Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.143 Lunch with an Earl

After we had finished the detailed report on the dungeon (because it took a while), it was now lunch time.


Alice and I followed her two aunts into the informal dining room. Well, I call it that, but in most houses, this would be the formal dining room. So, I guess this is more of a family dining room. And there is also a party dining room.

I do have to question what size parties do nobility throw, as this dining room had a table that could seat a total of 12 people. 5 on each side and one at each end.

Angelina took the first seat on the … well, if you look from the head of the table that is farther away from the door, on the left side. So for the one sitting at the head of the table (which I assume is the place for the earl), she is the first on the left. Then one empty seat, Paulina and they told Alice to sit next to her.

I was seated on the middle seat on the other side, so I was opposite Paulina.


Before lunch was brought to us, three more people joined us at the table.

The first one was a small boy, probably 9 or 10 years old, that sat between Angelina and Paulina. Based on the small conversation Angelina had with him, he is Angelina’s son and he spent the morning studying. Not magic, but some kind of general knowledge. 


The last two that joined us were the earl and his wife. I have to say, they look great for their age. Based on the fact that Angelina seems to be right around 40, they should be in their late 50s or early 60s. But as I already said, they don’t look like it at all. The wife especially looks like she could be the older sister of Angelina, instead of her mother.

You could also see where the family gets its blond hair from. While the earl had light brown hair, his wife’s hair was platinum blond.


For lunch, we had some sort of cow meat, or at least something close to it. It was somewhat similar to the bison I hunted actually, so maybe it was bison meat. For sides, we didn’t actually have potatoes, even though they were basically the norm in Alewatch. Instead, we had some broccoli gratin and mashed eggplants. I actually have never had eggplant before, but it was decent. By the way, Laura was the one that identified the eggplant.


After the introductions, (the earls name is Thomas, his wife is Ellanora or Ella and Angelina’s son is Jonathan, but Paulina calls him ‘little Johnny’ or ‘little Jon’) Thomas asked about how our trip went. I had thought so earlier, but apparently they had gotten a letter from Christina about us coming. I guess if they sent an express delivery on the day we accepted the quest, they could easily get a letter here in time. And there is the whatever the adventurer’s guild uses for their communication as well.


As my version would likely be more boring, and honestly I wanted to hear Alice tell about it from her point of view, I let Alice tell about our journey. 


“You fought an orc? I want to try that.” Jonathan said when Alice told them about the orc we ran into.

“No, you won’t.” Angelina said. “You are not even remotely ready for something like that.”

“I could summon an orc for you to fight.” I offered, after I confirmed I actually have a Giant Orc in my collection.

“No. Don’t tempt him.” Angelina said.

“No. Let me try. Please. I’ll beat an orc for sure.” Jonathan said.

“I heard you can summon some strange things, but I didn’t hear about an orc. That’s usually more in line for a tamer.” Thomas commented. 

So you can tame an orc? Well, I guess if you look at it as a bipedal pig. And pigs follow food.


“Is it that bad to let him try?” I asked. “As long as I control my summon, he won’t die.”

“So you are fine with a permanent injury? Is that what you are saying?” Angelina asked.

“Define a permanent injury. Because I’ve seen some bad wounds get healed. Whether it be a wound from a wyvern's tail or burns caused by lightning sprites. All healed without even leaving a scar.” I said. 

“There is also damage that cannot be seen.” Ellanora said. “Mental damage can be terrifying and long lasting.”


Oh yeah. I guess there is that as well. Probably shouldn’t summon an orc then. Even if Giant Orc has 0 defense, it probably still won’t go down in one hit. Or perhaps it does. I have no idea. But if it lands a hit on a 10 year old, that will most likely be deadly. Something like a Skull Servant would probably be a better practice partner for Jonathan.

But I don’t have any at the moment, as they have all been sacked for sleeves.


“May I continue with the story?” Alice asked.

“Yes. Please do.” Thomas said.



“How did you survive a spirit cannon?” Thomas asked, as Alice told that part of our travel.

“I have decently high defense and a skill that raises it even further.” I answered.

“Perhaps you would be willing to show us?” Thomas asked.

“Sure, I can. But after the meal.” I responded. I honestly expected that they would ask for my status, so I don’t mind sharing it.


We finished our lunch and Alice finished the story about our trip, not that there was much left after the duel.



“Brian, if you would.” Thomas said.

After the meal, we had moved to his study, so I could show him (and some others) my status without anyone unwanted seeing it.

