Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.165 Reporting to the Earl about the Curing

“Welcome back, Mr. Brian.” One of the maids welcomed me when I got back to the Sawyer estate. 

“I’m back. Could you tell Alice I’ve returned.” I requested of the maid. I think Alice would like to know that I’m back.

“I apologize, but Miss Alice is away with Miss Paulina.” The maid said, bowing a bit.

“Oh, you don’t need to apologize for that.” I said. “It’s not like you control where they go or anything. Anyway. Is it possible for me to speak with either Angelina or the Earl?”

“I believe they are busy until lunch, but you could speak to them at the lunch table.” The maid said. “Unless this is something beyond a lunch conversation.”

“Well, it might be, but I guess I can ask when we eat.” I said. “I’d like to go take a bath before lunch. May I use the same room as I did last time?”

“Yes. It has been prepared for you. Do you require someone to fill up your bathtub?” 

“No. I got it covered.” I answered.

“I see. Please, follow me.” She said before leading me back to my room.



After my bath, I was relaxing a bit. And that meant I had time for some packs of my own. Just because I feel like it. I guess I could also practice telekinesis, but I can do that when Alice and Paulina come back.

And I also want to open up some Pharaonic Guardian before Laura fully clears it in the night, as this is the first time I’ve ever opened any of it in Pack Opener. I did buy a booster box of it back, well, before I was transported here. It wasn’t a first edition box or anything, and I didn’t even get a Lava Golem, but that is the collector’s life. I did get Book of Life at that time, so perhaps I can get one now.

And if I can’t, I should at least get a few copies of Different Dimension Capsule and that can help me get what I want.

Use a ‘Pack token’ to open 1 pack of ‘Pharaonic Guardian’
[Yes] [No]


Yes. First pack of Pharaonic Guardian, let’s go!




I like Gora. He is cute. But the effect is also quite powerful. Preventing monsters with more than 1900 attack from attacking. I’m not sure if it would really work, but if it does, he might be great in subduing powerful monsters. The bad part is, that it would affect my monsters as well, so I can’t really use it for anything but stall. But stalling for time might be even better in real life than in Yugioh.

I’m not exactly sure what Book of Taiyou would do. I think it might reveal hidden enemies, but again, not sure about it. As for Needle Wall and Timidity, they could be evil if I install them in the dungeon. Timidity making traps that can’t be destroyed and Needle Wall, well, making a needle wall trap.

Well, if I tried to make a dungeon that would kill people, I would use them, but I’m not so I won’t.


Next pack.




Oh. Some nice stuff. No, not the Winged Sage Falcos. Sure it is okay, but nothing amazing.

Where it is at is A Cat of Ill Omen and Terraforming. A Cat of Ill Omen should be able to make me trap cards, probably. And Terraforming can get me field spells, so I can play more factory building simulator with rare field spells.

Gravekeeper's Spy could also be useful for either spy things, or teaching me some spy techniques. I guess I could use a ninja for it as well, but both is good.


Next pack.




King Tiger Wanghu is … interesting. It automatically destroys weak monsters when they are summoned, but monsters in the wild aren’t exactly summoned. I guess it would hard counter a local summoner that just spams weak summons.

Also Card Shuffle. Just why? Why are you so bad? Like not just for me right now, but as a whole? Who would ever use you? Pay life points to shuffle either player's deck. But it is once per turn.

Well, at least Pyramid Energy might see use. It is a quick-play boost to the attack or defense of all of my monsters.


Next pack.




Hey look, it is the giant space-cannon, that was translated as Rancher. Goddammit Konami (of America), can’t you do anything correctly?

I did also get Metamorphosis and Reasoning. I have no clue how either of them work. No, that sounds wrong. I know how they work in Yugioh, but how do they work in real life?

