Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.141 Sawyer City p2

(Master. It’s morning.) Laura said in my head to wake me up. I’m still not sure if it’s her voice, or the mana movements she does within my body that actually wakes me up.

(Good morning.) I responded before I took a look around the room. 


Alice was still sleeping. Alex was not in his bed, or even in the room, so he must have woken up earlier and left the room. Lua seemed to have just woken up and was sitting up in her bed.

(She woke up approximately 4 minutes before you did.) Laura said.

(Okay. I didn’t really need to know that, but thanks.)


I looked at Lua and was about to say good morning to her, but as Alice was sleeping between us, I stayed quiet to not wake her up.

But luckily, I have a way around that problem.


(Lua, Lua. Can you hear me?) I tried to connect to Lua the same way I usually talked to Laura, but this time I was directing it to her, so perhaps it might work.

I saw Lua react and turn her gaze towards me, so I think the message went through.

(Mistress would like to know how you did that.) I heard Lua’s System Support ask. Perhaps I should tell Lua that she should name her System Support, so these talks would be easier. 

(Lua, I just did what I do when I speak with Laura, but before I spoke, well thought, I tried to direct it at you.) I explained.


I looked as Lua seemed to think about what I said, before I heard her voice in my head.

(Brian, Brian. Is this working?) She said.

(Yes. You got through.) I said back.


(Brian, Brian. Can you hear me?) I heard Lua again.

… what? But I heard you the first time… 

(She probably didn’t hear your response.) Laura said.

(Oh. Yeah. I guess I didn’t direct it to her.) I concluded, before sending a message to Lua. (Lua. I can hear you.)

Another doubt of silence. Did she make the same mistake as I did?

(Lua, you can’t get too excited. You need to focus so the messages come through.) I said to her.

(Brian. Like this?) Lua asked.

(Lua. I think so.) I responded. It’s a bit annoying, but I can deal with it.

(You’ll be able to do it without having the other's name at the beginning once you get used to it.) Laura said. By how she worded that, I assume she said the same to Lua as well.

(Lua, we better train for that then.) I said to Lua.

(Brian, Yes.) She responded.



Lua and I played around with the system link communication thing while waiting for Alice to wake up. I figured out how to do it without having to say Lua’s name decently quickly, but Lua couldn’t do it yet. It might be because I have the higher ranking System Support, or because I think of the messages like an instant message software. Choose a target and send it. No need to say the name of the person you want to message.

I tried to explain it to Lua, but explaining that to someone who has no clue about modern technology is not that easy. And I’m sure Lua will figure out her own way of doing it in a few days. And her way will likely be a lot better to use with other people.

You know, just in case I run into a situation where Laura can recommend System Support as a reward for something someone does.

What do you mean I’m looking at Alice while I think that? Why do you think I want to give her System Support? Well, I do, but she has to earn it first.


“Brian, can you do my hair?” Alice asked after she had gotten out of bed.

“I … I’d rather not. I don’t actually know how to do it.” I admitted.

“Do you want me to show you?” Lua asked.

“Alice, what do you think?” I asked.

“I wanted Brian to do it.” She said.

“I really don’t think I should. I can comb your hair, but actually tying it, probably not a good idea.” I said.

“Then do that. And Lucia can help you tie it.” Alice said.

(Lua, are you fine with that?) I asked her through the system.

(Brian. Yes. I don’t mind.) She responded.



“Here. Brush my hair.” Alice said as she handed me a brush from her fanny pack.

… wait a moment. I don’t think she ever paid for the magic bag. I think. Christina paid for the magic flask I gave Alice, but I don’t think either of them paid for the bag.

Well, whatever. I’ll just have to ask for it at some point, if I run out of money.


I took the brush and got to work.

I started from just a few inches from the tips of her hair and slowly made my way up, slowly getting her hair nice and smooth. Alice also had much thinner hair than Laura did, so I made sure to work extra slowly, so I wouldn’t damage it.


“You are actually good at that.” Lua commented.

“What? Did you think I would suck?” I asked.

“Well, I just assumed you’ve never done it before.” She said. “I thought you lived with just your grandpa, so where would you have practiced?

“Perhaps I used to have long hair.” I joked.

“I highly doubt that. Your hair is so unkept. Even if you cut off your long hair, you’ll still want to keep good care of your hair.” Lua said.

“Is that speaking from experience?” I asked, recalling Lua’s short blood-red hair.

“Yes. When I used most of my time just practicing magic under Mrs. Moon. I had my hair longer than it is now. But it took too long to take care of, so I cut most of it off when I became a full time adventurer.” Lua said.

“That’s too sad. I really like the color of your hair.” I said.

“Then, perhaps I should grow it out again.” Lua said.

“You don’t have to. You can keep it like it is.” I said.


“Brian! Focus on my hair.” Alice said.

“Yes, yes. I will.” I said, getting back to it.


After I was done, Lua quickly braided Alice’s hair and we headed out of the room to get breakfast.


During my morning activities, I found myself a quiet moment in the … water closet, so I activated both Emblem and Upstart. I got two small silvers, one large silver and two gold from Upstart.



For breakfast, we joined up with Saber Fang and Alex, before heading back to the adventurer’s guild, as the inn didn’t have a kitchen or anything. They just said go get your food at the guild. Well, I guess having one place for food is easier to manage and the guild is literally two buildings from the inn.

And you could see how popular the guild breakfast was. Or perhaps I should say, you could see how many adventurers were in Sawyer city. There were at least 150 people here.

For breakfast, I got a sandwich that was trying to be a BLT, but the bacon was not really bacon. Well, at least not the classic thin-cut bacon that I usually think of when I think of bacon. These were a lot thicker of cuts. But the sandwich was good, so no complaints from me.


After breakfast, we split up.

