Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.127 Completing Challenges

“What else are you going to summon, Brian?” Lua asked.

“Not much. Two more ritual monsters and one fusion, I think.” I told her.

“You know I don’t know what these ‘ritual’ or ‘fusion’ monsters are.” Lua said.

“... Yeah, of course you wouldn’t. Rituals are the blue ones. Like that dragon rider. Performance of Sword is also a ritual monster, if you remember her.” I explained.

“The lady with the arm blades? Yes. I remember her.” Lua said.

“Yes, her. And fusion monsters are made of multiple other monsters. They have purple cards. The swordswoman with light wings I used against the thunder sprites would be an example of a fusion monster.” I told her.

“I see. Thank you for the explanation.” Lua said.


“Brian. Can I summon one of these fusion or ritual monsters?” Alice asked.

Again, she wants something. I guess I could let her, but I’m not sure it will count for my challenge.

“Let me summon what I want first, and then I’ll check if I have something good for you to summon.” I answered. That way, I could just say ‘not today’ if I don’t have anything.



“I activate Hamburger Recipe. I tribute a Hungry Burger so I can ritual summon Hungry Burger.” I said to perform the next ritual summon. It feels a little strange to tribute a copy of the card you are summoning, but it works.

After the ritual was completed, a giant burger appeared from it. 


“Holy burger.” I let out. 

That thing is huge. It’s almost a meter tall and even larger in diameter.

“Brian. I didn’t know your cards could make food.” Alice commented.

“That is not food. It’s a monster.” I said just before Hungry Burger opened its massive maw. Does it count as a maw?

Then the burger began jumping around. Thankfully, we are in an area with not a lot of people, so no one has to run away from the giant jumping burger.


Thanks Hungry Burger, but honestly, I’ll never summon you again. Unless I figure out a way to compress you down and eat you. Cause you do look like a decently tasty burger.



“I thought you said you won’t summon any more nightmare fuel.” Lua commented.

“When the vampire is scared of a moving burger. Ironic.” I commented.

“I’m not a vampire. I’m a dhampir.” Lua said back.

“I know, I know. It was a joke.” I tried to redeem my terrible joke.

“I should demand blood as compensation for something like that.” Lua said.

“Fine. Just don’t take much.” I gave permission.

“... I will. Later.” So she decided to hold onto that favor.



For Crab Turtle, my tributes were a little more unique. I needed 8 levels worth of tributes, but I don’t have many monsters of high level that I’m willing to throw away. So instead, I went with extra copies of some fusion monsters I will likely never use. And they are from LoBY so I’ll get extra copies anyway. I’m cheating the system. I can use fusion monsters as tribute for ritual monsters. No Nekroz Kaleidoscope required. 


“I activate Turtle Oath. I tribute Flame Ghost and Flower Wolf to ritual summon Crab Turtle.”

After the ritual was completed, a 2,5 meter tall crab monster rose from the card.

… yeah. NO! Go away already. I don’t want to look at you any longer.




“Brian.” Lua said to me in an angry tone. “We talked about the nightmare fuel already. Twice!”

“I know, I know. I swear that was the last one for today.” I told her. After all, I had now reached 5 unique ritual summons.

“Then why did you even summon it?” Lua asked. “Just to unsummon it right after.”

“I explained that already. To improve my skill.” And you know, to get one of the strongest warrior-type monsters ever printed.


I opened the challenge menu and checked out my ritual challenge.


Summon unique Ritual Monsters
Unique Ritual Monsters summoned: 5
Performance of Sword, Relinquished, Paladin of White Dragon, Hungry Burger, Crab Turtle
Next Reward is given at 5 unique Ritual Monsters
Next Reward: Black Luster Soldier + Black Luster Ritual
[Claim Reward]

A claim reward button appeared and I pressed it.

1 Black Luster Soldier and 1 Black Luster Ritual
have been added to the collection.

Nice. I have it now. I checked what my next reward was going to be.

Next Reward is given at 10 unique Ritual Monsters
Next Reward: Chakra + Resurrection of Chakra

Chakra? I don’t remember that one. I pressed on it and the card popped up so I could see its information.


Level 7 Dark/Fiend with 2450 atk and 2000 def. It doesn’t even have an effect. Kind of sucky to get after Black Luster Soldier. Well, hopefully the one after it is decent.



“So one more summoning left?” Lua asked. 

“Yeah. One fusion.” I answered. I was thinking about summoning Black Luster Soldier, but I kind of want a toploader for both it and the ritual spell, as I don’t have access to them in any set. And tomorrow I’ll have a lot more sleeve fodder again.


