Yuanshin: Kiss Tianli at the beginning

Chapter 57

Chapter 57

“All right! Everyone is quiet…” As

soon as Ning Guang appeared, he attracted everyone’s attention, his pretty face remained unchanged, and he walked generously to the center of Yujing Tai. The red beautiful eyes swept over the

gentle voice of everyone present, not angry, but sounded in everyone’s ears!

In an instant, the originally noisy Yujingtai suddenly became quiet. Everyone looked excited, waiting for the arrival of this year’s immortal invitation ceremony.

“What a strong aura!”

Yingguang Guang so easily made the noisy scene orderly, and his fair face was stunned, and Condensing Light did not reflect strong strength.

It’s the courage to rule everything. Only a ruler who has experienced hundreds of battles can have such an aura.

Condensing Guang looks no more than about thirty years old, how can he cultivate such an aura.

As the sun rises, the warm sunlight shines on the beautiful cheeks, the narrow and beautiful eyes are slightly narrowed, and the slender plain hands are raised.

“The auspicious time has come! Please start the fairy ceremony! The

Divine Eye on the waist of Condensing Light flashed with yellow light, and in an instant, countless rock elements seemed to turn into crystalline gems, circulating on the woman’s snow-white wrist.

Condensing light jade fingers painted out of thin air, and as the spices and offerings were all opened, the originally clear and bright sky suddenly became dim.

Clouds shrouded the blue sky, and the wind was raging! Flying sand and stones in an instant!

“Hmm! What’s going on! The rock god is coming”

The fierce wind lifted the long golden hair, and under the flying sand, he had to raise his arm to block his eyes, and his vision blurred into a blur.

“Hmm! What’s going on this year!

“It’s over! This must be King Yan being angry!

“Something went wrong?”

The yin wind was raging, and the people who were originally expecting it suddenly panicked, and in previous years, the ceremony of inviting immortals was full of light, but now it is obviously not a normal phenomenon!

His good-looking eyes narrowed slightly, allowing the fierce wind to ruffle his long platinum hair.

Although the surrounding Thousand Rock Army did not understand the situation at this moment, they were not too panicked, standing majestically in place, holding the black tasseled gun in their hands.

The next moment, a huge shadow fell from the sky!

Condensing red’s eyes suddenly shrunk. A golden dragon of more than 100 meters fell heavily, setting off dust and exclamations!

After the exclamation, all the Liyue people gathered here seemed to be frozen. Yukyodai is quiet and terrible.

“This is … What’s going on! A

sense of foreboding rose from Ying’s heart. Condensing Light’s next words exploded in his heart like a bomb!

“The emperor was killed! Lockdown the venue! Condensing

Light determined that there was no trace of life on the dragon, and his beautiful face was ugly, and he made the calmest choice with a wave of his hand.

Panic flashed on the faces of the surrounding Qianyan Army, and under the training day after day, they completely subconsciously obeyed the order and began to block the entire Yujingtai.

“Iwajin… Killed?”

Ying stood there as if he was stupid. The Wind God Divine Dragon saw the head and tail, and could not find a trace day by day. When he came to Liyue, he met the murder of the rock god.

Yingdu suspects that he hit the gods.

Chen Yu pulled the white and tender little hand, his arms exerted strength, and his reaction was extremely fast, and the cyan divine eye on his waist flashed blue. A soft wind element instantly enveloped the two.

“Median Elemental Technique, Flowing Wind Step!”

Chen Yu pulled Ying, his footsteps were violent, and the breeze swept away the people around him, rushing towards the exit of Yujingtai!

“Hey! Someone over there is going to run!

“Stop them! Stop them quickly!

For a time, the people around shouted, and a few daring ones directly chose to block in front of Chen Yu and the two.

“Eh! Why are we running!

Confused, Ying followed, and then reacted. They didn’t do it in the first place, wouldn’t it be misleading to run now!

“Eh, hey! It’s about attracting the attention of the audience! Chen

Yu said words that made Ying Bai puzzled, and the eyes of the wind god on his waist bloomed, and he immediately took off directly with Yingbai!

“Ah! My skirt!

Ying exclaimed, and a hand with a red face quickly pressed down on the hem of the skirt lifted upwards, glaring at the teenager fiercely!

“You two! Stop me! ”

Even if Chen Yu masters the wind element, it is impossible to really fly, and where he is about to land, four or five Thousand Rock Army are holding black tasseled guns and drinking at the two!

“Chenyu! Let’s not really clash with the Thousand Rock Army! ”

The route is blocked, and unless you really repel the Thousand Rock Army in front of you, you can’t dodge at all. Ying hurriedly spoke, his tone revealing a faint anxiety.

If she was really regarded as the murderer of the rock god in Liyue, the girl estimated that everything would be over!

Chen Yu’s expression did not change at all, the blue light of the divine eye on his waist dissipated, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

“This situation! You should always make a move…”

Seeing that it was about to fall into the encirclement of the Thousand Rock Army, three sharp arrows wrapped in water elements struck at an extremely fast speed, slicing a sonic boom in the air!

Without waiting for the Thousand Rock Army to react, the sharp arrow exploded on the chest of several people, and the impact of the water repelled several people!

“Quick! Come with me! Under

Chenyu’s gaze that saw everything, a tall and somewhat childish young man stepped on the churning water element under his feet. Dressed in gray, her short orange hair fluttered in the wind.

“What is this and what…” Ying

was confused by several sudden changes, only knew that it must be inappropriate to be here now, and also used the internal wind element, and quickly escaped from Yujingtai with Chen Yu and the mysterious youth!

“Catch up!”

Such a blockade was broken, and it simply hit the face of the Qianyan Army, and more than a dozen Qianyan Army suddenly held black tasseled guns in their hands, just wanting to chase.

Condensing light, a soft but very calm voice, sounded again

: “No need to chase!” They are not murderers! Until

now, Ning Guang’s beautiful face did not have any expression, and he always remained calm.

The several Thousand Rock Soldiers who had just been shot away by water arrows had already gotten up at this moment, without any injuries. Obviously, the other party deliberately controlled the strength.

Let’s not mention the strength of a few people and the rock god one under the sky. If it was really the rock god killed by a few people, how could he care about the life or death of several thousand rock troops.

“Then the purpose of their doing this is…” The

beautiful red eyes flashed with thought, and the slender fingers gently rubbed at the lip flap.

“You want to attract the attention of me, or Liyue Seven Stars! Interesting…”

Now that the emperor has been killed, the stable Liyue has been surging in an instant, so many people are present, if they just disappear in the crowd and do not act, they will definitely not have the opportunity to get their attention.

“Dear people, please do not panic, I am in the name of Heavenly Power! Be sure to find out this incident, give everyone, and give an explanation to the entire Liyue! Ning

Guang looked at the chaotic crowd, took a gentle breath, and the loud voice carried the power to calm people’s hearts.

Under the guarantee of the light of heaven’s power, the people present gradually calmed down from the panic.

“Whew… It’s good that it was under control. Seeing

the situation gradually under control, Ning Guang breathed a sigh of relief, his palms were already full of sweat, looking at the surrounding Thousand Rock Army, and orderly answered one order after another

: “A few of you, bring the remains of the emperor to the golden house, a few of you, go and evacuate the people, a few of you, go and find out the identities of the few people who escaped before.”

Since he wanted to attract his attention, there must be some purpose, and Ning Guang became extremely interested in the identities of several people.


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