Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.10 The gate guard and to the guild

As we approached the gate, the gate guard called out to us.


“Hey, you guys are back sooner than expected. I was sure you were not going to be back until nightfall.” The guard seemed happy to have ‘Prime Rib’ back in town. As he noticed me he asked. “So who is your extra?”


“He’s the jerk who stole our prey.” Rico gave a quick quip before Zayaan had time to give a serious answer. I was half expecting Zay to punch him for that, but I guess Rico was correct enough. But I didn’t really steal it. That bison was in my way.

“He didn’t steal anything.” Zay gave a more serious answer. “He is a traveler who got to the bison first and killed it. After that we decided to come to town together.”

“He must be quite strong to be able to take on a horned bison alone.” The gate guard seemed impressed that I took down a strong monster alone.

“Not like he really did it alone. That guy is a summoner.” Rico said while still being agitated. How much were you after the full bison reward? You would still have to split it with your team.

“Really? When was the last time a summoner appeared here? You really are impressive. Are you an adventurer?” (gate guard)

“No. I have never been to a town with a guild so I’m not a member of the adventurers guild.” I answered him.

“Sure, but may I ask where you are from then?” The gate guard questioned me.

“I lived in a hut in the forest to the south-west of the road. I lived there with my grandpa.” Another vague and difficult to confirm question from me. I mean finding a hut in that forest would be super difficult.

“I see. And what made you leave?” (gate guard)

“Grandpa passed away two months ago. I really just could not deal with being alone with only summoned monsters to keep me company. I remembered that grandpa said I should head this way.” Not that I had my summoning skill. And my grandpa is still alive. He is in a care home now, because of memory problems though. I’m sure if he still had a functioning brain he would insist on staying home but he really can’t live on his own anymore.

“I see. My condolences. I’ll take care of your tax this time. I assume you don’t have much if any money since you lived in the forest.” The gate guard got super nice after hearing my next lie. I do appreciate it. I do have my Upstart Goblin. It should give me a few coins but I can’t really use it in front of these people. If I was still alone it wouldn’t be a big deal.

“Thank you very much. I hope I can get money for the bison today so I can get a place to sleep in for the night.” I thank the gate guard.

“Rico if you don’t get it today make sure to lend this guy enough for a few nights, you hear me.” The gate guard said in a strong voice.

“Why should I help a prey snatcher dad?” Rico was not happy with that order. Wait, this gate guard is Rico’s dad? I guess they look just a little familiar.

“Just do as I say, or talk that guild master into paying up today. Your choice.” Rico’s dad was not holding back. Or I guess he might be.

“Come on you two stop that. We should go and meet the guild master before he leaves for the day. If he is no longer at the guild, he won’t pay us.” Zayaan came between the two.

“Yes, let's move on.” Even Lucia took part in the conversation with her soft voice. I really can’t believe that the large knight Alex is the quietest member of this party. He just looks like he would be the leader. He isn’t mute or anything right? No, he did talk for a bit earlier.


We got a move on and began walking through the town. Most of the buildings were simple one storey houses, but some had two. I think that one might even be three storeys tall. It might be the biggest building in town. Is that the guild building? Or an inn? It doesn’t look like a noble’s villa. Let’s just ask.


“Zay, that tall building, what is it?” (Brian)

“That’s the biggest inn in town. It’s called Boar's lounge. It also has some of the best food in town.” Zay answered. “It’s also the biggest landmark in this small town. It’s better known than the adventurers guild or the Watchman manor.” 

“What is the Watchman manor?” I do have an idea, but better to confirm it.

“It’s the house of baron Watchman, who rules this land. This town was founded by their ancestors Alexander Watchman.” Zay answered with a quick history lesson.

“And let me guess, Alex is named after this Alexander, right?” (Brian)

“Yes. Alex and other similar names are super popular in this town.” (Zay)

“And most of us hate being named like that.” Alex took part in our conversation. I guess being named after someone famous or like a movie character can be annoying.



