Yuanshin: Kiss Tianli at the beginning

Chapter 9

Chapter 9

On this road, stopping and walking, following the footprints of the wind, Chen Yu and Yura crossed the grassland where the wind started, and they were not attacked by monsters on the road.

“Mondstadt is ahead!”

Chen Yu looked far away, and he could already vaguely see the blurry outline. After listening to Yura’s words, she was so excited that she almost cried.

“It’s finally here… It’s really like no teleportation anchor…” Although

there was a beautiful scenery and beautiful people while walking, after walking for two days in a row, Chen Yu was tired and hungry.

Sleeping in the woods last night, Chen Yu dreamed of all kinds of Chinese food.

In the game, it takes less than five minutes for the player to run from the wind to Mondstadt, and Chenyu cannot understand how vast the continent of Tivat really is.

Only now after two days of driving in a row, Chen Yu understood how nostalgic the teleportation anchor was.

“It’s okay, you can get a good rest when you come back to Mondstadt.”

Youra’s pretty face was already white and delicate, and the coat she wore was also very neat. Such a windy meal is like a common meal for yourself.

“Eura… Do you go to take a shower every night while I sleep?

“How is it possible! As long as you are careful, you can still keep your body clean! ”

Chen Yu looked at the woman’s dusty clothes, and also carried a slightly fragrant Yura, this can be done with care?!

Comparing his already slimy body, Chen Yu really didn’t want to be in the wild for a moment!

“Hmm! Walking fast…” Seeing

hope, Chen Yu was full of energy, and his steps became brisk.

The blurred city of Mondstadt gradually became clear under the rush of the two.

“Hiss… This is the Mondstadt in Genshin? The Mondstadt that was spit on by Everbright players and could go around in five minutes? ”

A hundred meters of moat, the river is clear and ripples, the fish jump, above the river, a white bridge connects to the city wall with no end in sight, and a dozen white pigeons eat millet on the bridge.

“It must be at least tens of meters high…” Walking

on the bridge, Chen Yu looked at the thickness and height of the city wall. The walls are covered with scratches and still stand upright. At the gate of the city, two Mond knights held spears and stood here with solemn expressions!

“Yura, how are their strengths?”

Just by watching from a distance, Chen Yu could feel the momentum emanating from the guard, and asked carefully.

“Hmm… Guards generally do not have the Eye of God, but their physical fitness must be at least third-order! ”

Eura speaks, Knights of the Zephyr, there are no weaklings.

Chen Yu felt that his brain was a little confused… Sure enough, the games are all deceitful!

Now I am on the same level as the guards who watch the city gates….

If Mondstadt were to be made on this scale….

Chenyu estimated that dozens of G’s were not enough.

“Welcome to Mondstadt! Chenyu! Seeing

that Chenyu’s eyes were full of shock, Yura took his hand with a smile and walked towards the gate of Mond.

“Welcome Lord Splash Knight back!”

The two guards of Mond, seeing the blue-haired woman walking not far away, looked at each other, both politely performing knightly etiquette.

The people of Mondstadt may be hostile to Eura. But the guards who are also the Knights of the Zephyr know.

The woman in front of her, who is only twenty years old, has made efforts and contributions to Mond.

“Well, this is the traveler Chenyu, I will take him to the Knights to register”

Yura bowed her head slightly, and after opening her mouth without any expression on her pretty face, she pulled Chenyu in.

“I read that right… Wave Knight actually came back with a man?

After the two walked away, the two knights looked at each other, and one of them spoke in disbelief.

Since Yura joined the Knights of the West Wind, she has always looked like a rejection.

Except for the better attitude when facing the scout knight Amber, facing the rest of the people, Eura always seems to be separated by an invisible film!

“Ahem! Who knows… Let’s just watch our door! The

other guard looked at his nose and nose as if he had not seen anything.

Many people who know that gossip should not be beaten.

“Sure enough, it’s changed a lot!”

The city wall is so majestic, Chen Yu already knows that Mondstadt is definitely far from what is in the game!

But really seeing it with his own eyes, Chen Yu still felt a little amazing.

Tens of meters on the main street, not dusty. Countless people come and go. The streets are lined with shops of all kinds.

In addition to the main street, countless side roads lead in all directions. At the end of the main street, you can vaguely see the resplendent Mond Cathedral.

“Well, how come Lawrence’s knights are back!”

“And lead a man! It is estimated to be the head of the face!

Yura pulled Chenyu along the road, and the people who saw the woman around subconsciously avoided it, and their mouths were like knives.

Chen Yu felt Youra’s hand straining slightly, and turned his head slightly to look at the people around him.

The woman’s fair cheeks did not have any expression, as if she could not hear these words, and her calm was distressing.

If it weren’t for the change in the strength of Youra’s hand, Chen Yu even really thought that the woman didn’t care, and wanted to speak, but didn’t know what to say.

“Chenyu… I’m sorry! When

the masses who walked by talked about themselves again, they also did not give Chen Yu any good face. Yura looked helplessly at the teenager who was staring at her, and said softly with a smile.

But how much helplessness was hidden in this smile, Chen Yu didn’t know. How much hatred exactly. The crowd will drag anger at an innocent girl.

“Whew! Yes? Apologize, apologize for what? Chen

Yu let out a breath of turbid breath, forcibly suppressed the anger in his heart, grabbed Youra’s snow-white wrist with his backhand, and quickly ran towards the place where there were few crowds.

“Let’s go! I’m hungry, invite me to eat! ”

Youra originally thought that Chenyu would get angry or leave her because she couldn’t stand the evaluation of the masses. Looking blankly at the boy who was pulling him to run, his golden eyes turned red again.

“Hmph! Let me treat you to dinner… I wrote down this hatred!

Eura snorted softly, and quickly wiped her cheek with her other hand, revealing a touching smile.

“Make a note of it! Remember for a lifetime…”Run

across the wide road, detour a small road, and the deer hunter restaurant towers.

A burst of aroma wafts out, and looking at the endless wisps of people, you know how hot it is!

“This is the aroma of wine, not afraid of the depth of the alley…” Chen

Yu just saw many restaurants whose names were not mentioned in the game, and the flow of people was not half of here.

“Hey, hey, hey… Sweet Flower Stuffed Chicken… I’ll come…” Chen

Yu swallowed a few mouthfuls of saliva, his stomach already growling.

“Uh-huh! Be careful! ”

Suddenly! An exclamation sounded from the sky, and Chen Yu raised his head sharply!

“So white…”


In Youra’s confused eyes, a white silhouette, carrying its green wings, smashed heavily on Chenyu’s body!

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