Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.167 Inventory

Morning. And morning means one thing. Catching up with Laura. She wasn’t here to wake me up, so she must be at the factory.

I closed my eyes and entered my unique skill.



“Good morning!” Laura called out to me as she ran through the hub to get to the raised platform where I always materialize. 

“Good morning. Were you busy?” I asked as I walked down the few steps and took her into a hug as she reached me.

“Yes. My last experiments ran a bit long. I’m sorry I couldn’t wake you up.” 

“No, it’s fine. What about the nightly packs?”


“Yes. I was able to fully complete Pharaonic Guardian. There are at least three copies of all Common and Rare cards, but not all of them have toploaders yet. We do lack extra copies of some of the Super, Ultra and Secret Rare cards, but I have Different Dimension Capsules getting them.” 

“Nice. And how many capsules do we have?” I asked.

“221. All of them got toploaders, as I had the Guardians work for an extra hour this night and I only focused on one set.” Laura answered.

“Oh. Nice. And you are using them to get the missing cards from the ‘completed sets’ right?”

“Yes. I also made a new room just for them. Speaking of capsules, you might want to go recover the one we activated yesterday.”

“Yeah. Let’s do that. But I also want to go check up on the vampires. I want to test out the Genesis Vampire Lord activating Vampire's Domain theory. And I also want to see if Sucker and Fascinator got here fine.”

“I was going to suggest something like that, as the capsule still has 15 minutes and 22 seconds of time left.” Laura said.

“Well, I could find other ways of spending fifteen minutes with you.”



“We need to do something with these doors. There is no way to tell which door is which.” I commented as I opened the fourth door and finally entered the correct room.

“We could paint the field spells picture onto the door. Would that work?” 

“Eh, yeah. That sounds perfect. Do it.”


As Laura offered a quick solution to that small problem, we walked into the room of eternal night. As we did, I saw Vampire Familiar flying in the sky and after spotting us, it flew into the castle. 

Soon after that, all of the vampires came out to greet me. Among them were Sucker and Fascinator, so they must have been able to realize themselves here.

“Master, what do we owe this pleasure?” Genesis Vampire Lord asked.

“Hello again, Genesis Vampire Lord. … that name is too long. Do you mind if I name you? Or do you have a name?”

“I used to, but that name is nothing I want to use again. It would be a pleasure to receive a new name from you.” He answered.

“Good. Then I’ll name you Adam, bec…”

“NO.” He cut me off.

“No? Why not?”

“I will not accept that name, even if it comes from you, Master.”

“... okay. Then Cain.” I said.

“Cain. Yes. That works.” He agreed to my second option. I wonder what he has against Adam? “May I ask for a second name for us? Like a family name for our coven?”

“Hmm. A family name huh. Shouldn’t it be Belmont then?” I wondered, thinking back on the Castlevania series of games. They were made by Konami, the same company that made the Yugioh Trading Card Game. Sure the Belmont clan were vampire hunters, not vampires, but some of designs from the Castlevania games were reused for Yugioh vampire cards.

“Belmont? Yes. I will accept that. From now on, I shall be known as Cain Belmont.” Genesis Vampire Lord declared.



“Well, let’s get to the experiment. Cain, take this and activate it, if you can.” I said as I gave Vampire's Domain to him.

“Oh yes. The card that makes vampires.” Cain looked at the card for a few seconds before activating it. “Vampire’s Domain.”

Just like when I used it, the sky reddened. Then a few moments later, a new vampiric being came into existence. It wasn’t strictly a vampire, so I won’t call it a vampire. It was a half white, half black dog-like being. Vampire Retainer.


Well, I guess it is more of a wolf than a dog, but whatever.


“Master. We need a Hane-Hane now, don’t we?” Cain asked.

“Oh yeah we do.” I recalled the last time we did this. “Laura, do they really not materialize here on their own?”

“They do, but they are not liked, as they force others out of here with their effect, so they just don’t materialize outside of their own area.” Laura explained.

“... okay. Now we really need Compulsory Evacuation Device. We could just install it here and leave this entire process for Cain to deal with.”

“We can get it with a Capsule, or I can open Invasion of Chaos next night.”

“Or we can do both. But first, Hane-Hane.” I said to summon the necessary monster. I had gotten it out while we were speaking. “Hane-Hane, return Vampire Retainer to my ‘hand’.”


 After I ordered Hane-Hane, he quickly did as ordered and returned Vampire Retainer to my collection. Then I put a sleeve and toploader on it, before the dog once again realized within my skill.


“Well, that was a success. Cain, you can hold onto that card. Laura will come and install a Compulsory Evacuation Device later, so find a good place for it in the castle.”

“Yes. Thank you, Master.” 



Now then, let’s get that last Exodia piece.

When I got to where the capsule was buried, I saw the timer still had little over a minute left. Well, at least I’ll be able to see the completion of the capsule.


After the timer hit zero, the capsule rose from the ground and broke open. From it, two cards appeared. One was my now grayed out Different Dimension Capsule and the other was my missing Exodia piece. Left Arm of the Forbidden One.



