Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.121 Let’s head home

So, a couple of things here. First. I would like to thank GreenerThanGreen for pointing out a large amount of typos and stupid word choices in the series. I think it definitely improved the series as it seems more professional without all of those mistakes.


Secondly, something a lot more sad. 

Kazuki Takahashi, the creator of Yu-Gi-Oh!, has passed away. I honestly almost made a separate non-chapter after I heard the news, but I just couldn’t. I’m not saying I wouldn’t be an amateur author without Mr. Takahashi, but this series would not exist without him. Brian, Alice, Lucia, Christina. Whoever happens to be your favorite character in this series. None of them would exist without the influence that both Yu-Gi-Oh! and Mr. Takahashi had on my life.

So I just have to say, please rest in peace and you left us too soon. I truly hope I won’t butcher the characters you created with this series.


“So, are we ready to head back?” I asked.

“Yes. The dungeon is ready for the opening. I also prepared the examples of the new items to send to the King along with the report about the dungeon.” Christina answered.


It was early noon on our third day in the dungeon, and now that the dungeon had, hopefully, accepted Christina as the dungeon master, we were going to head back to Alewatch.

We had used some of our generation points to make most of the dungeon products, as the new items would be presented to the King when the dungeon founding is reported to him. For this dungeon, it meant the fabrics and cardboard. And a magic fanny pack. According to Christina, they were the items that would be considered ‘new’. Well, at least I didn’t have to spend all my points on bureaucracy.


“I believe you said you wanted to travel, so would it be possible to have you deliver the report to the King?” Christina asked.

… a messenger job? I guess I can do that. I was going to the capital anyway. But meeting the King. That’s going to be … difficult. I have a habit of saying what’s on my mind and if I piss off the King, I might have to escape this country. Or just become a Demon Lord. 

(You shouldn’t do that Master. I already sacrificed most of your Archfiend cards for sleeves so they wouldn’t tempt you.) Laura told me.

(I see. So that’s why you did it. I just thought you considered them worthless.) 

(Of course I wouldn’t. I just don’t think they are worth the risk. And after Lady Christina told us about demon summoning being illegal, I thought it would be better just to give up on them.) Laura said. 

… thanks for the forethought.


“Sure. I can deliver the report. But what if I piss off the King by accident?” I asked.

“Would you make that kind of mistake?” She asked.

“Well, I did piss off Brandon, so I think it’s possible.” I told her.

“I suppose you did. Perhaps I need to ask someone else to do the talking for you. Maybe you could pick up one of my younger sisters and they could help you.” She said. “You will have to pass by Sawyer city on the way to the capital anyway.”

“And not one of your elder sisters? If I recall correctly, you were the third of your sisters.” I asked.

“My eldest sister Angelina is taking care of the Sawyer territory with my father until my brother is ready to take over, so she can’t. And Sylvia is married to an Earl living on the other side of the country.” Christina told me about her sisters. “But Violet and Paulina aren’t married yet, so they might be available.” 


… she has too many sisters. I’ll never remember the names of all of them.

(Don’t worry Master. I’ll help you.) Laura reassured me.

“Well, I suppose the help would be fine, but only if you think it won’t bother your sisters.” I told her.

“It’s fine. Even if it is a bother, you have done so much for me that I can make them agree.” Christina said.

“... don’t force people to do something they don’t want to.” I commented.

“Big sister’s authority is not forcing. It’s persuading.” Christina said.

“I fail to see the difference.” 

“Well there is one. But you’ll see once you meet my sisters.” She commented.



“I summon Amazoness Paladin, Amazoness Fighter and Amazoness Tiger.” Christina said as she summoned her monsters. 

My idea had been that we would make our way out with the hidden passageway I made, but Christina said she wanted to test out her new summons, so we went through the dungeon instead. I need to show her how to get to the passageway when we get to it.


The three monsters appeared before Christina. Of course because she doesn’t actually have a duel disk or even a DiaDhank, she has to hold two of them in her hands.


The three Amazoness monsters, along with Christina and Aneesa’s magic, made short work of the quadrupedal skeleton monster that had taken the place of the final boss of the dungeon. Having something that weak as the final boss is kind of disappointing. We really need to stop killing all the boss monsters, so they aren’t so weak. I would like the last boss to be B-rank. I think that would be better than these C-rank skeletal beasts.


“Aren’t you going to join them?” I asked Sana.

“No. Someone has to carry everything and I couldn’t keep up with the speed they cast spells.” She said.

“I see. Well carrying everything is an important job as well.” I told her.

“Of course it is. There are plenty of stories of strong parties dying after they kick out their supporters and carriers.” Sana agreed.

Really? So stories like that go around in this world? Well, I guess it’s a warning to new adventurers. Just because you have power, doesn’t mean you have everything. Perhaps I should invite someone that can be a support to my party. Well then again, I kind of do that part already. The adaptable backline summoner support that can also be a tank with a massive shield. Well, I’ll think about it.



The Amazoness trio really worked well together with Christina. Tiger had an aggro drawing effect and it’s fast, so it could group up the mobs for AoE spells. Then Fighter and Paladin could finish off the survivors.

“Honestly, they work way better than I expected.” I said out loud.

“Madam is skilled. Of course she would instantly learn how to best use resources like these.” Sana praised her master. Or should it be mistress? I feel like I went in this cycle already.

“That she is. I’m just worried she couldn’t do this without the aggro draw of Tiger, so I’m not sure how she would manage without it, or when it is on cooldown.” I said.

