Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.111 Giant Critter

So this chapter was a mess (for me to write). I was way busier than I though I would be with babysitting this week. I had basically half the chapter written, but just couldn't write the second half, except piece by piece in the evenings. Hope the (non-existing) quality is still there.


[Alice POV]


“It’s going to attack!” I yelled at Mana.

“Don’t worry. We’ll be fine.” She responded casually.

Is she just that strong or can she just keep calm no matter what?


I looked at the monster that was attacking us. Luckily it didn’t seem to have any ranged attacks, so we would be mostly fine, but I’m still afraid of the speed it can move at. If it jumps at us will we have enough time to dodge?


“Hold onto me.” Mana said into my ear. “It’s going to jump at us.”

She then spun me around in her arms so that I could wrap my arms around her. This way she could move at a faster speed.


We quickly moved in the air as the monster jumped past us. Well more like it jumped at where we were. It made the same mistake as I did earlier. Attacking where we were, not where we are going to be. But perhaps that won’t work when attacking something that will dodge.


After the dodge, Mana took us closer to the ground and then she landed next to the adventurers.

“Are you guys ok?” She asked the adventurers.

“Aren’t you..? And you are with Miss Alice.” One of the adventurers recognised Mana.

I separated myself from Mana and took a look at him. He is one of the adventurers that came to the dungeon with us. I think they were all C-rank adventurers. I don’t remember his name though.

“Alex, focus up. That thing is coming at us again.” Another adventurer said. 

So his name is Alex.

Alex moved up with his shield, so he was in the way of the monster’s charge. But I’m not sure he can stop something that big.


“Mana, can you do something?” I asked.

“Of course.” She said before casting a spell. “Dark Press.”

She used the spell she once used on Father when Father was going crazy. She told me that it weighs down the opponent, making it more difficult to move. I tried casting it a few times, but I haven’t succeeded in it. Yet.

Slowed down by Mana’s  spell, the monster crashed into Alex's shield.

“Ghrh.” He let out a grunt as he took the charge.

“Double Dark Press.” Mana casted a spell as the monster had stopped. 


Double? Like an improved version? A power up version? I need to ask her about it later.

“I can keep it still for a second. Attack it now. But don’t go too close or the spell will affect you too.” Mana said to everyone.

I did as she instructed and launched some Dark Bullets at the monster. Sadly, this was still the only attack spell I could use. I wish I could use a more powerful spell. And if I could use Dark Press, I could hold that thing down and let Mana attack instead.

The other adventurers were doing their best to attack the monster. They were using simple spells like mine, or trying to attack with arrows. Sadly the arrows were pressed down to the ground by Mana’s spell, so they didn’t hit.

One of the adventurer’s even tried charging in, but he was caught in the spell and fell flat on his face.



“It’s going to break out. Fall back.” Mana instructed us.

She had ended up taking charge of the operation.

“Can you use that spell again?” Alex asked her.

“I can, but we don’t have the firepower to kill that thing if I do.” She said. “I think I should attack instead.”

“No. We called for backup and it should arrive soon. We just need to stay safe for a little bit longer.” Alex said.

“I see. Then let’s do that again.” Mana agreed.


Hopefully our backup arrives soon. I think Mana might run out of mana otherwise.



“ALICEE!” I heard Father scream as he was riding towards us on a horse. There were four other people and horses coming with him. I didn’t hear it, but one of the people said he shouldn’t yell like that and that he would get the attention of the monster.

Sadly, he didn’t come in at a good time, as the monster had just been released from the Dark Press. Mana couldn’t keep that spell up forever and had to recast it from time to time. She said her teacher could do it and could even use a more advanced version of it, but she couldn’t yet.


And because of that, the monster was now running at Father.

But before it reached them, one of the people raised an earth wall in its way and the monster crashed right into it. Luckily the wall was strong enough to stop the monster.

“Double Dark Press.” Mana casted the spell to hold it in place.

Again, I attacked the monster with multiple Dark Bullets.


Father and the rest of the people with him got around the earth wall and began slinging spells as well. Father’s was a large wind lance. It’s actually called Tornado Lance and it’s one of the most powerful spells Father can use. The spell penetrated deep into the monster and the monster let out a scream.


“That won’t be enough to take it down!” Father yelled. “Fire at it again.”

And with his command, everyone capable was firing spells at the monster.



I looked at the fallen monster. Our last volley had taken it down.

It honestly looks kind of cute. Well it would be if it wasn’t giant and trying to kill us.

“Alice, are you hurt? Do you have any injuries?” Father asked me.

“I’m not hurt at all. Just tired.” I answered. I had burned over 60% of my mana in the fight so I felt like I wanted to take a nap. I need to study how to save my mana in a fight. I won’t be that useful to Brian otherwise. Maybe I could ask another adventurer about it.

