Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.169 Goblins Rule

(Good morning, Brian.)

(Good morning, Laura. What time is it? Do I have time to jump into the factory?)
(You went to bed early, so yes, we have time.)


I closed my eyes and entered my skill.



After I materialized, no I still should say realized, inside my skill, I saw as Laura did the same.

“Hey.” I said as I walked over and hugged her. 


After a short embrace, Laura began telling me about what she did during the night.

“I opened up Invasion of Chaos, but wasn’t able to even get one of everything. We still lack Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End, Dark Magician of Chaos and Levia-Dragon - Daedalus, but I have Different Dimension Capsules working on them.”

“Well, only missing three is not bad. Wait, that means I got Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning?”

“Yes, we have it.”

“Nice. That thing is super strong. Is it here? No, it isn’t right? I have to summon it first.”


“... Almost should just jump out, summon it and come back.”

“I don’t think there is that big of a rush.”

“Perhaps not. But it is BLS - Envoy is too good. Well, maybe not ‘too good’, but it is still great. What else did I get..?” 


I pulled open my collection and set the filter to only show cards from Invasion of Chaos.

Black Tyranno is something, Chaos Sorcerer I have to summon outside the factory. Oh yeah, now I have copies of Compulsory Evacuation Device.



“Laura, did you install one in the vampire area already?”

“No, not yet. I thought we could go do it together.”

“... I feel like I’m about to start a war in here. I show too much favoritism for the vampires.”

“Probably not. I don’t think these monsters would start a war for your attention. They might have a tournament or something like that instead.”

“... yeah. Hopefully only that.”


As we were heading to the Vampire room, I noticed that some of the doors had been painted with the field spell artworks. That definitely makes them easier to differentiate. 

“Laura, how did you paint the doors?” 

“I had Goblin Calligraphers paint them. Those guys are quite skilled at that.”

“Oh? Well, they did great work.”


Now, back to the new cards I have.

Dedication through Light and Darkness is something I could use. I can sacrifice a Dark Magician to get a Dark Magician of Chaos. But at the same time, Laura did say I have some coming from with Different Dimension Capsules, so I don’t think that is really necessary. If I’m going to do something like that, I might as well get Sorcerer of Dark Magic from the Movie Pack. Actually, I probably should. It should be the strongest spellcaster I have access to, so getting one and summoning it would be a good thing.


Well, need to add that to the list of things to do.


Oh. I also got Guardian Angel Joan. Nice. It should be my best healer monster now.


And she looks amazing, so perhaps I’ll use her outside when I want to look more holy than I actually am.

I also got a new copy of Insect Princess, after giving one away back in Alewatch. I think it was supposed to go to that knight that was with us when I activated the dungeon. Hopefully he has been using it. And hopefully he wasn’t scared of insects, as that was all he got.

Also, now that I have multiple copies of Terrorking Salmon, I kind of want to throw one on Mystik Wok, just to taste it. Let’s make that for lunch when we are in the dhampir village. Perhaps if it comes out tasting great, I could offer it as a meal for the birthday party. I don’t think you can get fish meat that easily here, as there are only some rivers going through the area. No large lakes, not to speak of a sea. And Terrorking Salmon is a sea fish. From the Sea of Darkness.




“Good morning, everyone.” I greeted the vampires as they came to welcome me to their, I was going to say domain, but this is a kingdom. It says so on the card.

“Good morning, Master.” They all responded in unison.

“Cain, have you picked a place for the Compulsory Evacuation Device?”

“Yes. Please follow me.” 

Cain led us into the castle and picked a room close to what I think was the throne room.

“I would like it here.” He said.

“Laura, there won’t be a problem, right?”

“There shouldn’t be.” 

“Well, I guess this will be it then.” I said as I got the card out. “Install.”


A device that looked like a circular table appeared. It had steps leading up to the middle part and it said “Exit” on the sides of it.

“... should we test it?”

