Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.130 Zayaan’s cards.

“Hey Kris. Can I go see Zayaan?” I asked the guild receptionist after I walked into the adventurer’s guild.

“Yes, he is here. But I’m sorry to tell you, but if you want to change the departure date, it will come with a penalty.” She told me.

“No, I have no problems with that. I just want to say goodbye to Zay. If he isn’t too busy.” I responded.

“He shouldn’t have any meetings, so go ahead.” Kris answered.

“Thanks.” I responded before heading to the guild master’s office.



After knocking on the door and hearing Zay give permission, I went into the GM’s office.

“Brian. What do you need?” He asked as I walked in.

“Nothing really. I just came by to say goodbye. We are leaving tomorrow after all.” I told him.

“you could have just said it in the evening.” Zay said quietly.

“What did you say?” I asked as I didn’t hear him.

“It’s nothing.” He said. “But if that was everything, I do have some paperwork to do.”

“Well, there is one other thing.” I said as I opened my collection.


I needed to give some cards to Zay. I want to give at least a few cards to everyone with Card Summoner before I leave. After what happened to Rico and Mesk, I won’t hoard every card for myself any longer.

“I wanted to give you a few cards before I left.” I said as I laid the first cards on the table.

The first one I wanted him to have is Masaki the Legendary Swordsman. I had three copies of it and I’ll only need one to summon Flame Swordsman. So I put a sleeve on it and placed it on the table.


Masaki might not be the strongest monster, but that is also why I gave it to Zay. I think it might make for a great instructor for the adventurers.


The second one was Dark Blade. A slightly stronger warrior monster.


The only reason I’m not sure about it, is its dark attribute. 


The third was a copy of Buster Blader. The only reason I gave him one as well, is because I can get a new one every day. And it is a super strong warrior, so it should serve Zay well.


And the last monster I wanted him to have is Wingweaver, a powerful fairy type monster.


Wingweaver should be a great backline helper for Zay, in case he ever ends up in a difficult battle.

I made sure all of the monsters had sleeves on them before handing them to Zay.


“Are you sure I can have them all? Just one of them would be more than enough.” Zay said.

“Yes. This many is fine. Actually, I want to give you just a few more, but they won’t be monsters.” I told him as I searched out a few spells.

One Rain of Mercy and two Red Medicine. I had plenty of copies of both, so I handed them over to Zay. I didn’t place any toploaders on them, as these are meant to be emergency use only.

(Why not just give him an extra copy of Dancing Fairy if you want him to have something to heal people with?) Laura asked.

… yeah. Why didn’t I? Well, at least I can fix that easily.


“Some of these spell cards, huh. I’ve seen both of these before and they are effective, so thank you.” Zay said as he looked at the two medicines and the rain. I actually forgot that he had used both.

“There is actually still more.” I said to him as I got out a copy of Dancing Fairy that I had sleeved. It wasn’t the one I usually used, but one I had never summoned before.


“Oh. I remember these fairies. Are you sure you don’t need them yourself?” Zay asked.

“No. It’s not like that. I still have one for myself.” I said as I pulled my own sleeved copy out to show him. I actually had another 3 on top of that.


“I see. Well if you are giving them to me, I’ll gladly take them.” He said.

“Be sure to use them sometimes as well. You can use the warriors as instructors for the adventurers, like I have done.” I told him.

“Yes. I will.” He responded.

“Also, the spells are one time use, so only use them if you really have to.” I warned.

“Yes. Thank you for all of this.” He said as he collected the cards into a single stack.

“There is actually just one more, but I’m not sure about it.” I said as I pulled out the last card I wanted to give him.

A Hero Emerges. I tried it out with Alice and Lua, but as we were in no danger we couldn’t get it to activate. The one I gave Zay wasn’t the toploader copy I had, but another one.

“If you use this when something terrible is going on or you are in great danger, it might do something, but I’m honestly not sure.” I told him.

“I see. I’ll make sure to hold onto it for such an occasion.” He said as he took the card.

“You really should have said, I hope a situation like that never comes.” I told him.

“Perhaps I should have. Now get going. I have to get back to work.” Zay said.



“Brian. You are late.” Alice said when I got back to the manor.

“Late? I didn’t know I had a curfew.” I responded.

“Well you have one and you are late. How are you going to make it up to me?” She asked.

“I’m not.” I said. “Where is your mother? I have her order with me.”

“Hmph. I just wanted you to give me another card. You gave so many to Mother and I still only have Mana.” Alice complained.

“... you could have just asked.” I told her. 

I don’t mind giving her more, but she just goes about it in the wrong way.

“Really? So if I ask, you will give me more?” Alice looked at me with her eyes shining. “Brian. Would you please give me another monster?” 


… that look. It’s not fair. Why do all females come with it? Is it something so basic that every cute girl knows how to use it?

“I’ll just confirm this first, but you did pack everything, right?” I asked.

“Yes! I’m packed up and ready to go!” Alice responded. “So you can give me a card.”

“... fine. But only one.” I agreed.

“Why do you give so many to Mother then?” She asked.

“Well, I can’t exactly give her more after we leave.” I responded.

But that was a lie. With that exchange link between our terminals, I can give her more whenever I feel like it. But I didn’t have that when I made her ‘deck’ so my point stands.


“So you will give me more as we travel? Do you promise?” Alice asked.

“Sure. I can do that.” I told her.

“How often? And how many?” She asked.


… hmm. I’m not sure. 

“How about one card for each successful adventuring job we do?” I offered.

“That’s not enough. Make it three.” She tried to argue.

“One card for every two jobs.” I said back.

“Hey. You went down in numbers. You should have come up to two per job.” Alice said.

“One for every three.” I kept going.