“I’m sure she can come up with other strategies.” Sana said.

“I hope so. At least I hope she won’t jump into anything before she is used to the summons.” I responded.



We made it outside of the dungeon with no real difficulty. The Amazoness trio was capable of handling the monsters, so I didn’t need to summon any more backup.

I did also show the hidden entrance of the … admin route to Christina so she can use it in the future.


After Christina unsummoned the Amazoness monsters, it was up to me to get us some transport. … but the road is still not completed, so I can’t just use Overdrive. God, I wish I had a monster that could complete this road. It would be so much faster.

“Should we just fly?” I wonder aloud. 

“Yes. Let’s fly. It will be faster.” Christina heard me and was instantly on board. She then went through her bag and pulled out a card.

No, no, no. I was just thinking about it. I wasn’t actually going to do it. I learned from the time I used Blue-Eyes. And I was actually thinking of using something like Gradius.

“Roc from the Valley of Haze.” She summoned the biggest bird I gave her.


A large card appeared in the air and the giant bird flew out of it. That thing really is The Roc. Its body seems to be around 20 meters in length, basically the same as Blue-Eyes if you ignore the neck and tail of the dragon. But this bird has way bigger wingspan than Blue-Eyes does. Its wingspan has to be over 30 meters. Those wings are Massive.


After flying a large circle around us, the bird smoothly landed in the clearing. I know I had Blue-Eyes land here earlier, but I still wasn’t sure the bird would fit. I should’ve made it larger. Well I guess I still could, but I’ll just let it be for now. Christina will probably do something about it if she flies back and forth from here. And it’s not like this isn’t enough for now. But if there were adventurers and carriages here, the bird wouldn’t fit safely. 


“Are you sure this is a good idea? Won’t people panic when they see a bird this large?” I asked Christina.

“... oh. I … didn’t consider that. I just got so excited that I wanted to try.” She admitted.

“... Yeah, perhaps next time think before you act. Not that I have any right telling you that. I did exactly the same with my dragon, so…” I admitted.

“Can’t you do something? Perhaps use a card so we won’t be seen.” Christina asked.

“I don’t know if I have something like that, but I can check.” I told her.


(Lau…) I was about to ask.

(Darkness Approaches or Opti-Camouflage Armor. They are your best choices. But I recommend Opti-Camouflage Armor more, as installing it is a more permanent solution. Even if it only applies to this one bird. But seeing as this is the largest one Christina has, I believe it will be fine.) Laura was two steps ahead of me again. 

(More like 100.) She added.

(Well, now you are just being sassy.) I commented. (But thanks for the recommendation.)


“I think I have something.” I said to Christina. “It should keep us hidden while we fly, but we will still be seen when landing.”

“That should be fine.” Christina said.

“Well if you say so.” As I said that I took Christina’s left hand into mine. She had the card on her terminal and I needed access to it.

“What do you think you are doing?” Aneesa asked.

“Finally showing your true self.” Sana added.


… really? I’m just holding her hand.


“Brian? What are you actually doing?” Christina asked. “If you want to hold my hand, just ask.”

“...really? No. I just need to see the card on your terminal.” I told her. “Why do you instantly see me as some kind of sexual predator when I hold someone's arm? Especially when Christina flirts all the time.”

“...” The maids just looked at me in silence.

“Oh. Perhaps you enjoy it. I can keep going, you know.” Christina teased.

“See! This is what I mean. Why are you on my case and not hers?” I asked the maids.

“...” They still kept quiet.


“You really need to re-educate your maids. They hate me for no reason.” I told Christina. “Now then, Install.” I said as I installed Opti-Camouflage Armor into Roc from the Valley of Haze. 


I looked back at the bird and its stomach area did change in color slightly. Instead of the orange it was previously, it was now looking green. Perhaps because it is adapting to the forest around us.


“Will that be enough?” Christina asked.

“I’m not sure, but I can always have Dark Magician add a shade spell around us before we land. That should take care of the rest.” I told her.

“I see. Then let’s get on and fly home.” Christina said.


We mounted up on the giant bird before taking flight.



“I can already see Alewatch.” Christina said as soon as we took off.

“Yeah, you can. I noticed it with Blue-Eyes as well.” I responded.


Our flight wasn’t that bad. Christina had Roc keep our speed as slow as possible so we wouldn’t have to fight the wind too much.

We did fly over some carriages, but I don’t think they spotted us. Then again, I can’t really tell from this high.



“Where will we land?” I asked.

“We could just land in the manor’s yard, but that might scare the maids. Or we could land outside the walls and scare everyone else. What do you think?” Christina answered.

“I think I’ll summon Dark Magician.” I answered.

I pulled out his card and summoned him.

“Hey Mahad, can you cover us in darkness so we won’t be spotted as we land?” I asked.

“Easy. Shade.” He answered as he cast a spell around as.

The darkness enveloped us, but we could still see critical landmarks, like the walls and the ground.


We landed a bit outside the walls in an area with not a lot of people. And as we were covered by shade, I think no one saw us.

After landing, Christina unsummoned Roc and I summoned Overdrive. Then we all got into Overdrive and drove off. I also unsummoned Dark Magician after we no longer needed the shade.


We were stopped at the gate for a second but the guard quickly let us through when he realized Christina was with me. I think he even recognized the Overdrive as he wasn’t surprised by it, but still had to confirm the people inside.

Then one leisurely drive through town later, we were back at the Watchman manor.

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