Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.32 Alice’s Attribute

“I have decided.” She said to me, “I want the Dark attribute.”

“Dark?” I asked her to confirm. “Are you sure that is your choice? You can’t go back on it.” Technically she could, but I want her to know that this is important. After All, I could just MST the Mystic Plasma Zone and install another one onto her. 

“Yes, I’m sure.” Alice tells me. “I have been trapped inside this house for my life, hidden from the world. With dark magic I can keep myself hidden or sneak out to show that magic to the world. Even after choosing it gives me the choice.”

“You must promise me something before I do this.” I tell her.

“What is it?” 

“Don’t stay hidden. You should be willing to do what you want to do. Don’t let your father control this gift of magic. You are the one to control it. If you hide it away from the world, the darkness will consume you.” I hope she gets what I mean. I’m doing something out of the norm. I really don’t want her to hide, just because she is afraid. Fear leads to bad places. If Lucia, who has to drink blood to survive, can show herself why couldn’t a magician who was born without an attribute.

“I promise. I won’t be hidden away.” She said to me.

“Good. Let’s start.” I tell her.

(Laura, where on her body should I install this card?) I ask Laura while pulling Mystic Plasma Zone out of the Card opener collection.

(I would recommend on her chest, near her heart. It’s the best place if you are only granting her one attribute.) Laura informs me.

“Alice, I need to install this card on your chest, close to your heart. You need to take off the dress for that.” I tell her.

“...I… do I … really have to?” She seems to be hesitating. Can’t really blame her too much.

“Yes. Also if you are embarrassed, remember that you were sleeping next to me in only your underwear.” I reminded her. She turns bright red as she blushes.

“...sure. Can you open the zipper?” She asked me and turned her back to me. I’m sure she could do it herself, after all she did put the dress on herself earlier. And took it off in the middle of night. I’m not going to argue, instead slowly pulling down the zipper.

“Turn away for a second.” She told me. As you wish ma’am. I’m not going to argue about this.


“I’m ready.” Alice said to me. I turn back to face her. She is back in her underwear, but now I get a better look at her bra. No, I'm not staring. I have to look at that area. That’s where I’ll install the card after all. Her white bra had a subtle floral pattern. Again the technology of this world surprises me. Are underwear, or bras specifically, made by a dungeon? I think mine could make underwear out of tricot.

“Please don’t stare… that much.”

“I’m sorry, but it is kind of necessary. That’s the install spot after all.” I said to her.

“Then just do it. Or I’ll get mad.”

“Please don’t punch me.” I plead.

“Do it or I will.” She threatens.

I hold the card close to her chest and ask her. “Are you ready? I have no idea if this hurts or something, so be prepared.”

“I’m ready.” She said with confidence. I guess a little physical pain is nothing after years of emotional damage.

“Install.” I said and the cards began to glow softly. It then floated from my hand and entered her chest. I thought it was going to enter into her heart, but it seemed to sink right into the middle of her ribcage.

“How are you feeling?” I ask her.

“...” She doesn’t respond. The card is still glowing in her chest so I guess the installation is not finished yet. It doesn’t seem to be painful. I almost want to say she is experiencing an orgasm. I think it might be causing her extreme pleasure. Because that will make everything better. I hold onto her so she doesn’t fall over.

(Master, gaining an artificial attribute like this means that the whole body has to quickly adjust. This leads to a wave of pleasure rolling over the entire body. This is even stronger in the case of Alice, who has a large amount of magic skills.) Laura explained to me. You could have warned me about that. 

As the light fades, Alice is gasping for air. I guess she might have forgotten how to breathe mid the installation pleasure. 

“How are you feeling?” I ask while still holding her.

“...Hot…” She answered. “But also really good.” At least it didn’t hurt.

“Can you notice a difference with your magic?” I asked her.

“I… don’t know. I’ll know when I practice. I think there is a difference, but… it’s more like I found something that was missing. Like I can do it perfectly now. Where previously I had to force it.” She tell me.

“Well the good thing is it didn’t hurt. I was honestly a little afraid of a large amount of pain surging through you.” I tell her. Someone might say that massive pleasure is worse than pain, but I would say they are wrong. 


After a little longer of just sitting there and calming down, Alice jumps at me taking me into a powerful hug. For a petite body, she has a lot of power. It’s not painful or anything, but I would have to use some force to get out.

“Thank you.” She said to me. “Thank you so much. I will no longer be a failure.”

“You were never a failure Alice. You were a hard worker who was willing to put in all that effort to learn magic, even after learning that you had no attribute. You didn’t give up and this is the proof. Now let’s get ready for the day. You need to show the world your skills.” I tell her. I hope she can actually. I have no idea if she can just use a spell or if she need to learn a chant first.


Mission: Granter of Magic
Dark Magic granted to ‘Alice Watchman’
‘Dark Magician’ in a toploader
‘Dark Magician Girl’ in a toploader

Wow! I gained two toploader cards by doing that. And they are both Dark magic users. And being humanoid like that, they should be capable of speech like Kagemusha was. I could even use them to teach Alice.


While Alice was still hugging me there was a knock at the door, followed by someone entering.

“Is lady Alice here?” Asked the voice of a female maid. The green eyed, blond haired maid that took me to breakfast yesterday. And if I had to guess, Alice’s personal maid.

“And what are you two doing?” She asked in an angry tone. Don’t blame me. I have my clothes on. Alice is the one that is naked.

“We were just…” Alice began to say, but I think she couldn’t come up with an excuse.

“I’m sorry.” I say to the maid.

“I’m sure this is not your fault lord Brian.” She said. “I can see that my lady is the instigator in all this. She even demanded that I let her come wake you up yesterday.”

“Don’t tell him that.” Alice said back.

“Oh, that. I already knew it was you.” I said to Alice.

“How?” She asked.

“First, the maids call me lord Brian, not sir Brian. Second, you have blue eyes where that maid has green.” I began to tell the signs.

“How would you notice the eye color…” Alice said quietly.

“And third, she has larger breasts than you.” I told Alice. There wasn’t a huge difference, but it was still noticeable. 

“Pervert.” Alice said and released me from her embrace.

“You calling me a pervert is kinda rich, considering that you sneaked into my bed last night. You slept next to me only in your underwear without me knowing. And you were just hugging me, again just in your underwear. So which one of us is the pervert?” I taunt her. You can’t call me a pervert without me pointing this out.

“...you are the one that asked me to remove my dress again…” She said quietly.

“Lord Brian, is that true?” Of course the maid heard that.

“I asked her. I didn’t force her. There is a big difference.” I say to the maid. I don’t need to excuse myself for something that isn’t my fault.

“You better explain this to me later. In detail. But for now, we need to get both of you ready for breakfast.” She said.

“Yeah, it is that time. I think it might be the best if you take Alice into her room to get ready. I’ll make my way to the dining room on my own.” I told the maid.

“Are you sure you won’t get lost?” She asked.

“Don’t worry, I have a good memory.” More like I have Laura to guide me. “I guided the party to a dungeon in the middle of the woods yesterday after all. I think I won’t get lost in a manor like this.”

“Then I will accept your proposal. Alice, let’s go.” The maid quickly helps Alice zip her dress back up and walks out with her. I grab the hoodie Alice left for my safe keeping and place it into my fanny pack. I also put my coin pouch there. It won’t weigh in there after all.

With that I make my way towards the dining room.

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