Well, out of the group that ate with me, the only one I didn’t want seeing it was Jonathan. Not because I’m trying to be evil to kids or something, but because he is a kid. And kids can’t keep secrets.


“Status open.” I said to open my status.


Name: Brian Wood
Race: Human !
Level: 38
HP: 870
Mana: 910
Strength: 235
Defense: 515
Magic: 295
Pack Opener LV.4 (unique)
Telekinesis LV.1 (extra)
Summoner’s Protection LV.2 (extra)
Dungeon Founder (extra)
Summon Water Spirit (extra)
Health Conscious (extra)
Mana Control LV.1
Shining Taunt LV.1
Water Spirit’s Blessing (Greater)
Language Comprehension (humanoid)


“He really has it.” Thomas said, as his eyes widened in an unnatural way. Honestly, it looks like they are about to pop out of their sockets.

“An angel has come to visit our humble home.” Ellanora said.

“He has five extra skills and even a unique skill.” Paulina was caught up in something else.

“And a greater blessing from a spirit.” Angelina added.


… this is awkward. I almost feel like I should have asked Laura to hide my skills. That way, they would only ogle at my System Support. 

That actually brings up a good point. I’ve shown my status to some amount of people, but they never react to the Language Comprehension title skill thing. Is it that common or something?

(It is decently common.) Laura said. (But it does come in different forms, humanoid, beast, monster, dragon, and complete. The complete form is somewhat rare, but one of the others can be found in right around one in ten people.) [As in, one in ten people have one form of Language Comprehension.]

I see. So it’s that common. Then I guess it not being surprising isn’t that strange.


As I returned to reality, I noticed the two older nobles were now kneeling in front of me.

… what do I do now? Why are they kneeling? Because I have System Support? They really need to stop. Will they get up if I ask?


“You don’t have to do that.” I said carefully. “Please get up.”

“If that is your will.” Thomas said, as he got up. “But if you ever need anything, please feel free to order us in whatever way you see fit. We will do anything within our power to be of use to you.”

Really? Excessive much? Look at your daughters. Even they are looking at you, eyes wide.

“That’s not necessary.” I said. “I do appreciate the offer, but this is just too much.”

“Are you saying we are not enough? In that case, we can help you get in contact with the King.” Thomas said.

“No! That’s exactly the opposite of what I just said.” I said, getting honestly a bit flustered.

“Then what should I do?” Thomas asked.

“Just … just don’t go too far. Anything within your power is just excessive. Just a little bit of help is more than enough.” I said, hopefully getting Thomas to understand where I want to stand.

“As you wish.” Thomas said. “Then, would helping you like I help my children be good?”

“Yes. I think that might be an appropriate level.” I said. I hope he doesn’t dote on them too much, but based on what I know, it shouldn’t be that bad.



Thanks to Angelina taking care of her parents, I was able to get out of their grasp before they went back on their word. Paulina guided us back to Angelina’s study and asked us to wait there for her. She then rushed off somewhere.


… well, that was something.

(Master, as I believe this is a decent time, I’ll inform you that you have a contact request from Miss Lucia.) Laura said.

(Oh, Lua wanted me for something? But she didn’t send a message directly to me?) I wonder why she would do that.

(Mistress Lucia knew you were meeting with nobles and didn’t want to bother you.) Lua’s System Support said. So she has invaded my head again. Do System Supports not have anything better to do than to just listen in on the thoughts of all people they are connected to?

(She can only hear you, if you are actively talking to me.) Laura said. (She cannot hear your thoughts like I can.) 1[Again, to specify, Laura can hear basically everything that goes on in Brian’s mind, but Lua’s System Support can only hear the conversations between Brian and Laura. Basically the things inside the (brackets).]


(I see. Well then, I guess I should contact Lua. Is she busy with anything? I can contact her a bit later if she is.) I asked, hoping to get an answer from her System Support.

(Yes, she is. I’ll contact you again once Mistress is available.) Lua’s System Support said.

(I see. I’ll be waiting.) I said.



“Alice, how do you feel about opening the packs?” I asked Alice. We were in a private enough place and we had some time to spare.

“Yes. Let’s do it.” Alice agreed.

“Pack Opener, open.” I said to pull up my skill so that Alice can see it.

