Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.45 Summoning comes to an end

The fight between Tyhone and Lesser Dragon began. Tyhone was flying and firing rocks from its mouth. Does it generate them with earth magic? But they were having little effect on the Lesser Dragon, who was keeping his guard up. My magician’s are also clearly not needed. At least not yet. With just some rocks flying around, this battle is really not that destructive. But if this keeps up, it will just stalemate. Tyhone can’t hurt Lesser Dragon with its rocks, and Lesser Dragon can’t attack the flying Tyhone.

“This won’t get anywhere fast.” I muttered out loud. While the knights were still focused on their summons, everyone else seemed ready to move on. Mana had even run off somewhere with Alice. I guess they are going to keep up their magic lessons. Well I don’t really mind.

“What do you say we let those two keep up their slap fight and the rest of you try summoning something as well.” I said to everyone. I got a unified yes as an answer.

Lucia, Alex, Christina and Trystan had not yet summoned a monster, so I picked some throw away monsters for them to summon. Nemuriko for Lucia and Hard Armor for Alex. The two of them were able to summon those creatures easily, thanks to their ‘Card summoner’ skill.

For Christina and Trystan, I picked Kurama and Larvas as monsters. I had to tell them the names of the monsters and while Christina managed to summon Kurama on the first try, it took Trystan three to summon Larvas. And now the yard is filled with monsters. We might have wanted to do this outside the town. Well, that might have scared more people.

After succeeding in his summon, Trystan had a load of questions for me, like ‘where do the monsters come from’ and ‘how much mana is in each card’. As if I’m supposed to know that. I just told him it’s a secret so I wouldn't have to answer.

Lucia was off to the side, petting the head of Nemuriko and Alex was having a practice match with Hard Armor. I guess that’s one way to enjoy a summon. Christina was sad that Kurama wasn’t large enough to ride on. She just wanted to fly. I guess I should have given her a different monster to test summoning with.



After a bit more time, I think people have had their summons active for long enough. There is no point in wasting more time on this.

“Could we call it quits now?” I asked everyone. “We have had our summoning tests already.”

I tried to say to everyone but I got a ‘No we need more time’ as an answer.

“Fine then.” I decided. I’ll leave you to play with them and decided to go get some more tea. “Dark Magician, please keep an eye on them. And don’t let them break anything.” I gave my order, before making my way to Jenna and asking for tea.



While waiting for the tea, at least one exciting thing happened. Probably getting bored of their stalemate, the knights ordered a different kind of attack pattern from their monsters.

Tyhone got a lot closer to have a more accurate shot, but the Lesser Dragon used that opportunity to strike at Tyhone with its claws. This led to Tyhone being on the ground, shooting rocks into the sky in panic. One of the rocks nailed Lesser Dragon in a weak spot, causing Lesser Dragon to fall onto the ground, squishing Tyhone under itself.

A second later a card appeared under Lesser Dragon, and Lesser Dragon was consumed by it. Tyhone is still there, but it’s all kinds of damaged. It wouldn’t last many more hits.

I guess in a fight between two 1200 attack monsters, the results are almost equal. Tyhone does have slightly more defense, so I guess Tyhone winning makes sense, I just thought it wouldn’t be as close as it was. In a duel, Tyhone attacking Lesser Dragon would result in a double KO.


The two knights made their way over to me, looking a bit panicked.

“Sir Brian, my card disappeared after the monster died.” The first one said to me.

“And look at mine, it’s all damaged and is even missing a part of it.” The second one said.

I took a look at the card the second one was holding and indeed it was missing a large part of its bottom left corner. It was also all scratched up and damaged.

“Hey, that’s what they are supposed to do.” I told them. “The card reflects the damage the monster summoned with it has taken. And after that monster is defeated, the card disappears. They also disappear when the monster is unsummoned.”

“But, yours didn’t yesterday.” The first knight said.

“Because it was a special card.” I told him. It did have a sleeve around it, so no disappearing Slot Machine.

“But then…” 

“Let me…”

“NO!” I said back to them. “You got to try summoning as I said, no more. I won’t give you more cards. At least not now.” My collection will thin out too fast if I give sleeved monsters to everyone. I’ve promised one for Alice and one for Christina. For now, that’s enough.

