Yuanshin: Kiss Tianli at the beginning

Chapter 112

Chapter 113

“Hey… Well, although I know that I am very handsome now, don’t stop! Chen

Yu felt the terrifying aura emanating from the five huge heads of Orcel, even if there was a dark gold true dragon guarding his body, he still froze for a while!

The power of the emperor’s remains has a limit after all! Although Chen Yu once again possessed the power of an eighth-order demon god at this moment! But in the face of Orcel, who is a ninth-order demon god, it is still not enough to see!

“No… Wrong! You are not Morax…” Orcel

felt the ancient aura emanating from Chenyu’s body, although it was very similar to the ancient rock god, but the amount was obviously much worse!

Far from being as vast as the rock god back then!

Even so, Orcel’s huge pupils were still full of solemnity, and as dark blue lines completely emerged from all around, five huge heads roared in unison:

“Let me see!” You can use Morax… A little power! ”

Orcel took the lead, and five heads that went straight to the sky circled and staggered, and at the same time pounced on the rain in the sky!

“It’s not that I’m serious, it’s not to…” Chen

Yu looked at the five huge heads that pounced, and his face turned green! I originally planned to try the strength of a head, but the result was…

“I can only bite the bullet!”

Chenyu Dark Gold is a vertical pupil slightly narrowed, and the dark gold dragon more than 100 meters behind it flew out, and at the same time raised his right arm to clench his fist, and the strength of the whole body was condensed on it!


The hundred-meter dragon combined with Chenyu’s all-out punch smashed heavily on Orcel’s huge body. Orcel’s body of more than a thousand meters trembled violently, and the trend of forward rushing stopped!


Under the terrifying countershock force, Chen Yu and the Dark Gold True Dragon flew out hundreds of meters upside down, and above the indestructible scale armor, the dark gold streamer dimmed a little.

“It’s really hard…”

Chenyu’s right arm trembled slightly, looking at the Vortex Demon God Orcel in front of him, his beautiful face was solemn.

Even if with the help of the remains of the emperor, his strength has greatly improved, and in the face of the ninth-order ancient demon god who has been sealed for thousands of years, it is still possible that one who is not prepared will be doomed!

“Chenyu Xiaoyou! We’re here to help! ”

Liuyun borrowed the four of the Wind True Monarch, and at this moment, they also changed their titles to young men, in the continent of Tivat, where strength is respected.

Chen Yu has now surpassed mortals, and is enough to be on an equal footing with a real demon god! One after another, the power of the eighth order erupted from the bodies of several immortals, and Liuyun borrowed the Wind True Monarch and several people once again found their respective heads and engaged in a fight!

“How many of you… Fuck me off! ”

Orcel’s four huge heads roared up to the sky, and one after another majestic water elements burst out without money, and bombarded the four immortals!

“Orcel is in a hurry! Resist! ”

Liuyun took advantage of the wind Zhenjun and others to confront the huge head again, and suddenly felt a huge pressure, suddenly opened his wings for a hundred meters, and the wind and snow flowed, desperately blocking Orcel’s terrible attack!


Terrible explosions kept coming, and Orcel used almost all of his elemental power at the moment. For a time, the four immortals were bombarded and retreated one after another, and there were injuries!

Orcel had been just trying to drag the four people down before, but now he was desperate to attack, which can only show one thing.

With only one head, Orcel was not sure to defeat Chen Yu in this state!

Attack and defense changed at this moment, and the four immortals did their best to use all means to forcibly drag the four huge heads of Orcel, and even did not hesitate to exchange injuries for injuries!

“Orcel… Before you pressed me with the realm, but now… Let’s fight again! Chen

Yu naturally also saw the current situation, took a deep breath, the dark golden light burst out, and the remains of the emperor who controlled it again, rushed towards the thousand-meter body that he had fought all he had before, but could not fight!

“Hmph! But after inheriting Morax’s legacy, I really thought I was afraid! ”

Orcel’s eyes are so vicious, when he understands the origin of the Dark Gold True Dragon, he roared, mixed with boundless waves, colliding with Chenyu!


“Resonate with the gods, master the remains, this guy Chenyu is even more outrageous than the demon god…”

Wendy used the means to cover the entire Liyue country, the wind howled, and the blue eyes looked at the Chenyu who was hanging again at this moment, a little in a daze!

Chen Yu was obviously just a mortal, but in less than half a year, he had done countless things that made the Demon God feel outrageous!

“Resonate with God? Didn’t you do the wind that blew from the continent of Tivat?

Zhong Li, who put down his heart to watch the play, heard Wendy’s complaint, raised his eyebrows slightly, and asked with some curiosity!

Resonating with God, a moment of brilliance, this is the common recognition of everyone in Tivat. Resonate with the wind god and survive….

“It seems that there are still some underestimated Chenyu…” Zhongli

even felt that it would not be long before Chenyu might grow to the extent that it was not weaker than theirs, and at that time…

Zhong Li raised his head slightly, his dark golden pupils staring at the sky shrouded in a storm, so much effort, just to block the prying eyes of that person.

Wendy knew what Morax was looking at without asking, her beautiful face looked serious, and her ethereal voice was mixed with heaviness:

“When Chenyu and the Son of Man fully grow, it will be the real war…” A

war that made the wind god and rock god who had participated in the demon god war feel uneasy and needed to deal with it with all their strength!


Inside Liyue Port

, the black-robed man on the wooden building quietly drooped his hands, looking at the young man who was constantly colliding with Orcel at this moment. Streams of orchid flames loomed from above the black robe.

“Chenyu, yes… The progress is indeed a little fast…” The

black-robed man looked at the dark gold true dragon guarding at this moment, like a young man in the dust, and felt a deep pressure for the first time.

As Chenyu’s strength continued to skyrocket geometrically, it was already very difficult for him to target the teenager in front of him.

“In that case… Then let me see how far you can go on the continent of Tivat… A traverser from that country! ”

The black-robed man already knows the end of this battle, and there is nothing unnecessary to watch. As the flames of the orchid covered the whole body, they disappeared in Liyue Port!

He’s going to start the next plan….



The dark gold and the dark blue figure collided again and again, separating. The terrible aftermath caused the surrounding ocean to churn.

Above Orcel’s thousand-meter body, there were already big holes because of the collision. The dark golden streamers at the edge of the large hole flickered, and even if Orcel was fully engaged in the water element, it was difficult to repair these wounds.

Compared to Orcel’s embarrassment, Chenyu’s state is much better. The remains of the true dragon, superimposed on the double defense of the dark gold scale armor, even the ninth-order demon god is difficult to break through Chenyu’s defense at this moment.

Even though the thousand-meter body continued to smash on his body, the scale armor on Chenyu’s body was only slightly dim, but it was not damaged.

All the people who returned to the defense of Liyue Port were full of hope. Everyone can see that this collision, Chen Yu has the absolute upper hand.


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