[Pack Opener]
[Sleeve maker]
[Summoning Challenge]
[Promo Trade] (+2)
[Set lists]
[Open Packs]
Daily Pack tokens: 18
Current Pack tokens: 18
Available packs :
Legend of Blue Eyes White Dragon
Metal Raiders
Magic Ruler
Pharaoh’s Servant
Labyrinth of Nightmare
Legacy of Darkness
Pharaonic Guardian
Magician’s Force
Dark Crisis
Invasion of Chaos
Ancient Sanctuary
Soul of the Duelist
Rise of Destiny
Flaming Eternity
Daily Reprint Tokens: 3
Current Reprint Tokens: 3
Available Reprint sets:
Dark Beginning 1
Dark Revelation Volume 1
Dark Beginning 2


There was a +2 next to my promo trade, as I had gotten two new sets, more like mini sets, open there, but I let it be for now. I do want to get that Shining Dragon, but I can’t actually summon it. Yet.


“What are we opening today?” Alice asked. I think she is almost getting used to this.

“Soul of the Duelist.” I answered. “It has a card called Level Up. I think that might do some funny things.”

“Level up? Does it level you up?” Alice asked.

“I think so, but I need to get one to test it out.” I said.

“You can test it on me.” Alice offered herself as a test dummy.

“No, I’ll test it on myself first.” I said. “But if it works, I don’t mind using it on you as well.” I added. Assuming I can even get the common I want. And let’s be honest here, commons are more rare than most rare cards. At least for me.


Use a ‘Pack token’ to open 1 pack of ‘Soul of the Duelist’
[Yes] [No]

First pack, let’s go.




You know, sometimes I’m just wrong. First pack Level Up! Nice.

“We got one!” Alice said excitedly. “Let’s use it right away.”

“... No. Let’s at least open the rest of the packs first. We might get more copies of it. I’ll also have to make a toploader for it.” I said back.

“Fine. I’ll wait.” Alice agreed.


Other than Level Up, Rafflesia Seduction is actually super nice. It’s a flip monster so I can set it. And it takes control of an opponent, so I can use it as a defensive card that doesn’t hurt anyone. Physically. Mentally, having a monster flower cling onto your face like an alien facehugger would be terrifying. 


Muka Muka is a decent beater, but I don’t really need it. Ritual Weapon is not actually that bad, but I can’t install it onto BLS. I guess Performance of Sword is level 6, so I could install it into her.

Installing Taunt might result in a skill like Shining taunt, or perhaps some other variant of the taunt skill. I do recall Laura telling me that there are a few different versions, and mine is good against monsters. There was also one that is good on people and one that was a more general one.

There is also Black Dragon’s Chick and I could use it to get more copies of Red-Eyes, but at the same time, Red-Eyes is not Blue-Eyes, so I don’t care that much.


Next pack.




“A ninja. May I have it?” Alice asked.

“Well, maybe after another quest. That was our deal, right?” I confirmed.

“... yes, it was.” Alice said.


Other than the Ninja Grandmaster, I have to say that Mind Wipe might be … interesting. In case I run into a criminal or something. I don’t know how completely it would actually wipe someone’s mind, but it might be extremely effective. Gorgon’s Eye is also something. Petrifying gaze can be super strong, so perhaps I should install that.

Well, I’ll think about it later.


Next pack.




A purple goblin, Horus’ Servant is useless without the dragon itself, Absolute End will end me. At least Spirit Barrier and Masked Dragon are nice.


Next pack.




“Nice. Second Level Up.” I said, as I saw the card.

“Yes. Now I can have one.” Alice agreed. I’m not actually going to give it to you. Using it on you is more than enough.


Armed Dragon LV5 is not bad either. And I also got another Gorgon’s Eye.


Next pack. One or two more copies of Level Up, please.




Well, who did I pay off to get a pack this good? Another Level Up, LV4 Horus and Inferno Fire Blast in the same pack.

“See. One more.” I said to Alice.

“Yes.” She agreed.


Well, I still have a lot of tokens, so let’s keep going. I guess I could also change sets, but getting one or two more Level Ups would be nice.




And another one. As well as another Master of Oz. You know, just in case I need a second one.


“Another one.” Alice said. “Now you can use two on me.”

“Or one on myself, one on you, one on Lua and one or Alex.” I said.

“But I’m the lowest level, so I should take priority.” Alice said.

“Or I should take you monster hunting. Leveling up becomes more difficult as you get to a higher level, so for you, the same amount of monsters will be more experience and more levels.” I said.

“Then you’d better take me hunting.” Alice said.

“I will. When we have the time.” I said.


Anyway. Let’s go two more packs of Soul of the Duelist. Hoping for at least one more Level Up!




Another Level Up. That’s the fifth.

“Brian. This dragon is cute. Can I have it?” Alice asked, pointing at Element Dragon.

“Sure, but again, one card per quest.” I reminded her.

