Yuanshin: Kiss Tianli at the beginning

Chapter 74

Chapter 75

The fierce wind is like a spinning blade, fiercely cutting the deep blue water curtain, stirring up splashes of water!


Feeling the terrifying cutting force of the wind element, Orcel did not have the slightest support, and above his huge body, a deep blue streamer lit up!

Like Twalin at that time, Orcel also used the elemental power of the origin in his body, which was more pure and condensed than the water element in the ocean.

Above the 100-meter water curtain, dark blue lines are intertwined and circling, and in just an instant, the entire water curtain is covered.

The defenses that were originally trembling madly under the raging storm and could collapse at any time were strengthened countless times in an instant! Stop shaking!

The storm lost the supply of wind elements, gradually weakened, and could no longer shake the water curtain that covered the sky!

“Sure enough, I’m still too weak now!”

Ying’s body broke away and fell straight down, and there was a blur in front of his eyes, feeling the water droplets impacting on his body, and his delicate body felt cold!

I really reached my limit!

“If I regain my original strength…” Unfortunately

, there is no if. Ying knew that since he had made such an enlightenment, he would have to pay such a price!

Behind the water curtain, Orcel’s huge figure contracted and reformed into a tall man, staring at the falling girl with deep blue eyes like an ocean.

It’s as beautiful as a bird with its wings broken!

“Ying, yes… I remembered your name!

Orcel’s tone was full of respect, looking at the girl’s gaze, as if looking at a respectable opponent, calmly raised his hand, and the boundless sea water once again converged into a sharp trident! The arm was forced, and it was thrown hard into Ying’s chest…

The golden beauty eyes subconsciously shrank, and the dark blue trident instantly enlarged in front of his eyes! The sharp tip of the halberd flashed with an icy cold!


After all, Ying is a young girl, and her eyes are tightly closed, and the pain that is penetrated through her body in her imagination does not come. The rushing waves and the raging wind all dispersed.

A not thick arm wrapped around his slender waist strongly, and his delicate body trembled subconsciously, his long eyelashes blinked slightly, and he opened his beautiful eyes.

In front of his eyes, the young man’s black hair flew, one hand was raised, and he held the flying trident deadly, his chest was slightly heaving, and there was fear hidden in the dark golden vertical pupils.

“Whew… Good thing, rushed over! The

last time he saw Chenyu’s look of fear was when he faced Twalin for the first time. It’s just that the last time I was afraid because of the terrible dragon, this time it was for myself….

Ying pursed her lips, gently raised her little hand to put it on the boy’s chest, felt Chenyu’s violent heartbeat, revealed a smile that discolored Hundred Flowers

, and turned into a sentence in a thousand words

, “Chenyu… It’s up to you! ”

Not only the next battle! Ying even gave his life to Chenyu!

Orcel looked at the scene in front of him, surprisingly unobstructed, his dark blue eyes stared at the young man, and his face gradually became solemn!

The power emanating from Chenyu’s body was enough to pose a strong threat to himself! Orcel did not make an easy move for a while, constantly devouring water elements from the sea water to replenish his physical strength!

The terrifying Vortex Demon God, Chen Yu didn’t even look at it, a dark gold streamer flashed, and the hard trident broke off and turned into water again and returned to the sea.

Chen Yu gently placed Ying on the ground far away from the coast, looking at Ying’s gentle expression, his heart was full of joy!

The moment he saw Orcel in the distance, his heart mentioned his throat, and Chen Yu no longer wanted to watch his friend die in front of his eyes, but he couldn’t do anything!

Successfully saving Ying, not only saved the girl’s life, but the shackles in Chenyu’s heart were also broken, the divine eye on his waist shone brightly, and the breeze and ice and snow rose staggered!

Chenyu’s elemental power broke through to the level of the fifth order!

Originally, the elemental power consumed by the sword and dragon was completely restored, and Chen Yu felt that his state was better than ever, this time, he must protect the people around him!

“Vortex Demon God Orcel… It will actually be reproduced by the dust song pot! For

the first time, Chen Yu cast his gaze on the tall man standing above the sea, his dark eyes narrowed slightly. The power of the dust song pot can actually reproduce the Demon God level Orcel.

This force was completely beyond Chenyu’s imagination. Under the white clothes, dark gold scales once again covered the surrounding body, facing the existence of the demon god level, Chen Yu did not dare to slack off even if he broke through!

Even if it’s only the weakest seventh order!

A stream of vast ancient breath, bursting from Chenyu’s body, Osel felt a burst of oppression, watching the young man’s dark eyes turn into dark gold vertical pupils, taking the first step to take the

sea water under his feet and spiraling up, converging on Orcel’s fist! Orcel’s figure instantly burst out, and the dark blue lines on his skin were like water waves, and he smashed a punch towards the teenager!

“Whew! Good to go! Covered

with golden scales, the last fear in Chenyu’s heart dissipated, and the whole person was full of trembling spirit, and he also raised his arm and slammed with Orcel!


The two figures trembled at the same time, and the terrifying aftermath was like a wave after wave, tearing the ground, and the terrible countershock force came, and the two retreated at the same time!

Orcel retreated above the sea, his face was even more gloomy, his arms drooped, and he trembled slightly involuntarily!

Chen Yu took several steps back on the ground, stepped on one deep footprint after another, forcibly stabilized his figure, looked up at Orcel on the sea, and grinned!

“Vortex Demon God… The flesh is no more than that! Under

the protection of the dark gold scale armor, the damage of the impact force to Chen Yu was minimized, looking at Orcel’s ugly face, his feet kicked the ground, his body was like a dragon, and he rushed towards the man again!

Orcel had never been so provoked, not even the rock god. The dark blue lines around his body completely lit up, and every punch was like a roaring wave, hitting Chen Yu fiercely!

“Bang bang!”

Chenyu’s dark gold fist and Orcel’s deep blue arm constantly collided, and the sound of collision between flesh and flesh continued to come, and the terrifying aftermath of the battle made the entire sea boil!

Ying was half-kneeling on the beach on the side, the white dress was soaked, vaguely outlining the looming delicate body, and the golden beautiful eyes looked at the two who were constantly colliding!

Just the aftermath, Ying felt the skin hurt.

“Chen Yu is already strong to this extent!”

The picture of Chen Yu holding the little girl at that time, helplessly facing the wind demon dragon, and the picture of Chen Yu fighting the North Wind Wolf King with his own strength is constantly intertwined with this Chenyu.

Ying felt that the boy with black hair and black eyes was so dazzling!

To the extent he once was, for Chenyu, it may really be just a matter of time!

“Will there be a day when I can only look at his back, but I can’t walk beside him…” As

the son of a man, Ying was worried about his strength for the first time, his beautiful eyes flashed, and he had a desire to become stronger in his heart!


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