Yuanshin: Kiss Tianli at the beginning

Chapter 84

Chapter 85

“Singing at the immortal sending ceremony, the emperor really dares to think about it…”

This is another plot that is not in the plot of the original god, and Chen Yu hugged his arms and looked at Zhongli, who looked calm at the moment.

“It is estimated that the old man has been preparing for his aftermath for so many days, and he didn’t have time to listen to the music!”

Take advantage of the fairy sending ceremony and listen to the play for free, why not?

Keqing’s beautiful cheeks were a little difficult, and he stammered unsurely:

“But it’s really good to sing at the emperor’s immortal sending ceremony…”

“Isn’t it a good ceremony to interpret the past achievements of the emperor in the way of opera and pay tribute to the departure of the emperor with regular items.”

Keqing’s words were slightly sluggish, and his small mouth opened, not knowing how to refute it.

Obviously, I feel that this proposal is very wrong, but what he said really makes sense….

“Your uncle still has to be your uncle!”

Chen Yu doesn’t know how many times he has sighed like this, what kind of martial god is this, isn’t it more in line with Morax’s identity to call it the god of wisdom.

Every sentence is irrefutable, and every sentence has already figured out the cause and effect.

“But who can do this job…” starred

in the life of the emperor, and asked Liyue which drama dared to try. Not to mention how difficult it is, the people of Liyue are afraid that they will not allow a drama to play the god in their minds.

If this performance is not good, it will be ruined for a lifetime, not to mention that his career will be ruined from now on, and Liyue will not be able to stay.

Ying really doesn’t think that any actor dares to play the emperor at the emperor’s immortal sending ceremony!

“So be it! I’ll go back to Yujingtai first and ask the other seven stars how this proposal is, and then we’ll make a conclusion. ”

As a Jade Hengxing, Keqing can’t call the shots at the moment. The murder of the emperor is definitely the biggest thing that has happened in Liyue in thousands of years.

After Keqing finished speaking, he hurriedly rushed out of the Past Life Hall, Chen Yu looked at the two purple ponytails that Ke Qing fluttered, and the corners of his mouth subconsciously hooked the arc

: “It’s really as fierce as in the plot!”

“Hmph! Isn’t Yuheng Star very beautiful! A

faint voice sounded from Chenyu’s ears, and Chenyu’s body froze slightly! A small snow-white hand stretched behind his back!

The fingers like green onions pinched the soft flesh around Chenyu’s waist, and it was twisted hard!


Chenyu’s dark eyes widened, gasped, and subconsciously covered his mouth so that he didn’t scream out!

Hu Tao suddenly noticed that something was wrong with Chenyu, his red beautiful eyes blinked, and he spoke with some curiosity:

“Chenyu, what’s wrong with you?”

“Didn’t… It’s okay, I just gave my waist a bit! Under

the gaze of the hidden knife in the smile, Chen Yu showed a smile that was uglier than crying, raised his hand and waved, indicating that he was fine!

Zhongli Dark Jin’s eyes looked at the “flirting” two, revealing an old father-like expression.

“Alas… It’s nice to be young!

Looking at the group of energetic children in front of him, Zhongli felt that his heavy heart had become relaxed, worn out, and seemed to be relieved.

“Brother Chenyu! You can’t do that! How old you are to reach your waist, how much exercise!

Dadalia didn’t know why Keqing didn’t name his identity, but it was better to

“take one step at a time!”

He was not very good at using his brain, smiled and stretched out his hand to pat Chen Yu’s shoulder, looking like a big straight man, Ying standing behind Chen Yu couldn’t help but roll his eyes!

“Hmph! Wait until no one is cleaning you up! Seeing

that the eyes of the people around him gathered, he quietly withdrew his hand that was twisting Chenyu’s soft flesh, and after glaring at Chenyu, his eyes glanced elsewhere.

Such things related to the dignity of men, Chen Yu did not dare to say it, coughed lightly twice, began to try to change the topic, and looked at the old man sitting there who did not care about himself!

“Zhongli! You said that it is best to add opera elements to the immortal sending ceremony, so is there any recommendation! ”

This kind of candidate, let the Rock King Emperor decide by himself, and by the way, you can also see the taste of the Rock God!”

Chen Yu asked the point in a word, and for a while, the eyes of several people simultaneously fell on the tall man sitting on the side. If Liyue Qixing really agrees to this proposal, then which actor to choose is definitely the top priority!

Zhong Li was slightly stunned, and immediately revealed a helpless smile, shrugged his shoulders slightly, and his thick voice sounded

: “I am not the Rock King Emperor, even if I am knowledgeable, I can’t guess this!”

If you say this without thinking, your hidden identity will be completely exposed!

“Hmm! Also, Zhongli is not a rock god after all! Ying

also found that this question was a bit outrageous. Zhong Li almost undertook all the advisors of the immortal sending ceremony, and he almost regarded Zhong Li as the Rock King Emperor himself!

“So what to do!”

Hu Tao scratched his hair a little indiscriminately, and the immortal sending ceremony seemed to have stagnated again. Obviously everything is ready….

“I already knew that I wouldn’t make this fun!”

When Ning Guang asked himself to plan the immortal sending ceremony, Hu Tao originally refused!

Who dares to see off the emperor!

But Ning Guang gave this rich woman too much!

“The expenses of the Past Life Hall for the next year, I have contracted by the Jade Pavilion!”

When Ning Guang smiled and shook the folding fan to say this sentence, Hu Tao knew that he couldn’t refuse.

All evil capitalists!

“But I do have recommended candidates!”

“It’s not! Can you please stop panting so much!

Hu Tao raised his black shoes angrily and gently kicked Zhong Li’s calf, obviously being gasped by Zhong Li’s big breath.

Watching this scene, Chen Yu sweated coldly, and once again determined that only Hu Tao dared to do this to the Rock King Emperor!

“Zhongli! Are you sure…” Ying

remembered Zhong Li’s basically determined identity as an immortal, combined with Zhong Li’s understanding of the rock god. Although he did not think in the direction of the emperor’s suspended animation.

Ying had already guessed that Zhong Li must have a good relationship with the emperor. When he was looking for immortal incense, he mentioned the name Zhongli, and several immortals who lived in seclusion in the immortal mountains also showed memories!

The bright golden eyes were bright, and he said with some expectation,

“Hmm… Since I have been visiting the world for so long, I have heard the most amazing opera, and it should come from Mr. Yun’s mouth!

Zhong Li thought slightly, remembering the drama who was born because of the play.

A spear, a look, every movement is extremely standard, a singing voice, won the applause of the garden. When he was leaving, he left a rock element god’s eye as a reward!

“It’s really Yun Pansy…” Chen

Yu had thought about this name before, but he didn’t expect that he really guessed correctly!

A song of gods and goddesses splits the view, so that global Genshin players can experience the charm of Chinese opera. A beautiful singing voice, a wave of hands, a sigh is the essence!

“Mr. Yun? Who is that? ”

Ying and Dadalia, two outsiders, of course, don’t know Liyue’s big star – Yun Pansy!

“Mr. Yun! It’s Sister Yun Pansy! Her words will definitely play well! When

Hu Tao heard Zhong Li’s words, he immediately sounded the beautiful girl. Even if you don’t like to listen to opera, you have a feeling of enjoyment when you listen to Yun Pan’s play.

If Yun Pan is the first person in Liyue opera today, it may be an exaggeration. But to say that the seriousness and obsession with opera, Yun Pansy is at the forefront of the list!


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