Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.34 Magic lesson

“Can you really use summoning magic?” Alice’s teacher asked.

“Well kind of. I do it with a unique skill, so it’s a little different than normal.” I answered him. I like to keep some secrets, but a lot of people already know I have a unique skill and I feel like lying to him about magic would backfire.

“So you even have a unique skill. What a wonderful person.” Trystan said. “Would you be willing to show me your magic?”

“I could, but I’d rather not interrupt Alice’s lesson. We were going to do some summoning in the afternoon, so you can see it then.” I told him.

“Ah yes, let’s not hold off on our lesson any longer, miss Alice. Shall we head inside?” Trystan said.

“Actually,” Alice said to him. “Could we hold our lesson in the garden today? The weather is really nice.”

“That sounds fine.” Trystan responded. “Please have the maids prepare a blanket for use.”

“I already did.” Alice said and pointed at the blanket Jenna was holding. She did at least plan this out. A little bit.

“Good.” Trystan said. “Let’s find a good place to sit down.”



Alice and Trystan set up the blanket on the grass. I sit down at a table a little ways away. I wonder why they are sitting down instead of sitting at a table? Perhaps magic works better like that. Or it might be more Trystan’s style. If he was an adventurer, he might just be used to meditating on the ground.

“Lord Brian, would you like anything?” Jenna came up to me and asked.

“Some tea would be nice.” I answered her.

“Warm or cold?”

“Warm.” I told her. It’s not a cold day, but it’s not super hot either. I would say the temperature is around 20℃. I hope Alice doesn’t catch a cold. Her dress doesn’t seem that warm. Perhaps I should give her her hoodie.

As Jenna leaves to get me my tea, I quickly walk up to Alice while taking her hoodie out of my magic bag.

“Alice, put this on.” I tell her as I give her the hoodie. “You don’t want to catch a cold.”

“Thank you.” She said and blushed a bit.

I head back to the table.


[Alice POV]

Brian really is thoughtful. He realized that I would get cold after a while outside like this. I wanted to keep today's magic lesson outside, just in case I actually gained an attribute and can now cast magic. I’ve heard that the first spell you cast is often at full power, due to lacking control. And I have been practicing magic almost every day. My spell might be very powerful. But that could also be just wishful thinking.


To me Brian is still a mystery. I just met him yesterday, but I feel like he is a piece my life is not complete without. I went to wake him up in the place of Jenna, my personal maid, but he was already up. He looked quite handsome and I was staring at him for a while. I really hope he didn’t notice. At least I was in a maid’s uniform so he wouldn’t know it was me.

Then mid breakfast he dropped a truth that really shook my father. He said he held the legendary ‘system support’. A skill said to be held only by messengers of Gods. He also gave a prayer to the system, and I found that interesting.

As he revealed his status to us, I noticed he also held a family name. Is he a noble from a different country? Or just one I have never heard of? Father has made sure I know all the noble families of Ruiso Kingdom. For some reason father and mother don’t react to Brian having a family name. Is having system support so rare that in comparison family name is nothing?

With Brian’s secret known to father, father decided to bring me along to the dungeon. He said something about gaining skills due to staying close to a system support holder. On the way I found out that Brian is not a noble, but just a holder of a family name. I didn’t know people like that exist. 

In the dungeon a terrifying sight awaited us. Large amount of dead goblins. All crushed to pieces. I almost threw up when I saw it. Brian told us that a monster he summoned did this. His summoned monster must be a strong beast to be able to do something like this. He told us that it was something like a lizard. Perhaps he could summon an earth dragon. That’s the only thing I can think of, that can do this kind of damage.

I also found out that Brian’s clothes are very well made and enchanted. The blood that was everywhere didn’t stick to his clothes at all. Even his shoes stayed completely clean. I wanted some but it seems they are impossible to get.

I was really surprised when Henry brought out the S-rank core of the lesser behemoth that our forefather hunted. I didn’t think he would use something like that for a dungeon. The large core has a nice soft glow.