“Also, you should unsummon Tyhone, instead of forcing it to deal with the pain it’s in.” I told the second knight. While I don’t really care that much, I don’t advocate for the unnecessary suffering of Yugioh monsters. 

“But, then…” He tried to argue.

“What were you going to do with it?” I asked him. “It would only stay summoned for two hours anyway, so there is no point in forcing it to stay here any longer.” I told him.

“...Fine. I’ll unsummon it. But how?” He asked.

“Good question. I just think I want them to be unsummoned, or tell them to go back. I’ve never really thought about how to do it. I think you can also just let the card out of your hand. That should undo the summon.”

The knight then made his way over to the injured Tyhone and said. “Please go back now and rest.” Then a card appeared and swallowed Tyhone.

“See, it wasn’t that difficult.” I said to him as he watched the card in his hand disappear.

“Thank you for letting us summon these monsters, Sir Brian.” The knights thanked me.

“Yeah, no problem.” I told them.



I was at the outside table again. Just enjoying some tea. I don’t know if Jenna is the one that makes it, or if it’s someone else, but they really do a good job with it.

After just under two hours I made my way to where everyone was still enjoying time with their summons in different ways, I told them that time is up, and they need to unsummon their monsters. After some complaining, everyone did it. I also had to do it to Dark Magician.

“Thank you for keeping an eye on them.” I said to him. “I'll definitely call on you again.”

“Of course Master. I hope next time I can help you in combat.” Dark Magician responded. With him, a vertical card appeared, and he stepped into it. A little like walking through a door. I removed his card from my DiaDhank and put it into my collection.

“So now that everyone has tried summoning, do you have questions?” I asked everyone.

“Yes!” Trystan came onto me. “Why did your summons card not disappear like with the rest of us? And just how powerful is that summon you have?”

“One question at a time please.” I said to Trystan, trying to calm him down. “My summons card didn’t disappear because it’s a special one. And honestly, I don’t really have a good comparison point that I could use to tell you how powerful it is.”

“May I have a special card?” Christina asked.

“No, at least not now.” I told her. “You couldn’t use it anyway.”

“Why not? Alice could use hers.”

Yeah, by the way, where is Alice? Her time with Mana should be coming to an end as well.

“Alice has the ‘Card summoner’ skill, so she can use them. You don’t have it, so you can only use the base version.” I told Christina.

“I see…” She seemed a little disappointed. I do have an idea on how to get you the skill though.

“What about us?” Lucia asked. “Will you give us special ones?”

“I think I can, but not right now. The special cards are a lot more difficult for me to get, so it will take some time.” I told her. I currently get five packs a day. A pack has nine cards and I need 5 to make a sleeve. And with 4 sleeves to make a toploader, and a sleeve being necessary under a toploader, that’s 25 cards, just to have one with a toploader. With 45 cards I get per day, that’s over half of the day's cards, just to get one with a toploader. And if I pulled something like Pot or Blue-Eyes, I would topload it without a second thought and keep it for myself.

“Thank you.” Lucia said.

“Yeah, it’ll be nice to have something strong we can use as backup in an emergency.” Alex said.

“You could just have a normal one as insurance.” I told them. “While it can only be used once, it could be enough to help you defeat a strong foe, or buy you enough time to run away.”

“Yeah, you are right.” Alex admitted.


“Brian,” Christina said to me, “Did you see where Alice went?”

“I’m not sure.” I told her. “She went somewhere with Mana, but I think her summoning time should be coming to an end. I think she should still be somewhere close by.”

“That girl is always sneaking around behind her father’s back,” Christina said to me. “But I’m sure she’ll appear again soon.”

Or more like right now. She walked around the corner with Dark Magician Girl.

“Oh, there you are.” She said as she saw us.

“What do you mean ‘there you are’.” Her mother said to her. “You are the one that left.”

“Oh, I’m sorry.” Alice said and lowered her head. But her being gone is not what’s bothering me. What bothers me is the one that is still here. Her time should be up.

(Laura, how long has it been since she summoned Dark Magician Girl?)

(2 hours and 13 minutes, Master.)

(Then how is she still here?)

So, chapter 48 is going to be the next double drop. I was thinking of dropping it on the same day as 49 but what do you think. In my opinion it rolls better into 49, than being the extra for 47.

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