Yuanshin: Kiss Tianli at the beginning

Chapter 131

Chapter 132

“Whew… It seems that they should not fight”

Chen Yu silently wiped a non-existent cold sweat, looking at the two beautiful girls who were now holding hands with each other, it was clear that Liana and Mona did not have that relationship with themselves.

But why is there a feeling of an Asura field?

“But no matter what, it’s good if Chenyu comes back!”

After a simple hello to Liana, Mona let go of her hand, the redness of her pretty face dissipated, and she jumped to Chenyu’s side again, blinking her big eyes at Chenyu’s beautiful face.

“Do you still want to leave?”

Mona’s words also attracted Liana’s attention, although he knew that Chenyu did not belong to Mond, and his talent could only be perfectly displayed in the face of the sea of stars.

“But if you can accompany me…” It

is said that Xiao Beisheng is newly married, and if you let Eura make another choice, Eura estimates that she will no longer be able to push the boy in front of her away.

That pure emotion, not only did not fade in time, but became deeper and more indestructible.

Chenyu’s dark eyes flickered slightly, and after a moment of silence, he bowed his head slightly under the gaze of the two women, and said seriously

, “I will leave, I still have people who need to accompany, and there are things that I must look for…”

Chen Yu thought of the long golden hair at this moment, pure as the princess’s glow. Thinking of the stunning girl in the white dress in the moonlight, and the hoarse roar of the girl when facing Orcel, she stood by her side without hesitation.

“Without me, Ying would be lonely…” As

a traveler from another world, he lost all his power to come to this strange continent. Chen Yu understood the loneliness hidden under the touching smile.

Although he does not like adventure and likes comfort, he is also willing to accompany Ying through this long journey.

Just because of this bond

, “But don’t worry!” Mond is the first country I came to here, and I will definitely come back…” The

atmosphere was a little silent, Chen Yu glanced at Mona, who seemed to be a little lost in her beautiful eyes, and hurriedly added that

no matter how many countries she traveled in the future and how many beautiful scenery she saw, Chen Yu would never forget this country of dragons and songs, her growth here, and everyone she met here who helped herself.

“Well, okay, okay! Say what, where do you love to go! Anyway, I don’t have the money to run back and forth…”

Mona waved her hand angrily, pretending not to care, she could naturally see the strength of Chen Yu’s improvement.

There is a drastic change from when you leave yourself, which is a growth that can only be achieved by constantly experiencing life and death and constantly traveling.

Although Mona is distressed, she can’t stop anyone and become stronger.

“Whew… Will you leave…” Liana

stood in the place that Chen Yu did not notice, and gently breathed a sigh of relief, her pale golden beautiful eyes blinked, and her heart tasted in every way.

“Although I am very reluctant and feel sorry for your experience, this is the boy I like…” For

a long time, the deepest impression in Yura’s heart was the appearance of the boy desperately, using his weak body to carry his big sword in front of him.

“Hmph! Anyway, no matter where you go, I won’t let go this time!

Liana’s red lips pouted slightly, her snow-white plain hand clenched slightly, and her big pale golden eyes stared at the beautiful cheeks of the young man in front of her, her gaze burning.

This time, no matter where the teenager is, he must be by his side and never give up!


The dark night sky, the full moon hangs high, the silver is covered and the stars are shining. A fresh breeze blows.

“That what… Chenyu, why are we turning over the window…” Liana

followed the black-haired boy, her fair face was full of helplessness, raised her hand to hold the bricks and tiles on the wall, her body was very light, and she went up quickly!

“Oh… Is it possible, get used to it! ”

Chenyu climbed faster than Liana, and he was obviously already familiar with the road, quickly moving up the wall outside the Zephyr Knights!

Since coming to the Zephyr Knights, Chen Yu has not walked through the normal gate normally.

In the past, because of identity, I couldn’t climb over the wall, but now I am too lazy to walk through the main entrance.

In the dead of night tonight, the West Wind Knight who guards the door is also resting, and at this time, the gate is closed, it is not good to disturb anyone, it is better …

“It’s so fast to turn over

the window…” Chen Yu admired in his heart, and grabbed the edge of the window with great familiarity, and turned over in an instant.

Liana’s beautiful face was confused, and she repeatedly confirmed this window, and her clever little head was a little confused, this

is not the window of Captain Qin’s office!


“Hmm… Before I knew it, it was so late again. Late

at night, Kotomi glanced at the stars outside a little tiredly, and the rising silver moon was already in the center of the night sky. Jean slowly got up, stood up from her seat, crossed her hands and stretched, and her posture was delicately bumpy.

As a Mond workaholic, Jean’s work attitude really made the boss cry.

No wonder the wind god can touch the fish, it turns out that the Knights of the West Wind silently carry the weight forward!

The window opened, and a cool breeze blew through Qincan’s long golden hair, blowing away the tiredness around the girl.

“Whew… May the wind never stop, and protect the well-being of Mond for a thousand years…” Jean

slowly closed her crystal clear eyes, felt the grace brought by the breeze, and extended her high wishes to the great Lord Barbatos in the middle of the night!

Note! It’s Barbatos, the god of wind, not the rotten drunkard!!

Every time I think of Wendy Jun’s red face and drunken appearance in the wine bottle, Jean has a feeling of faith collapse, and can only go home to read the texts of the wind god a thousand years ago to save the image of Barbatos!

Under the baptism of the breeze, Jean slowly opened her beautiful eyes and raised her hand to rub her swollen eyebrows.

“Whew… Fortunately, Chenyu that guy left, otherwise I would have to lock the window…” Every

time I think of that handsome young man, Qin’s maturity and steadiness seem to become non-existent, until now, every time Qin opens the window, he has to subconsciously glance out the window, which is really a shadow in his heart!

It wasn’t until a month after Chen Yu left Mondstadt that she dared to open the window, without him, she worked overtime and stayed up late at night, and she was really sleepy when the wind was blowing.

While thinking about Chenyu, Qin subconsciously glanced at the window.

At this moment, a handsome face suddenly stretched out from the edge of the window, opposite Qin Si’s eyes!


In this non-static picture, Qin Zhu’s lips were slightly open, and he raised his hand quite cutely and rubbed his eyes.

“Did I hallucinate after working too long?”

Jean rubbed her eyes and looked over again in disbelief.

“Oh… Hi!

The next moment, Chen Yu had already climbed in through the window, looking like he had been discovered, raised his hand to rub his head with an embarrassed face, and waved his hand awkwardly!

Qin’s eyebrows that had just been soothed jumped wildly again, her pink fists were clenched, her full chest rose and fell, and she gritted her teeth and said:

“Dead hemtai!” The evil spirits retreat! ”


A scream frightened Liana, who was just about to grab the window….


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