Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.145 Mage Power and United we Stand

“Is that an imp?” Jonathan asked, as he looked at the monster I summoned to be his opponent.


“Yep. Something like that.” I responded, as I’m not actually completely sure that is the correct term for my monster. “It’s not that strong, but if you can take it down easily, I can summon something stronger.”

Well, I guess compared to a goblin, this thing is a true monster. Perhaps I should have summoned Goblin Calligrapher instead.

“Oh. Then I shall take this imp down quickly.” Jonathan said, before taking a stance in the middle of the training grounds.

I ordered Winged Minion to stand about 10 meters away from him. I also added a command to not use any lethal techniques. If he does get hurt, I’ll summon Dancing Fairy to heal him.

“Madam Paulina. Are you sure this is fine?” Jonathan’s instructor asked.

“It should be.” She said. “If even half of what I’ve heard about Brian is true, nothing bad will happen to Jonathan.”

“I’m more worried about Jonathan winning. I believe he might get egotistical if he wins.” The instructor said. “He has already been pushing us to take him outside to hunt some real monsters.”

“... wait what?” I caught onto what the instructor said. “Is this his first time fighting a monster?” I asked.

“Yes it is.” The instructor answered.

“... okay. Wish I’d known that earlier. I would have summoned a goblin instead.” I said.

“How many different summons do you have?” Paulina asked.

“... like 300 or something.” I said. I honestly have no idea, but I know it’s a lot. My collection, at the moment, has 894 unique entries.1[Extra copies from the same set are not unique entries. 7 copies of Black Dragon’s Chick from SOD still just count as one.] Sure, some of them are the same monster from different sets, like my three different Blue-Eyes White Dragons, but still.2[Whereas the same monster from different sets does get a unique entry.] And, of course, some of them are spell and trap cards.

“Three hundred? That has to be a joke, right?” Paulina asked.

“It probably isn’t.” Alice said. She has seen me open massive amounts of packs, so she might have an idea of just how many unique monsters I’ve pulled.



“Begin.” The instructor said to start the, well I was going to say the practice match, but I said it would be fine if Jonathan killed Winged Minion. Not like I put a sleeve on it in the first place, so I’ll lose the card either way.


After a short chant, Jonathan yelled out: “Fire Arrow!” to shoot his first spell.

Seeming the attack coming, Winged Minion quickly jumped to the side, using the momentum from the jump with his wings to fly into the air. From there, he made a beeline for Jonathan.

“Fire, make a wall to protect me. Fire Wall.” Jonathan casted a spell that made a wall of fire between Winged Minion and him. 

My minion had to completely extend its wings out to stop in time so as to not crash into the wall. But Jonathan wasn’t waiting and instead was already chanting his next spell.

“Fire, Barrage of arrows, attack my enemy, Fire Arrow Barrage.” Jonathan chanted.

A dozen fire arrows appeared around him, before piercing his own fire wall and attacking my monster behind it. While most of them missed, two of them still hit their mark on my monster.

I looked at the card in my hand. I hadn’t used my duel disk, as I thought I wouldn’t need it. And I can transfer a card from my hand to my duel disk as well. The card had some burn damage, showing the damage my minion took from that attack. It’s the one advantage that cards without a sleeve or a toploader have, they show the damage the monster is taking.

Still covered from Jonathan’s view by the fire wall, Winged Minion jumped off the ground soaring into the sky. Probably expecting to see the corpse of my monster, Jonathan let the fire wall die down.


“... did I do it?” He asked, as he didn’t see the monster. I guess summoned monsters disappear after they take enough damage, so he might have assumed that happened with mine.

“Above you!” Alice called out to him. 

I almost wish she didn’t, as that would be a good show of him lacking experience. Jonathan saw that my minion has wings. He saw that it could fly. He should have realized that it might have flown into the air.


Jonathan turned his gaze towards the sky, just to see Winged Minion charging right at him. My minion was on a suicide mission to get a hit in before the wounds from the fire arrows dealt him in.

“Fi- Fire arrow.” The surprised Jonathan managed to shoot off a spell before my minion crashed into him.

The arrow might not have had the power of the first fire arrow he shot, but it hit my charging minion in the head and pierced into it. That caused my minion to start vanishing into specks of light, just like its card in my hand.


Standing in the middle of the specks of light, Jonathan almost looked like an angel. Or perhaps Minecraft Steve after taking down the Ender Dragon. Yeah. Definitely that. The specks of light are the exp he just gained. I will not accept another explanation.


