Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.14 Dinner and Bath

“This way, please.” 

I followed the butler, Henry. He led me to what appears to be a dining room. The room was simply decorated with some painting and potted plants. The dining table had four chairs on each side and one at the end of the table. It isn’t large enough for a party or anything so this might be the family dining table or something like that. There could be another dining room with a larger table. Or they might bring out another table of similar size to this room, there is enough space to fit another one.

“Please take a seat.” As Henry said that he pulled out a chair from under the table. So he wanted me to sit as close to the door as possible. As far away from the baron's position as possible. Well I’m sitting at the table alone anyway so it doesn’t really matter.

As I sit down a maid appears from a side door carrying a plate. She sets it down in front of me. On the plate I see a piece of meat and some vegetables. If I had to guess I would say this meat is from a boar. They seem to be the main food source of the town. And there is no way that the baron has gotten some of that bison meat yet. The veggies were some boiled carrots and cauliflower. There were also two slices of bread on the side. The bread looks nice and soft. I thought it would be some hard rye bread.

“Lord Brian, would you prefer ale or vine?” Henry asked me.

“Do you have anything non alcoholic? It’s been a long day and I don’t really enjoy alcohol right before bed.” I answered with a question.

“Yes, we do have some berry juice. Would you prefer that?” (Henry)

“Yes, please.” Thank god they have something non alcoholic. I don’t really mind drinking, but I don’t sleep very well after alcohol. I also really don’t want to have any sort of hangover tomorrow. Even a mild hangover is awful while traveling. And these carriages will most likely be even worse than cars.

The maid leaves and comes back a little bit later with a glass and a pitcher. She pours it into the glass she placed in front of me. The juice was dark red in color, almost like it was wine. I really hope they didn’t bring me wine. I wonder if I should say something before eating? 

(It is not necessary Master, but some do thank the mighty system for their daily meal.)

Ah my lovely system support. I would complain about you reading my thoughts if you weren’t so helpful.

(Could you give me an example?) I asked the system support. If I’m going to do this, I might as well do it right.

(‘Mighty system, thank you for this meal.’ This is an example of a simple prayer.) (system)

I bring my hands together and say in a quiet voice. “Mighty system, thank you for this meal.”

Henry looked at me as I did that but did not comment on it. I guess they might not do it in this house. Or it might be an older custom, or something. I hope system support didn’t lie to me.



Ah, that was a great meal. Even with the extremely simple seasoning of just salt, the pork chop (or boar chop) was perfectly cooked and the vegetables were both soft and firm. The bread was the most disappointing part but even it was decent. The berry juice was most likely made from the berries I found in the forest. At least it had a similar taste.

“Did you enjoy the meal lord Brian?” The butler Henry asked as he took my plate away.

“Yes, it was very delicious. Please take my compliments to the chef.” I answered honestly. “Also you don’t need to call me ‘Lord’, just Brian is enough.”

“I will deliver your compliments lord Brian. Please follow Nicole to the guest chambers. We have also prepared a bath for you.” As he said that he pointed at the maid who brought me my food. God this butler does not get the hint. I don’t want to be called a lord. At least he was a step ahead of me again and prepared a bath. He might be annoyingly good at his job, but that is also good for me.


I followed the maid, Nicole I believe her name was, to a guest room. Her maid outfit was, well not a maid outfit. It was just a simple navy dress with an apron. They don’t have the mob cap either. I hope maid outfits exist in this world. I don’t know if I could draw a good picture of one for a tailor to make one from.

Nicole herself was quite pretty. Age wise she seemed to be in her late teens. Her brown hair was tied into a bun. She was also a bit shorter than me. With some heels on her, I think our heights would match.

The guest room was larger than my room was in my world. The bed was also large. I think it might be larger than king size. I guess nobles don’t hold back. And this is a guest room in a baron’s house. Now I just wonder what the master bedroom in a dukal house would look like.


“Dear guest, the bath is this way.” The maid snapped me out of my deep thoughts on how large is too large. I follow her to a nice looking bathroom. It even has a modern looking toilet. I thought this world was more medieval. The town looked like that. And the mansion is lit up by lanterns on wall mounts. Then why do they have toilets like this?

(Master, that is a magic device made by a dungeon.) System support answered my thoughts. So dungeons can make something like this. Now I’m just looking forward to what mine can make. Is it correct to call it mine if I’ll be the founder?

“Thank you Nicole. You may go now.” I say to the maid to get some privacy.

“Does dear guest not require assistance in removing his clothes or bathing?” (Nicole)

“No. I’ll be fine on my own. Please leave.” I say back to her firmly.

“As you wish.” Nicole gives me a light bow and leaves.



“Ahh… The bath feels so nice.” I say out loud after lowering myself to the water. I need to keep this bath short or I’ll fall asleep in this bath tub. It’s not perfect for sleeping but I can see myself falling asleep. It has been a long day.

There is a small bathside table and on it are two different bars of soap. So I guess no shampoo. It doesn’t really matter much to me, but a girl might find it really bad. Long hair is difficult to wash. I would know at least a bit, my ex often asked me to help her in washing her hair. It was kind of fun though.

Knock, Knock

There was a knock at the door. I make sure I’m in the water well enough and answer. “Come in.”

The maid Nicole opens the door and steps inside. “I need to ask you dear guest, do you want us to clean up your clothes and do you require a new change of clothes?”

“No, don’t take my clothes. I’ll need them tomorrow and I don’t think you can get them washed and dried by then. If you have some night clothing in my size I could use some.” I don’t know if they use magic to wash clothing or if they have dungeon made washing machines and dryers. It’s better to just not risk it.

“Yes, we can prepare pajamas for dear guest.” Nicole said and walked out from the bathroom.

A little later I get out of the bath after washing myself with the soap. I wrap one of the towels left for me around my lower body and use another one to dry up my upper body and my head. As I head back to the main part of the guest room I see Nicole standing there. I also notice a set of pajamas on the bed.

“Are you finished with your bath dear guest?” Nicole asked me.

“Yes I am. You can call me Brian by the way.” 

“As you wish lord Brian.” Nicole answered.

“Just Brian.”

“Of course lord Brian”



As Nicole walks into the bathroom, probably to make sure I pulled the plug on the tub, I start changing into these pajamas. They feel quite nice. Not as good as the high quality ones on Earth, but nice all the same. Definitely better than low quality cheap ones.

After I was done changing I wondered where I should place the towels, but I didn’t need to come up with an answer since Nicole came back from the other room.

“I will take those lord Brian. Will you require anything else?” Nicole asked while taking the two towels.

“I’m fine. I’ll head to bed now. Please put out that lantern on your way out.” I answered Nicole. I don’t really mind it staying on, but I do sleep a little better in near perfect darkness.

“As you wish. Good night lord Brian.” Nicole said. She moved to the door and placed her hand on a wall panel. Is that really a light switch? As she held her hand on it, the lanterns in the room dimmed down and went out. So… these are magical lanterns.

“There is a control panel for the lanterns on the sides of lord Brian’s bed if you need the light back on during the night. Again good night.” With those words Nicole left the room.


Well I’m not going to argue anymore. I need sleep. Good night.

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