Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.102 Summon Water Spirit

“Tadaah. Mister Hero, I’m here to help. What do you need?” A small girl that had formed from my bath water asked me. She looked like a small fairy. Except that she didn’t have wings and she was made of water.

“... what? Who are you?” I asked as I looked at the water girl.

“What do you mean? Didn’t you call me Mister Hero?” The water girl asked.


… did I? 

(She is a water spirit.) Laura told me.

Oh. Yeah, I did try to summon one. But Laura said I couldn’t because there … wasn’t water … for it to form from. And then I had a monster make water … 

“I guess I did try to call for a water spirit, but Laura told me I couldn’t do it without a source of water.” I told the spirit.

“Mister Hero really doesn’t know how we work, do you?” The spirit said to me.

“Well, sorry. I haven’t really had the time to find out.” I responded.

“You even have the system support. It could tell you in a few seconds.” The spirit told me.

“And She did. After I tried summoning you.” I told the spirit. I put some emphasis in ‘she’ so the spirit would understand how I want Laura to be addressed.

“Well, it doesn’t matter now.” The spirit said. “What do you need, Mister Hero?”

“I was going to ask you to make water for my bath, but that didn’t exactly work out.”

“Sorry, but we need a focus point first. Even a bit of water is enough, but we can’t appear without that.” The spirit told me.

“It’s fine. I have other means of getting things done.” 


The small water spirit looked at Aqua Spirit. 

“You mean like that water lady? Can I possess her? She is almost a perfect host for me.” The spirit said.

“Don’t you dare.” Aqua Spirit countered. “I only serve Master and I won’t let you get in the way.”

“Come on. It will be fine.” The water spirit was trying to talk my summon into it. “It will also help stabilize your mana so you can stay here for longer.”


WHAT?! Stay longer? As in, extending the summoning time? This spirit can do it?


“Can you actually do that?” I asked the water spirit.

“What part? Possessing her? No, I can't fully possess her. She is too powerful. It would be a spirit synchronization, not possession.”

“No, not that part. Actually yes, that part as well, but first of all. Can you really make her stay here longer?” I asked.

“Oh that. Yes I can. She can’t stay here for too long because her mana is not natural and she can’t stabilize it. But I can help her with that.” The water spirit said.

“Also this synchro thing, can you do it with me?” I asked.

“Probably. Mister Hero’s mana is easy to change to any element so I should be able to do it. And if I do, Mister Hero will be able to use water magic as well.”

“I won’t allow you to mess with Master.” Aqua Spirit said to the little water spirit.


I turned my gaze to Aqua Spirit. “This is important. I need to know what powers I have and what potential powers I can have. I can’t use magic normally so this would be a great help.”

“Well if Master wants that. But I still feel like that thing cannot be trusted.” Aqua Spirit said.

“I guess that is understandable.” I told my summon before turning my gaze back to the little spirit. “Now you. Are you even the same spirit I saw last time?”

“No. You saw Mama, the Great spirit of Spring rain. I’m just a lesser spirit unlike Mama. Mama wanted to come, but there just wasn’t enough water here for her to materialize.” The little water spirit told me.


So spirits call their superiors Mama? Or perhaps that greater spirit did give birth to this one. That could also explain why the water spirit didn’t want to fight the sprites. Not wanting to kill your own offspring is understandable.  But then again, how strong were the spirits before they were corrupted and turned into sprites? The leader sprite took a hit from Blue-Eyes after all. So how strong would a greater spirit be if it got corrupted? Or even if it didn’t get corrupted. Or perhaps the thunder sprites just had some resistance against Blue-Eyes’ attack. It is called white lightning, so perhaps. But then again, it looks more like a laser than lightning. And Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragons attack is neutron blast. So perhaps the attack of Blue-Eyes is more like an electron stream. Electrons are basically electricity anyway. Kinda.


“Well we should try it out. Aqua Spirit, please do that synchro thing with the water spirit.”

“If it’s Master’s will.” Aqua Spirit gave in.

“Yes. Thank you, Mister Hero.” The little spirit said.



Aqua Spirit held the little water spirit in her arms before the water spirits form broke apart and the water she was made of clung to Aqua Spirit. It formed something like layers onto the dress of Aqua Spirit, transforming her simple daily wear dress into something more akin to a ball gown. 

“Master, this feels strange.” Aqua Spirit said to me as the transformation finished.

“Oh don’t worry about it.” She continued, but this time her voice sounded different. It had a higher pitch. “You’ll get used to it in no time.”

“Well it also sounds strange. Having one person talk in two different pitches.” I told the spirit. The double spirit? The synchro spirit? Did I just synchro summon before I even unlocked synchro monsters? Are spirits tuners?