“That’s good.” Father said. “But please don’t run off on your own again. You could have died.”

“But if I didn’t, someone else might have died.” I argued. Brian would probably look down on me if I didn’t at least try to help them.

“I know, but you are not the same as them.” Father said.

“Just because I’m from a bloodline that did something at some point, doesn’t make me special.” I said my honest opinion. My nobility has brought me nothing but trouble. Because of it, I’ve never been able to actually experience life.

“You shouldn’t sell yourself short, miss.” The shield adventurer, Alex, said. “You have good magic skills and that itself is not something just anyone can do.”

“Th. thank you.” I responded. That praise from an adventurer caught me off guard. I thought that I was holding them back. I only used one spell for the entire fight.



“How strong would you say the monster was?” The guild master, Zayaan, asked us.

“Higher C or low B rank.” Alex answered. “It was fast and its fur was tough. But its attacks weren’t that powerful. It didn’t use any magic yet, so I would say it was still C-rank.”

“And any idea what that monster was?” Zayaan asked.

“Giant ferret or mink.” Alex said. “We’ll know after we extract the monster core.”

“How does that tell anything?” I asked.

“Giant ferrets are earth attribute, but giant minks are dark. Their core will show that. But while fighting it, the attribute doesn’t make a big difference if it doesn’t use magic.” Zayaan explained.

“I see. Thank you for teaching me that.” I said as I pulled out my notebook and wrote that down. I should probably get a new notebook for the notes about monsters and other adventuring things, so I won’t have everything mixed in one. I’ll need to ask Father to get me one or two more.



“Come on Alice. Let’s head home.” Father said after the report.

“Yes Father.” I answered. “But could we perhaps make a stop first. I would like another notebook.” 

“Oh, you need another one? Is that one full already?” He asked.

“No, not yet. But I want one for adventuring notes and one for monster notes. I think it would be better to have them all in separate notebooks.” I explained.

“I see. That’s fine. Then we should stop by Bakula’s store on the way.” Father answered.


He agreed? And he said we would stop at the store? Instead of just ordering one. 

Well then again, most people wouldn’t order little things like that and would just go and buy them. 



“Lord Watchman. What brings you to our humble store? Would you like for me to get the owner?” A lady welcomed us to the store.

“It’s nothing much today. We just came to pick up a few notebooks for Alice.” Father answered. 

“Notebooks for the young Miss? As you wish. This way please.” She led us into the store.

When I was here with Brian, she didn’t act like this. Perhaps this is because I’m with Father.


“These are the ones we have at the moment. Please choose one you like.” 

I looked at the notebooks. My current magic notebook had blue covers so I definitely wanted some other colors for the others.

I picked up a red one for monsters and a green one for other adventuring notes. Then I noticed one with pink covers. I never really kept a diary, but seeing that pink notebook made me want to keep one, so I asked Father to get me that one as well.

With the three notebooks in hand, we went home.

Father even said he would hold my hand, but I refused. It would just be strange. I’ve never held Father’s hand while walking around the town before. 



“Did you have fun today?” Jenna asked me as she was helping me bathe. 

She would always insist on washing my hair and my body. I really hope I can deal with everything even without her after I go adventuring with Brian. I’m not sure Brian would agree to take Jenna with us. And I would also need permission from Father. And Jenna herself. 

Brian would probably agree if he fused Jenna with that summon again. Father will most likely allow it, or even demand it, as that will allow him to keep someone close to me. But what about Jenna herself? Would she come with me?


“Miss? Are you feeling alright?” You didn’t answer.” Jenna brought me back to reality. 

“Oh, yes. I had fun.” I quickly answered. 

“Are you sure you are feeling alright? You don’t seem like yourself.” Jenna said.

“I’m feeling just fine. It’s just that… a lot happened today. And I’m trying to process it all.” I said, trying to keep my actual thoughts for now. 

It’s better if I ask Brian and Father first. If one of them says no, then Jenna’s opinion won’t really matter.

“Then please do tell me what weighs on your mind. Perhaps I can help you come up with an answer.” Jenna offered.

“Don’t worry about it. I’ll get my answer when Brian returns.” I told her.

“I see. so you would rather get advice from him than me. That’s too bad.” Jenna said, seeming a little down.

“It’s not that.” I argued. “I was just thinking about you. What happens to you if I actually leave with Brian? Will you come with us or will you stay here?”

“I… I don’t know. May I think about this for a few days?” Jenna asked.

“Yes. But I know Brian is going to leave soon, so I need the answer soon.” I told her.

“Then I’ll give you my answer tomorrow evening. If the Master allows me to leave.” Jenna said.

“I’ll be waiting for your answer.” I said to her.



“Good night, Alice.” Jenna said as I entered bed.

“Good night.” I answered.


I spun my thoughts about the day in my head for a little longer and then fell asleep.

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