“I … I won?” Jonathan seemed to ask.

After he said that, I found myself joining the applause that his teacher started.

“Yes, yes you did. Well done.” The teacher said.

“I DID IT!” Jonathan yelled out.



“Want to try a stronger one?” I asked Jonathan.

“... thank you, but no. I … I feel tired, so I would like to rest for the day.” He said back, sounding perhaps a bit scared. Well, just a few seconds later with that last fire arrow and he would have been on the receiving end of a suicide charge.

“Well, if you feel like going again, just ask.” I told him.

“Thank you. I will.” Jonathan said before leaving the training grounds with his teacher and the maid.



“Well, the training ground is all ours now, so let’s get to work.” Paulina said.

“Does that mean you have an actual plan?” I asked.

“Well, of course I do. You’ll be showing me as many of those cards as possible. And I’ll be sure to write down all of it. I’m sure you have something in there that can help me take on Mariina.” Paulina said.

“Oh. So that’s how it is. I’m just a means to an end for you. Not happening.” I said.

“No, no. Of course not. But I would still appreciate the help.” Paulina said.

“Well, I guess I could use a test subject.” I said back.

“I didn’t agree to that.” Paulina said.

“It should make you stronger.” I said.

“Then Yes.”

“Wow. That was easy. Let’s start then.” I said. “Alice, you first.”

“Yes.” Alice responded.

“Why does she get to go first?” Paulina asked.

“Because I promised her something so I already know what I’m going to do.” I said.

“Oh. I see.”



I pulled Mage Power out of the collection. 

“Are you ready?” I asked Alice.

“Yes. Please do it.” She responded.



The card entered Alice’s body.

“Ahh.” Alice let out a small moan as the installation was going on. Is that even the right word in this situation?

“Brian. What did you do?” Paulina asked.

“I installed a card into her. Theoretically, it should grant her a new skill.” I answered.

“Then why is she moaning like that?” Paulina asked.

“Because the mana surge that comes with it feels good. Like really good.” I answered.

“Hmm. I see.” Paulina said. “Can you do one for me?”

“I’ll think about it.”



After the install was completed, Alice took some deep breaths to calm down.

“Alice, how are you feeling?” I asked.

“Good. It felt really good.” She said.

“Please check your status.” I said.

“Sure. Status open.” Alice said.

I actually meant for her to just check it herself, but she instead just opened it up.


Name: Alice Watchman
Race: Human
Level: 11
HP: 190
Mana: 790
Strength: 95
Defense: 125
Magic: 505
Card Summoner LV.1 (extra)
Magician’s Power LV.1 (extra)
Dark Magic LV.2
Mana Control LV.5
Magic Boost LV.3
Quick Cast LV.2
Fast Mana Recovery LV.3


She got an extra skill from that. And unlike my Health Conscious, that one has a level, so it can level up.

(Laura, do you know what Magician’s Power does?) I asked.

(I have limited access to information about extra skills. You should ask Miss Alice.) Laura said.


“... she has two extra skills?” Paulina looked at Alice’s status.

“It would appear so.” I said. “Alice, do you know what Magician’s Power does?” I asked.

“Wait a second.” Alice said. She then opened the information about the skill.


Magician’s Power: Increases the power of spells used in succession with either your own spells or the spells of other people close by, with no additional mana cost.


Okay. That seems super good. Power up to all spells with no additional mana cost. And all you have to do is spam out spells.


“... did she just gain that skill?” Paulina asked.

“Yes. Thank you Brian.” Alice said.

“DO ME NEXT!” Paulina turned to me and yelled.

… out of context much.

“Sorry, but I can’t. I only had one Mage Power.” I said to Paulina.

“Then something else, please.” Paulina said.

“I’ll look into what I have. But I have something for myself first.” I said.



“Install.” I said as I held United We Stand to my chest.

As soon as I did, the wave of pleasure rolled over me. God, I wish I could tone it down a bit. I bit my lip lightly, so I wouldn’t let out any unnecessary sounds.

But again, it wasn’t as bad as it was last time, so perhaps I’m getting used to it.


Now, my status.


