Yuanshin: Kiss Tianli at the beginning

Chapter 77

Chapter 78

“Dadalia! Why are you here too?

Ying stood beside Chen Yu and also found the orange-haired young man sitting next to Zhong Li. Dressed in gray, his blouse was slightly curled to reveal his abs, and the corners of his mouth were smiling, and he hurriedly got up after seeing the Chen Yu duo coming.

“Chenyu, Ying, you two don’t say a word to me after you are relieved of suspicion, I almost thought that you two were captured by the Qianyan Army!”

After Dadalia discovered that the two had disappeared from the courtyard, he hurriedly probed through the fools and found that the two were preparing for the immortal sending ceremony.

Without any hesitation, Dadalia directly found Zhong Li, the supreme advisor of the Immortal Sending Ceremony, in the Hall of Ten Thousand People.

“These two people have finally come together.”

Chen Yu looked at Dadalia, who was smiling at the moment, the corners of his mouth couldn’t help twitching, and secretly mourned for the inventory of the Northland Bank in his heart, and took Dadalya’s words:

“Heck, the two of us originally had nothing to do with the murder of the emperor, and we are not afraid of shadows, and now we are helping Liyue Seven Stars prepare for the immortal sending ceremony.”

Since Dadalia found Zhong Li, Chen Yu estimated that the whereabouts of the two of them in recent days had been known, and there was nothing to hide!

Zhongli sat at the table, raised his hand to pick up the white teacup, took a sip of tea, and smiled at the three people talking.

“It turns out that you all know each other, then I will avoid the cumbersome introduction.”

The magnetic voice, gentle and pleasant, came back to his senses and hurriedly handed the golden bell in his hand to the man.

“Zhong Li Keqing, we found the dust bell.”

Before the words fell, Zhong Li’s dark golden eyes had already fallen on the dust bell. The incomparably familiar lines, the past years have been constantly looked back since Zhong Li’s eyes, and finally turned into a long sigh.

“You guys did a good job, next, it’s time to prepare the incense of eternal life…” Zhong

Li wanted to reach out and take the bell, but finally paused slightly, withdrew his hand, and his calm voice could not hear any waves.

Chen Yu looked at Zhong Li, who kept smiling and his face calm, and sighed softly in his heart:

“Alas, since ancient power and love, it is difficult to have both…” The

rock god supported the entire Liyue and became the seven rulers of the earthly world, but lost the most important person.

“Now Iwami will finally unload all burdens and go to see the world that the scenery has seen in the end.”

In the Dust Song Jug, Chenyu seemed to be able to understand Morax’s approach better.

“Hey, then I found out later that you were helping, and I also have the Eye of God, so naturally I came to help!”

Dadalia’s voice sounded at this moment.

“Well, this little friend and I saw each other as soon as they met…”

Zhongli kept smiling and took another sip of the tea in the cup.

“It’s like seeing his wallet…”

Chen Yu secretly complained in his heart, at the level of the Seven Earthly Rulers, neither Wendy nor Zhongli had any guards against the executive officers of the Fools.

In other words, the competition between juniors is a test of their own country, and it can be said that they will not choose to strike at all if they are not a last resort.

Otherwise, the fools would not have disturbed the Seven Kingdoms, and it would be completely impossible to even enter the various countries!

This is also the reason why Zhongli was able to talk to Dadalia so calmly. In the eyes of the rock god, the eleventh executive of the fools is also a junior – plus a mobile meal ticket!

“Well, Zhong Li Keqing, that immortal fragrance…”

Ying cast an inquiring gaze towards Zhong Li, Zhong Li immediately realized, after drinking the remaining tea in the cup, dark golden eyes looked at the bottom of the deep cup:

“Eternal incense, extremely rare, you need to go to the Liyue Immortal Mountain to find immortals and find it!”

“In the Liyue Immortal Mountain, there are really immortals!”

Dadalia’s eyes lit up when he heard this, and there was an obvious battle intent! Can’t help but speak!

“Hiss… You ask in front of the head of the Liyue Immortal if there are any immortals. Chen

Yu gasped, and couldn’t help but give Dadalia a thumbs up in his heart, looking at his appearance, I am afraid that he wants to have a discussion with the immortals of Liyue!