Alice and I were headed to the lord’s manor to see her grandpa.

Lua headed to her mother’s place, so she could get some info on the dhampir safe villages.

And as a punishment for Tye, I had his team take in Alex. Well, they actually had basically taken him in before I even said anything.



“Brian, isn’t it time for my reward?” Alice asked as we were heading to the manor.

“For the quest, I assume?” I confirmed.

“Yes. You promised me one card per quest. I’d like to get it now.” Alice said.

“Of course. And I do have something for you. But instead of a new monster, I’d like to install a card into you.” I offered. I did have a few ideas for monsters as well, but I think installing Mage Power would be better. Witch's Apprentice was my first choice, but Witch of the Black Forest, Succubus Knight or Darklord Marie should work as well. There is also Dark Elf, but as it has an HP cost, so it could be dangerous. Well, not for me, as my skill would protect me.

“Install? Are you giving me another attribute?” Alice turned to me with her eyes shining. 

“No. I don’t think you are ready for that yet.” I said.

“Oh. I see. Then what is it?” She asked.

“It’s called Mage Power.” I said. “I don’t know what it will do exactly, but it should give you a skill of some kind. Most likely something that will make your magic stronger.”

“YES! Let’s do that!” Alice agreed.

“Good. But not here. Let’s get to where we are going first.” I said.

“Yes.” Alice agreed.

We did get a few looks from the passerby because Alice raised her voice, but everyone quickly went back to their business.



“Wow. It’s larger than I remembered.” Alice commented when we got to the Lord’s estate. There were few other large mansions in this city, so we asked a guard about it and after Alice showed a medal with the Watchman family crest, he told us the place and even escorted us here.

“You’ve been here before? And here I thought you never left home.” I said.

“I visited when William had his thirteenth birthday.” Alice said.

“Thirteenth? Is there something special with the thirteenth birthday?” I wondered.

“Nobles that attend the Royal Academy can start on the year of their thirteenth birthday.” Alice said.


I see. So basically high school age. 

“And you haven’t been here since?” I asked.

“Well, you know how Father is.” Alice said.

“Good point. And how long ago was this?” I asked.

“Little over six years.” Alice answered.

“So, William is nineteen. How long do they go to the Royal academy?” I asked.

“The short course is four years, but special ones are 6 to 8 years. Most future lords go for 6 year one. And those that have powerful magic study for 8 years.” Alice said.

8 years? Holy. That’s a lot longer than I expected. I guess it takes time to level up skills and everything, but still.


The guard that had guided us here was now talking with one of the gate guards of the estate, before the guard turned to us.

“Miss Watchman, may I see proof of your identity?” The gate guard asked.

“Sure.” Alice responded and showed the medal she showed the other guard.

He took a good look at it before handing it back to Alice. 

“It does seem to be real. Miss Watchman, may I ask why you are on foot?” The gate guard asked.

“... I just am.” She answered.

“Well, I suppose it is none of my business. I’m sure your grandfather and aunts will be happy to see you, so please head inside.” The guard said and opened the gate for us, but he whispered to me. “But you’d better make sure you don’t make a noble lady walk the next time.”

Did he think I’m her guard or something? That’s kind of funny, as Alice is better armored than I am. As in, she at least has her leather armor overcoat.



There was still a bit of walking to do, as the house was over 100 meters from the gate. Honestly, if this is an earl's manor, how large is the Royal castle? 

On the sides of the road there were a few buildings, stables, storage houses and I think that might be a guest house. Or perhaps the servants live there.


When we got to the front entrance, there was a maid waiting for us. I still want to know how these maids are always ready. Do they really have some magic tool at the gate that will signal to the house that a guest is coming?


“Sir. Miss. Welcome. May I ask, what is your business?” The maid welcomed us. I guess she doesn’t know who we are at least.

“I’d like to speak with Grandfather or aunt Angelina. Are they available?” Alice asked the maid, as she showed her the medal.

“Miss Watchman?” The maid asked. “Why are… I’ll go ask the Master if he is available.” She said. “Please, come this way.”

She guided us to a front room, before hurrying off.


“Well, I didn’t expect that.” I commented. “Is your appearance that much of a surprise?”

“Did you already forget that I haven’t been here in six years?” Alice asked. “And I came here without Mother. And on foot. Of course it would be unexpected.”

“I guess that checks out.”



“... isn’t this taking a while?” I asked. 

We had been waiting for about 10 minutes by now, and in that time not even a maid had come to the room. I had helped the leather overcoat off of Alice and had taken my own hoodie off as well.

“Well, it depends. Father usually sees his guests quickly after their arrival, but that’s because he doesn’t have many visitors, so he doesn’t have any jobs he can’t drop.” Alice said.

“Should we do something while we wait? I have my daily packs to open, so we could do that.” I offered.

“Yes!” Alice was excited when she heard that. “We haven’t done it together in a while.”


For sets, I was thinking of Soul of the Duelist for the common Level Up! and the Horus dragons. Having a level 8 Horus would be great, as it can say ‘fuck magic’ to everything around it. Even Spirit Barrier would be nice. And, of course, Level Up! for the ... well, level ups. If it just increases someone's level, that will be extremely useful.


The second one is Rise of DestinyDefinitely not because of B.E.S. Big Core. I don’t want a larger space ship at all. What I actually want is Lighten the Load. With it I can trade one level 7 or higher monster for a pack token. And that doesn’t sound like a bad deal at all. And as it is a continuous spell, I can use it multiple times per one activation. And if I choose a set with a lot of high level monsters, I might be able to get almost infinite pack tokens with it, assuming that I can get a high level monster in each pack. Well, that might be a bit too optimistic, but still.


That was the plan anyway, but I didn’t have time to open up my skill before a lady walked into the room.


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