I smiled. Probably looking like an evil person, but I don’t care. I have Exodia. The, well not ultimate, but still one of the greatest powers of Yugioh is now under my control. 

I took out a sleeve and a toploader and manually placed them on the Exodia piece. Be honored. The only one that has gotten this treatment, other than you, has been a Blue-Eyes White Dragon.


“Laura, add testing out Exodia on the list of things we need to do.” 

“Yes. Just under mass fusion summoning and summoning the rest of the ritual monsters.” Laura said.

“Did you ever get the two ritual monsters I asked Senju and Manju for?” I completely changed the subject. Well, maybe not completely, but still.

“Yes. They are in the collection, waiting to be summoned.”

“Good. I’ll do it when I do the fusion summonings. I need to find a good place to do it in. I don’t think the earl will like it if I summon large amounts of monsters in his backyard.”

“We could fly over to the large forest and do it somewhere over there. That place seems to not have any intelligent life, so it should be good.”

“Yeah. Good call. My own little testing ground. Have Exodia carve out a section of the forest while we are at it.”

“Yes. Let’s just use a god-like monster as a woodchipper. What could possibly go wrong?” Laura said sarcastically. 

“Well, I guess we could also use Meteor Black Dragon to burn down some of it. Maybe use a few water monsters to control the flames so they don’t get too far. Like Aqua Madoor and Neo Aqua Madoor.”

“Yes. That should be better, but I can most likely make an even better plan.” Laura offered.

“Well, if you say so.”



Before getting out of the factory, there is just one more thing.

“Laura, what about the situation with the Upstart Goblins?” 

“I tried a few things, some worked, others didn’t. First, using Interdimensional Matter Transporter does work, but the skill cannot support it. The skill level is too low. And we would have to make an insulated room, otherwise this space might collapse.”

“Wait a second. Didn’t I say don’t try it?” 

“I didn’t install it, I just activated it once and tried to move something from the room into this skill.”

“... okay. And it didn’t work?”

“It did, but the item cannot exist here. This space cannot support physical matter. As I said, we would have to make an insulated room.  While it should be possible to make such a room with Dimension Jar or Dimension Fusion, it would still be risky.

As for the item box theory, well I have something that will work. But you should probably go back and prepare for the day, otherwise you might be late.” Laura reminded me. “I’ll tell you what I found as you get ready for the day.”

“... yeah. Real world still sucks. Let me stay in my WR space in peace.”



I opened my real eyes again and got on with my morning activities. It is a good thing too that Laura sent me back, because just after I had gotten up, a maid came into the room to wake me up. And I have no idea if I would realize that someone is trying to wake me up while I’m in the factory.

(So, what I found is that neither Different Dimension Capsule or Pharaoh’s Treasure result in a skill when installed. In fact, the install fails if you try to install either into a person. On the other hand, Different Dimension Capsule can be installed into a bag to transform it into a magic bag. And Pharaoh’s Treasure can turn a normal chest into a beautiful treasure chest.) Laura explained.

(Okay, so the direct approach is no good. Any good news?)

(I was getting to it. If we combine Different Dimension Capsule and Pharaoh’s Treasure, it results in a card called Different Dimension Treasury. And if installed, it gives the extra skill ‘Inventory’, a superior version of ‘Item Box’.)

(Oh, nice. Then let’s do that.)

(Just a moment.) Laura said. (It isn’t that easy. When I was testing it, the tests had some problematic results.)

(Testing? How did you test it?)

(I used Physical Double to make a copy of you and installed the cards into him.) Laura said.


(But as I already said, it showed some problems. Mainly, you cannot survive the install.) 


(Then we won’t do it. It just isn’t worth it if I die.)

(Well, I did find a route we could take where you get through the install with nothing more than the normal install pains.) Laura said.

(... Okay, continue.)

(Well, the reason my first two experiments failed is that Master has too many cards installed into him. For the third one, I first removed Raregold Armor and then the install went just fine.) Laura said. (Now by removing Raregold Armor, you did also lose the skill Shining Taunt. But is that skill really worth keeping? It isn’t that good and is, in a word, dangerous. And we can also use an effect similar to that skill by just activating a copy of Raregold Armor.)

(... you do drive a hard bargain. I guess I should just get rid of the skill. It just feels … wrong. But I guess I’m not getting rid of it, but replacing it with a better skill.)

(That is a good way of looking at it. Will we do it or not? If we won’t, you should just activate some number of Upstart Goblins to gain back some of the money you used yesterday.)

(... yeah. Let’s do it. Having an item box, or was it an inventory, will be a lot better than a skill I rarely use.)



“I’ll destroy the Raregold Armor installed in my body, Mystical Space Typhoon.” I said to activate the card.

A small whirlwind appeared and penetrated my chest. I was expecting some pain, but it never came. I did feel something, like a sense of weakness coming to me. I would guess that is because I lost a skill.

“... perhaps I should have used Level Up! on the skill before destroying Raregold Armor. Maybe that would have let me keep the skill…” I muttered.

(No, that wouldn’t work. I tested it.) Laura said. (I did find a way of letting you keep a skill after the card that gave it to you was destroyed, but it isn’t exactly usable.)