Like, if I use Metamorphosis on someone, what would it do? Would it do anything? Would it do something like what happened to Jenna when I fused her with Fire Sorcerer? Would it just turn them into a disfigured mess? I have no idea and that card might not be safe. So at least we need to try it in the Factory first. It could be used to “cheat” out fusion monsters, but as it doesn’t count as a fusion summon, there is no way it would count for the summoning challenge.

Reasoning is kind of the same as Metamorphosis. What does it do? Does it do anything? I don’t really even have a deck. I mean, I could build myself a deck, but my skill has no concept of a deck. It is a collector’s skill, not a player's skill.


Anyway, next pack.




I like the artwork on Raigeki Break. Just evil finger. It isn’t ‘Talk to the Hand’, but more like ‘I point at you, so you Die’. And with Raigeki Break, that might literally. 

Hieroglyph Lithograph on the other hand, well, it does increase my hand size limit. Forever. And I think the HP cost should be removed by Health Conscious. It has worked on everything this far, so I don’t know why it wouldn’t work with that.


Next pack.




Pyro Clock of Destiny. That should age something? I think. Like I plant a seed and water it, use Pyro Clock of Destiny and it ages a little. Then water it again, and use a second Pyro Clock of Destiny. And the seed will quickly grow. That’s what I think it should do.


Next pack.




I got the Lava Golem! Yeah, I know I already have one, but this is a Secret Rare Lava Golem. 

Also, I have no idea how Dark Designator would work. Perhaps if I use it on someone like Tye and call out the name of his tiger, he is forced to summon it? Maybe. Probably not.

I can just not use it.


Next pack. Still haven’t gotten a Different Dimension Capsule.




Well, at least I got one Capsule. That’s good. I don’t think I’ll use it now though. Let’s just leave it for Laura. She’ll use it well.

Also Reversal Quiz. What a terrible card. Send all cards in your hand and on your side of the field to the GY and even after that, you still have to call your top card correctly. Not a good card.

But let’s do two more packs, for a total of ten.




A super rare as well. Nice. Barrel Behind the Door is … interesting. It probably would reverse any non-direct attack back to whoever tried to use it. Like, if someone tries to curse me, Barrel Behind the Door should be able to reverse that curse back to them. 

Again, add it to the list of things to test out in the factory.


Overall, I got good stuff. Too bad I only got one Different Dimension Capsule, but Laura will get me more tonight.



After opening the packs, I spent a bit of time practicing Mana Control and telekinesis. And I quickly realized that I had made a small mistake. It is nothing Laura can’t fix, but for anyone without System Support, it could be a problem.

I had ‘lost’ control of my skill. Well, I guess the better way of saying it is that my real skill level doesn’t match up with my status skill level. 

Essentially, my mana was moving too fast. It was like taking an amatur rider and putting them into a supercar. If I didn’t do everything perfectly, I would lose control and my mana would desperse everywhere. Not that it is different from what I previously did, but back then I had the problem of my mana moving too slow. So I guess the more accurate comparison would be taking someone that has only driven cars with a max speed of 50km/h and putting them in a card that can easily go 200 km/h. It just invites danger and mistakes.

Of course, Laura is my little cheat code, so I could rely on her to do my  mana control, but I had just gotten used to it to the point where I could do things like the contactless loop on my own, going back to having to rely on her felt a bit bad.

I really need to keep up with my skill levels, if I keep using Level Up! on my skills. Perhaps do something like dedicate an hour each day to figure out how much my skill grew when I used Level Up in the evening. That way I should be able to keep better track of how my skills grow and I won’t have this disconnected feeling between my skill level and actual skill.



“I heard there is something you wanted to talk about.” Angelina said as we were eating lunch. 

Present were Thomas, Ellanora, Angelina (obviously) and her son Jonathan. No sign of Paulina or Alice.

“Yes. There is something I wish to report, but it isn’t exactly something that should be discussed while eating food.” I said, taking a quick but noticeable glance at Jonathan. Honestly, there is no problem with it, but I’d rather not have Jonathan hear about it. He doesn’t know about the System Support and he really doesn’t need to. I don’t know how kids, especially noble kids are in this world, but telling a kid that you are basically a superhero is a sure way of getting the news to spread. At least eventually. For a bit they might actually keep their mouth shut, but at some point they will want to show off.