Chen Yu wanted to reach Dalia and rushed towards the Liyue Immortals with great intent, but was backhanded by Grandma Ping and pushed down the picture in the dust song pot, forcing a smile.

“Dadalia, there really is…”

Ying whispered beside the orange-haired young man, according to his own judgment combined with Chenyu’s previous words, Zhongli in front of him was likely to be an immortal hidden in the world!

Zhong Li smiled lightly, and did not pay attention to the whispered conversation between the two, and spoke again:

“In addition, I want you to help me with one thing…”

Zhong Li actually opened his mouth for help!

Chenyu’s face changed slightly, this change that did not exist in the plot of the original god made the teenager pay special attention.

“That’s right, Hu Tao went to Wuxian Slope yesterday to look for an item, and he hasn’t come back until now!”

Zhong Li had a little worry in his tone, from the general theory, Hu Tao rarely did not return to Wu Xian Po at night!

“No delusion? What is that place? When

she heard the name, she felt that it was not a good place, and her golden eyes were also full of worry. Thinking about a sixteen-year-old girl, alone may encounter danger, Ying is a little worried in her heart!

“I actually didn’t return all night in the slope of innocence…”

Chen Yu’s dark eyes flickered, and he muttered in his heart, familiar with the terrain of the original god, Chen Yu naturally understood what place it was!

“Wu Yue Slope is the junction of Liyue Yin and Yang, and it is the place where the living must pass through to step into the world of the dead, and it is ruled by the hall masters of the past generations. It is the home of the souls of all sentient beings in Liyue! Zhong

Li put down the white jade teacup in his hand and explained the origin of Wu Yu Po in a language that Chen Yu could not match!

“To put it bluntly, it is Liyue’s crematorium…”

Chen Yu thought to himself in his heart, Liyue as a country of immortals, there are immortals and ghosts. The so-called ghosts are just a memory of the past by the deceased!

There are many ghosts in the slope of nonsense, and the communication between yin and yang can be said to be full of crises!

Since Morax handed over the Wuxian Slope to the Past Life Hall, he has never entered the Wuxian Slope again.

The gods of the living do not easily step into the world of the dead.

Zhongli’s angular face is a little helpless, and he puts his hope on the traveler!

“In that case, let’s divide the army into two ways!”

Whether it is looking for walnuts or visiting immortals to find immortal incense, it is something that cannot be delayed, Chen Yu and Ying glanced at each other and said in unison.

“Ying, I went to Wuxian Slope to look for Walnut, how about you go to Liyue Immortal Mountain to visit the immortals?”

Seeking Immortals itself is the plot that travelers experience in the game, and Chen Yu believes that with the girl’s current skills, there will be no problems.

As for the sudden difficulty of the Innocence Slope, Chen Yu can only take one step to see one step at a time!

“Good! Chenyu, you need to pay attention to safety…”

Ying is absolutely unambiguous at the critical moment, there is a battle in the dust song pot, Ying understands that Chenyu’s strength currently exceeds his own, in this world, the strong have the right to choose!

“Eh! What about me?

Dadalia blinked her eyes dumbfounded, a little tangled, pointing her finger at herself. Wu Yi Po evil spirit, Liyue immortal, they all really want to fight…

Dadalia even had the idea of breaking himself in half!

“Oh… Let Gongzi go, will he directly blow up Wu Yipo with a whale…” Chen

Yu did not dare to let this battle maniac follow him, and his eyes for help fell on Zhong Li.

Zhong Li instantly realized, raised his hand and rubbed his chin

: “Xiaoyou’s words, be by my side, help me sort out the things needed for the immortal sending ceremony…”


Dadalia was stunned, and just wanted to speak, Chen Yu clapped his hands directly

, “Okay, then it’s so decided!”

After saying that, Chen Yu gave Ying a look and quickly left the Wanmin Hall!

“Oooh! Then I’ll go too, you guys eat well!

Ying instantly understood what Chen Yu meant, stretched his waist gently, and left here just as quickly.

Leaving Dadalia alone in the wind messy


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