Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.26 Clearing a path

“Is that monster safe to be around?” Zayaan, who was the only one to get out of the dungeon after I asked them to hide at the entrance, asked me. 

“It should be fine.” I answered him. Can’t really blame him for being scared. Slot Machine is a large metal golem standing at just under 4 meters tall. It really must look like a powerful monster to everyone.

“I don’t like the word ‘should’. Is it safe or not?” He insisted.

“As I said, it should be fine. This is the first time I have summoned this monster so I can’t be completely sure. But none of my other monsters have ever attacked anything that I haven’t wanted them to attack.” I told him.

“Well you’d better keep that thing in check.” Zay said.

“I’ll do my best.” I say back to him.


So how to best make this road? Or is it a path? A clearing in the forest? No, clearing sounds like an area, not a route.

(Laura do you have a good idea?) I ask my always useful assistant.

(If Master allows me to command Slot Machine, I can take care of it.) Laura told me.

(So you can command them? I didn’t know that.) I said back to her.

(After improving from basic to standard I am capable of commanding Master’s skills to an extent. If I have permission from Master.) So Laura was really improved. That’s nice.

(Sure, you can have command of Slot Machine. Do you need me to do something?) I give her permission to command my monster and ask if she needs something else.

(You should give the Slot Machine a start command. That will make your companions less worried.) Laura tells me.



“Go Slot Machine. Make us a path.” I order my monster.

It starts moving it’s cannon arm and from it a bright beam gets fired. The beam hits a tree causing it to topple. After a few more trees are down, Slot Machine moves up to them and moves them to the side. I don’t know if this is Laura’s doing or if the Slot Machine just is this smart. Perhaps a little of both. Kagemusha was smart after all. 


“You can come out of the dungeon now.” I say to the rest of the group. The clearing in front of the dungeon had been extended just a little by Slot Machine and now it was hard at work making a path.

“That golem seems very strong.” The baron commented. “Can we really summon something like that with your cards?”

“You should be able to.” I answer him. “But that Slot Machine is the strongest one I have at the moment, so the ones you summon might not be as strong.”

“A great golem like that being the strongest one is hardly a problem. Could you let me try summoning one?” He asked me. I already used five cards to make a sleeve and I don’t really want to lose too many at this point. I think I should avoid this for now.

“I don’t think that’s a great idea at the moment. I’ll let you try tomorrow if that’s fine.” I tell him. With me now having five daily pack tokens, I should get 45 cards tomorrow. I also still have three tokens unused. That’s another 27 cards. With that I’ll have enough that I can throw some away. I could even sell some to adventurers to act as bonus fighting power or insurance. With Frenzied Panda being able to stop the charge of a C-rank monster, something on that level might be reassuring to have on hand.

“You’d better let me.” The baron comes onto me.

“Will we be given a chance?” Lucia asks me. So she wants to try as well.

“I think that should be fine.” I tell them.

“Me too. Me too.” Alice says excitedly. 

“Fine, fine.”

Our trip back went a little faster, thanks to Slot Machine making us a path. The baron even commented on it being cleared well. 

“I need to send people over to gather all this wood.” He said. Well it would be a waste just to leave it all here.

“Is there something specific that is made with wood from this forest, or will it just be used as firewood?” I ask him.

“It’s used to make some indoor furniture and musical instruments like guitars. But that’s only the best parts. The rest is used just as firewood.” He answered.

“So it’s not used to build houses?” I ask.

“If you build a house from these spruce trees it will toppel in under two years. Only fools build their houses out of it.” The baron teaches me. I wonder why that is?

(Master, spruce has bad decay resistance. It can’t take the environment after it is chopped down.) Laura tells me. She can even teach me, while commanding the Slot Machine.

Meeting up with the carriages was a bit of a hassle. With them hearing something large coming through the forest they almost ran away. Well the carriages and the horses actually did, but the knights didn’t. I guess they have some level of loyalty or they might even know that I’m a summoner and guess that the golem is my summon.

With the path now clear I walk up to my Slot Machine that was just standing still and unsummon him. “Thank you for your service.” With that he sinks into the card on the ground.

I grab the card from my DiaDhank and take a closer look at it. It looks perfectly pristine and doesn’t seem to be disappearing. I place it back into my Pack Opener skills collection.

“Brian this card didn’t disappear like the ones you used yesterday. Why?” Rico noticed and asked me.

“I put a protective sleeve on it. It won't disappear unless that monster is destroyed.” I told him.

“Then why didn’t your cards yesterday have them?” He asks.

“They are a little expensive, so I only use them on the best cards.” I tell him.

“Oh, I see.” It seems that Rico would understand something about saving on money. Even if it doesn’t cost money to make sleeves.

After the disappearance of Slot Machine and the knights giving signals to the carriages, the carriages come back to us. The horses also seem to be returning. They really are well trained.

“What was that monstrous golem?” One of the carriage riders asked.

“That was one of Brian's summoned beasts. He used it to clear a path through the forest, so that getting to the dungeon is easier.” The baron explained.

“So I take it that your mission was successful.” The carriage coach said.

“Yes, this town now has a dungeon. You will get busy soon. Adventurers will need transport to the dungeon.” The baron told him.

“More business is always good.” The coach said.

“Then you won’t mind taking on another job?” The baron asks.

“Of course we will prioritize any job from the town's Lord.” He answers.

“We left a lot of trees in the forest. They need to be collected and transported. I need your company to do the transporting.” The baron gave the coach a job offer.

“Of course we will do it.” The coach answered.

We got on the carriages and began to make our way back to town. I think now might be a good moment to open packs.

“Sir Brian, would you be willing to show me some more of those cards?” Alice asked me.

“I mean I can, but do you really want to? They are not that special.” I tell her.

“Yes they are. Only you have them.” She says to me. Well I guess that’s true. I could show her for sure, but I don’t really have any special cards in my collection. That Slot Machine is probably the most exciting one. I don’t even have any of the cutesy ones.

Actually I could do my pack opening with her. Well, that is if I can show her my Pack Opening skill.

“Oh, I have a good idea. How about we open some packs together?” I offer her.

“Sure.” She says excitedly. “But what are these ‘packs’ you speak of?”

“I get my cards from packs. I can open some packs every day.” I tell her. “It’s exciting to open packs because you don’t know what cards you are going to get.”

“Yes, let’s do it.” She says.


(Laura, how do I show it to her?) I ask Laura for info.

(Like you would show your status. Just say ‘Pack Opener open’.) Laura instructs me. I guess that would make sense.

“Pack opener open.”

Pack Opener
Sleeve maker
Daily Pack tokens: 5
Current Pack tokens: 3
Available packs :
Legend of Blue Eyes White Dragon
Metal Raiders
Magic Ruler
Pharaoh’s Servant
Labyrinth of Nightmare
Legacy of Darkness
And our extra chapter days come to an end. Hopefully you all enjoyed the bonus chapters.

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