Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.151 Selling Boars and Orcs

“WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING!?” I was being yelled at. 

The one yelling at me was Vivien, probably because everyone else was going different kinds of crazy. I had landed close to the carriages that we rode with LV8 Horus, not really considering that I just landed a large dragon next to some horses. Vivien and Tye were able to keep the horses from running away, but that doesn’t change the fact that I shouldn’t have done that. I need some sort of calm field skill that I can use whenever I land with a dragon or something. 

I was ready to unsummon Horus as soon as we landed, but Tye realized what I was about to do and insisted that he could look it over first. He also asked some questions about how I was able to grow a summon that fast. I’m a bit surprised by him realizing that the LV8 Horus is the same dragon we took off on.

Paulina was tired and seemed to be falling asleep on one of the carriages. Alice just didn’t care and was sitting next to her sister. I guess she is used to my BS already. Alex, Rhys and Arvin had taken the place of Vivien and Tye in holding the horses down.

“I’m sorry. I really didn’t think about it as no one said anything when I first summoned Horus.” I tried to defend myself.

“Oh don’t try an excuse like that. That thing was tiny compared to that full grown dragon.” Vivien said. “You’d better hope and pray that no one saw that dragon or you will face problems with the guild or even the feudal lord.”

“... yes. I understand. I’m sorry.” I said again. 


“At least tell me you got what you headed out for.” Vivien said, turning to Lua.

“Yes. We secured enough blood.” Lua answered. “We also have 10 forest boar corpses to sell.”

“You really need to keep your summoner in check or he will cause you more trouble that you can deal with.” Vivien instructed Lua. I’m not positive, but I think she might be speaking from experience.

“Well, he might just be worth the trouble.” Lua defended me.


As I unsummoned Horus, he let out something that sounded almost like speech.

{Vinxa for shalair ve ekess mavorge sia gliiwr adon pliso. Si charis ekess aso mrith dout reelojawale persvek wer papref.} 

Well, something like that, anyway.

(That is draconic language, Master. Anyone with Language Comprehension (dragon) could understand it.) Laura said.

(Oh. Can you translate it?) I asked.

(No. I can recognize languages but not translate them. Translation might be possible if I reach advanced level or if Master figures out a way to improve his Language Comprehension.) Laura said.

(I see. I should work on that.) Not that I have any idea how to do it.

I wonder if Buster Blader or Dark Paladin could do it. Buster Blader is a dragon hunter and he took care of a baby dragon and everything. I think he might be able to speak draconic.

Also, if Horus can speak, I wonder if Blue-Eyes can as well. I don’t know, but it is possible.



We got to the city and went through the VIP gate. I asked the guards about any reports about strong monsters, but they said they hadn’t gotten any, so no one probably saw Horus. Hopefully. Or the report just hasn’t come in yet.

On the way to the town, Paulina had apparently bought four of the eight orc corpses from us, even though she was part of the party that took them down. I have no idea what she wants that many for, but it's not my place to question her. One for the meat should be fine, but four? Is she planning on feeding an army?

Well, at least it makes unloading the corpses easier.


At the guild, we made a report about the successful quest and also added a report about the forest boars. While it wasn’t the truth, the report said that we ran into the boars while searching for the orc settlement. Tye and Vivien recommended reporting it like that, as hunting monsters below your rank is looked down upon. Unless you have to do it for the quest or because they attack you. Or if they are trash mobs.

The guild did offer to buy the orc carcasses, but the boars they recommended we should take to a butcher. Or just cut them up ourselves and sell the meat, hide and core. The guild could do it, but it would make us less money, as the convenience fee for having the guild do it is quite high. I probably would still use the guild’s service myself, but as we were partied up with some locals, they knew a few places that would buy the boars.


They took us to a medium sized butcher’s shop named Jeremy’s Meat. He took a quick look at the boars we brought him and immediately wanted to buy them. He seemed to have a good eye for the meat, as he recognized the skill with which the blood had been drained from them. I would say thank Lua, but these were drained by Vampire Lord. Though I think he might faint if I told him that. And Tye would definitely attack me for more information.