I pulled out a fusion monster and the materials I needed for it. And a toploader copy of Polymerization.


“I activate Polymerization. I fuse Armaill and One-Eyed Shield Dragon to fusion summon Dragoness the Wicked Knight.”

God, I always forget just how terrible early fusions were. Take two 700/1300 monsters and make a 1200/900 out of them. Like honestly. It would be better just to set one of the materials.

But that doesn’t matter at the moment. My summoning was successful and a lady in armor, holding twin swords and with dragon wings on her back was now standing in front of me.


And with that, the fusion challenge is at 5. Let’s claim the reward for it.

Summon unique Fusion Monsters
Unique Fusion Monsters summoned: 5
St. Joan, Master of Oz, Giltia the D. Knight, Fusionist, Dragoness the Wicked Knight
Next Reward is given at 5 unique Fusion Monsters
Next Reward: Meteor Black Dragon + Meteor Dragon
[Claim Reward]
1  Meteor Black Dragon and 1 Meteor Dragon
have been added to the collection.
Next Reward is given at 10 unique Fusion Monsters
Next Reward: Chimera the Flying Mythical Beast + Berfomet

Okay. So for fusions the next reward is Chimera. It’s not that strong, but it is a somewhat iconic card. And I guess a flying, twin-headed lion thing wouldn’t be that bad. I could seem like a more normal summoner with it. Assuming normal summoners summon twin-headed beasts. I should probably study up on that.


I unsummoned Dragoness and walked back to town with Alice and Lua. Summoning Meteor Black Dragon shall wait as well. I probably should put a toploader on both it and Meteor Dragon after all. And I don’t need to summon it right now.



“Brian. That fusion summon thing. Can you do it with any monsters?” Lua asked.

“No. They need to be specific.” I answered. I pulled back out the card of Dragoness the Wicked Knight and showed it to her. “Look here. It says what monsters need to be used as the material.”

“Ah. I see.” She said.

“But not all fusion monsters are like that. Some have more loose requirements for the materials. Like asking for a warrior monster and a spellcaster monster.” I told her. I don’t actually remember if a fusion monster with those materials exists, but it still works as an example.

“Do you have any vampire fusions?” She asked.

Vampire fusions? I don’t recall any. I know they have some xyz and link monsters, but fusions? I’m not sure.

“No. I don’t have any.” I told her.

“Oh. I see.” She said quietly. Was she really hoping to see a vampire fusion that much?


“You could just fuse her with a vampire.” Alice commented.

“Alice. You know that is a bad idea.” I said back.

“Why not? It’s not like it will cause any damage if you undo it later.” She added.

… this girl. I know I can do it, but I don’t think I really should just go around fusing people with my cards. There probably is a side effect I just don’t know yet.


“Can you do something like that?” Lua asked.

“Well, yes.” I answered. “But I’m honestly not sure if it is a good idea. I’ve only done it once, and it wasn’t exactly what I would call ‘perfect’ result.”

“What do you mean? Jenna was super strong, so it was perfect.” Alice commented.

“Strength isn’t everything. She had some levels of mental problems because of the two wills inside of a single body.” I said. “And I think they would have gotten way worse if I didn’t unfuse them.”


This is honestly just something I think. Based on how Flame Sorcerer begged me not to fuse her with Jenna again. They might have even fought for the control over the body, and that could have led to all kinds of difficulties.


“There might also be other complications, like attribute or even race.” I added. All vampire monsters I have are dark zombies, whereas Lucia is water … spellcaster? Yeah. Water spellcaster. That sounds correct.

“But a dhampir is a half-vampire, right?” Alice asked.

“But my vampires are zombies.” I told her. I traded the Dragoness I showed to Lua earlier for the toplader Vampire Lord in my collection. “See here. Zombie.”

“... I guess it is a zombie.” Alice said.

“Well, according to legends, the original vampires were undead creatures, so perhaps a zombie isn’t that far-fetched.” Lua said.

“Really? That’s interesting.” So if they were undead, they were basically closer to skeletons than humans. I wonder if Lua would tell me more about it. “Could you tell me more about it?” I asked.

“... I guess I could. But only to you. And only because you helped me.” Lua said.

“Thanks. I’ll make some time for it.” I said.


Now I want to know even more. How bad can it be for her not to be willing to tell it to Alice?



The guild hall was a lot more busy now than it had been in the morning. It still wasn’t full, but it wasn’t empty either.

Some of the younger adventurers noticed me and asked me for a lesson, but I was able to buy some time by saying we could do it after I had lunch. 


