Yuan’s Ascension

Chapter 560: Path Of The Supreme Genius (2)

A smile played on Eldritch Sovereign Kua Chi's lips. "Previously, I gifted you sixty points as a welcome gift. But I haven't given you any rewards for reaching the Amethyst Cradle phase. So, I shall bestow you a gift.

Both of your true selves may visit the Dao Temple twice each to experience a perception simulation of the Life Dao.

Furthermore, your body refiner self may request the inheritance of the True Spatial Domain Tome at any time," Kua Chi added.

Wu Yuan's eyes lit up. "Thank you, Master."

He quickly calculated—experiencing a Greater Law simulation at the Dao Temple cost five points each time. Four visits equated to twenty merit points. It might not seem like much, but it was an incredibly practical gift.

As for the True Spatial Domain Tome’s inheritance? Once he received it, it would act as a beacon in the darkness, likely improving his efficiency in comprehending the Space Dao significantly.

"I've shown you the path and provided the resources. Whether you succeed now depends on you," Kua Chi's voice grew stern. "I hope you won't disappoint me."

With those words, Kua Chi dissolved into countless motes of light and vanished.

"Farewell, Master," Wu Yuan bowed respectfully.

Wu Yuan stood in the center of the vast Blood Eldritch Temple, his eyes closed.

Astral Monarch Xue Ying waited patiently nearby.

Suddenly, Wu Yuan's eyes snapped open, and he smiled. "Astral Monarch, I apologize for keeping you waiting."

"No matter," Astral Monarch Xue Ying’s face remained hidden, but a hint of amusement tinged his voice. "I presume the Eldritch Sovereign has told you everything."

"Indeed," Wu Yuan nodded, waving his hand. The Bronze Immutable Token flew towards Astral Monarch Xue Ying, who caught it effortlessly.

"Wu Yuan, this is the treasure the Eldritch Sovereign prepared for you. Catch," Xue Ying opened his palm, revealing a sphere of intense emerald light. It radiated an overwhelmingly powerful aura that made even Wu Yuan feel slightly threatened.

The fist-sized emerald sphere floated toward Wu Yuan, hovering in front of him before he swiftly stored it away.

"Wu Yuan, now that I’ve delivered the treasure to you, my task is complete. I'll take my leave," Xue Ying said with a smile.

"I've instructed the Archimmortals and Archeldritches here to let you meditate in this hall for the next few days. They'll notify you when Astral Monarch Huo Cang arrives."

"If you need anything, you can contact me directly through the eldritch voidrealm. I’ve granted you the corresponding permissions," Xue Ying added.

"Thank you for your trouble, Astral Monarch," Wu Yuan bowed slightly.

Though their statuses were similar in theory, Wu Yuan knew that true power was what mattered. He was, after all, just an Amethyst Cradle cultivator. Humility was crucial.

With that, Astral Monarch Xue Ying's form gradually merged with space until he completely vanished, leaving Wu Yuan alone in the vast hall.

Left alone in the vast hall, Wu Yuan exhaled and flew to the far end of the chamber, plopping down on the steps beneath the throne.

Master's visit was likely due to my exceptional performance. Wu Yuan mused inwardly. Directing me to the path of the Life Dao?

The Life Dao, a Greater Law. The path was indeed incredible, but throughout the endless ages of the macrocosm, countless peerless geniuses had been born, yet none had walked it to completion in one go.

I'll have to work hard, taking it step by step. Master sees potential in me. In terms of Dao comprehension talent, Dao Heart, and soul, I excel in every aspect. I must give it my all. Wu Yuan resolved.

At this, Wu Yuan smiled again. As his strength and talent grew, he could feel that the level of care and attention he was receiving also grew.

Now, he even had a direct line of contact with the head of intelligence of the entire Eldritch World.

Next, I'll wait for Astral Monarch Huo Cang to arrive. I wonder what Immortal Sovereign Bei You of the Eternal Sun Immortal World is like. Wu Yuan shook his head slightly. He felt no particular aversion towards the Eternal Sun Immortal World. Furthermore, it was safer to separate his two true selves.

A couple of days isn’t enough time for me to visit the Dao Temple and receive the Life Dao inheritance. Wu Yuan mused to himself, flipping his palm.

The emerald sphere he had stored earlier materialized in his hand. Its aura was overwhelming, enough to frighten an ordinary Amethyst Cradle cultivator, but Wu Yuan's soul was far from ordinary.

Three billion ethercrystal laurels accumulated over more than ten years in the Eldritch-Immortal Battlefield, all exchanged for this treasure? Wu Yuan pondered. And Master said it was worth more than the price. I'll examine it first to see what kind of treasure it really is.

Focusing his thoughts, Wu Yuan’s Soul Force surged into the emerald sphere.

Swiftly, he sensed the incredible power of the essence contained within the sphere. It far surpassed any artifact he had ever encountered.

So-called spirion artifacts paled in comparison to this emerald sphere before him.

This... this artifact? Wu Yuan was stunned as he carefully probed its essence.

Countless intricate Dao patterns were embedded within it. Just imprinting his vital aura upon the artifact was an extremely difficult task.

Six hours went by.

With a soft hum, the overwhelming aura radiating from the emerald sphere was finally withdrawn. The sphere then transformed into an irregularly shaped emerald object about the size of a fruit pit, its surface covered in countless fine Dao patterns. A mysterious aura was emitted from it.

Simultaneously, a flood of information surged into Wu Yuan's mind. He quickly absorbed it. This was the information obtained after imprinting his vital aura, detailing the usage of the artifact.

More time passed.

I see. Wu Yuan smiled, his gaze tinged with disbelief. So it's actually a Dao Treasure.

