Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.109 Small Experiment, Large Test Subject

(Master, might I suggest a few experiments before we demolish the bull?) Laura offered.

(What do you have in mind?) I asked.

(I want to test the power of cards that can ‘destroy’ a monster. I believe knowing how effective they are could be useful.) Laura told me.

(Oh, like Raigeki. But I don’t think I have one.) 

(You do have Fissure, Hammer Shot and Sakuretsu Armor. Any of them could work, but I think we should try out Hammer Shot. Making a Fissure in the dungeon might not be safe.) Laura said to me.

(Sure, we can do that. Perhaps we should also try out spells and traps that hold the opponent in place.) I added.

(Like Gravity Bind and Spellbinding Circle?) Laura asked.

(So those are ones I have. But yes. Something like that.) I answered. (I should also put the sleeves on the fusion materials and a toploader on the fusion monster itself.)

(I can do that for you, Master.) Laura said to me.

(Sure, go for it.)

Luckily I still had sleeves left over from the morning. With one sleeve each for the materials and 5 for the sleeve and toploader combo for the fusion itself. After using the seven sleeves for that, I still have four left. Not enough to make a toploader for one of the spells, but I guess I can just waste them. They aren’t that rare. Perhaps if I got a spell like Raigeki I would actually throw a toploader on it.

Well I did already put a toploader on things like MST, Soul Release, Monster Reborn and Upstart Goblin. Also Poly and De-fusion.



{Brian, please be careful.} I heard Christina’s voice over something like a PA system. I didn’t even know the dungeon had something like that.

“I’ll be fine.” I reminded her even though I’m not sure she heard me.

{Just remember that there are other monsters than just the sword-horn bull in that room.} Christina reminded me.

“Yeah, I know.” I said before I pulled out a few cards.


First, I need something to keep the lesser monsters away from me while I try some spells on the bull.

“Dark Magician.” I called out my monster. The red robed magician that I’ve relied on a couple of times appeared.

“Master. What may I do for you?” He asked.

“I need you to keep the other monsters away from me while I test out some stuff on the big one.” I told him.

“May I kill everything else?” He asked.

“Sure, go for it.” I told him.

“As you wish.” As he said that, he flew (yes, actually flew) into the room, soaring over the giant bull. 


… “Well he doesn’t like sitting around. Interesting comparison to his older counterpart.” I said out loud.



“Spellbinding Circle.” I began my experiment. I locked the sword-horn bull in place with my first card.

I knew this thing was large, but looking at it live is different. Completely different. This thing was even larger than The Trojan Horse that I summoned earlier. And it looks a lot more menacing. Well, that would depend on who you ask. But I think a lean mechanical horse thing is less threatening than the pile of muscle and fat that this thing is. … is this thing marbled beef? I’ve never had Wagyu or something of similar quality. Now I want to eat this thing.

(You shouldn’t eat dungeon monsters. They are made of miasma so they are not safe to consume.) Laura warned me.

(... Well that sucks. Now I almost want that behemoth to show up so I can eat it.) I joked.

(Hoping for an S-rank monster to show up just so you can eat it. Master, you need some common sense.) Laura commented.

(You know I was joking.) 


After my bit of bickering with Laura, I looked back over to the bull. It was struggling to move, but it was held in place by the Spellbinding Circle. It could still move its body parts, looking like a cat trying to break free from being held in someone's arms, but it was stuck.


“I’d say that worked out just fine.” I comment looking at the bull.

(I agree. Perhaps we should have made a toploader for that spell after all.) Laura said.

“We’ll get another one at some point.” I said. “Now, let’s keep going. Next up, Hammer Shot.” I said as I activated the spell. 

A large wooden hammer appeared above the head of the sword-horn bull and struck it hard on the head. I think I even heard a little crack. Perhaps that thing did kill it.

Well I thought so but no. That thing is still alive. After the hammer struck its head, it was motionless for about 20 seconds, before starting to struggle again. Perhaps it was just passed out or something.