“Lua, do you want one?” I asked while pulling a burrito out for myself and Alice.

“Oh, don’t worry. I have blood. It’s enough.” She said.

“You sure? It’s no problem.” I told her.

“No. Not here.” She added quietly. Perhaps she doesn’t want to seem ‘different’ from how she was.

“Well, if you change your mind, I still have two more of these.” I said.


“Well then, can I get one?” A male voice asked behind me. 

I turned around and saw Alex. 

“Sure, if you want one.” I responded. He was almost a party member, so I should take care of him. Perhaps a temporary party member. Well, we aren’t technically in a party, so…

“I’d appreciate it. Uncle Sam’s might have a line at this time of day.” Alex said as I handed one of the burrito to him.

“That’s good. I honestly wasn’t sure as there has never been a line when I’ve visited.” I said.

“Well, that is because you move at weird times. Most adventurers would be working at that time of day.” Alex said.

“... yeah. That’s true.” I agreed.


“Do you have any left for me?” Another person interrupted our mealtime. 

“And why would the guild master need to beg for food?” I asked Zayaan.

“It’s not begging, I’m asking.” He said.

“Well, lucky for you, I do have one more. But are you sure you can take a break?” I asked.

“I have to. I can’t work without food. I’m not used to it yet. Lex did warn me that I need to get used to it at some point, but for now I’ll eat when I’m hungry.” Zay said. “And this is also business. I would like you to take on the Bakula company escort job, after all. Otherwise I have to get Diamond Sword to do it, but that would leave the town with little to no defense in case of a strong monster.”

… “Doesn’t this town have guards for that?” I asked.

“Well, the guards are more to protect us from bandits and other human threats. Most of them don’t have the skills to go against high ranked monsters.” Zay explained.

“I think we should take the job.” Lua said.

“I agree.” Alex added.

“Sure, I don’t mind. What about you Alice?” I asked for her opinion.

“... I think it will be fine. But I don’t really know what I’ll have to do.” She admitted.


“Great. So you will take it.” Zay said. “Now we only need to agree on the departure date.”



We decided to leave on the morning of the third day from now. That will give us two days to prepare everything. Thankfully, the job had left the leaving date for the adventurers to choose as long as we gave a warning of more than a full day, so we didn’t need to argue about it with Bakula company.


Then we trained in the guild's backyard (because the other adventurers were asking).

I ended up summoning Performance of Sword, Giltia the D. Knight, St. Joan and even Dragoness the Wicked Knight. Thankfully, I had kept Dragoness summoned only for a few minutes previously, so I could just summon her again. With our four instructors, the guild’s backyard was full, as there was never really a line to wait for one of them to be free for a 1v1 practice match.


That was until Diamond Sword joined in. They had power to almost equally match up with Giltia and Performance of Sword, so their practice matches took a lot longer. Except when they challenged St. Joan. While she couldn’t subdue them in seconds like she could with others, it didn’t take her much longer than 30 seconds to win in a 1v1 against any of them. She even won in a 2v1, but a 3v1 ended up in her loss. Well, she probably could beat them if this wasn’t a practice match and she could just kill them.


In the end the other adventurers wanted to see a full teamfight between my summons and Diamond Sword, so we had that as well. My summons were at a small disadvantage, as it was a 4v5, but they did hold their own decently. Sadly, Diamond Sword was able to use their numbers advantage to pick off my summons from the weakest to strongest, so they did end up winning. 

I almost should have summoned Millennium Shield and joined in myself. Or just summon something else to join my side. I probably would have won if this was a 5v5.



“I really thought your summons would win.” Alice said as we were walking back home.

“Well, they were at a numbers disadvantage and Diamond Sword used their extra member well to hold off St. Joan, so it’s not that strange. Diamond Sword just worked better as a team.” I told her. Teamwork is more than individual power in some situations. St. Joan just couldn’t get through multiple people without seriously hurting them, so she couldn’t help her weaker teammates. Or perhaps she sees them as unworthy of her help if they are that weak. I could totally see that being the case. ‘You are not worthy of serving Master if you are that weak.’ Or something like that.

“I should have summoned Mana to help them.” Alice said.

“Secret reinforcements are cheating.” I told her. “And if you had, they would have won no problem. This was better as it was a close match.”

“Close? How is a full wipe on your summons close?” Alice asked.

“It was close because before Diamond Sword subdued Dragoness the Wicked Knight, the match could have gone either way. Had St. Joan dealt with her opponents just a bit faster, my team would have won.” I explained.


With our post match chat finished, we walked back home.


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