After Brian placed the core on the pedestal, I gained a system notification of a new skill being granted. It was called ‘Card Summoner’. And it was an extra skill. Extra skills are very rare. The only things more rare seem to be unique skills. I hope this extra skill helps me with my magic.

I found out from Brian that the extra skill ‘Card Summoner’ was something like a lesser version of his unique skill. He has a unique skill as well? Well I guess if he really is an angel or something it wouldn’t be that strange. With my extra skill, I could summon monsters from these ‘Cards’. I don’t really get it but Brian told us he would explain in more detail later. I did get him to make me something he called a ‘hoodie’ with the dungeon’s power. It felt nice. Soft and warm.

I also saw Brian’s summoning for the first time. He summoned a large metal golem that he used to clear a path in the forest. This route would surely be useful for adventurers.

On the way home, Brian let me ‘open packs’ with his unique skill. We got some of those cards he uses for summons. Some of them seemed powerful and some were beautiful. There were even human looking ones. As I was asking about getting stronger, my father got mad at me. He just wants to keep me locked up and train me as a magician to do some ancient prophecy. I know it comes from someone who helped the forefather take down the behemoth, but that doesn’t mean it will come to be during my lifetime. We don’t have a time frame for it. I don’t want to be sheltered because of it. Brian even left the carriage to sit with Henry after the town's gate. Please don’t leave me alone with father. 

Father didn’t say anything to me. He knows that I know what he would say, so he doesn’t waste his words.

I skipped dinner because I was scared of father. I just couldn’t sit at the same table as him. I really think he might punish me if I make another mistake. I asked Jenna to bring my dinner to my room.

But the bad things that day didn’t end with that. I couldn’t sleep. My father and what I saw at the dungeon were keeping me awake. I tried hugging the ‘hoodie’ that Brian gave me, but it just wasn’t enough. I needed something more reassuring. Normally when I couldn’t sleep, I would head to Jenna’s room and sleep next to her. I knew she would protect me from my father's outburst, but today I wanted to go to Brian’s room. I just have this strange feeling whenever I’m with him. He has this calming aura. Like everything will be alright.

 I put on my maid dress. It was one of Jenna’s but I held it in my closet. It was nice to wear due to being simple. Father would also think I’m Jenna whenever I wore it so he wouldn’t yell at me.

I got into Brian’s room and saw him sleeping. I took off my dress and slipped next to him. It didn’t take long for me to fall asleep. 

In the morning Brian woke me up. He did it softly. Much better than father who would just yell at me until I got up. I got really embarrassed when he pointed out that I had snuck into his bed in only my underwear.

We opened some more packs, but due to embarrassment I couldn’t really enjoy it that much. Brian was also looking for something specific. There seems to be a difference between the ‘sets’ in his unique skill. I don’t really understand why, but then again his entire skill is a mystery.

In the third pack he got the cards he wanted to get. They were two green cards. I think he said green cards hold magical effects.

Then he broke my common sense by telling me that these ‘cards’ could grant me an attribute. I have always thought that attributes cannot be given or taken away. They are something given by God at birth. Brian really has to be an angel.

He said I could choose the one I want. But for some reason he didn’t have the wind attribute. Can angels be limited in that kind of way? 

I pondered for a second before answering with dark. I know dark is the least common attribute to have, but I felt like it fit me the best.

The ‘install’ felt strange. My entire body got hot and really sensitive for a little while. I thought that I was going to leak. But thankfully the pleasure stopped before I completely lost control.

After that I hugged Brian to thank him and Jenna came to get me. She somehow guessed that I was here, after not finding me in my room.

After breakfast Brian said he wants to observe my magic lesson today. And due to now having an attribute I wanted to hold the lesson outside and told Jenna to get a large blanket for that. I don’t want to blow my home up.


I put on the hoodie that Brian handed to me and got ready for my lesson.


For those who want to see it, here is Alice's status


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