Though it's only the most common type, it's still incredibly precious. Wu Yuan felt a rush of excitement.

Artifacts were classified into spirit equipment, spirion equipment, and celestial equipment. Spirit equipment was divided into nine grades, while spirion and celestial equipment were categorized as low, mid and high grades.

Even a low-grade celestial flying sword, the most ordinary of celestial equipment, would cost over a thousand divine crystals. A late-stage Earth Immortal would find it hard to acquire one with their entire fortune. Generally, only High Immortals could afford celestial equipment.

As for mid-grade celestial equipment? Most were powerful artifacts used by Archimmortals.

Each piece of celestial equipment possessed terrifyingly powerful abilities. When unleashed, their power could easily impact a million li radius of space.

With his current level of authority, Wu Yuan naturally knew all this information.

All the aforementioned artifacts essentially belonged to the category of equipment. Even celestial equipment, powerful as it was, gained its tremendous power through the forging of the artifact and the engraving of numerous cryptic and Dao patterns.

Dao Treasures, however, were a special type of treasure distinct from celestial equipment. Most Dao Treasures were not manually engraved with cryptic or Dao patterns. Instead, they were naturally formed from the essence of the Dao.

Indeed! The core of Dao treasures contained either a fragmented or complete Dao essence. Not all were suited for combat, but most possessed unique properties.

The Myriad Woods Dao Treasure. Wu Yuan mused silently.

This artifact held a partial essence of the Longevity Dao, incomplete yet still mystical in its power. In terms of value, it far surpassed mid-grade celestial equipment, perhaps even rivaling high-grade celestial equipment.

The withered branch Master Nan Yin gifted me previously is also a Dao Treasure, but it pales in comparison to this Myriad Woods Dao Treasure. Wu Yuan reflected.

The Myriad Woods Dao Treasure served two primary functions.

First, Wu Yuan could study and comprehend the partial Longevity Dao essence, accelerating his comprehension of the Longevity Dao.

Second, when channeling power through it during the process of casting arcane arts, significantly less mana was consumed while the potency of the arcane art increased noticeably.

Very practical. Wu Yuan thought. Previously, to cast arcane arts, I had to commune with the ethereal Dao essence and expend vast amounts of mana.

Wu Yuan's excitement grew. But with this Myriad Woods Dao Treasure, even my basic arcane arts might rival those cast by Void Refiner Eminences wielding formidable spirion equipment.

And as my comprehension deepens, the power of this Myriad Woods Dao Treasure will continue to grow. Thus, the mana saved can be used to maintain my sword array for longer periods. Wu Yuan concluded, feeling a surge of confidence.

The Myriad Woods Dao Treasure held great auxiliary value even for Archimmortals. For Wu Yuan at his current level, its worth was immeasurable.

Three billion ethercrystal laurels for a Myriad Woods Dao Treasure? A worthwhile exchange. Wu Yuan deemed the transaction more than favorable.

This Dao treasure would serve Wu Yuan well into his Earth Immortal phase, perhaps even to the High Immortal phase.

I must keep this secret. Wu Yuan cautioned himself. If word gets out, even Archimmortals might be tempted. Dao treasures can only be obtained through luck.

Wu Yuan calmed his mind and began to contemplate the Myriad Woods Dao Treasure.

Progress was slow. After all, Wu Yuan had only just grasped the True Intent of Longevity, barely scratching the surface of the complete Law of Longevity.

A single Dao treasure could take an Archimmortal tens of thousands of years to fully comprehend, so Wu Yuan harbored no illusions of quick mastery. He simply hoped to glean as much insight as possible. This process of study was, in itself, a form of cultivation for Wu Yuan.

As Wu Yuan cultivated quietly within the Blood Eldritch Temple, a day passed in the blink of an eye.

Hmm? Suddenly, the thread of consciousness Wu Yuan's qi refiner self had left in his personal hall within the eldritch voidrealm received a message. His eyes lit up. The list of treasures needed for my lifebound flying swords’ evolution.

This was what Master Kua Chi had promised him earlier.

Swiftly, Wu Yuan's avatar within the eldritch voidrealm selected the virtual immortal slip that had appeared before him.

A light screen projection materialized, displaying a wealth of information about various treasures.

It included their names, quantities required, visual representations, and the order in which they should be refined. It was extremely complex.

The perfect evolution of a lifebound flying sword was no simple task. The leap from first-grade spirit equipment to spirion equipment represented a monumental threshold.

This list was the result of countless eons of experimentation within the Cang Feng Eldritch World, representing the optimal evolution pathway.

So many rare materials, and so expensive. Wu Yuan muttered to himself as he perused the list, calculating the costs and feeling the pressure mount.

Nine swords! In total, it will cost 1,200 divine crystals? The figure was astronomical. It seemed excessive for the transformation of first-grade spirit equipment into spirion equipment. Even many High Immortals would find it hard to afford such an expense.

When I return to the Eternal Sun Immortal World, I'll need to find a way to sell off all my previous spoils of war. Wu Yuan decided.

Despite over a decade of slaughtering enemies on the battlefield and defeating numerous Void Refiner/Elysian Field powerhouses, the truly valuable items he obtained were few.

The real prizes he obtained came from the final battle, where he had slain over twenty Immortal Hall prodigies, each possessing a trove of precious artifacts.

As Wu Yuan pondered which treasures to keep and which to sell, a message from the Blood Eldritch Temple interrupted his thoughts: "Young Master Ming Jian, Astral Monarch Huo Cang has arrived at the Blood Eldritch Temple. Please come to the main hall immediately."

Astral Monarch Huo Cang had arrived.

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