I looked at the card on my DiaDhank, but it looked normal. So at least the card didn’t change. At least not yet.


“Now let me wash you.” The spirit said in the higher pitch of the water spirit.

“Oh, no you won’t.” She continued with the voice of Aqua Spirit. “That honor belongs to me.”


The two of them kept fighting for control as they washed every part of me. Aqua Spirit was able to keep control most of the time, but for some reason she let the little water spirit take over when she was washing my feet, saying “You may wash Master’s feet, but that is all you deserve.”



“Lord Brian, dinner will be ready soon.” Nicole came to call for me after my bath. “Oh, who is she?” She added as she saw my double spirit.

“She is one of my summons. I’m keeping her here as an experiment.” I told Nicole.

“Oh, I see. Please don’t break anything.” Nicole said.

“Is that what you are worried about? Not the fact that I just have a water lady here with me?” I asked.

“I know Lord Brian can summon so this isn’t that strange. But if you break something, it would cause problems for Master Brandon.” Nicole said.

“... okay. But you said dinner is ready so I think I should go there.” I told Nicole.



“Brian. Who is she?” Alice asked as she saw my double spirit.

“Just one of my summons. I’m performing an experiment so I need to keep her summoned.” I told Alice.

We were again the first two in the dining room. Brandon and Christina had not yet arrived.

“What kind of experiment?” Alice asked.

“Well you saw that I had a water spirit's blessing. I summoned one and had it synchro with my summon. I think that should allow my summon to stay summoned for longer than normal.” I told Alice.

“But you always get mad when I do it with Mana.” She complained.

“Yes, I do. Because I don’t know how it works. That is why I experiment. If I find out why you can go beyond the normal time limit, I’ll allow you to do it as well.” I told Alice.

“That would be nice.” Alice said.

She also handed the card of St. Joan back to me after I asked for it.



We had our dinner in peace. I did get some questions about my summon, but I just said it is my summon and the two of them mostly ignored her.

After dinner, Christina took me aside to talk about the dungeon.


“I’ll have some preparations made and we can head out the day after tomorrow.” Christina told me.

“What kind of preparations do you need to make?” I asked. I was hoping we could go as soon as tomorrow, so I wanted to know what was there to prepare. 

“Well we will need to spend at least one night in the dungeon so it gets used to me.” Christina said. “For that, we will need food and bedding.” 


We need to do that? Laura, you didn’t inform me. Again. 

(I would have told you if you had asked.) She defended herself.

Fine. My fault. I should ask you about these things.

(You are learning, Master. I’ll also try to predict you better in the future.) Laura told me.


“So we’ll go the day after tomorrow then. I’ll check out a summon we can use for transport so you won’t have to worry about that. By the way, will it be just the two of us or will someone else come as well?”

“I’ll bring my personal maid with me as well, so the three of us.” Christina said. “We need someone to cook us food.”

“I guess that would be useful.” I admitted.


After that, I headed back to my room with the double spirit.



“Mister Hero.” My spirit called with the higher pitch that told me it was the water spirit calling. “I can’t keep this up much longer.”


I see, so even the spirits have limits. I guess keeping up a synchro does take some mana or something.

(Laura, how long has Aqua Spirit stayed summoned now?)

(Little over three hours, Master.)

(So at least an extra hour. Not bad for a lesser spirit. Perhaps the greater spirit could keep a monster summoned for even longer.) I deduced. 


“I see. You should undo the synchro. Thank you for your service.” I said to the spirit.

The water spirit separated from my summon, and appeared back in her little fairy form. As soon as she did, I felt a mana pulse coming from the card on my DiaDhank. The warning sign of the summoning time running out.

“Mister Hero, I had fun. Please call on us again.” The little spirit said before her form broke and splashed onto the floor. Now the floor is wet.


“Master, you need to unsummon me. I feel strange.” The remaining Aqua Spirit begged.

“Yes, you can go now. I’ll call on you again some other time.” I said to her.

“Thank you, Master.” She said as she was swallowed by a card that appeared beneath her. As she lowered herself into it, she did a little favor by draining the water that had formed the water spirit into the card with her.


… Well, that was something. Even if I only got an extra hour of summoning time, that is still amazing. With a stronger water monster and a stronger spirit, it could be very useful.


(Master does have Gogiga Gagagigo in his collection, but I cannot recommend using it as it seems to have no soul. It’s possible that it would try to attack Master.) Laura told me.


(Yeah, let’s not. I don’t want my own summons attacking me.) I said back to her.


With that, it’s bedtime for me.

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