The shop owner ended up buying all ten of the forest boars that we had, for a price that Vivian said was good. We got a total of 35 gold coins for the 10 boars. That means 3 gold and two large silver per boar. Combined with the 80 gold coins we got for the 8 orcs, we were sitting at a decent pile of money. Saber Fang also got a separate reward for being the leading party in the search and destroy quest, but we decided to let them keep that money, while the four of us would split the money from the boars. (Paulina refused her share, as she didn’t actually do anything against the boars. She also didn’t take a cut from the orc sales, as she was the one buying half of them.) With that, Alex, Lua, Alice and I had 75 gold coins to split between the four of us. That ended with 18 gold and 3 large silver coins for each of us. As the sale money was all in gold coins, I ended up using large silvers from my own wallet to break up a few gold coins so we could split the money.



“Brian, could I ask you to come with me to the dhampir village tomorrow?” Lua asked as we were going our separate ways.

“Tomorrow? Sure. I have no plans.” I said back.

“And I was hoping you could give my mother and I a ride there.” She added.

“On Overdrive? Sure.”

“Thank you.” Lua said. “I really want to get this done.” 

“Yeah. No problem.” I said.

(I’ll send you the location of Mistress’ mother’s house, so you’ll know where to find it.) I heard Lua’s System Support in my head.

That actually reminds me.

(Laura, did we send the map data collected today over to her?) I asked.

(Particle map data was sent, but not all of it. I was going to send the rest during the night.) Laura said.

(Sure, but why not just do it immediately?) I asked.

(Unlike what you assume, Master, we don’t have infinite processing power. And as Miss Lucia’s System Support is still basic, she cannot receive information as fast as I can send it. And detailed map data has a lot of information to process.) Laura explained.


Okay. So the supercomputers called System Support are not that super. They are just regular computers.

(We could be super if we reached a higher rank.) Laura said.



“Could we make a few stops?” I asked Alice and Paulina on our way back to Sawyer manor.

“What kind of stops?” Alice asked.

“I need to buy a few things.” I responded.

“What kinds of things?” Paulina asked. “Perhaps I can show you to a good store.” 

“Well, I need at least a magic pen. Christina actually gave me an order slip for one before we even left Alewatch. I also wanted to take a look at some armor. And perhaps some other clothing.” I said.

The pen was the most important thing, so I could get into contact with Christina. I need to discuss the monster situation in the dungeon with her. The armor and clothing are honestly for Lunatite experiments.

“A magic pen. I see. I know a place.” Paulina said. “It’s a bit of a walk, so we should get a carriage.”

“Oh. A carriage. I can take care of that.” I said before getting Overdrive out of the collection. “Overdrive.”


“Wh…what is that?” Paulina asked.

“Overdrive. My golem carriage.” I answered before opening the door.

“... is it safe?” Paulina asked.

“Yes.” Alice answered before getting on the front seat.

“... Well, if you say so.” Paulina said.

She got into the back seat and I got into the driver's seat.



We actually got stopped twice on our way to the shop by patrolling knights, but I just opened the door and showed them the mithril medal and they would let us keep going.

“Is this the place?” I asked Paulina as we had reached the store she recommended.

As I didn’t hear an answer from her, I looked to the back seat and saw her sleeping there. She really must be tired. Perhaps I can just let her sleep.

I got out of Overdrive and an employee of the store came outside to greet me. I asked her where I should park my carriage and she showed me the place. I ordered Overdrive to drive there. I love this self-driving APC. I decided to let Paulina sleep in Overdrive, but I was a bit scared of leaving her there alone, so I ended up summoning Dancing Fairy to keep an eye on her. And to make sure no one could steal Overdrive. Of course it would be difficult to steal a sentient APC, but I’m not sure how my machine monsters work exactly. There is a chance that Overdrive can’t resist commands coming from the pedals and the steering wheel on the driver’s seat.

Summoning two monsters of course meant that I would need to keep my duel disk active, but that is a small price to pay for ease of mind.


The employee then led both Alice and I into the store.


We ended up buying a few things. For one, I got my magic pen. It looked like a normal ballpoint pen on the outside, except that instead of having the clickity bit on the top, it had a sliding thing on the side. When slid downwards, it revealed the end that could turn mana into ink. And when slid up, it would reveal an eraser end that could use mana to erase the magic ink.