After a few more minutes of walking we made our way to a two storey building with a sword and bow emblem. Wonder why adventurers' guild chose a sword and a bow over every other weapon? 


“This is the adventurer’s guild of Alewatch. Let’s go in and hope the guild master hasn’t run off yet.” Zay said.


We followed Zay inside. The inside looked like a beer hall. Long tables with benches and a counter that looked like a bar counter. There were plenty of people inside. Unlike the members of ‘Prime Rib’ who seem to be in their early twenties, most of the people here appear to be in their late teens. I guess most of the veteran adventurers leave this town for a place that allows them to make more money. A lot of people have some kinda drink in hand or on the table in front of them. Some also have food. So the guild is a restaurant as well. I guess that helps to pay the wages of the employees.


We make our way to the counter and Zay talks to the receptionist.


“Hey, we’re back. We got the bison. Is the guild master still here?” (Zay)

“Welcome back, Zay. Yes he is still in his room. He was groaning about not being able to leave early. Something like ‘these kids have no idea how hard this is’. You should drop off the bison with William and head to the guild masters room before he bolts out.” (receptionist)

“Yeah let’s do that. Thank you dear.” Zayaan stooped over the counter and gave the receptionist a light peck on the cheek. Normally I would say normies go die, but I totally would do that with my… well now ex.

“Alex, you go with Lua to drop off that bison. The three of us will head to see the guild master.” Zay gave his order. He really is a natural at that.

“Sure.” Alex gave a quick answer. Lucia simply nodded lightly.


As we made our way up the stairs that were next to the counter, Rico began complaining.

“Why do I have to come to see the guild master? You really could just report this solo.” (Rico)

“Stop whining. Reporting is a part of an adventurer's job. Your father really should have raised you better.” Zay shoot back.

“Why do you always have to bring him up? He is a loser who quit being an adventurer.” (Rico)

“And you know very well why he did it. He didn’t want your sorry ass to grow up without a father. Now just keep your mouth shut and don’t cause any problems with the master.” (Zay)


We made our way to one of the doors and on a sign next to it read ‘Guild Master’s office’. Good to know that system support was right about me being able to read.

Zay knocked on the door and from the inside we heard. “Come in.”


We made our way inside and there next to a large wooden desk sat an older man. Is he actually that old? I mean he has a nice thick beard but his hair and beard are a dark brown in color so he shouldn’t be that old. Or is he a dwarf? No, he isn’t that short. Unless the dwarfs of this world are not the typical short and stout types.


The room’s both sides were lined with bookshelves that were filled with both books and documents. I guess paper isn’t that rare here. I wonder if they have playing cards as well? Would help when I have to explain my skill to them.


“You guys were fast today. I didn’t expect you back until night. You really make me work overtime again.” The guild master quipped.

“Well, it’s good that you can’t pick up every prostitute in town. Some of the other adventurers really want some fun as well.” Zay said back.


Wait. This old man is just picking up prostitutes and that is why he likes to leave early? Why is he even a guild master? Actually, judging from these organized stacks of paper I can guess why. He just is good at his job, but hates doing it. Well I probably shouldn’t ask.


“So, are you going to just stand there or actually make the report? I don’t have all evening.” The guild master says. He clearly just wants to call it a day already. I guess it is around 6 pm by now and if he starts early, it means he has worked for 12 or so hours today already.

“Yes, it has been taken down. Alex and Lucia went to hand it over to William.” Zay responded.

“So you did it. Good job on that. I wasn’t sure you could get it done but I’m pleasantly surprised.” The guild master seemed genuinely happy. “So, are you going to introduce this extra to me or not? You didn’t drag him here for nothing, did you.”

“Of course I didn’t. He is Brian. He is also the one who killed the horned bison.” Zay answered.


I took a step forward and introduced myself to the guild master.

“Hello, my name is Brian.”

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