“I’m fine with one per job.” Alice agreed to my original offer.

“I guess we have ourselves a deal.” I agreed with her.

“Well, since we made the deal, can you give me the one you promised?” Alice asked.

“... oh sure.” I said as I pulled open my collection.


So, something for Alice. Probably a humanoid female. And dark attribute would probably be good as well.

Hmm. Yeah. This should work. It is a rare from Invasion of Chaos, but I’m giving it to Alice, so if I need it for a fusion or something in the future, I can just ask for it back. And I don’t think it has any fusions anyway.

Because I have plenty of sleeves in stock, I turned four of them into a toploader and placed both a toploader and sleeve on the monster. And even if Alice doesn’t want it, I can use it myself.


“Here. You can have this.” I said as I handed the card over to Alice.

“Thank you.” Alice said before taking a look at the card. “Can I summon her now?”

“Go for it. But I need to go see your mother, so where is she?” I asked.

“I don’t know. Somewhere inside.” Alice answered.

“... great…” I mumbled. 


I walked inside as I heard Alice call out the name of the monster I gave her.

Getsu Fuhma. A dark attribute warrior type monster with 1700 attack and 1200 defense. It also has an effect that makes it more powerful when fighting demons and the undead.




I ran into (not literally) Sana as I got inside and asked her where Christina was. 

She led me to Alice’s room, where I saw a teary eyed Christina hugging some of Alice’s clothes.

“Madam. Lord Brian is here.” Sana said.

“Oh.” She looked up and quickly wiped away the tears she had in her eyes. “Welcome back.”

“Are you feeling alright?” I asked.

“I’m fine. This is normal for a parent. I had a similar reaction when Daniel moved to the capital.” She said.

Daniel? Is that her son? I’d guess so based on the circumstantial evidence. 


“I see. Well, I brought the things you ordered.” I said as I pulled out the notebook and the sleeping bag. “They didn’t have one of the things you asked for. but they said they could get one from Sawyer city.” 

“Thank you for running the errand for me.” Christina said. “And I don’t actually need that item for myself, as I was going to give it to you.”

“For me? What was it then?” I asked.

“A magic pen. I thought we could use the notebook to exchange letters via our terminals. But you probably don’t have a pen, so I ordered one with the notebook.” Christina explained.


A magic pen? Wonder how that works. Now I really want one.

“So if they don’t have one available here, could I ask you to buy one in Sawyer city?” Christina asked.

“Sure, as long as they are not too expensive. I don’t have an unlimited amount of money.” I told her. 

I don’t know how expensive magic items can get, but I would assume they can cost a lot of money. Sure I still have over 50 gold coins, but I will need it for other 

“Don’t worry about that. I’ll write you a purchase order, so I will be the one paying for it.” Christina said.

“I can pay for it myself as long as it is under 5 gold coins.” I responded.

“No. This much I should do for you. You are already going to take care of Alice and I feel like I should financially support you in that endeavor.” Christina said.

“Well, I’m not going to say no, but you don’t need to. We can probably earn our keep even without it.” I told her. And I do have Upstart Goblin to fall back on. It’s actually interesting that I’ve not gotten a second copy of it, even though it is a common in Dark Beginning 1.

(It is also common in Magic Ruler.) Laura added. (And you did get a copy of it before you ever reached the town. But you used it before you could make sleeves.)

Oh yeah. I think I remember that.


“Here. You should hold onto this notebook. I did buy it for you.” Christina said as she handed the dark cover notebook to me.

“Thanks. Let’s try to keep in touch.” I told her. 



I headed back outside to hang out with Alice. It’s not like I had anything else to do, so this is now officially training time. Not that I want to do an exercise that will leave me tired for tomorrow. But some telekinesis training is always nice. 


When I got there, I saw Alice swinging the katana that Getsu Fuhma owns. Of course she was going something like this. I think her brain might be tainted by her father to always be in training mode.

“Alice, don’t go at it too hard. I can’t have you being tired tomorrow.” I warned her.

“Don’t worry, Master. I’ll make sure she won’t go too far.” Getsu Fuhma answered.

“I see. Thanks.” I responded.


I looked at the armor worn by Getsu Fuhma. It looked strange to my eyes. She had a clearly Japanese shinobi armor based bottom half, with a western looking chestplate. Almost like a combination of both. Or perhaps I just don’t know Japanese armors. 


I spent a bit of time watching as Alice swung the katana around, while playing with telekinesis myself, but after about 20 more minutes of training for Alice, I told her to stop so she wouldn’t have sore muscles tomorrow.


“You could have just used healing magic on me.” Alice said.

“Well, St. Joan did say natural healing is better for growth. I guess you do get the technique down, but I’m not sure how your muscle memory will go.” I said.

“Muscle memory? What does that mean?” Alice asked.

“... how do I explain that? It’s like when you learn to do something, you can do it without really thinking. Like walking.” I told her. “If you practice something enough, it becomes muscle memory, and you can do it with minimal conscious input.” I explained in a way that made sense to me.

“I see. So I just have to swing a sword around until I can do it without thinking.” Alice said as she pulled out a notebook and wrote something down.

“Just remember to not go too far. You shouldn’t hurt your body just for training.” I warned.


Alice unsummoned Getsu Fuhma.  ...Actually, how did she have the card in her hand while swinging a sword around? 

Well anyway, we were about to head inside when we heard someone calling us from the direction of the manor’s gate.


“Brian, Miss Alice. Were you waiting for us?” We heard Lua calling out to us.

I turned to look at her and saw her walking towards us with Alex.

Why did they come to the manor? Is there a problem? We were meant to meet up tomorrow morning at the guild, so what gives?

I guess asking is the only way forward.

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