“I will.” Cain said before getting out a certain card I had given him. “Vampire's Domain.”


A few seconds after he activated the card, a new vampire appeared. A female vampire, wearing a dark dress with a red inner lining and holding a black parasol. Vampire Fraulein.



She looked around, seemingly gathering where she was. Perhaps the cards that come to be like that don’t have time to know they were made and stuff.

“Fraulei, I understand you might be confused, but I ask you to step on the device.” Cain said to her, pointing at the Compulsory Evacuation Device. I would call it the CED, but that could also stand for Chaos Emperor Dragon, so I won’t. Both of the CEDs even come from the same set.

“If that is my lord's will.” Vampire Fraulein answered and rose up the steps to stand on the device. A few seconds later, the device activated and she was engulfed in a red light, before disappearing.


I opened my collection, searched for Vampire and noticed her there. With a few clicks, she now had a sleeve and a toploader.

A few seconds later, she reappeared in the room.

“... that felt odd. Master, thank you.” She said, curtseying before me.

“Don’t thank just me. Cain did most of the work.” I said.

“Master, you are the one that made me and gave me this power. This is only possible because of you.” Cain argued.

“Well, whatever. The device works, so you can use it. I guess you’ll still have to ask Laura to topload all of the new cards, but other than that, this operation is hands off for us.”

“Please do come to visit still. We will welcome you at any time.” Cain said before I left with Laura.



“So, anything else for the day?” 

“The goblins asked if you would come check out the Upstart Goblin area as well as the Inventory area.” Laura said.

“Oh yeah. I even leveled up inventory and never checked it. How much larger did it get anyway?”

“The available spots doubled, so it can now hold up to 40 different kinds of items.”

“Well, that is a lot better. Not that the twenty slots aren’t enough but more is better.”


The room Laura led me into had a picture of Different Dimension Treasury painted on it. I was expecting the room to be super scientific and advanced, but it looked like a fairly regular bank. A medium sized area with some tellers. The only difference was that the people manning the tellers weren’t exactly human. They were goblins dressed in suits. 

“Laura, where did they get those suits?”

“They used the fabrics I analyzed yesterday while you were in the clothing store. Then using Tailor of the Fickle, they got some suits made.”

“Okay… Well, goblins in suits don’t look half bad. No wait, that doesn’t explain anything. The dungeon can’t just create new clothing, can it? It can only make things I’ve analyzed. It shouldn’t be able to make a modern looking three piece suit.”

“It didn’t. As I said, we used Tailor of the Fickle, as in the spell card, to make them based on a drawing drawn by a Goblin Calligrapher.”

“... okay. So that is also possible. Good to know. Maybe I should make a suit like that as a gift for the earl. I was thinking of giving him plenty of fabrics already, so adding a suit might be cool. But the cotton the dungeon makes isn’t something that should be used to make a suit.”

“Suits like that don’t exist, based on the information I have access to, so you would be the one to set the precedent on them.”

“Hmm. I guess it might work then. Make a suit that is a mix of the three fabrics I can make. A tricot button up, a cotton jacket and denim jeans for pants. Make that the new business casual of this world…”


As we walked further in, one of the goblins came to me and welcomed me. Judging by his purple skin tone, he should be a Goblin Calligrapher.

“Welcome Master. The boss is this way. Please, follow me.” He said, leading me through a side door, into the back area.


He led me to the end of a short hallway, which had a few doors along the way, before knocking on the door and saying: “Master is here to see you.”

“Let him in.” I heard a response from the other side.


Goblin Calligrapher opened the door, but didn’t enter himself, so I just walked into the room. Perhaps Goblin Calligrapher is not allowed here.


The room was quite basic, but it was slightly decorated with things like a Pot of Greed, Jar of Greed, Dragon Capture Jar and even Cobra Jar. I think the Pot of Greed also had the Spirit of the Pot of Greed living inside of it, as I saw the green ghost peeking out of the pot.

