Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.48 Did I hit the Motherload?

(Good morning, Master.)

(Good morning, Laura.) I responded. This time I didn’t accidentally call her that. 

So, Alice didn’t come tonight. It could have been that she was scared last time, or she could be embarrassed after Mana told me she likes me. 

Well, it’s morning and that means today's packs.

Pack Opener
Sleeve maker
Daily Pack tokens: 5
Current Pack tokens: 5
Available packs :
Legend of Blue Eyes White Dragon
Metal Raiders
Magic Ruler
Pharaoh’s Servant
Labyrinth of Nightmare
Legacy of Darkness

And the big choice. What set to go with. The newer ones have better beat sticks as commons, but LoBY has the best rares. I think. Let’s just go with LoBY until I have a need for something, or until I open up the set lists. 


Use a ‘pack token’ to open 1 pack of ‘Legend of Blue Eyes White Dragon’
[Yes] [No]


Yes, like five times over.


I actually got some really good stuff. The Red Medicine should be a potion and if it really heals 500hp it should be a high ranking one. Sparks was good the first time I used it, but that might have been because I used it on some goblins, and Hinotama is just an upgraded version of it. But the real legends of these packs are the Dark Magician and Pot of Greed. 

I would probably be jumping for joy, if I didn’t already have a toploaded Dark Magician, but having another one couldn’t hurt. Unless they start fighting each other. But then again I can just alter them on cooldown. A toploader monster should have a cooldown equal to the time it was summoned for, so I can keep the first one summoned for 2 hours and then switch to the other one. By the time the second one runs out, the first one's cooldown should be over.

But, the real treasure is the Pot. I need a toploader for it. NOW!


(I chose the cards to sacrifice for the sleeve and toploader, Master.)


Feint plan, Ameba, Basic insect, Chain energy, Dark gray, Dissolverock, 2x Drooling lizard, Eatgaboon, 2x Enchanting mermaid, Firegrass, 2x Flame manipulator, Hinotama soul, King Fog, 2x Kotodama, 2x Kurama, 2x Laser cannon armor, M-warrior #2, 2x Mystical sheep #2


25 cards to sacrifice. Just to get repeat use Pot of Greed. Well it will pay for itself in just two days, so I say it is completely worth it. 

(Approved. Make the sleeve and toploader.) I ordered Laura.

(Done. Would you like me to apply them to the Pot of Greed?) She asked.

(Yes, and then I want to activate it so give it to me.)

(As you wish, Master.)

From my skill the bottom of the toploaded Pot of Greed came out. I grabbed it and held it in my hand.


“You are my tool for more daily packs.” I said out loud. “I activate Pot of Greed.”

Last time I did this, a robotic voice said I gained pack tokens, but this time a system window came up.

Would you like to consume 1 ‘toploader’ ‘Pot of Greed’
to increase your daily pack tokens by 2?
[Yes] [NO]

Well, might as well. I can only activate it once a day, anyway. As I chose yes, the toploader Pot of Greed in my hand vanished and I got a new message from the system.

Daily pack token number increased by 2. Total is now 7
Gained 2 pack tokens


Good. Now two more packs to open. LoBY be kind and give me another Pot.




Another Pot of Greed? What is my luck today? And even a Red-Eyes. It might not be a Blue-Eyes, but it’s still a fine dragon.

Do I have enough throwaway stuff to make another sleeve and toploader for the second Pot. Red-Eyes can wait.

(I have made the pre-choice, Master.)


Armaill, Dark king of the abyss, Dissolverock, 2x Drooling Lizard, Eternal rest, Fireyarou, Hyosube, King Fog, 2x Laser cannon armor, M-warrior #1, 2x Mammoth graveyard, Raise body heat, Ray & temperature, Root water, Saggi the dark clown, 2x The 13th grave, 2x The furious sea king, Two-mouth darkruler, 2x Violet crystal


(Go ahead and do it Laura.) I told her after skimming over the list. I think most of that is just LoBY garbage. No, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to call you garbage. I still need that Blue-Eyes.


(Master, the toploader Pot of Greed is ready.) Laura informed me.

(Thank you.) I thanked her and took the card in my hand.

“I activate Pot of Greed.” Again the system screen appeared.


Would you like to consume 1 ‘toploader’ ‘Pot of Greed’
to increase your daily pack tokens by 2?
[Yes] [NO]

Of course, Yes. Again, the Pot of Greed disappeared from my hand.

Daily pack token number increased by 2. Total is now 9
Gained 2 pack tokens



And now, the last two packs of the day. I hope I didn’t curse myself. Well, only one way to find out.




An Exodia piece. That’s not bad. Everything else is.

(Laura, use all the cards except the right leg and remove trap to make sleeves.)

(As you wish, Master, but there is one card too many. What would you like me to hold on to?)

(Keep one of the Aqua Madoor.)

(Yes, Master. Three sleeves made.)

(Thank you, Laura.) 

Well, I would call that a success. Two Pot of Greeds, a Red-Eyes and a Dark Magician. And let’s not forget the Exodia piece. I’m not sure I’ll ever have the entire Exodia, but dreamers be dreaming.


Let’s get ready for breakfast.


Sorry for the no content chapter. Going through all the cards I had (twice) for the Pot of Greeds was not fun. 

Also for those who say I need to buy a lottery ticket, I did. And a 2€ scratch ticket. Won 5€ from the scratch ticket, so let’s hope for the best. 


BTW. This author's note (except this bottom part) was written when I wrote the chapter, so I hadn't yet decided to drop it as a bonus chapter.

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