“But you get this many.” She argued.

“One per quest.” I repeated. I’m not changing my mind on this.

“... fine.” Alice agreed, as she probably realized that I would go down with the number if she kept it up. Or more like increase the number of quests she would have to do per card.

She also doesn’t factor in that I’ve been putting toploaders on her cards. Well, I guess Dark Magician Girl came with one, but I did put a toploader on the Getsu Fuhma. And a toploader is 25 cards.


Anyway, one more pack of SOD and I’ll change sets.




One more Level Up for the road. Six of them from 8 packs is quite amazing, considering my usual common luck. Hammer Shot is also funny. It may not have been effective against an A-rank monster, but seeing a comically large hammer hit a giant monster in the head is funny.


“Alice, I’m going to change sets and go for something else, as I got enough Level ups for now.” I said to Alice.



Use a ‘Pack token’ to open 1 pack of ‘Rise of Destiny’
[Yes] [No]


You know, getting the common you want in the first pack is nice.


“What are you looking for in here?” Alice asked.

“That, actually.” I said, pointing at Lighten the Load.

“Does it do something good?” Alice asked.

“Well, yes, but you would probably think no.” I said. “I can get some more pack tokens with it, so I think it’s useful, but it wouldn’t do you any good.” 

“Ah. That’s too bad.” Alice said.


I did get the common I want, but I can go for a few more packs. Then I might change over to Legacy of Darkness for the Nutrient Z I didn’t get last time.




Back to Square One is actually not terrible. There is a use for it. I think if I use it to return a monster with an automatically generated sleeve to my hand, the sleeve might go away. Then I should be able to put a new sleeve, followed by a toploader on the monster. The cost is a bit steep, but in some situations it might be worth it, until I get a compulse. [Compulsory Evacuation Device]


Let’s do two more of Rise of Destiny, before I change sets.




Another Lighten the Load is nice. And Flint is not bad. 

But one more pack to go.




Machine Dupe is nice. I wonder what everything it can really duplicate. There is also Element Magician and Element Saurus. They belong to the same set as the Element Dragon that Alice liked.


Well anyway. Let’s get that Nutrient Z.

Use a ‘Pack token’ to open 1 pack of ‘Legacy of Darkness’
[Yes] [No]


… okay. My common luck is on point today. First try. Again.

(Laura, did I have any other commons that I want?) I confirmed, because if I do, I should get them now.

(Not that I recall.) Laura said. (You got them all already.)

(I see. Well, let’s just get more Nutrient Z then.)




Well, Emergency Provisions is still nice to have and Nyan Nyan is cute.

Next pack.



Well, I guess I did get a second A. Forces, Nutrient Z and Magic Reflector. Not bad and I still have the reprints to go through.



For the reprints, I’ll go with DB2 as it is the new set I have.




Well… it could be better. I know there is a reason why DB1 is more popular, but I was hoping for something better.

Well, two more tries and if I get nothing good, I’ll just stick to DB1 and DR1.




Well, well, well. Cyber-Stein and Royal Oppression. I say a set isn’t good and it instantly shows why it is good.

Because of Health Conscious, I don’t actually have to pay the LP cost of Cyber-Stein, so I can just cheat out fusion monsters. But as those don’t count as fusion summons, it won’t help with the fusion challenge. 

Royal Oppression is kind of the same. Sure I can use it for free, but it’s only effective against a summoner, so… situational.


Just one more pack to go.



Well, Gazelle is something I’ll need when I get the next reward for the fusion challenge. But not great otherwise. I think either DB1 or DR1 is better.


I closed down Pack opener and heard someone behind me.

“Oh, done already? I was hoping to see more.”




Well, a couple of things. First of all, this is now technically the longest chapter. Again. Over 4000 words, before the author’s note.

Second, the YGO pro pack opener that I use got updated, and it has some features that seem to be broken. Mainly, the adding cards to collection doesn't seem perfectly reliable, so there might be some inconsistencies in the cards Brian got and what shows up when I reference the collection. I’ll try not to mess anything up because of this problem, but it might happen. 

Third, there is now a dark mode available for the pack opener, so I can use that if you’d prefer that.



And lastly, our friend GreenerThanGreen has started a Yugioh isekai series, (well, actually it happened like three weeks ago, but I just found out) decently close to this one in concept and I hope you guys (and girls) will go check it out if you want more Yugioh isekai things. 


Also, please don’t attack him (or her) just because the series has basically the same concept. There is space for both of us and my concept wasn’t even that original in the first place.


Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.