The owner of the room was a Goblin of Greed. He was dressed in a well tailored black suit, wearing a familiar looking pendant around his neck. Black Pendant. I think a green gem would work better with his skin color, but I’ll let that be.



“Master. Are you here for an inspection?”

“Well, not really, but I would like to be shown around.”

“Of course. I shall show you the most secretive areas of this room.”


I wonder what he means by “room”? Probably this room of the DDF, not this particular room inside this bank building thing.

Goblin of Greed got up from his desk and I really got an idea how different he looks from the usual Goblin of Greed. He wasn’t a thick boy that looks like he visits a burger place every day, but was actually a well-built muscular person. I wonder how he achieved that? Would installing a Dark Energy into him do that? Maybe.


As I thought that, I opened my Pack Opener and searched him out. Goblin of Greed that has a black suit and is muscular. It wasn’t too difficult to find him. Then I looked at the special notes and noticed that he did in fact have Dark Energy installed into him. Two copies of Dark Energy to be precise. Laura probably did that to motivate him.

Maybe I could use that as a reward for the other monsters as well. I do have easy access to the common LOB equips after all.


Goblin of Greed led me to a secret door in his office. It was hidden behind a basic bookshelf. Honestly, how much do these guys get done in just one night?

He scanned his hand on a panel and the door opened.

Behind it, I saw a sight I was expecting to see when I first walked from the hub into the Different Dimension Treasury room.

A highly advanced room that looked like the server room of a quantum computer.


{Welcome, Master.} A feminine machine voice welcomed me.

“Eh? My inventory can speak?” I looked at Laura. “Did you do this?” I know the inventory voice isn’t Laura’s voice, but I could totally see Laura getting some voice lines from different monsters and compiling them into a text-to-speech voice for my inventory.

“No. It always had that voice. I believe it is part of the card.” Laura said.

“Well, the card did say something about being highly advanced. I guess an advanced civilization would have figured out artificial intelligence.”


We walked through the room, even if I didn’t really understand anything about it. It just looked way too advanced to me. Inventory was explaining something about matter-energy storage and quantum entanglement, but I’m not a quantum physicist, so I’ll just go with it works, so it is good.


{Master, may I make a request?} My inventory asked.

“Sure. Go for it. Just don’t try to explain any more quantum mechanics. I’m honestly not sure my head can deal with any more of them today.”

{I would like you to install the card Time Seal into me. That way, I will be able to freeze the time on some of the items you store.}

“... okay. I was actually wondering if time was frozen for things inside my inventory, but I guess that is the answer. Sure, we can do it. Can I just install it into this room? Or do I need to do something else?”

“Dear, please wait a second.” Laura interrupted. “Please let me run an experiment first. Just in case something goes wrong. If you end up being the host of the install, you could die.”

“... oh yeah. The entire too many installs problem. Sorry, inventory. Or should I call you Different Dimension Treasury. You will have to wait until Laura greenlights the install.”

{Yes. I shall wait. Also, please just call me Inventory.}



“Dear, you need to head back.” Laura said. “A maid has entered your room and is going to wake you up.”

“Oh. Good thing you spotted that. Thanks. I’ll be off then.” I guess with all of the vampire and inventory shenanigans I almost stayed here for too long.



“Oh. You are awake.” The maid, who was standing right next to my bed said as I opened my eyes.

“yawn” I took in a large breath as a fake yawn and said: “Yes. I just woke up. Good morning.”

“Good morning. Breakfast will be served soon. Please get ready.” The maid said before leaving the room.

“Yes. I will.”

And now, Laura has a rival called Inventory. Well, technically she is the Different Dimension Treasury and the world’s system just recognizes her as an Inventory. Well, until Treasury learns how to contact Brian when he isn’t inside her area in the Factory, she has a massive disadvantage against Laura, so I don’t think this ‘rivalry’ is going to go anywhere.

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