I also found something called travel jam. It was apparently a long lasting jam that made travel rations taste a lot better, so I ended up buying one jar of it. I didn’t have problems with food last time, but better to have it just in case. I also analyzed the jam for dungeon reproduction. I think it might be a good idea to have some cheap food available in the first floor of the dungeon, just in case adventurers forget to bring some. Perhaps I should use a copy of Emergency Provisions and analyze the food that comes out of it and add that as well. And maybe some sort of water source would be good as well. I could use one of those water dispensers that the adventurer’s guild has for that.

Alice also found a book written by a retired A-rank adventurer. It does seem useful, but she paid 6 gold coins for it. Not a price I would pay for a book.

There was also a travel tea set that I ended up buying. No, I’m not addicted, I just thought it would be nice to have. I also picked up a jar of high quality tea leaves and an infuser while at it.

In total, I ended up paying 7 gold and a large silver for my things. Compared to Alice’s book, I’d say not bad. Of course the pen was paid for by Christina, so it might have been more than I should have paid for some jam and tea. But I guess you have to pay for the quality stuff.



Our next stop was a clothing store. I wanted some PJs of my own. And some other clothes as well. I had noticed that the clothes I now wore didn’t have the always clean enchantment that my originals had. My underwear did survive that incident, but I wanted to hold onto them as my final clean pair, as having always clean underwear as your backup just sounds like a good idea. The same went for my socks.

I checked plenty of clothing, but I really didn’t like most of the materials used. And the style on the higher quality ones wasn’t great for my daily wear, as they were mostly button-up shirts. I did buy one silk undershirt and some silk boxers. As well as two sets of silk PJs.



One more stop before going back to the manor.

An armor shop. I had seen it on the way to the first store and drove back to it.

I, again, parked Overdrive in what I assumed would be a good spot for it and went inside with Alice. After all, I was going to make some Lunatite armor for both of us, so I needed host clothing for it. Assuming that it will even work.


“Welcome.” I heard a female voice welcome us as we walked into the store. “How may I help you?”

I looked around trying to spot who spoke to us, but the only one I could see was the dwarf behind the counter. I assume he is a dwarf. He definitely looks the part. Short and bulky with a luscious beard.

“Mister? Is something wrong?” I heard the female voice once again asking. But this time, I realized where it was coming from.


The bearded dwarf had a female voice. She had come out from behind the counter and I could get a better look at her. I noticed her chest is … swollen. She has to be female. Probably. Or dwarfs are weird. Perhaps both.

Now that I was looking at her closer, I noticed a few things that could have given away her gender. Other than her chest area. 

Firstly, her hair and beard were both well kept and partly in braids. Her beard actually reminded me a bit of the beard of Thor in Avengers: Endgame. No, not fat-Thor, but the combat Thor from the final fight. 

Her hair on the other hand was in many smaller braids. Doing a hairstyle like that has to take forever as you would have to separate your hair to small sections and then braid those sections. 


“Mister? Are you alright? You are starting a lot.” The female dwarf said.

“I’m sorry.” I said as I lowered my head. “I’ve just never seen a dwarf before and wasn’t expecting a voice like that from … “ I ended up shutting my mouth at that point as the dwarf got a dark look on her face. “I’m sorry.” I repeated.

“Well, I suppose I can let it slide if you buy something.” The lady dwarf said to me. “So, what will it be? A weapon perhaps? Or some armor?”

“Armor, please. For both me and her.” I said.

“Brian. You don’t need to buy any for me.” Alice said. “I can get it myself.”

“No. Armor is important. You can just pay me back later if it is that important.” I told Alice. I’m actually a bit surprised that she was going to buy it herself, instead of just asking me to buy it for her.

“That is correct. Without it, one blow could be fatal.” The dwarf said. “And both of you seem to have very little. The miss has a jacket that might do something, but mister has nothing.”

“Yeah. My equipment kind of broke a few days ago and I haven’t had time to pick up new stuff yet, so here I am.” I admitted.

“Oh. I see. I shall get you something better that won’t break in the future.” The dwarf lady said.


I hope it is something that can also host Lunatite.

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