Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.18 Carriage ride and questions

As our carriage ride continued, it was Alice who broke the silence.

“Sir Brian, may I ask a question?” She asked seemingly wondering if her question was something I would give an answer to.

“Go ahead and ask. But I may not give an answer.” I tell her. I just want to make sure she doesn’t force me to answer questions about my skills or something. It’s not really a big deal, but better to keep some secrets. And pack opener is my entire combat strength.

“I noticed you had a family name. Are you a noble?” Alice asked. Oh yeah. I guess that Laura could only hide my skills and my level.

“Yes you must tell us. I was going to ask before we left, but you hurried us along.” Now even the baron is hounding me for an answer. Not that I mind too much. 

“No, I’m not a noble. At least as far as I know. I got my family name from my dad, who got it from his dad and so on. I have no idea if someone at some point was a noble, but I definitely am not. That is also why I don’t use my family name even with status showing it.” I give a generic answer that doesn’t really explain anything.

“Well I have never heard of a ‘Wood’ family, so it would most likely be from another country at least. It’s also said that sometimes status shows family names for no reason. Even for people who shouldn’t have one. For yours to be from a line means it has an origin point.” The baron informed me. “Also it’s not against the law to use a family name that shows in your status. Status is a blessing from the Gods, so most will not question it. The only time you may get into trouble is if there is a noble family with the same name.”

“Well it’s a good thing that you said there is no Wood family. At least they won’t hunt me down.”

“Could you tell me more about your family?” The baron is still hungry for more personal information. Give me a break, please. 

I look out the window and say: “We are nearly at the gate. I’ll tell you after we make it out of town.” Just after that I hear a bell ringing in the distance. I guess we will be late for this meeting. I blame the baron. He freaked out too much at the breakfast table.


We stop the carriages by the gate and there waiting for us are the members of Prime Rib.

Henry the butler is the first off of a carriage. I mean he was riding in the first one with the rest of us in the second one. He comes and opens the door for us. The baron makes his way outside and I follow after him. Seems like Alice has no plan to get off here.

“You are late.” Rico was first to toss out something stupid. Or he might be the only one stupid enough to say that to a noble. Nobles are never late. They are the ones who make the schedule. The only one who can tell a noble that they are late, is a higher ranking noble. Right?

Smack. Zayaan’s fist hit Ricos head. Don’t hit him too hard. We might need him. And a concussed archer is no good. He might not be able to hit the broad side of a barn. From the inside.

“I’m sorry for his insolence, my Lord.” Zayaan goes to fix the problem caused by Rico.

“It’s fine, we are a little late. Preparations took a little longer than I expected.” The baron answered Zay. More like the breakfast dragged on.

“Were there any problems? Are we good to go?” Zay asked the baron.

“As long as your team is ready, we will get in the carriages and move out.” The baron answered.

“How will we man the carriages?” Zay asked.

“Your team will be in the first one and we will be in the other.”

“Are you sure I shouldn’t be the one in the lead carriage? I mean I’m the only one who knows the location of the dungeon.” I ask.

“Oh yeah, I never really asked for that.” The baron realized his mistake. I did tell them it was in the south-west forest, but that’s not really that accurate of information. “Henry, bring out a map.”

“Yes Master.” Henry said and a small magic circle, it is a magic circle right, appeared next to him. Plunging his hand into it, he pulled out a piece of paper.

“This is the map of the Alewatch plains. Lord Brian, please show a place as close to the dungeon as possible.” Henry asked me.

I scan the map, but I really don’t have a great idea of what would be the best spot. At times like these you love having some support.

(Laura, what do you think?)

(This is the best spot Master.) As Laura says that a spot appears on the map. Can Laura use magic now?

(How do you do that Laura?)

(It is an image that I overlay onto Master's vision.) Sounds simple enough. So it’s just a heads up display that Laura controls. She might even be able to make a minimap for me.

“I think this would be the best spot.” I say and point my finger at the spot that Laura marked earlier.

“Good. Now we can tell the knights were to lead us and the carriage order won't matter. Let’s mount up and get a move on.” With the baron's orders, members of Prime Rib get into the first carriage. I also make my way back to the second carriage and sit back down next to Alice. Before coming into the carriage, the baron and Henry tell the knights our goal point. Well it might be more like a midpoint. Or a checkpoint. 



“My family was not that complex. I lived with grandpa in a hut, in a forest. Mom and dad would come to visit every now and then. We had a small field that we used to grow crops for the two of us, and we would go hunting for meat.” I gave a false summary of my family. I mean this is still better than telling them that I’m from another world.

“I see,” the baron said. “And why did you leave?”

“Grandpa died a little while ago. Mum and dad also haven’t visited in over a year so I’m not sure they will ever come again. After grandpa’s death I was just too lonely.” I answered. I already told the gate guard that grandpa died so I will stick with it.

“I apologize for bringing up painful memories.”

“It must have been hard living alone.” The baron and Henry both gave their condolences.

“Yeah, it was painful.” Not like I really know about that.

“Wouldn’t the System support keep you company?” Alice asked.

“No,” I answered. “I only got system support yesterday when I eliminated the rogue dungeon.”

“What? Really?” The baron seemed excited. “I didn’t know you could gain the System support like that.”

“Well that’s how I got mine. That doesn’t mean it will always happen. I think that I might have gotten the system support that way, because the almighty System wants that dungeon to be reawakened. I would not have been able to do it without the system support.” I say back.

“Yes. That would make sense. May I ask, has the System ever contacted you directly?” The baron asked.

“Yes, once. It was after I eliminated the dungeon. I said to me that I unlocked the basic system support.”

“Ah, I see. Wait. Basic, what do you mean by basic?” The baron seemed confused.

(Laura, want to explain that.)

(Master, system support comes in four different levels. Basic, standard, advanced and perfect. I am only basic.) Laura seems a little disappointed that she is the lowest level system support. I really hope I can get her to a higher level. I don’t want her to feel inadequate.

“Laura told me that system support comes in four levels, basic, standard, advanced and perfect. Mine is the lowest level of basic.” I answered the baron with the info I got.

“I see. I didn’t know that the System support had levels.” The baron ponders.

“And who is this Laura?” Alice finally took part in our conversation. She seemed angry that I said the name of a female. You really can’t have feelings for me yet. I mean we just met this morning.

“It’s the name I gave my system support.” 

“You can name the System support?”


If this continuous questioning won’t stop this will be a very long trip.

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