“Well, that didn’t work. Next up, Sparks.” I said as I activated my next spell. I know what Sparks does from experience, but I’ve never tested it out on something large like this. And if Hammer Shot weakened it a lot, this could theoretically be lethal. 

From my spell, the false flames shot out. It’s still strange to look at flames so close by, without feeling any warmth from them.


As the sparks hit the bull, it let out a massive screech. It was so loud that I put my hands on my ears as a reflex. Holy shit this thing can scream. Why didn’t you do that earlier? If you have a voice that can be used as a weapon, why don’t you do it?


“... okay. Fuck you. I want my ears safe. Time to die.” I said to the bull as I pulled out the next set of cards.



“I activate Polymerization. I fuse together Big Koala and Des Kangaroo to fusion-summon Master of Oz!” I yelled out.

The almost familiar blue and orange whirlwind appeared and took in the two materials. Then it swelled in size until it was almost as tall as the room. Interestingly it didn’t actually move anything in the room.

After about 10 seconds, the whirlwind died down and  a giant monster appeared from it.


Master of Oz. A giant kangaroo monstrosity. Well at least to my eyes it looks more like a giant, fat kangaroo than a koala, but perhaps that’s just me. It was tall enough to make this 20 meter tall room look almost too small, its head almost touching the sealing. Also, looking at a giant monster wearing big red shoes, boxing gloves and a purple … poncho? was comical.


“Master of Oz. Punch the lights out of that bull.” I commanded my summon.

It made its way over to the bull that was held in place by the Spellbinding Circle and started punching it repeatedly, like a pro boxer throwing punches at a punching bag. As the punches were connecting one after another, the bull was screaming out. Thankfully I had already covered my ears so I wasn’t getting another ear burst.

After around 20 punches, the screaming bull quieted and went limp in its binding spell. I guess it’s dead.



{Brian, I think you should talk to me about monsters like that before summoning them.} I heard Christina say to me over the PA. 

“Sorry, sorry. I didn’t think about that part.” I said to no one. I’m not even sure Christina can hear me. Perhaps if we had a telephone or two way radio in our terminals we could talk.

I unsummoned my Master of Oz and called Dark Magician back over to me before returning to the core room. Christina had already absorbed all the corpses of the monsters my two summons had slain.



“Honestly, what was that monster?” Christina asked after I got back to the core room.

“Giant kangaroo monster…” I answered honestly.

“I can see that part. I meant it more like how strong are some of these monsters? You just keep summoning stronger and stronger monsters. I thought that the white dragon you had would be the strongest, but then you do something like that.” Christina said.


Well Blue-Eyes does have the highest attack of any normal monster, but not the highest overall stats. And fusion monsters don’t follow those rules. Perhaps if I got Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon, my Blue-Eyes arsenal would once again be my greatest strength.


“Well they can be quite strong.” I said to avoid Christina’s question.

“... you really need to stop summoning them then. The magicians are one thing, but monsters like that really shouldn’t get summoned so casually.” She instructed. “Someone will name you as an enemy of the world if you do things like this in a city.”

“Wow. They’ll make me a demon lord and I didn’t even need to summon an archfiend for it.” I joked.

“... please don’t tell me you can actually summon demons?” Christina commented.

“Well, I can.” I said.

“... why am I not surprised? Please don’t ever summon one. You will get in trouble if you do.” She said.

“Is it really that bad?” I asked.

“Well demon summoning is completely outlawed in the Ruiso kingdom. Doing it carries punishment ranging from slavery to death.” She told me.

“... Yeah. That’s not good. I’ll avoid them as much as possible.”

I don’t want to go to jail or be executed. Actually, she said slavery. That would suck as well.