(Oh. Do share. Even if it isn’t usable.)

(The skills given to you, and others, by card installs, will eventually become a permanent part of you. At that point they can no longer be removed by the means of Mystical Space Typhoon. We could have used multiple Pyro Clock of Destinies on you to force Shining Taunt into that state, but it comes with unintended side-effects, like aging you up by around a month.)


(... aging me up? Would that also sacrifice some of my lifespan?)

(Most likely.) Laura confirmed.

(Then that would be an absolute no. I like having my lifespan and sacrificing some of it for a … not that great of a skill is not worth it.)

(Also, it would take even more to make the extra and unique skills a permanent part of you that doesn’t rely on the cards.) Laura added.

(Well, good to know. But let’s do this install. And let’s hope it isn’t as bad as DDF.)

(Based on my experiment, it shouldn’t be.) Laura said to reassure me.



Now then, first, install Pharaoh's Treasure into Different Dimension Capsule. I looked as the card changed and became Different Dimension Treasury. 



Different Dimension Treasury

A highly advanced treasury that once held the ancient treasures of an advanced civilization. Now it remains empty, waiting for someone to fill it up once again.

[Cannot be used in a duel]


Well, it looks cool. Super advanced as well. Seems more like a super computer than a storage space. I was expecting something more like a bank vault, but I guess this will do.

“Install.” I said as I held it to my chest.

The usual wave of pain and pleasure came over me. But I have to say, it wasn’t nearly as bad as the Different Dimension Factory. This is more like Spell Economics. Still more intense than United we Stand. That one has been the easiest this far.


After a few minutes, the install was over and I was feeling well.

Now, my status.

Name: Brian Wood
Race: Human !
Level: 46
HP: 1100
Mana: 1640
Strength: 335
Defense: 535
Magic: 455
Pack Opener LV.4 (unique)
Different Dimension Factory LV.1 (unique)
Telekinesis LV.2 (extra)
Summoner’s Unity LV.2 (extra)
Inventory LV.1 (extra)
Dungeon Founder (extra)
Summon Water Spirit (extra)
Health Conscious (extra)
Mana Control LV.5
Water Spirit’s Blessing (Greater)
Language Comprehension (humanoid)


Of course, Shining Taunt is gone. But in return, I have a new extra skill. And inventory has a level, so Level Up should work on it. And if I had to go out on a limb here, I would say leveling it up will increase the amount of storage space the skill has.

Honestly, this combo of two cards might be the most powerful yet. If this inventory, at least when I get it to a higher level, can hold a large quantity of items, it will be super powerful. I can just imagine nobles hearing about this and begging me to install that card into them. And I can always install and then use multiple Level Ups afterwards. Unless there are side effects for doing that, other than the disconnect between the skill level and my actual skill. But that shouldn’t matter for a skill like inventory.


(I can test it out, but there will most likely still be level up sickness.) Laura said. (Level up sickness comes from your stats increasing, not directly from your level increasing. But of course when your level increases, your stats increase, so it is called level up sickness. But if you can explosively grow your skill level, you will experience level up sickness.)

(Oh, I see. Well it might still be worth it. Being in a coma for two days for a massive storage space.)

(Perhaps. Depending on who you ask.)

(Anyway. Let’s try it out real quick.) I said as I got out a copy of Upstart Goblin and activated it.

1 gold, one large silver and three small silver coins came from it, and I threw them all into my new skill.

They all went in just fine and I could see them in my inventory list.


Inventory of Brian Wood  
- Heroic Small Silver Coin x3 - Heroic Large Silver Coin x1
- Heroic Gold Coin x1


Okay. Judging by the size of the list, my inventory can hold up to twenty unique items. I have no idea how many of each item, but that comes later. Also, the currency is apparently called Heroic. I have no idea how currency can be so heroic, but I’ll let it slide.


(Laura, please link my inventory with DDF and try out if Goblin of Greed can activate Upstart Goblin.) 

(Yes. I shall do that while you enjoy your breakfast, Dear.)


Now then, onto the new day.


So, a few reveals in this chapter. Who would have guessed that level up sickness doesn’t come only from leveling up? Well, leveling up a skill is still leveling up. That is why Level Up! can level up skills.

Also, RIP shining taunt. You were used all of three times and now you are gone. You might be missed, but let’s be honest, Brian is better without you. Maybe Ria will want to have you.

And finally I talked about something I have mentioned in the comments a few times. Installs (aka. skills you get from installs) eventually become a permanent part of you. And once they are, MST can no longer destroy the card. No, this cannot be cheated with Level Up, as even if you level up a skill obtained from an install, it will still be “hosted” by the installed card, not your body. But once it is a permanent part of you, it can no longer be removed. Well, Skill Drain is still a thing, but even if its name is Drain, it is more of a Skill Blocker.

Oh yeah, and because Yugioh has a card for everything, Brian could use multiple Pyro Clock of Destinies to fast forward past the point where the cards become a permanent part of him, but that would cost some of his lifespan, as he is basically fast forwarding through life.

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