Name: Brian Wood
Race: Human !
Level: 38
HP: 970
Mana: 1110
Strength: 295
Defense: 515
Magic: 355
Pack Opener LV.4 (unique)
Telekinesis LV.1 (extra)
Summoner’s Unity LV.2 (extra)
Dungeon Founder (extra)
Summon Water Spirit (extra)
Health Conscious (extra)
Mana Control LV.1
Shining Taunt LV.1
Water Spirit’s Blessing (Greater)
Language Comprehension (humanoid)


… so Summoner’s Protection evolved into Summoner’s Unity? Let’s see what this new skill does.


Summoner’s Unity: Boosts Strength, Defense and Magic
while you control a summoned monster.


Okay. So it’s just all stats up while I have a monster summoned. Nice.

(It is considered to be the combined version of Summoner’s Power, Summoner’s Protection and Summoner’s Magic.) Laura said to me. (As a skill that is the combination of three extra skills, it is quite powerful.)

(... I thought you didn’t have access to the information about extra skills.) 

(I do, if Master has the skill.) Laura said.



“Brian, did it succeed?” Alice asked.

“Yes it did. One of my skills evolved.” I answered.

“Evolved? Which one? And what is it called now?” Paulina asked.

“Summoner’s Protection evolved into Summoner’s Unity.” I answered.

“Summoner’s Unity? The skill of the first summoner? Is that even possible?” Paulina wondered.

“Well, it happened so it is. But did the first summoner have it?” I asked.

“Yes, according to legends. But no other summoner has ever had it since.” Paulina said. “No one knows how you can even get it.”

“Well, it seems to be a combination of Summoner’s Power, Summoner’s Protection and Summoner’s Magic, so you probably have to have all three of them.” I theorized. Of course, I conveniently jumped over that problem.

“... so you say it is a combination of three extra skills? That only a summoner can have. I see…” Paulina said. “Perhaps if I report this, they will acknowledge me as a great witch.”

“... wouldn’t that be dishonest?” Alice asked. “I mean, you learned about it from Brian. You can’t just report it as if you had figured that out on your own.”

“Well technically, I learned it from Laura.” I admitted.

“So it's fine.” Paulina said.

“I didn’t say that.” I countered. “And honestly, are you really going to take the easy way out? Just because you are recognized as a great witch, that doesn’t mean you can beat your sister.”


“...” Paulina went quiet.

“And even if you get recognized as a great witch, you’ll always know you did it with stolen information.” I said.

“... but, what can I really do?” Paulina asked. “Mariina is said to be the greatest golemancer of our generation and there is a chance she will get recognized as a sage. If that happens, there is no way I can catch up.”

“Why?” I asked. “Just become a sage yourself.”

“... there is no way I can. That’s impossible.” Paulina said.

“Why? What makes it so impossible?” I asked.

“...” She didn’t answer.

“So you can’t think of a reason, huh. I see how it is.” I said.

“What do you mean?” Alice asked.

“She doesn’t actually want to beat her sister.” I said to Alice. “She just acts like she does.”

“No, that’s not…” Paulina attempted to say.

“Then why are you trying to take the easy way? You know you can’t beat your sister if you do that, but you still think about doing it.” I told her.

“But… I’ll never be able to … master everything. And learn telekinesis.” Paulina muttered.


Telekinesis? Is that what this is about? I guess Lua did say it is a requirement to be recognized as a sage, but I’m not sure that is actually true. 

“If that is your problem, why not just ask for help from someone who has telekinesis?” I asked.

“I would, but the sages will only take a great witch or wizard as an apprentice.” Paulina said.

“And that is why you were thinking of a shortcut, huh. I see.” I said. “But you know, there are people who are not sages that know how to use telekinesis.” 

“Are there?” Paulina asked.

“... did you not look at my status at all when I showed it to you?” I asked. “I can use telekinesis.”

“But your mana control was level 1. There is no way, right? You just have the skill, but can’t actually use it, can you?” Paulina theorized.


“Who decided that?” I asked. (Laura. We are showing her telekinesis. And we are lifting her off the ground.) I decided.

I have never actually lifted a person before, but fuck it. If I say I can do it, then I can do it.

(As you wish, Master.) Laura agreed.


I focused all of my might into the two skills that are necessary for this, and lifted Paulina off the ground. Just a bit thought, in case I lose focus and drop her.

After holding her in the air for a few seconds, I gently lowered her back to the ground. After I did, she fell to her hands and knees. 


“So, who can’t actually use telekinesis?” I asked Paulina.

“.... please… Please teach me.” Paulina said. Her voice was a bit weak and waivered. 

“Much better. Now you are ready to learn. Let’s get started.” I said.


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