… but if I live in an isekai, perhaps I could pick myself a cute slave girl. … or perhaps not. At least not to act as a wife. I’m not going to force someone to love me because they are my slave. Making them clean my house be fine though. So that would make them a slave maid. That's basically employment, right? As long as I pay them and find out a way to release them from slavery after a year or two of service. And perhaps I could fuse my slave with one of my monsters without the conflict of interest coming in the way like it did with Jenna. I’ll need to look into that at some point.





I went to bed quickly after coming back to the core room. I had a mild case of level-up sickness after taking on the sword-horn bull. I didn’t look at my status yet, as Laura recommended I wait until I wake up. 

But now that I’m awake. 


Name: Brian Wood
Race: Human !
Level: 37
HP: 510
Mana: 900
Strength: 230
Defense: 460
Magic: 290
Pack Opener LV.4 (unique)
Telekinesis LV.1 (extra)
Summoner’s protection LV.1 (extra)
Dungeon Founder (extra)
Summon Water Spirit (extra)
Mana Control LV.1
Language Comprehension (humanoid)
Water Spirit’s Blessing (greater)


… well how about that. Pack Opener leveled up again. And I finally gained the Mana Control skill. I didn’t get as many levels as I thought I would though. I took down all the dungeon monsters on our way to the core and then that A-rank bull. Well I guess I’m already almost level 40 so getting levels is going to take more work. Or perhaps the dungeon monsters give less exp than the monsters outside.


I got up from bed and walked over to Christina. She was sitting on a couch made with the dungeon, enjoying some tea brewed by the maids.


“Good morning.” I greeted them.

“Good morning Brian.” Christina responded. “Did you sleep well?” 

“Yes, most definitely. Sorry you had to stay up.” I said.

“It’s not that big of a problem. I’ll have my chance to sleep now that you are awake.” She said.

“Did anything happen while I was sleeping?” I asked.

“No. I did make some improvements so that A-rank monsters should no longer spawn in the large areas.” She said.

“That’s good. Having A-rank monsters in a beginner town dungeon is not fun.” I commented.

“Beginner town? What does that mean?” Christina asked.

“Nah. Just forget it. I’m just mumbling.” I tried to cover up my slip up. “You can go to bed when you feel like it. I’ll keep watch over the dungeon.”

“Thank you. I will in just a bit.” Christina said.

“And I’ll take the opportunity to take a look at your work.” I said.



Christina had broken up the large rooms with some walls. This would make it near impossible for monsters the size of that bull to exist there. And if one did spawn, they wouldn’t be able to move at all.

Now as for the reason why we could even do that, well it’s because of the Magical Labyrinth. With it, we had full control over the dungeon and we could move the walls and the rooms in multiple ways. The only thing we couldn’t really move are the locations of the large rooms, but we could still make new walls inside them. 

Well more control is better in the end. That way we can prevent some of the younger adventurers from rushing through the dungeon and dying to a surprise boss-monster.


I also took this opportunity to make a safe path around the dungeon. With it, you could get from the entrance all the way to the core room and it was all monster free zone. Thank you Ground Collapse. I made it so it would be easier for Christina to get here when necessary. I also made sure to lock it so that only a dungeon master can open the hidden path. Sure I can use my summons to blow my way through the dungeon, but I don’t know if I have something I’m willing to give to her that has that kind of power. And it should preferably be a humanoid monster as well. Hopefully I’ll get one at some point. 

Considering that she uses earth magic, perhaps some Amazoness monsters could do the trick. But then again, all the truly strong Amazoness monsters are newer cards and are not in the sets I have open at the moment. Well I can always dream. Or find a different option.

(You could always give her the extra copy of Dark Magician you got.) Laura offered. [In CH93.]

(I guess I could, but I think her having something unique would be better.)

Because someone will ask.
Why did Hammer Shot not kill the monster?
Instant-death resistance. That thing was an A-rank monster. It can resist instant-death. And with ‘destroy’ translating to instant-death, monsters above a certain rank can resist it. Like a Yugioh card being ‘cannot be destroyed by card effects’. It’s not that strange or unexpected.

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