stars of the old and new realms, those beings who have been stationed at the immortal level in the ancient land for many years, and those with high combat prowess who have reached the last few steps on the road to true transcendence of the divine realm. All the monks showed their figures in the sky.

At this moment, they were just figures confronting each other in the air. Their breaths were connecting, touching, grinding, and fighting one after another. Gradually, at the end of this twilight world, a long and narrow path stretched out. A faint bloody haze comes.

"Old Taoist Xing! If you take action today, you and I will be the ones in all realms who will fight to the death today!"

The momentum became stronger and stronger, and the more it accumulated, the higher it became. Finally, at some point, it was about to reach a certain extreme of the momentum, when it seemed that it was about to completely change from tense to a critical point of chilling. There is such a sound coming from the direction of the two realms of heaven.

But in the same place, Taoist Xing just smiled softly.

"Ha! I use this method to scare you, to teach you to be frightened and uneasy. But you are not allowed to scare me with such words. I can't help but scare you. If you make more noise, maybe it's my hand. With a flick of the incense, the matter is no longer up to me!

So... take a good look! Don't be too smart! And don’t talk too much!

If I don’t come down from the Flower Altar, you will stand here quietly with me!

Stand still——! "

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