“I understand.” Angelina said, noticing what I meant. “I’ll make time for you in the afternoon.”



“So, is this better?” She asked. We had escaped to her study, but we did get one extra. Ellanora, her mother, had come as well.

“Yeah, this is fine. This is something you’ll have to tell Thomas about anyway.”

“Is it something bad? Has something happened to the dhampir village?” Angelina asked.

“Yes, something has happened. No, it isn’t bad.” I began. “To make the long story short, I summoned a vampire and had him cure the blood curse from every dhampir in the village.”

My shortened story was met with silence.

“Excuse me, but let me confirm. You summoned a vampire?” Ellanora was the first to gather herself.

“Yes, I did. And I had him cure the blood curse of every dhampir there.”

“You can summon vampires?” Angelina wondered.

“Yes. I can summon… well, a lot of different things. Heroes, sages, angels, vampires. Also more monstrous summons like beasts and dragons. And machines like the mechanical carriage that I ride around.” I listed off few of the things I commonly use. I actually don’t really use any angels, but St. Joan is basically an angel with her light wings. And Guardian Angel John is an angel. I just have to get one, but Invasion of Chaos isn’t usually that nice to me.



“Did you say you can summon heroes?” Ellanora asked.

“Yeah. Not heroes of legends that you know, but calling them heroes is the easiest way of classifying them.” The hero I’m referring to is of course Black Luster Soldier. I guess Buster Blader could be a hero as well, but he is more of a dragon executioner.

“Could you summon one? Right here and now?” Ellanora asked.

“I can, if that is fine with you Angelina.” I just wanted to confirm this. This is Angelina’s office, well study, afterall.

“It won’t cause a mess or anything, will it?” Angelina asked.

“Most likely not, but I cannot 100% guarantee that it won’t.”

“Fine. Just keep this hero in check. I have important documents in this room.”


Well, she gave permission, so we are fine. I dug the card out of the collection and summoned him.

“Black Luster Soldier.”

Like always, a card appeared on the ground and my summon rose from it. Of course, the card was blue, as I was summoning a ritual monster.



Angelina and Ellanora ended up asking a bunch of questions from BLS, mainly about his heroic tales. I have to say, I really enjoyed hearing him speak about his fights against the Blue-Eyes White Dragon. I didn’t even know he did that, but apparently he did. 




“So, what I actually wanted to ask is this. I promised to take a dhampir as a slave and help her get deemed stable. I need to know, can I bring her here or should I look into getting a house for us?” I asked. “I also need to get in contact with a slave trader, if that is alright.”

“Hmm. I don’t think I can answer that at this moment. In the end, my father is the one in charge so we have to ask him. I can help you get in contact with a slave trader though.” Angelina answered. “How quickly were you planning on taking this dhampir in?”

“Day after tomorrow.”

“... well, you work fast. I’ll ask my father about it and I’ll get an answer for you by dinner time. And I’ll get you in contact with a slave trader tomorrow, if that is fine.”

“Works for me.”



“As long as you can keep this dhampir in check, I see no problem in bringing her here.” I got the earl’s permission.

“Thank you.” I said as I lowered my head.

It wasn’t actually dinner time yet, and he had asked me to his study to give me the news.


After hearing the good news, I returned to my room until a maid came to inform me that Alice and Paulina had returned.

I walked with her towards the parlor room near the entrance of the mansion.



Sorry this chapter's end is a bit messy. I’m sick with the rona and wrote the ending in a 38°C fever. I don’t know how much longer I’ll be sick, so there might not be chapters coming out for a few days, sorry. But I have to prioritize my own health over the series, as much as I don’t want to pause the series.

Please send me thoughts and prayers.


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